Babies that were due in may 2012

yazzy - awh hope Lola is better for swimming! Max and Aria are still both really sick bad cough and snuffly nose. Max was up every 20 minutes last night luckily OH is only working from n9am till 3pm today.

Youngni - I second the Sophie being great! I managed to find one here and it cost a blimmen small fortune cos no one really stocks it but both my babies love her so much. I only got one because I thought what are the chances they both like her so now I will have to get another one at some point.
I do think she is great though and wish I knew about her for earlier babies I had
Zepher- If you think it'll work out cheaper, I'm happy to buy a sophie here and post it to you?

Am just uploading a video to youtube of Evie rolling over :) She's got so quick now! You'll have to excuse me cheering at the end :blush: :haha:
Ashlynn has been drinking like a trouper and I'm not pumping enough to keep her going and she won't drink any of my frozen milk so had to just give her some formula... Feel awful but I needed to start doing it at some point. Can't pump forever!!
Anti - Don't feel awful. You are amazing for being able to pump for this long. I only lasted two days but had no supply left after not being able to BF due to an infection..:cry:
Ashlynn has a cold. :( my poor baby... She's so snuffily and upset. What can I do to help her?? I'm so nervous coz of our scare last week. Keeping an extra close eye on her. Guess its gonna be a couple of sleepless nights ahead.
Awh colds all round! sorry Ashlynn is sicck again and dont feel bad about the formula I have been considering ff myself actually cos Max wont stop biting me.
He has bitten me from day one and nothing I do has fixed it and its not just a cheeky bite he grinds my nipples and rips them and I would hate to think what damage he would do with teeth when they come through.
I think you have done a wonderful job pumping this far already! You have done really well.

Luci thanks for the offer! I'm not sure if it would work out cheaper though with postage its usually pretty high. I should of asked in here before I got the first one and got two then it probably would of been cheaper :p

My two are still sick along with me and my 3yo
no problem :) I thought I'd ask, as my friend from the US bought me something and shipped it here for much cheaper :)
This link might be useful though:
Oooh going to have a look at this Sophie thing, Lola is biting everything!

Anti you have done a great job pumping all this time, I can imagine how you feel though. You need a pat on the back for managing so long.

Try not to worry about the cold, Lola has one too although is getting better now. I just gave her calpol and am using nasal drops.

Zephyr hope yours are better soon.

Well as I am now running my dog training classes twice per week I thought I'd leave Lola with my OH. Sounds as though it took him ages to settle her and I feel bad because I hate to think of her crying as she settles a lot easier for me.

We had another Water Babies lesson yesterday and she loved it! So pleased I booked her on the course.
Thanks Luci I will have to have a look later :D

I have my sisters birthday to go to today, going out with both babies and I am so nervous.
I was going to stay at home cos sick babies but my sister already caught the bug and she really wants us there and I'd feel so awful not going so I said we may have to leave after an hour or so and we will see how we go.

Yesterday I had to take Max to the doctor, he refused all feeds from about 6pm Friday night. He had two lots of 20 mls expressed milk that I dripped into his mouth and a few spoonfuls of water over night so the next morning I took him in and they started him on antibitotics and told me if he still wasn't drinking by 6 ish that night (after his 2nd dose) to take him to the hospital. He liked to cut the line really fine cos 6pm rolls round and he finally has a feed!
I was surprised they leave babies that long without food!
Talk about worry mama. So we avoided the hospital and hes on the mend now, slept all night after another big feed and woke up at 4am for another big feed. Still has a cough but I am just glad the worst is over. Bad enough I was a walking zombie yesterday and had to write everything down cos I couldn't even remember who had what when from lack of sleep.
Ugh... had gallbladder out 2.5 weeks ago, thought that things were ok but the incision wasn't healing well... went back to my surgeon he swore it was fine... went back again said it was still fine... so I went and got a second opinion and I have a staph infection and they are testing for MRSA! So now I'm freaked out because my little boy has been in contact with me all week and he has cuts on his face from scratching himself. Now I'm pissed that my Dr poopooed me that nothing was wrong.

In Jackson news he coos and babbles and laughs ALL THE TIME. So cute! He is almost able to sit up on his own and you can tell he is using his abs a lot more. He's such a sweetheart and a love. I would do anything to be able to stay home with him more :(


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Kendra he's gorgeous! Hope you get better soon!!!

Ashlynn has her bcg on Friday morning... Dreading it!! :(

Why is everyone else so quiet??
At first my eldest thought sophie was hers lol but after saying a hundred times she belonged to baby they kinda share her now altho Rosalie owns her lol

Rosalie has a god bit of hair which you cant really see in many pics as its that light almost blonde, she now gets rice in the mornings and tea time, can hold on to toys, sophie, teddies etc loves her jumperoo and hardly ever stops babbling which is nice.

Finally starting to fit into some of her 3-6 stuff which im so glad ov loads of pretty 3-6 stuff in her wardrobe which is bursting with stuff :/

how is everyone and babies?

hi ladies!

Its been pretty busy here! Gabe and I have been on the go most days!

Im firing Gabe's pediatrician. Im so fed up with having my concerns brushed off. He pukes so much, and every time I have asked to have it investigated, she brushes me off, says its just reflux and he'll grow out of it. But, its getting worse, not better. I took him to a well baby clinic on monday and had him weighed pre and post feeding. I fed him 6 oz, so he should have gained 6 oz in his post weight, but he only gained 3 after all his puking. Im having to give him close to 50 oz of formula each day, and I told the ped this, and she just told me to stop overfeeding him. So I only gave him 36 oz for 2 days, and he still puked tons, was miserable, and stopped peeing! Great advice lady! I also asked about putting rice cereal in the bottle. She told me no, just increase his zantac dosing. Well the Zantac did nothing for him. As adults taking the max dose, we would be taking 3-4 mg per kg of weight. Gabe is on 10 mg per kg, and I really dont like that. I tried the rice cereal anyways, and he cried in pain for 2 days. I dont know how he is going to tolerate any solids. I only put a half teaspoon in the bottle, hardly enough to make a differencce! She just refuses to check him out because he doesn't fit the "textbook" picture, and he is gaining weight. I think its because I feed him an obscene amount of food to compensate, and I really dont feel like stopping that to get her to listen. So tomorrow im going back to his regular doctor, and asking for either an ultrasound of his belly, or a referral to a pediatric gastro-enterologist. I wont put him to bed on his back anymore, because when he pukes, he chokes, and im terrified that its going to seriously harm him one day.
Meghan that sounds like hell! Surely if it was reflux it would be easing up by now. I feel so bad for you! Hope you get some answers soon!

I'm going to get ashlynn weighed tomorrow... Hope she doesn't scream the place down like she did last time.
Heya, great to hear how everyone's babies are getting on.

I hope you get some answers for Gabe, sounds like you've had a tough time getting listened to.

Anti good luck with the bcg. I'm not sure if Lola is meant to have one because her dad my oh is from Zimbabwe and so is all his family.

Lola is doing great, she chats a lot, sings to music in the car and loves nursery rhymes. She is grabbing toys, the cats or anything within her reach to put in her mouth. She is doing well sitting up with just a little help and she' great fun!
Yazzy I would ask your hv. Ashlynn has to have the bcg coz I'm from Zimbabwe so I would ask just to be sure.
I have been quiet cos busy and Aria....ugh I'm not surprised.
She is over her sick but then we reverted back to her starting to spill gradually more and more and her moaning and crying in her sleep, being grizzly all day long, sleeping for 20 minutes here and there and doing only 5 hours over night.

Phoned my doc again yesterday to increase the omeprazole dose to 3 mls and we also picked up a new batch from the pharmacy yesterday cos it loses its strength apparently close to the expiry date but so far no changes.
I'll give it to tomorrow and see how she goes but if this stops working I'm going to tear my hair out. Even OH is at his wits end. On the upside we found out today that OH can be paid with our home help hours, so if he needs more time off work because Aria then we will still be paid. (He has no sick leave left, or holiday pay left)

Bumpin I feel for you! I really do, Aria isn't vomiting anymore since she switched to neocate but if we dont keep on top of her meds she slowly spills more and more till shes puking again, whereas before on the milk she puked regardless of the meds.
I don't know if its the same problem as we have, I know there were a lot of similarities between your Gabe and Aria, but I would be seeking a second opinion somewhere and getting a different medication to try, it sounds liek the ranitidine just isn't doing its thing. It stopped working for us too and we were increasing the dose. I phoned up in tears begging to try something new and my doctor agreed. I was really at my end though and wasn't going to have them say no.

Its so hard when your baby is vomiting and its awful that you get put into a situation of doing things yourself cos you dont want to make your baby sick or listening to the doctors and making them sick.

I thought reflux was meant to peak at 3 months then gradually get better so I guess you probably feel just as ripped off as we do!! haha On the upside, its been 4 months already!! and surely this cant last forever :D

I really hope you get to see someone else. Does he have other reflux symptoms?
Why is everyone else so quiet??

Im firing Gabe's pediatrician. Im so fed up with having my concerns brushed off. He pukes so much, and every time I have asked to have it investigated, she brushes me off, says its just reflux and he'll grow out of it. But, its getting worse, not better. I took him to a well baby clinic on monday and had him weighed pre and post feeding. I fed him 6 oz, so he should have gained 6 oz in his post weight, but he only gained 3 after all his puking. Im having to give him close to 50 oz of formula each day, and I told the ped this, and she just told me to stop overfeeding him. So I only gave him 36 oz for 2 days, and he still puked tons, was miserable, and stopped peeing! Great advice lady! I also asked about putting rice cereal in the bottle. She told me no, just increase his zantac dosing. Well the Zantac did nothing for him. As adults taking the max dose, we would be taking 3-4 mg per kg of weight. Gabe is on 10 mg per kg, and I really dont like that. I tried the rice cereal anyways, and he cried in pain for 2 days. I dont know how he is going to tolerate any solids. I only put a half teaspoon in the bottle, hardly enough to make a differencce! She just refuses to check him out because he doesn't fit the "textbook" picture, and he is gaining weight. I think its because I feed him an obscene amount of food to compensate, and I really dont feel like stopping that to get her to listen. So tomorrow im going back to his regular doctor, and asking for either an ultrasound of his belly, or a referral to a pediatric gastro-enterologist. I wont put him to bed on his back anymore, because when he pukes, he chokes, and im terrified that its going to seriously harm him one day.

I thought reflux was meant to peak at 3 months then gradually get better so I guess you probably feel just as ripped off as we do!! haha On the upside, its been 4 months already!! and surely this cant last forever :D

Just been busy with work and a fussy baby due to teething haha.

As for the spitting up, Hannah spits up constantly, all day long. Meds don't help, sitting upright doesn't help... rice cereal doesn't help... I've just learned to have to do a ton of laundry because she IS gaining weight okay. She's over the 90th percentile for her weight and is almost the size of a 9 month baby. So the spitting up all day, every day isn't damaging just annoying.

Apparently spitting up peaks around 4 or 5 months though so I'm waiting it out. That could be all you ladies are dealing with as well because we're all nearing the 5 month mark. Hopefully it gets better for you guys though!
Oh well I hope it is 4 months! Like you I am used to all the spilling. Though Aria power chucked a whole feed last night! I actually took the covers off my couch thinking we were safe now and poor couch.
Anyways she seems a bit happier today so maybe it is just a medication adjustment that was needed?

I took a photo of the babies and their Sophie, decided I will buy a second, both love her.


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Zephyr I love that pic!!! I have Sophie giraffe pure and ashlynn adores her!!! The squeaking that comes with her chewing it makes me cringe but she loves it.

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