Babies that were due in may 2012

Ashlynn has her bcg tomorrow morning. I hate vaccinations... Hope she's gonna be ok. She still needs to have her 16 week ones coz we had to delay them with her being sick. Cannot describe how much I hate getting them done. I know she has to have them though but it breaks my heart every single time.
Ashlynn has her bcg tomorrow morning. I hate vaccinations... Hope she's gonna be ok. She still needs to have her 16 week ones coz we had to delay them with her being sick. Cannot describe how much I hate getting them done. I know she has to have them though but it breaks my heart every single time.

Good luck with them :)

Hannah HATED her 2 month shots. She screamed the place down. You would have thought she was dying, no joke. But her 4 month shots? Took them like a champ! She cried for maybe 5 seconds but they handed her right to me and I just bounced with her for a second and she calmed right down & even started smiling at the doctor. So hopefully now that she's older she'll handle them better :)
Oh well I hope it is 4 months! Like you I am used to all the spilling. Though Aria power chucked a whole feed last night! I actually took the covers off my couch thinking we were safe now and poor couch.
Anyways she seems a bit happier today so maybe it is just a medication adjustment that was needed?

I took a photo of the babies and their Sophie, decided I will buy a second, both love her.

I'm used to it but today... I've just gotten so annoyed with it haha. It's NON-STOP. On Monday I did 3 loads of Hannah's laundry and today I did 3 more and still have one left to do tomorrow. It's ridiculous!

I need to get Sophie... she keeps trying to shove her toys in her mouth but they don't fit haha.
Thankfully the GP is more reasonable than the pediatrician! We have a referral for an abdominal ultrasound. Hopefully it will get done in the next 2 weeks. She doesn't feel that its a structural issue, but agrees that we should rule it out just in case. He's not the classic picture of pyloric stenosis, but he does have a lot of the typical symtoms. Projectile vomiting after every meal, slow weight gain (in the early days anyways) He is constantly starving, constantly eating. Its also 5 times more likely to occur in a firstborn male than any other child (if that makes sense?)
I was a pukey baby, but I started to clear up around 3.5 months. My mother was told way back when, that boys typically need a surgery to fix an incompetent lower esophageal sphincter... but at least this way I can know that his tummy is fine. I can live with the laundry, the smell, and the constant bathing!

Zephyr, somedays I think your Aria and my Gabe are cosmic twins (or triplets with Hannah!) Gabes been a fairly happy little guy for the past month though. Hes uncomfortable eating, but once his tummy settles down hes pretty smiley and giggly! Oh and Gabe just LOVES his sophie too!

Anti and Yazzy: why does it matter where you/OH are from in regards to needing a BCG? here in canada they haven't vaccinated for TB since the 70s as the incidence is fairly low, and the vaccine is not overly effective? That and having the vaccine will always produce a positice mantoux, so testing for TB is more complicated... perhaps you guys know something I dont?
Meghan - glad you are getting somewhere with gabe!! Ashlynn has to have the bcg coz tb is still very common where I'm from and when I go back to visit family she needs the protection from the vaccination. And they want babies with African born parents to have it incase we are carries I expect. Still don't want to get it done but I have to. My poor baby.
Bumpin as anti says its because there is TB where the babies parents are from. I'm not sure Lola will need hers as her dads family have lived in the uk for over 30 years and don't go back to Zimbabwe. They also vaccinate babies against TB if you live in certain areas as you now get so many people moving here from just extra protection really.

I have started using the grobags on Lola at night and its going great, so far she's sleeping really well...just 2 feeds per night which is great for her. She is sleeping a lot less in the daytime now.

I'm off to Looe in Cornwall tomorrow with just Lola and my mum, we're having a couple days away. Off to visit the Eden Project and some old houses/castles so should be fun!
Yazzy you might be right there... As they've been here so long you probably don't need to get it done. I've only been here 6 years and my family is in Botswana do was safer for us to get it. Home now an ashlynn was so good. I had to wake her up to get it, which I hate doing!! She only cried a little but she is fine now. Hope it doesn't get sore for her when it comes out in a few weeks time.
Thanks ladies! That would make sense! Glad Ashlynn's needles went well. I hate getting them done!
Good to hear it went well anti!

Bumpin yay for getting an ultrasound referral! Hopefully they have a better idea of what is going on and if not then hopefully they do something to fix it soon.
haha they really do sound similar, sorta been hoping you'd find out what was wrong with Gabe so I could go harrass my doctor to investigate the same thing, but I think for Aria it is just reflux. Just really, really bad reflux.

After she projectile vomited that whole feed the other night we gave it another day of her increased dose of the fresh batch of meds and shes back to normal baby again. Still a bit spilly but its decreasing, she is so much happier and the last two days I was even able to look after both babies alone without getting my sister to help AND the day ended well with dinner on time, me smiling and all the kids happy and in bed on time and even some cleaning.

Gave Max another formula bottle yesterday, been trying to get him to have a bottle each day aswell as boobie milk to try get him used to it and the little monkey just wont take the bottle! he chewed it alot and managed to chew out about 100 mls but he wont suck on it. I've tried him 3 times now and the same thing happens.
Even tried putting BM in the bottle and he does the same thing.

We are braving another outing today all 5 kids. Its my dads birthday a surprise one at that and last week it went well there with my sisters birthday so fingers crossed today goes great too. I was very happy afterwards just getting out of the house is magic.
Ok so I have to be honest what is so great about this teething giraffe? LOL
Ok so I have to be honest what is so great about this teething giraffe? LOL

From what I understand, because it's neck/limbs are so long and thin, it's easier for the baby to hold and to fit in their mouth to actually "chew" on to help soothe their gums when teething. One of the things I read to help with teething pain was just simply rubbing your finger over their gums because the pressure on it helps relieve the pain. I know with most of Hannah's toys, they're too big or thick for her to actually fit in her mouth (thankfully!) but the same can be said for her teething rings and whatnot. If it can't fit in her mouth, how is it supposed to help with teething pain? But the giraffe is skinnier in the legs/neck while still being too big to choke on.

Thankfully the GP is more reasonable than the pediatrician! We have a referral for an abdominal ultrasound. Hopefully it will get done in the next 2 weeks. She doesn't feel that its a structural issue, but agrees that we should rule it out just in case. He's not the classic picture of pyloric stenosis, but he does have a lot of the typical symtoms. Projectile vomiting after every meal, slow weight gain (in the early days anyways) He is constantly starving, constantly eating. Its also 5 times more likely to occur in a firstborn male than any other child (if that makes sense?)
I was a pukey baby, but I started to clear up around 3.5 months. My mother was told way back when, that boys typically need a surgery to fix an incompetent lower esophageal sphincter... but at least this way I can know that his tummy is fine. I can live with the laundry, the smell, and the constant bathing!

Zephyr, somedays I think your Aria and my Gabe are cosmic twins (or triplets with Hannah!)

Good luck with the ultrasound! Hopefully you have answers soon. Now that I"m back to work, whenever I see someone buying diapers in the same size we use, certain formulas or have a baby with them that looks to be the same age as Hannah, I strike up conversation about our babies and I've found out that so many babies spit up as bad as Hannah does. Autumn spit up a lot but not nearly this much. However, just today I talked to a Mom with a baby a month or two older than Hannah and she uses the Similac Spit-Up formula, so I asked her about it. She said no matter what formula they tried, her daughter just spit up constantly. Just like Hannah. Several loads of laundry every other day because of it. There was nothing wrong, just a happy spitter. She said that once her daughter was sitting up on her own and eating more solids, the spitting up eased up. Another mom I talked to today said her baby stopped spitting up around 6-6.5 months old. Another mom told me hers stopped at 10 months old. So I think we're getting close to the end of it. I CANNOT WAIT!

Hannah's doing good. Her teeth have come in so much more. Autumn had croup last weekend and stayed the night here with us. Hannah doesn't seem to have gotten sick so far but I've felt like garbage for about a week now. It started out as a sore throat, then an earache started to come and go with it. The last few days I've had a cough on top of it all and the cough is getting worse/more annoying as the days pass. One Mom I talked to today said that when her kids had croup a couple of times, they gave it to her in the form of bronchitis. My Mom had been telling me croup in adults is just laryngitis which is nothing to worry about so I've been taking cold meds for the symptoms with no relief. But then today this mom says it's actually bronchitis that we get from croup and you need a z-pack from the doctor because un-treated bronchitis can lead to pneumonia. So now I don't know if I should go to my doctor or just keep with the cold meds & ride it out.

A lot of people are getting sick here with colds lately due to the cold weather coming along so I don't want to go to the doctor & have it turn out to be a simple cold and waste everyone's time but on the other hand, I'm worried about getting Hannah sick (like I said, she's been okay so far) so I feel like I should just go and rather be safe than sorry. What would you ladies do?
Figured I'd share a picture of Hannah's teeth real quick!


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Waves those are some awesome little teeth!! I wonder who's gonna get some next?!
Waves those are some awesome little teeth!! I wonder who's gonna get some next?!

Thanks!! She actually took it pretty well. Hopefully she does the same with the next few to come in as well haha. It's just so weird seeing her little face and mouth with teeth in there!
Annabelle is having a hell of a time teething :( The way she's been they better all be coming through at once or my daughter is a drama queen lol!
Poor Annabelle :( Evie was teething, but her symptoms seem to have stopped, before any teeth have come through.

I went to the HV today, because Evie has been getting so hungry lately, wanting to eat every half an hour, and still being hungry. So, we decided to start weaning her. She just had her first taste of food, and she absolutely loved it!! She had some sweet potato puree, and she couldn't get enough! I was warned to expect a lot of it to end up on the table and the floor, but she didn't spit out even a tiny bit.
And, she is now 11lb 11oz! She gained nearly 2lb in a month! So proud of her! :)
Here is a pic of my little piglet :)


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How exciting Luci. She looks like she really likes it! We started Hannah out with carrots but with how much she spits up, she was staining everything orange so I just stuck with rice cereal for now and occasionally add some regular baby foods into her cereal or give her a few bites before I feed her the cereal. Right now we're using bananas.

This child of mine gets so frustrated, so often. If she drops a toy or can't get something she wants... she starts fussing like nobody's business. She'll be 5 months tomorrow, I'm still in shock over that.

Speaking of - Autumn turned 7 years old today. I'm in shock over that as well. She lives with my parents currently (OH & I are hoping to regain custody next summer after this school year) so after work last night, my sister and I went to my parents house and snuck into her bedroom while she slept and decorated it. I made a sign that said "Happy 7th Birthday Autumn" and hung it off her TV which is in front of her bed. We put balloons all over the place - off her ceiling fan, off the tv, above the head of her bed and over her bedroom door. We left presents on the kitchen table for her as well. I called her this morning to wish her a happy birthday (she has school today & I work tonight so I won't get to see her) and she said she loved the surprise and her presents, so that was exciting :)

As of tomorrow I'll have a 7 year old & a 5 month old. Too weird. Speaking of having things - I'm pretty sure I have bronchitis thanks to Autumn having croup last week. OH has tomorrow off work so I'm going to see if I can get in with my doctor for some antibiotics because nothing over-the-counter is helping and this cough is really annoying. And this weekend we have to get a crib bumper for Hannah because she's started scooting all around in her crib and will wake up crying because she's stuck in a corner and keeps trying to go forward, hitting her head repeatedly. Oh joy.

Hope you're all doing well!!!
So cute luci! What colour are her eyes? I wish I could sit ashlynn in her bumbo but she's such a big girl she looks uncomfortable and gets stuck... What a waste of money!

Waves it's hard to believe how fast the babies are growing, and you must really notice it with an older one as well!

What colour are everyone's babies eyes? I keep forgetting to ask. Ashlynn's are still blue, although not newborn blue... I have brown eyes and OH has hazel eyes so wondering if/when ashlynn's will change.
Anti- she's got really dark grey eyes. Mine are really really dark brown, and my OH has grey/green/hazel eyes, so who knows what colour she'll end up with! Everyone on my mum's side has blue eyes, I was the first baby to have brown eyes! If you can't use her bumbo, maybe see if you could sell it? We were given ours luckily, but I've seen second hand ones for about 20!
Waves- glad autumn enjoyed her birthday :) hopefully Hannah will grow out of her sicking up soon. I have heard that solids can make it a bit better. Hopefully you will get something from your doctors to make you feel better. Its no fun lookin after a baby when you feel icky!
Luci - Evie is too cute, Sam's first meal was sweet potato as well and he loves it. only thing he doesn't care too much for is pears so far.

Anti - My LO isn't a big fan of his bumbo either..luckily I got it for tener on ebay but still.

Sam's eyes are still mostly grey but I think they are going to be green/hazel like mine (looks like they are starting to turn near the pupils). Daddy has blue eyes. His hair is finally starting to grow and it is going to be blond.

He can roll both ways now and it trying to hard to crawl (scary) but he can't get his huge tummy off the ground. We are pretty sure he is teething but we can't see any teeth yet.

Sam had his first go on the park swings at the weekend (we were visiting friends in Matlock) and loved it. Had to share a picture.


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