Babies that were due in may 2012

Both Max and Aria have blue eyes :D OH and I both have blue eyes too but a different shade and Max's is closer to mine and Aria closer to OH's.

Things here are ticking along, went to the salon yesterday and had foils done. I was gone for 3 hours getting my hair coloured and cut and omg it was fantastic!!
Been looking so shaggy for ages it was good to go into town not looking like I havn't slept for a year! haha

I got most of my xmas shopping done yesterday too. decided I had to be organised this year and beat the xmas rush. I only have a few more presents to pick up and then I'm done yey!

Aria has an appointment next month with the dietician so hopefully we get the okay to start her on solids properly. I did try her with baby rice but decided to stop it cos I really dont want to do her more harm than good and in the end it didn't appear to make any difference to her reflux at all which is why I decided to try it in the first place was for an improvement.

Her meds are wearing off again started waking durnig the night and being grumpy so I need to get a new batch today and possibly weigh her again. This happenes every two weeks now so at least we know its the medication.

Can't really reply much more, I have been so busy lately. Been able to get out of the house each day this week so far. Am planning a small walk round the block on my own with Nathan ad the babies if the weather holds up.
Its feed time now......glad to hear everyone is doing well :D

And yikes waves those teeth!! hehe too cute
Gabriel has dark blue eyes so far. Mine are hazel, dhs are dark blue. So I am hoping his eyes stay the same color as daddys.

I can't wait to properly start solids. I tried a bit if rice a few weeks ago, and he cried for 2 days. IM waiting for his belly ultrasound before I try any thing else.

Gabe can roll both ways, but rarely does. He hates being on his belly, unless he is sleeping. I find him on hid back most mornings, so I know he is rolling belly to back. He rolled back to belly a few times a month ago, but refuses to do it again!

There has been a wicked head cold going around. I thought it had missed me, but sadly I got hit this morning...
Hannah's eyes are still a vibrant blue. I have hazel eyes and OH has brown with specks of green in them so I'm not sure what color eyes she'll wind up having. My older daughter has a lighter blue/grey eye color but her father had brown eyes (and like I said, I have hazel) so I'm not sure where her eye color came from haha. That being said, I have NO idea what to expect with Hannah either.

Hannah's 5 months old today :)


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Great pics waves...5 months already!

Lola's eyes are still very much blue and look like they are staying that way, they look just like mine. She's also got quite pale skin considering her Dad is dark skinned with brown eyes! She looks just like him tho so its quite funny.

She is full of cold again today and now everytime I put her in her cot she cries....she will however fall fast asleep next to me in bed so I think its going to be a night of cuddles! She must just need a little extra comfort from mummy tonight!

I got Lola weighed yesterday and now at 20 weeks she is 15lb 12oz.

Oh and wow Hannah really does have some teeth waves!!
Anti- just saw your facebook, hope everything is ok!

Waves- Hannah is absolutely gorgeous! Growing into a proper little lady :)

Evie had another meal of sweet potato today, she definitely loves food, she lunges for the spoon! She's gonna have 1meal again tomorrow, then on sat we're going to start her on two small meals :) been and bought lots of weaning supplies, some cute bowls, little spoons etc :) we've started with jars, but once we get back from holiday, I'm gonna start making my own :)
Am off to Paris with my OH on tues am excited, but am dreading leaving Evie :( not been away from her longer than 3 hours, so 6 days is going to be a killer :(
Thanks Luci. We home now but still don't know what's wrong with her. I hate this! My poor baby has something wrong but they have no idea what it is. :(
Anti:I hope Ashlynn feels better soon and they figure it out soon! What are her symptoms?
Thanks Meghan. She screams and won't stop, her legs go red and black and when that goes down she has a non blanching rash left on her legs. They have no idea what's causing it. My nerves are shot to bits now! Wish there were answers.
Great pics waves...5 months already!

She's also got quite pale skin considering her Dad is dark skinned with brown eyes! She looks just like him tho so its quite funny.

Oh and wow Hannah really does have some teeth waves!!

Thanks! I know, it's crazy! To think that in a month she'll have been here for half a year already... I can't believe it! And I can't believe the teeth either. I have several friends with babies born within 2 weeks of Hannah (both before and after) and she's the only one with teeth broken through. It's so cute when she smiles and you can see them though.

They say girls look most like their dads when they're born but as they get older they can start looking more like mom.

Waves- Hannah is absolutely gorgeous! Growing into a proper little lady :)

Aw thank you <3

Thanks Meghan. She screams and won't stop, her legs go red and black and when that goes down she has a non blanching rash left on her legs. They have no idea what's causing it. My nerves are shot to bits now! Wish there were answers.

I don't recall seeing anything about this on here before so forgive me if I missed it but that sounds awful :( Does the legs turning red then black happen after anything? Like if she's kicking or playing? Could it be like a brittle bone thing? Severe allergies to something? I hope you figure it out soon because that sounds just terrible :(
She's ok now thanks Meghan. Just wish I knew what it was.

Waves, it's not after anything in particular. The first episode was 3 weeks ago and she screamed for 3 hours solid and came out in a non blanching rash on her legs, was treated for meningitis but it wasn't that, thank god! Then she's had the ash come and go a few times but on Thursday again the screaming started so we were down hospital again, wasn't as bad as the first time and she settled after about an hour. They did blood tests and urine tests and nothing is showing up. They just don't know what it is. My nerves are shot and I'm so scared to try anything with her incase it happens again.
Wow, how scary! I've never heard anything like that before :( so sorry you're going through that *hugs*

If anyone who doesn't have me on FB wants to add me BTW my email is [email protected] you should be able to find me through there :)

I can't believe Hannah has two little teeth already! I know Jackson has one that's been popping up and down for MONTHS but it still hasn't broke through yet! He's been a blast though, I love this age of babies! I can't believe he will be 5 months on Friday!
Added you kendra.

I havn't been on here much lately cos the babies have been so much fun! and we had another sick rip through our house uggh
The last week with the babies has been awesome, they are so funny. Will be uploading pics later.
Max has been getting jealous when I hold Aria and he stares at me till I make eye contact then he grunts at me and growls and whines, but when I'm not holding Aria he doesn't do it! Its really quite funny.
They also smile at each other more now, its just so cute!

Waves - yikes on the teeth! bet you are glad to get some of that over with though :D Babies look really cute with bottom teeth :p

Anti - Naww, I hope whatever it is gets sorted soon that is really scary!
Added you kendra.

Thanks for the well wishes. Glad ashlynn is fine now, but I wish I knew what it was or if its gonna happen again.

We're going visiting friends today. Hope it goes well. We hardly ever go anywhere with ashlynn. I know we need to start doing it more though.

Zephyr your new photos of the twins are so cute!! Max looks like such a cheeky boy!
Anti ~ glad to hear Ashlynn is doing ok now. Still scary for you but I'm sure everything will be fine.

Zephyr good to hear the babies are lots of fun now, I think their personalities are starting to show at this age.

Kendra I will go and add you on FB. If anyone wants to add me my email is [email protected] if you can find me that way.

I got a nasal aspirator because Lola can't shift her cold and she giggles when I use it on her lol! She's great tho, a real little character :)
Hi everyone, sorry been mia for weeks. My laptop kicked the bucket & have struggled to post via my phone. Hate having no laptop!

Anti - so sorry to hear Ashlynn has been poorly, hope it clears up v soon. My ds had a v bad case of pneumonia when he was 9 months which they initially thought was meningitis, gave him a lumbar puncture etc - just awful. Thinking of you.

My dh is now working away from home mon-fri so seem to have even less time in a day. Is everyone's los rolling? Eva sure isn't. Probably cos she's a bit of a primadonna & won't spend enough time on her playmat!

Sleepwise, eva had a spell where she was doing really well, going down easy at 9ish & sleeping til 4 or 5am. But that's all out the window! She's sleeping awful & I can't tell if its teething or hunger. We got her high chair & she's been sitting in while I do things in kitchen which is great. Not sure whether to try her on some rice... She's 19wks this wk so still early, she's a big girl although not sure if that has any bearing.

This aft I have drs apmnt as think I have pelvic infection. I have had horrible tummy, back & pain in my butt muscles. So even when eva has been sleeping I've been too sore so sleep. I am prone to them for some reason. Couldn't get apmnt with female dr & I so hope he doesn't need a swab.

Sorry for the crap update re everyone else, when I online properly will be able to reply better.

Rjs I hope you get better soon!! Ashlynn isn't rolling over... She's too lazy!! But I'm ok with that coz once she starts she probably won't stop! We going to try find a highchair for ashlynn. Will make my life a lot easier at times!!
Gabe had rolled into his belly a few times,.but hates being on his tummy so he won't do it. He can roll tummy to back, but it's been by fluke only. He tries, and tries. But can't figure his arms out. He's generally content to ly on his back. I'm trying to practice sitting up, but he just throws himself back to lie down.

Rjsmam. Hope you feel better soon! Gabe never sleeps through. He goes down around 7, and then is up at 11 and again at 4 then up for the day at 730. It's much better than the up every hour or 2 business for the first 3 1/2

Anti: do they have any guesses as to what's going on with Ashlynn?
They have no idea Meghan. It's so frustrating. Hope it doesn't happen again! If it does I'm going to demand answers. Hate it!

Ashlynn still wakes frequently at night. Doubt she'll sleep through anytime soon.

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