Babies that were due in may 2012

Lovely pictures waves!!

It was my sons birthday today so we had a party for him! Can't believe hes 4 already.
Was a wonderful day.

We also had plunket visit today and Aria has gained 600 grams in 4 weeks!! Max gained 500 grams. Aria is 300 grams behind Max so she is catching up fast. The neocate and omeprazole has done wonders for her. This is the biggest weight gain she has had now and since being on it has gained over a kilo all up Max weighs 7 kilos now and Aria 6.7 kilos

Things here have been busy, but my house has been consistently clean for 2 weeks now! I am able to clean it every day even if the babies are having a bad day they still let me fit in some time to do what I need to get done so this makes me very happy!
We have our moments every now and then and Aria still likes to let us know she rules the roost but all in all everthing has been quite wonderful actually.

OH is changing shifts next week 8pm finishes. I am nervous cos it will be just me with all the kids for tea, bathe and bed time eeeek!
Hi all, waves gorgeous pics, beautiful girl & love her curly locks! I can't wait for Eva to have girly hair! Zephyr, so glad to hear things are doing good with Aria & Max.

Eva had small amounts of baby rice once a day for a wk, we've also tried banana with expressed milk & carrot (seperately!) and she scoffed them all. I have parsnip & pear lined up for next wk. It has made zero difference to her sleep though.

I've started calling her Eva Diva as she has a tendency to scream like a banshee if I leave her on playmat or in her chair - even for just 2 mins!

Hi all! Zephyr I'm so glad things are going well with you and the kids... It's nice when you can start doing things and get more confident!

We've been given a referral for ashlynn coz of the episodes she keeps having, but it could take 6 weeks! Hope we don't have any more episodes with her! Me and OH are on edge constantly now! I rang the doc up yesterday coz ashlynn's poo has changed colour (tmi! Sorry!) and the doc said its probably coz she is still only on breast milk and her body is draining it of all nutrients so we should start weaning her so she can get nutrients from something else.... I'm nervous though, there's so much to do with weaning, how do I know if I'm doing it right? How do I do it? Can tell I'm a first timer huh?! I've ordered her high chair, so next week I'm gonna have to bite the bullet and start weaning properly... So nervous! Also need to think about putting her on formula coz I can't pump forever... Not sure the best way to do that either! I'm so nervous to try new things coz of the episodes ashlynn has been having and we don't know what's causing it and I'm terrified its gonna happen again when things start changing...

Ok, I'll stop now! Sorry girls, I'm just concerned and don't have anyone to talk to about it all.
Hey anti, poor you - no wonder your nervous! I hope Ashlynn's referral comes v soon.

Re weaning, there's loads of good advice on various websites but I've been using the Annabel Karmel book. I gave Eva rice with expressed milk, made it very runny to start, in tiny amounts to get her used to spoon etc. I believe rice is gentle on their tums & v unlikely to cause any allergies. I also rad the same about banana. She had rice one a day for few days & am mnow introducing new flavours & considering going to twice a day. I'm also thinking of moving to formula as am back to work full time soon. Am trying to express & build a stash for freezer but can't see how I can store enough & not sure I can face pumping & storing at work :(

Thanks Rjs. Think I'm off to order the annabell karmel book. I've been thinking about it but haven't got it yet! In the beginning I pumped so much that I had enough milk for about 3 months... However, if its been in the freezer more than a month ashlynn won't drink it, so I'm pouring most of it down the drain at the moment which breaks my heart coz I worked so hard!!
Anti I how you guys figure our what's going on with Ashlynn soon... It's so hard to see your baby hurting without being able to help. As for weaning, I refer to it's an entire website for weaning and making your own baby foods. It had charts for what's appropriate for different ages/stages. As for changing to formula, you can start adding in some formula with your pumped milk, and gradually increase so she gets used to the taste. might have some advice for weaning the pump. I think you just drop one pump a day every week or 2 to avoid painful engorgement, until you stop completely. Kudos to you for pumping as long as you did. I don't think I could have done it!
Have has his ultrasound next week. I feel rotten, but I really want the scan to show something. I just want them to be able to fix him. But I'm prepared for either answer. I'm glad I'm getting one! We have given him cereal, avocado, (which he hates!) And sweet potato. He opens his mouth for the spoon, but must of the food ends up on his face/bib. But it's fun giving him food!
Anti I hope you find out what's happening with Ashlynn soon. And with the weaning did you get the free cow & gate weaning book in the post...I thought that was really good.

Today I started Lola on baby rice...she gobbled 3 spoons of it and still grabbed for more but I didn't want ro overdo it. Think I will give her this for a week or 2 then make up puree's.

So proud of Lola this week as she can now sit up all by herself! She won't roll over though lol!

Zephyr sounds like all is going well in your household! :)

Rjsmam...I'm going to get the Annabel Karmel books too.
Yazzy I did get the cow and gate book so will use that as a guide for now. Ashlynn had baby rice today so will prob do that for a few days then try carrot or something. Does it matter if I give it for breakfast or lunch? I kind of want to do it all for breakfast, but carrots for breakfast sounds awful... Not that she'll know the difference!
You just gotta trust what your baby wants. The first week or so of spoon feeding cereal Jackson was just not getting it. He wanted to be able to have the bottle like always. Now, he's a hearty eater! We all had to go through the "what do I do?!?!" phase, and all our babes are ok, so learn from all of us :) :) but just be prepared for babies stools to be a bit harder until they adjust. I can tell when Jackson has had a bit more solids than usual as he will get a bit constipated. But a little apple juice/apple sauce or some prunes and it fixes him right up!

Anyone else have teeth? Jackson has been having a popping up and down tooth for TWO MONTHS now.. I was at home with him after work today after picking him up from my moms and while he was playing around with the bottle I kept getting a flash of white thinking it was some milk in his mouth. But lo and behold- the top of a tooth!
Yay a tooth! you must be happy haha 1 down....

Max and Aria both have had the same, a tooth that flares up every now and again for a few days for the past couple of months now.
The last two days Max has been so grumpy and biting everything and drooling again. He seems to be okay today and no signs of teeth! So I'm a bit annoyed at that lol
Max bites me so hard when its bothering him, but he refuses to take a bottle.

Arias reflux flared up again and she was spilling and crying in her sleep and waking every 20 minutes so we had a med adjustment and shes better just have the teeth bothering her now.

5 month vaccines tomorrow......not looking forward to this at all. I'm not going to have anyone here to help out either if the babies get grumpy :(
Anti I am giving Lola the baby rice around lunchtime and will probably do the same with the purees then move on to breakfast as well. She slept sooo much better last night so will see what happens tonight.

No teeth here yet...she bites everything though lol.
No teeth here but hoping it'll happen soon. She chews everything and they seem to be annoying her! We started on baby rice and ashlynn slept through last night for the first time in months!!!! Hope it's a good sign and not a fluke. She wasn't too interested in her rice this morning though. Think I'm gonna move meal times to lunch time and then introduce other meals from there, like yazzy. Sounds like the best idea. Will try her on carrots later. Can't believe we're weaning already!!! Babies are growing up so quick!

I know it's early, but what presents are you thinking of for Christmas for the babies? We had a look around toys r us yesterday for inspiration and we still have no idea!!!
No teeth here anti, he has the rash, drooling and chews everything but I can't even see any evidence of teeth yet. I just wish they would come in soon. We were in Dunkerque on saturday and saw the Sophie Giraffe for 3 euros so I couldn't pass that up - he loves it, favourite toy now (didn't know it made noise, my DH thought I bought him a dog toy - I know we were in France but I can tell the baby section from the dog section. :dohh:)

I haven't really thought much of Christmas..I know it sounds mean but we probably won't get him much because he won't really know what is going on and he has loads of stuff already (gifts from birth and cousin hand me downs)

Waves - how did Hannah get on with the sippy cup? We tried with Sam with his and he didn't manage too well. In the last few days he has started holding his bottle so I think once he has it mastered we will try the sippy cup again.
Hi all, waves gorgeous pics, beautiful girl & love her curly locks! I can't wait for Eva to have girly hair!
Waves she has amazing eyes!! Such a pretty little girl!!
gorgeous waves!

Thanks ladies <3 There are a few strands of hair on the back of her head at her neckline that are a lot longer than the rest of her hair. It looks so funny!!

I'm nervous though, there's so much to do with weaning, how do I know if I'm doing it right? How do I do it?

Sorry girls, I'm just concerned and don't have anyone to talk to about it all.

I've done it before with my oldest daughter yet when it comes to Hannah... I still feel like I have no idea what I'm doing. I took advice from a few resources and friends when I started out but now that she's been eating solids for a month or so now... I'm just doing what I feel like and what she takes well to. She gets a regular bottle (7 oz) in the morning when she wakes up around 9:30. She eats lunch at 1:30 and has some rice cereal (I use 1 oz of formula and add about 3 spoonfuls of rice cereal to make it pretty thick) followed by half a jar of vegetable puree, then half a jar of fruit puree & finished off with half of a bottle (she usually will take 2.5-3oz of formula after all that "food".) She has a second lunch around 5:30 which consists of rice cereal (1 oz formula & 3 spoonfuls of rice cereal) and then a 6oz bottle (she may not always finish the bottle but that's what I offer.) And finally she'll have a bedtime bottle (7oz) at 9:30. I started out just doing rice cereal before her lunchtime bottle for a week or two though. And now when it comes to the fruits and vegetables, I try to give her the same kind for 3-4 days straight before introducing something new to make sure she doesn't have a reaction to anything. WIC is giving us less formula now that she's on solids so I'm not entirely sure what I need to be doing with her bottles. I've had many friends tell me that at 6 months or so, they replaced one bottle with solid foods (likely a lunchtime bottle) and then one person said at 6 months old, her son is eating 3 jars of baby food a day. So what I just listed is what we're doing but I have no idea where we go from here lol. I see her doctor on the 31st so I plan to ask then. And don't feel bad for asking here or going on about it or whatever else... that's what we're here for. What this message board is meant for :) There's a local mommy group I'm part of on Facebook and I seriously ask tons of questions every other day. They probably think I know nothing about raising my child with how many questions I continuously have lol!

However, if its been in the freezer more than a month ashlynn won't drink it, so I'm pouring most of it down the drain at the moment which breaks my heart coz I worked so hard!!

I don't know if it's something you guys do where you live or if it's even allowed but can you just donate the milk to another mom? Here we have tons of groups where you can donate un-needed milk to mothers who can't breastfeed or have no supply or low supply or whatever. There's plenty of local Facebook groups here where Moms can post saying "I need milk for my 3 month old son but can't produce enough to meet his needs, does anyone have any frozen supply they could donate?" Some women post saying "I have 50 oz of milk in a deep freezer that I do not need or that I could donate if someone is in need." Some women offer to be a wet nurse for another local mom and essentially pump milk JUST for that mom and her baby. Maybe you could do that to help another Mom out if it's an option where you live instead of feeling bad about having to dump it?

He opens his mouth for the spoon, but must of the food ends up on his face/bib. But it's fun giving him food!

Hannah does the same thing sometimes. It's mostly with her rice cereal and not so much the fruit/veggie purees but she opens her mouth wide, gets excited or fusses for the food and pushes half of it back out of her mouth. She definitely knows how to eat, swallow, etc so I think she's just bored with the rice cereal lol.

I know it's early, but what presents are you thinking of for Christmas for the babies?

I have NO idea what to do for her for Christmas. I'm sure our families are going to spoil her but I haven't thought about what I want to get her yet. Since it's our first Christmas shopping for 2 kids, I want to get as much of a head start as possible so I should probably think about it!

Waves - how did Hannah get on with the sippy cup? We tried with Sam with his and he didn't manage too well. In the last few days he has started holding his bottle so I think once he has it mastered we will try the sippy cup again.

She was sitting in her bouncer when we gave it to her. I went to hand it to her and she started trying to grab it right away. I put her hands on the handles so she knew where to hold it and she immediately went to put it in her mouth. We tried directing the nipple/spout into her mouth but she would get mad at us for messing with it haha. I think she thought we were trying to take it away. She would get it in her mouth correctly and just chew on it or play with it. OH held it in her mouth for a short time and she eventually started sucking on it but didn't seem to understand what was going on to realize she was drinking from the cup and could do it herself. The WIC nutritionist told me that sometimes it's better to use the cups that don't have the spill-proof feature or to just try letting them sip from the side of a regular cup with your help. However I'm going to stick with the spill-proof because with my luck, Hannah will drown herself and start choking lol. We only tried it that one day but I think we're going to try again soon.
Funny how we used to be on here day & night, each and every day... constantly updating and now that we've got our LOs, I know personally it's hard to find the time.

So October 6th we had a birthday party for my oldest who turned 7 at the end of September. We had it at our apartment instead of my Mom's house where it usually is (where Autumn currently lives.) She had 6 or 7 friends over and they were so loud & obnoxious hahaha. My poor downstairs neighbors. I tried knocking on the door to apologize & explain but nobody answered. Oh well! We didn't receive any complaints so I guess all is well. One girl was going to spend the night but that lasted until 11pm or so. This girl has never spent the night away from her mom or dad since she was born. Never even slept at her grandparents house (and she's 7 years old.) Her mom warned us and said she didn't think she'd make it the whole night but was willing to pick her up if need be. Around 9:30/10, Autumn started with one of her typical tantrums. She was over-tired which didn't help things but long story short, I spent about 30 minutes with her in my bedroom while OH & her friend watched a movie in the living room. I called my Mom since that's who she lives with to see if she could help me out. Autumn just refused to sleep anywhere but the "big couch" but that's where her friend was going to sleep since she's taller than Autumn. It was either they sleep on the couches (we have one long couch and one shorter one, a loveseat) or the floor but nothing was good enough for Autumn except the big couch & that wasn't going to work. Then she started whining and crying about everything else, even breaking my phone case in the midst of her tantrum. We finally got her calmed down, she went back to sit with her friend while I wrapped up the phone call with my Mom. OH comes in to see what I'm still doing in there, then Autumn comes in to complain again that she has nowhere to sleep & then her friend comes in crying saying she wanted to go home hahaha.

I know part of it had to do with Autumn's tantrums that lasted well over 2 hours. Autumn was being down-right difficult (as is common at 7 years old apparently because a lot of her friend's parents said they're dealing with it too) about EVERYTHING. Refused to take cough medicine even though she was hacking up a lung all evening. Just one thing after another & I'm sure her friend was getting annoyed and bored with listening to me fight with Autumn every few minutes over something. And then she probably got bored & lonely for the 20 minutes Autumn was arguing with me and my Mom in the other room. The sleepover went from fun & silly to a big headache in a matter of minutes & I don't blame her for wanting to go home. She said she just really missed her Mom and I believe that but I'm sure that if Autumn hadn't been so difficult, they would have fallen asleep sooner & she would have made it until morning. Regardless, her Mom picked her up at 11pm and we went to sleep.

Not too much going on or changing in regards to Hannah. She'll be 6 months old next week. She's getting 2 regular bottles a day (7oz) and then eating rice cereal 2x a day as well as some pureed veggies & fruits. We've tried carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, peas, prunes, apples, bananas, peaches and I think that's about it. She tried the sippy cup once and put it in her mouth by herself but didn't really understand that she could drink from it. I gave her a rice rusk again after I posted the videos from the first time and she grabbed it right out of my hands and shoved it in her mouth haha. Once it gets broken up into smaller mushy pieces, she has trouble swallowing them though so that's when I take it away from her.

I had a WIC appointment the other day and she measured 17 lbs 4.5 oz and 26" long. She gained 2 lbs since she was last weighed a month and a half ago but didn't get any longer. Still only has the 2 teeth. WIC is giving me 8-10 less bottles of formula each month now that they're giving us rice cereal & jarred baby foods so I'm not sure how I'm supposed to be feeding her. As it stands now, we're going to run out of formula by the end of the month so I may call her doctor just to ask since her appointment isn't until the last day of the month.

She's getting a little better at sitting up by herself. It's only for seconds at a time or maybe half of a minute and then she falls to the side or falls forward but each day she's getting better & better which is really exciting. She's laughing a lot more - especially when we play peek-a-boo with her & when OH nuzzles his nose or beard into her neck.

Saturday we took some fall pictures with both girls but they didn't turn out as I'd hoped. It was getting dark really fast and it was VERY windy so both the girls were cold. I didn't want to risk Hannah getting sick & then Autumn was being un-cooperative and moody so I took a small handful of pictures and called it quits. I have to go finish making Hannah's lunch, then wake her up to feed her but I'll post the pictures afterward.

She normally takes a 2-3 hour nap after her morning bottle. She was getting fussy like she usually does when she's ready for that nap so I put her in her crib and she just played around or fussed for a little over an hour and hasn't been asleep TOO long (which is why I have to wake her) so this should be fun!
Here's some of the fall pictures we took of the girls the other day :)


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Just a few other pictures from the last two weeks. The ones of Autumn with Hannah are from Autumn's 7th birthday party.


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She's gorgeous waves!

I gave ashlynn carrots today and she loved them! Ate two large teaspoonfuls which I ink is a lot for a first time! She also had her last set of jabs today. So far she's been ok. Hopefully she'll be ok! No more till 13 months now.
Great photos waves..I love the one in the bumbo and hannah and autumn on the couch.

I wanted to do that with the pumpkin but my dh thought i had lost leave of my senses (Halloween isn't as big of deal her in the UK as it is in the US). maybe I should show him that i'm not the only one with the idea.
Is everyone elses babies sleeping during the day or is it just mine who doesn't?

Aria has been napping twice a day for 20 minutes each time. Its been going on for ages but its only now that I'm getting a bit fed up cos OH's hours have changed.
My gp said try her on solids again, pears or bananas but its made no difference. Any suggestions? Her meds have been increased and we got a fresh batch so its not that. She also sleeps fine at night and I've tried crying it out. Our princess is at it again *sigh*

Anti - good to hear your jabs went well, we had our last lot for now too I'm glad its over :) I have to get my 4 year old done next week though, I will cry probably.

Waves - awesome pics!! and yes my 7 year old is doing that too lol just wait till shes 12, my almost 12 year olds tantrums are epic! haha

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