Babies that were due in may 2012

Hey all,

Waves - great pics again, lovely to see both your girls. Eva has the same bouncy chair despite us being in different corners of the world lol! I reckon autumn's behaviour sounds pretty typical. My sister has a girl the same age as my son & I reckon boys are more laid back. I guess I'll see in yrs to come!

Zephyr - eva will snooze during day but its also usually short lived like aria.

I am currently suffering from the worst cold ever. Really struggling. Husband not home til froday. Eva has a touch of it too but seems to be dealing with it really well.

If it wasn't for this dam cold I was going to try do something about eva's sleep. For wks she's only been sleeping for couple hrs at a time at night. Solids don't seem to make any difference. Have got into a routine of taking her into my bed which doesn't help. I might try drinking decaff tea to see if it help as she's still bf. Other than that am at a loss, I have to go back to work in a few wks & no way I'll be able to cope.

Ashlynn now weighs 17lb 3oz and is gaining percentiles! She loves carrots! That's all I've tried so far so will try something else soon and just take it slowly for her. My OH is working really long hours this week so doesn't get to see ashlynn and I don't get my half hour to myself in the evenings but don't want to complain coz I know a lot of other people OHs work away from home. Lucky ashlynn is being really laid back so I'm not stressing out.

Zephyr - ashlynn takes 3 naps a day that only last 30 mins each time which I know is more than aria, but less than most babies so you're not alone!
So glad to hear the other babies are similar...Lola's daytime naps are now only 30 mins each time aswell! I try to get a morning one in and one or two in the afternoon and if she's not settling we go out for a dog walk because she will sleep in her pram.

I tried Lola with banana today and she loved it! So she will have that for a couple days. I haven't been puree'ing her food but just mashing it with a fork. Anyway she's doing great eating it.

I'm still up a fair bit at night with Lola but I know we'll get there eventually so I'm not worried.

Anti sounds like Ashlynn is doing great!
Yazzy I'm up at least 3 times at night with ashlynn as well so you aren't alone there. It won't last forever so I'm just going with it at the moment. :)
Oh so its normal then?? thank god for that, felt like I was the only one getting the run around by my princess haha
My doc and plunket and the nurse all said its not normal, if its this common I wonder why they would say that.
It is quite frustrating some days but good to know I'm not alone!!

Aria must wear herself out though cos when he gets to sleep in the evenings we cannot wake her. We tried waking her last night cos meds and no amount f poking and jiggling would do it. She woke enough to have her meds but then zonked out again.

I took a really cute vid today of Aria and Max eating solids and Max is all chilled and patient and Arias kicking her feet and growling in between turns. If I have time to upload to facebook later I will.

Also went to my docs this morning, I'm the first and only person there aside from the nurse and as I pull in an ambulance flies past me and up the drive so I was a bit hesitant to go in because I thought someone might be dying but some lady walked in off the street and gave birth cos she could t make it to the hospital!! OMG I just walked in to hear the baby crying! this poor womans other kids were still left in the car in the park with the door wide open and the nurse later told me it happened very quick. that she actually walked in crossing her legs and she told her to uncross and felt down there a head so she delivered her first baby,
She went thtough the story with me after the ambo took her away and I got very teary.
Kinda wish I turned up 10 minutes earlier hehe
Jackson generally takes a few 20-40 minute naps during the day. Every once in a while he will take an hour or so one but its not common. He technically "sleeps thru the night" although for me that means waking up at 4 am. He's sleeping about 8-830 to 4am. Today was earlier because he went down at 7:30 but its almost better because I can go back to bed for a bit lol
Gabriel does the same thing. Sleeps only 30 mins at a time. It's frustrating because he wants more sleep, but he fights it so bad!

Question: Gabe slept all night, woke up at 8, down for a nap 10-1030, 1130-12 and now again at 230. Not his normal sleeping pattern at all. The other thing is he is refusing to eat today. Since 8 am I have managed to get about 8 oz into him, which is not like my kid. He is a drama queen over food, but he won't eat today, nor is he unhappy. Other than the extra morning nap and the not eating, he's his normal self. Is this from teething? Or should I take him in to the ER? I really don't want to have to take him in. I'm super ill with a gastro bug, and so I'm really hoping this is teeth making their way through
Scratch that. He's started vomiting...he's got what I have.
Naww yeah I was gunna say if you are sick maybe hes coming down with what you have. Poor liittle guy, I hope he gets over it quickly.
I hope you and Gabe feel better soon. It is not fun being sick with a poorly baby.
Hope you and Gabe feel better soon!
I've been up with Evie all night so far :( she went down at 9 like normal, and I went up at about 12.30, was just dozing off about 1am when she had a coughing fit, then started gagging :( turned my lamp on and she was absolutely covered in sick :( I'm at my mum's atm, so I called her and she helped me clean her up, and ran her a bath while I mopped up her cot. Got her in the bath and she was all smiles, and she fell asleep while I was dressing her. Put her back in her cot and got back in bed. 30 mins later she started crying, picked her up, her tummy grumbled, and she threw up all over both of us, my bed and her cot :( my mum thinks she just has a tummy bug, but we're going to the doctors in the morning.
Now I'm too scared to sleep in case she's sick again and I don't hear her :( it was such an upset, pained cry. I've never heard her like that before :cry:
Hope everyone's LOs get better soon!! Hate it when they aren't feeling well.
havnt been on in ages, hope evryone and there babies are well :hugs:

cant believe all our babies arnt so tiny anymore, Rosalie is starting to sit up on her own now :wacko:

Rosalie is doing well still alittle worried about her poos a stand in mw at her last injections suggested she could be lactose intolerance but my own MW has no real concern :shrug:
she still sleeps 8-8 and is a little kangroo in her jumperoo we get plenty of giggles watching her x


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Evie still isn't herself, she carried on being sick all through the night, so I'm like a zombie :( she's refusing all solid food, when she used to have three meals a day, and she's only drank about 7oz of milk all day :(
I asked in the pharmacy if there is anything I can do to rehydrate her, as her nappies have been quite dry and her poo has been pretty solid, and he suggested baby juice and water. So far she's managed 3oz, but am worried about her :( I guess we're just lucky to have got this far without having any illness!
Luckily she seems quite well apart from that, she isn't grumpy, she's still smiling and laughing, just being sick :( it's proper grown up sick too, it sounds horrific! Have propped up her travel cot (we're visiting my mum) so hopefully that'll help her tonight!
Luci, it sounds like Evie has what Gabe has. He's still refusing formula. I can coax him into taking a few ounces, but he is really not interested. I'm giving him pedialyte (fluid and electrolyte replacement) to make sure he doesn't get too dehydrated. I'm also waking him up every few hours to eat something. Basically sounds like what you are doing... Do you have pedialyte where you are?

In exciting news Gabe said mama!! He was asleep in his swing so I jumped in the shower. When I was getting dressed I heard him wake up and start crying. Daddy was trying to settle him, and we both clearly heard him cry "mama" as soon add he saw me he stopped crying. Of course we can't get him to say it again, so it was likely just a fluke, but I still heard mama!
Bumpin - how cute! I'd feel exactly the same way haha

Luci - Hope Evie is better now :)

This thread has gotten quiet! We must all be so busy. I know I am and rarely have times like now when both babies are sleeping. Its pretty much the only time I can come online unless I use my phone but I only use that for facebook.

I took Aria to her hospital appointment yesterday and we got given a neocate recipe book and told how to make her solids for her and the dietician was happy we had started her on pears and bananas and that we had tried peas, potato and brocolli.
We have recipes to make dairy free rusks, smoothies even icecream!! Its fantastic and I cant wait to find some time to start making the rusks for her :D

We were told that we will be trialing soy in Feb and see how she reacts to it and if she is fine on it we will switch to that but she is certain its a milk protein allergy and she is hoping Aria will out grow it but in the mean time she can eat foods without dairy in it. Yay!
Since Aria reacted to baby rice and had diahoreaah afterwards we were told to try again in a month and see what happens, I'm hoping it was just a coincedence and was a tummy bug.
Aria has been much better since we started her on solids and if you saw the vid on facebook she loves her food haha

Max is trucking along, he is so big! and is bringing his knees up to his belly and thrusting his butt in the air while pushing his shoulders and belly off the ground so I think hes practicing for the epic take off.

Aria and Max both rolled from front to back one after the other for the first time recently, not sure if I mentioned it already or not but it was pretty cool.

I have no home help anymore :( I have 140 hours left to use but I had a falling out with the person doing it because I only signed off 4.5 hours work ($15 an hour) when they wrote down 15 hours work. In that 15 hours my washing was brought in and folded once and my dishes were done 3 times. They sat on their butt txting the rest of the time (and I'm not even exaggerating) I even said hey I'm not paying you to txt can you take a baby and play with them outside for a bit, next thing I go see what they are up to and here she is standing down the side of my house ignoring Aria and txting!! So I said I didnt want her to do it anymore and told her she wasnt getting paid the full amount.
Even $60 was more than she should of been paid and here she is packing a huge stink cos she didnt get paid the whole $200. OMG I couldn't believe it!
So I dunno what I'm going to do but I'm coping better than I thought I would. Very tired and have no time for myself though.
Yazzy, is it you that is from Yeovil? I know someone is, but not can't remember who! It may not interest you, but there is a fab baby sale on Nov 17th, in the gateway church, between 2-3.30 :) I'll be going with Evie, my mum and my MIL
Hope gabe and Evie are both better!

Zephyr-what a lovely long update. You're right, we hardly have time to do updates... Must be so much harder for you! Sorry to hear your home help is coming to an end... You'll manage though. You've done such a great job so far!!

Nothing new on our side. Ashlynn still isn't eating much solids but I'm just going by what she wants. I can't force it on her. She had some avo today and she enjoyed it but didn't eat much. Maybe two teaspoons at the most. But she wouldn't eat her breakfast today... Bananas and baby rice. Hoping it gets better with time.

My breast pump has packed in and I can't find the receipt to get a replacement!! So annoyed! So I'm using a manual pump now but think this is the kick I needed to start moving ashlynn onto formula so will give formula a go this weekend I think.
I check for posts/replies every few days and always mean to update or respond to your replies to my posts but get distracted either by Hannah or something else online.

facebook(dot)com/birdsthatsing is my facebook URL though if you want to add me but already haven't.

As far as what's new over here: I got a promotion with a $0.25 raise that I start on Sunday. 40 hours a week. Mostly daytime shifts so I'll be able to put Hannah to bed more often again. Currently I've been working Monday-Thursday nights. I am going to miss our daytime routine when it's just her & I home alone though :( But the extra income will be good for wedding planning, bills & buying her & Autumn toys and clothes hahaha.

Wedding planning is slow-going but I'm still making progress. I have a year and a half to go but since we're paying for it all ourselves, we need that time to save up! Tomorrow we're meeting with a potential photographer but I think I've found another one whose work I like a little more. The one we're meeting with tomorrow is a little cheaper though so we'll see!

Hannah will be 6 months old on Friday and has her 6 month check-up on Halloween. Speaking of, we're taking her trick-or-treating with Autumn and one of Autumn's friends (and his little sister.) I'm dressing up (as a fox), Hannah's dressing up as a unicorn & Autumn wanted to be a unicorn as well but my Mom has put off getting her costume so I'm not sure if that plan has changed.

Hannah's still not sitting up by herself more than a few seconds at a time. She's constantly shaking her head "no" - when sitting up or even laying down. She's laughing a lot more lately. LOVES to play peek-a-boo or have a book read to her.

Hope you and yours are doing well :)
Hey waves glad to hear about ur raise - but it does suck being away from ur lo :( I work lmost 5 days a week and I miss annabelle tonnes, sometimes I feel we are missing out on crucial bonding. Next week I have to leave her over night and am treading it, the last thing I wanna do it leave my baby!

Annie is 20 weeks old today so a little behind Hannah (I think Annie is the youngest in this group?) she's nowhere near sitting yet but absolutely loves books and is enjoying rolling around during tummy time

How is everyone getting on weaning? What is the food you baby likes most apart from baby rice or porridge? Annabelle quite likes sweet potato but seems to hate any fruit purée I give her

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