Babies that were due in may 2012

Awh that is stupid! Why would they even think that?! Good thing most of us are on facebook then huh.

As to my last update which bnb ate......We have news to share but can't do it on facebook just yet :p OH and I have set a date to be married. 21st Feb, so just a little over 3 months away.

Its going to be very small as we would rather spend our money elsewhere and in a few weeks I have to buy 2 car seats, 2 high chairs and maybe another 10 cloth nappies so that takes a huge chunk out of wedding money *sigh* but thats okay, I'll get married barefoot and trakkies if I have to lol

We have the location sorted and its free (yay)
My mum is sorting my dress, make up, flowers and hair
A friend of ours will do the photography for free and another fri3end has offered to make our cake as her gift to us.
The Tux is sorted.
We aren't having bridesmaids or anything and only immediate family will be coming so it will work out to be quite cheap!
All we need to sort now is the celebrant, the wedding license, the rings and some sort of after party which will probably just be a bbq here at our house. And pretty dresses and tux's for the kids :D Which all will cost a bit but not too bad or as much as I thought it would.

As for babies, Arias bottom tooth is so close to the surface she has been crying most days over it and we have her dosed up on pamol. Worst teethign baby ever!!! I can't even write half of what I want to on facebook but long story short we had a good run and her reflux seems to have settled down and solids is going well but then the teething thing has reared its ugly head again and as always with Aria she doesn't seem to cope very well with any sort of pain or discomfort and she just screams! and gets so worked up.
The worst part is because I still have to take care of Max and feed him etc some times I have to just let her cry and it breaks my heart :( cos I just want to cuddle her all the time but having two babies doesn't allow me to do that. I think that has to be my only complaint about having twins is not being able to be there for one baby fully when they are upset, because you do still have another baby to take are of. Its really hard.

If this ends up being like every other time where all her teething symptoms go away and shes fine for a few days to a week I'm not going to be very happy.

How long after you can feel the sharp tooth just under the gum does it come out? I've never had this problem before, usually my babies were grumpy for a few days and then woke up with a tooth.

Teething aside things have been really great! I am still eating gluten free and my health has improved dramatically, I dont have stomach cramps, diahorea or vomiting anymore, my headaches have gone my mood has improved and I have more energy.
I have also lost 4 kilos since changing my diet and have started kettle bell training to try and shift some more weight :D

Babies are doing well, Aria just loves the cat! when the cat comes in the room she squeals and giggles, same with the dog but she doesn't get as excited.
I would just love to get a little puppy for her, like a maltese or something but unfortunately I know we probably wont have the time to train it properly so we will have to wait till the babies are a bit older and I have more time up my sleeves.

Max has been lifting himself off the floor and starting to pull his knees under him, I thought he would of done the whole commando crawl thing but hes trying to get up on his knees!! he does flop around like a catterpillar though its really cute :D
Heis doing very well, no complaints. Hes such a good baby!
He has started making dadadada sounds, trying to get him to shorten it down to dadda but no luck yet lol

there ya go, my long update! Probably wont be able to post for another week or two anyways and this thread got so quiet!! where has everyone gone?!
Yay zephyr!! That's amazing news. So happy for you! Lovely update as well! Glad the twins are doing well, hope aria stops being a grump soon. Teeth can be a real nightmare huh?!

I just had a huge breakdown... Was expressing and the collection cup fell off and I lost 7oz of booby milk all over the floor!!! That's the only time I express now so what I get then is all ashlynn gets in a day, the rest is formula. I still feel awful and very upset about it but can't change it!! :( rant over... Just needed to get it out I guess.

Ashlynn is now having 2 jars of food a day but only drinking between 20-24oz of milk so I'm a bit worried about her. Will go get her weighed next week and speak to the health visitor about it but I'm stressing out! Her sleep habits are really bad and unpredictable at the moment as well so I'm so tired and everything seems so much worse when I'm tired!!
Admin thinks she has two accounts but she doesn't so they closed her account and she can't open a new one. :(

I had this problem about a year ago - was really annoying!
Anti- evie has lost interest in milk too, she used to drink 5oz bottles, now she drinks maybe 3oz at a time! She has sips of juice occasionally, but I don't think she has enough fluid. Have started giving her bits of fruit to suck, so she gets juice from that too. She loves mango!

Zepher- congratulations!! Poor Aria, I hope her tooth comes through soon :( Evie has been teething, but absolutely no sign of teeth yet! How awesome that Max is nearly crawling!

Evie has just started sitting up :D she sat up for the first time on Tuesday, for 4seconds (I timed it :haha:)

Am watching children in need atm, it's so sad! Have come home to take care of my poorly mum, she has pneumonia and plurisy, she's really not good :(

Yazzy- are you going to the gateway sale tomorrow? It's on from 2-3.30 :) I'll be there with Evie, my mum (depending on how she is tomoro) and my MIL

It's a shame bumpin won't be back :( if anyone wants to add me on facebook, I'm Luci Clark :)
Anti- evie has lost interest in milk too, she used to drink 5oz bottles, now she drinks maybe 3oz at a time! She has sips of juice occasionally, but I don't think she has enough fluid. Have started giving her bits of fruit to suck, so she gets juice from that too. She loves mango!

Zepher- congratulations!! Poor Aria, I hope her tooth comes through soon :( Evie has been teething, but absolutely no sign of teeth yet! How awesome that Max is nearly crawling!

Evie has just started sitting up :D she sat up for the first time on Tuesday, for 4seconds (I timed it :haha:)

Am watching children in need atm, it's so sad! Have come home to take care of my poorly mum, she has pneumonia and plurisy, she's really not good :(

Yazzy- are you going to the gateway sale tomorrow? It's on from 2-3.30 :) I'll be there with Evie, my mum (depending on how she is tomoro) and my MIL

It's a shame bumpin won't be back :( if anyone wants to add me on facebook, I'm Luci Clark :)
Luci yes I'm still going to the gateway sale tomorrow, for some reason I thought it was 2.30 but will go a bit earlier. I'm going with my mum, SIL, nephew and of course Lola!

Yay for the sitting up! They soon get the hang of it.

Lola has a tooth! She bit me last Friday and it really hurt and her tooth had started to cut through. Its all through now but she is very sensitive with her gums so maybe another is on its way.

Really tired this week with lack of sleep...colds and teething haven't helped. Oh on a good note I finally have a decent baby carrier ~ one that supports the spine properly etc its called a Connecta baby carrier.
hi ladies.... sorry i've been away for so long, i kinda got behind & kept meaning to catch up on dh's laptop as I find it hard to keep up on my phone & have only got the chance now.

good to see everyone is doing well... lots of great pics... and exciting about babies sitting up on their own!

Eva is doing well, solids are going good & she's not really refused anything! but she's sleeping cr@p! she has one bottom tooth through so i'm guessing the next one is bothering her. she's only going a couple of hours at a time before waking crying. she's already been awake twice tonight. usually the only thing that settles her is me feeding her, and then she ends up in our bed for the night. I really want to get her in her own bed/room as I don't get a great sleep & wake up all sore from contorting in tiny spaces lol. dh is with her right now to try & settle her instead of her usual feed, i can hear on the monitor that it's not going well haha.

in other news, my dh isn't working away from home anymore which makes things easier. my dads first course of chemo wasnt successful & he's now on another heavier dose, which sucks. he finishes on xmas eve so we hope for good news in the new year.

i'm back to work in 2 wks and I am absolutely dreading it... hate the thought of Eva being with someone else! although i've been expressing milk I just don't think i can keep it up & have enough for her so am trying to introduce formula as combi feeding. I still have hopes of winnig the lotto before then!

A quick congrats to Zephyr! exciting news about the weddding!!!

Ever since I last posted (2 pages back I think), every time I checked the control panel to see if anyone posted here, it didn't show any updates so I thought the post had died or something. Then for some reason today, it showed it had been updated and I see there's tons of posts I missed. Whoops!

I'm in a bit of a hurry as I have to get ready for work and get some other computer work done and hope Hannah doesn't wake up, therefore I quickly skimmed the posts I've missed. Hopefully after work tomorrow I'll have time to fully catch up! So forgive me if I ignore something important or respond incorrectly to anything you've written haha.

Zephyr - CONGRATS ON THE WEDDING DATE & PLANS. So exciting :) Glad you're getting lots of help taking care of the planning!

As far as teeth go, I remember a day before Hannah's 4 month appointment seeing little bumps in her gums. There were 2 side-by-side but they were just little red bumps, barely raised. I didn't think it was her teeth because she wasn't unusually fussy and I didn't see any white from the teeth themselves. At her 4 mth appointment, the doctor felt them and said that they WERE her teeth and then the next day, I saw the white through the gums finally. It was like they broke through out of nowhere though. It's been awhile so I don't recall entirely but I want to say from the time I noticed they were possibly coming through to when they broke through it was 4 or 5 days. They say the worst of it is when they're trying to break through and that it could take awhile. I don't remember how it went with my first daughter though to compare. We have no signs of any other teeth coming in that I can tell. Just the bottom two and like I said, I wanna say it took about 5 days from when I noticed to when they came through. And then it seems like a week or two went by and they were all the way in. Those things are like little razor blades, I swear!

Hannah's sitting up pretty well now. She's army crawling/creeping/inch-worming, whatever you want to call it. She seems like she's SO close to actually trying to crawl but we'll see. I have a feeling in the next month we'll be there! She's saying "DADA" all the time now. I've been told that most babies say that first as the sounds are easier for them. I was still hoping "mama" would be first. OH has heard her say it twice and I've heard it once but nothing ever since. I don't know if she realizes "dada" is the same as her Daddy or if it's just sounds to her but that's okay. I don't know that I want to call it her first word as it's not actually a word, you know? So many other moms I know claim their child's first word as something "real" such as ball, car, toy, juice and not just babbled sounds like "baba", "mama" or "dada." What do you guys think?

I have many friends who have babies born the same week as Hannah (one born 2 weeks after) that are successfully eating actual foods. One friend cut up pieces of asparagus for her daughter & she ate it all. The one born 2 weeks after has fed her daughter an actual banana, sweet potato, parsnip, etc and she does great. I give Hannah little finger foods such as the dissolving puffs or a rice rusk and she winds up gagging on them. Many times I've had to pick her up, turn her over and pat her back to help get it out. I know all babies hit milestones differently and things like that so I'm not TOO worried but I am a little worried that she can't successfully eat finger foods yet. She does great with juice in her Tommee Tippee sippy cup but finger foods? Not a chance. Have any of you tried finger foods yet? How's that going? Any tips for us?

She's still sleeping through the night great. Last night she went to bed just before 10pm and she didn't get me out of bed until 10:15am today. I know she was up for a bit playing quietly in her crib before I woke up. Normally I wake up when I hear her playing loudly or fussing in the monitor but today I woke up on my own, didn't hear her, checked the time and saw it was 45 min past her breakfast time and got out of bed. She was wide awake, playing with a toy in her crib.

She's rolling like crazy. She will roll over several times in a row in a matter of seconds. You put her down on her back in one spot of the living room, turn around for a few seconds and when you look back, she's clear across the room. We need to baby-proof ASAP! And get a circular gate for her to play in so I can get stuff done around the apartment.

We also just ordered her new car seat as she's pretty much outgrown her infant one. Shipping says it will be here Wednesday but it's already in the major city we live just outside of so I'm hoping it'll arrive sooner. I just can't wait to use it! She's so heavy to carry in her infant car seat. I can't wait to have one we just leave IN the car and only have to carry her out to it.

On that note, this is getting longer than I planned on it being and I have to get ready for work finally haha. I'll come back and properly catch up tomorrow evening after work (work until 11pm tonight and then work 8-4:30 tomorrow.) I'm pretty sure I shared that I got a promotion/raise and went full-time again. It's hard work!
Wowees its quiet here!

Belated happy thanksgivong to those that celebrate

Eva sat on her own for about 30secs yest & has started on toast & slices of apple as finger foods.

Well done on the promotion waves. I go back to work on Thurs. Am soooo dreading it. Haven't left her with anyone for more than 2hrs & have to work full days. Am starting on 2days a wk & building it up until full time. Much much dread!

Don't know if any one remembers me :haha: But I'll do a wee update on me and Jason! :)

Well he's 6 months on the 27th :cry: He has been sitting up fully independently since 24 weeks old, he's getting on all fours, can shuffle backwards, pull himself up to stand if holding your hands and stand holding onto the sofa :D

We have been teething since 9 weeks, and we can feel the teeth under his gums now so hopefully won't be long! If any one remembers, Jason went to hospital critically ill at 4 weeks, well he has kidney scarring and they do not function as well as they should but he's a happy and very bouncy little man! Last time he was weighed a couple of weeks ago he was 19lb 6oz and 27.5 inches long! Which is up 11lb 3oz and 8 .5 inches from birth :) On solids since 17 weeks and we're now giving proper solids, this morning he had toast and at tea time he tried a chip! :)

I'm currently working with The Body Shop at Home and doing my knitting part time and OH is probably going to Afghan in October 2013 :(

Loving being a mummy to our gorgeous boy! Hope every one else and their babas are doing great! :) <3


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He's so sweet!! Nice to have you back with us!

Has been super quiet in here... I know we're all busy! Hope you all ok!

We're booked to go to Ireland for Christmas. The ferry we're getting is at 3am. Really not looking forward to it coz its just gonna upset ashlynn! Gotta be done though I guess.
All ok here, just really busy at the moment. Got to tell work this week that I'm handing my notice in, I just can't go back and give Lola to someone else.

Lola is going through a real mummy's girl phase, she really doesn't like going to anyone else at the moment!

She's got her underwater photoshoot with Waterbabies on Sunday...very exciting!

Hope everyone is well :)
Hi all, sorry I have been MIA for so long. We had our trip to the U.S. and had a really good time. Sam was amazing on all of the flights and slowly getting over his get lag.

Still no teeth here but I can feel at least 4 now so don't think it will be long. Sam is also sitting on his own fairly well now and just started getting up on hands a knees so I guess crawling will not be far off. Scary.

What are all of you getting little ones for Christmas? We found this v-tech walker

My mom is getting him a rocking horse and my MIL will get some musical instruments. I think SIL is getting him a crawl ball and stacking cups. Not sure if we will get much more, I think he will enjoy eating the Christmas paper more than any present we can get.


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ClaireAye - great to hear from you, Jason is doing so well - what a wee star. you must be very proud.

yazzy - you've made me a very jealous mamma tonight. back to work for me tomorrow. there's just no way we can afford our stinking mortgage without my salary.

anti - yikes at the ferry time - will you be crossing with your car? hope it's not too hard on you all

so off to work i go tomorrow. am sooooooo dreading it. have had 2 visits to the childminders this wk & Eva stayed on her own for a while today. as much as I know she's lovely... she's not me. so upset at the whole thing & have had a few sleepless nights. doesn't help that i've got the darn cold again & Eva's sleep is not good.

Yup going by car! Heading to Tipperary. Although I'm looking forward to the break, I'm terrified at how much it's gonna mess with ashlynn's sleep and stuff. :(
Anti try not to worry and enjoy your break away. Babies sleep anywhere so I'm sure you'll be fine...I'd jump at the chance of getting a little holiday!

Rjsmam...I can imagine how you feel :( we rent our house although it costs more than a bloomin mortgage but I'm just seeing what we can do. If we end up moving then we'll just have to do that I guess. We'll be tight for money I'm sure but I'm still working I just take Lola with me. he's so ready to crawl in that pic!

I'm still working on getting Lola to sleep longer at night...she's currently in my bed and the OH in the spare room lol.
Yazzy ashlynn still wakes every three hours for a bottle and she's totally on formula now. I'm constantly tired but I guess she'll sleep through when she's ready! I am looking forward to our break away and a change of scenery but not looking forward to the travelling. Also, we taking my mom with so she'll meet the in laws. My mom is a nightmare so I'm worried how that will go. I'll deal with it all as it happens I guess.

Ashlynn still isn't rolling over or moving around much. Not sure when to start worrying about that. She's on 3 small meals a day now as well and seems to be doing well with that. She's a real nosey little girl and doesn't want to miss anything. She makes loads of squealing noises as well now. And she blows which is very cute, till she's meant to be napping and blows her dummy out then cries for it back.
Hi all!! sorry I haven't checked in in a while, still going through the awful Wonder week 26 and LO wants feeding every hour at night! Only a couple of weeks left until the peaceful stage starts. We both have a cold today too :( if we could run the house on snot, we'd be good for the week :haha:

Hope everyone else is ok xxx
was going to suggest we meet up with the girls but we will be at either end of the island :( hope you all enjoy your break x

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