Babies that were due in may 2012

Hope Olivia start taking bottles soon hope your not stressing to much have you tried a faster flowing teat?

Hope you have a lovely break away anti.

Quick update on Rosalie, she is trying her very best to crawl, has 3meals a day 2 bottles and occasionally says dada which is super cute. Zooms around in her walker and slowly growing more beautiful blonde hair also still sleep from 8-9 x

fast flow, slow flow, free flow, sippy cup...everything!!! It would be a lot easier if she took any bottle!!

awww bless her! Olivia isn't really trying to crawl so I'm happy about that as she can't commando crawl very quickly which means I can come on here with only half an eye on her!
Glad all the babies are doing so well!! I'm off to Ireland on the 22nd!

Ashlynn still doesn't have teeth or roll over or sit up on her own! She has 3 meals a day now and occasionally refuses to eat anything!! She also has about 4 bottles during the day and anywhere between 3-5 bottles at night. She only takes 2 half hour naps during the day now as well!
Steph hope it becomes abit easier soon.

My eldest will be 2 on the 23rd how time flys my little 5lb 12oz teeny baby girl is now almost 2 and 2stone lol x
My great Grannie died today :cry: She was taken into hospital yesterday, as we were told she was full of infection, so we could either leave her in her nursing home and wait for her to die, or they could take her in, give her antibiotics and hope for the best. They put a DNR on her, because she was 90, and this morning she stopped breathing :( I'm going down to Bournemouth tomorrow to be with my family, so we can start arranging the funeral etc. I can't believe it's actually happened. It just felt like she was always going to be there :(
Now I don't really have any grandparents. I have a Grandad on my mums side, but he isn't really bothered about us, and just wants to die, so he can be with his Wife, who died 3 years ago. He had a brain infection (encephalitus (sp)) and hasn't been the same since. He hasn't even held Evie, just says "no thanks" when we offer.
The other thing I have to worry about is, what am I going to do with Evie while the funeral is on?? Because everyone in our family, who could normally look after her, will be at the funeral with us. And as much as I like them (most of the time!) I don't want OH's parents looking after her when I'm not there. Would you take a 6month old baby to their Great, Great Grannies funeral? My Grannie absolutely adored her.
Makes me sad that I'd just wrapped her xmas pressies last night, had a special picture of LO for her, and some posh sweets from her favourite shop. Now I have no idea what to do with them Seeing them under the tree, with their tags written out is making me really sad :cry:
Luci I'm so sorry! I would take Evie with you. I know it's not a nice place to take babies but needs must. Ashlynn has already been to a funeral.
Luci - sorry to hear about your great grannie. If you don't have anyone you feel comfortable with leaving Evie with then I would take her with you, she won't remember she was there and you wouldn't want to miss it.
Luci I'm sorry to hear about your great grannie, like others have said if there is no one suitable to look after Evie then take her with you. Remember as sad a day as it is you are there to celebrate her life and all the great years you shared with her.
Hey luci sorry to hear this, the gifts you got her sound lovely. I hope everything goes ok for the funeral x
Luci - sorry to hear about your great grannie :( Hope you are holding up okay.

Max is teething, and is up on his knees rocking back abnd forth he can easily get up and down from belly to knees and practices it alot and then rocks wen I put him on the ground.
I don't even think he is going to commando crawl much at all, he does it backwards but he gets upset cos he always goes the opposite drection to where he wants to be!

Aria has no interest in crawling and just turns in circles. Both babies have been good in a good routine but Max threw it all out by just refusing to sleep I think because of his teeth.

Aria is still very unpredictable, she always seems to have a good week then a bad one can't predict any of it so I am very much on my feet a lot with the babies. I get barely any time to myself anymore except when I can sometimes synch their sleeping.
This is the first time I have sat down at the computer in ages, I have to quickly check stuff on my phone during the day.
Max refuses to take a bottle still. He took one the the other week but has decided to trick me and not take them again. I do want to try get him on formula and I try every day but I am unsure if he will ever take to a bottle.

Both babies eating x3 meals a day and we have started givving them finger foods cut up small pieces of steamed veges. They love it, they play with the food while we eat our tea and then we will feed them their own lumpy mash and whatever finger food they have left. They have the chewing thing down really good now.
Its good for us too as finally we are able to sit at the table and eat together at the same time and the babies are quiet playing with their food. Only took us 7 months! I couldn't tell you how many times we all ate in front of the tv sprawled out on the floor this year OH and I scoffing our faces like its our last meal with a baby whinging in each of our arms lol

Wedding plans have sort of come to a halt I have been too busy. We brought our rings but havn't booked the celebrant or got our license yet and we had a whole bunch of bills come up and I'm worried we wont have enough so it may just be the ceremony and thats it. I'm okay with that though, kinda don't want to have a party with our families anyways, I'm pissed at them all for the lack of support we have had. We have called out for help so many times with the twins and nothing so I'm not really into a celebration mood and providing a free party for my friends and family. Haha I know that sounds terrible but really! Example, OH's dad had 6 weeks free and promised to come help us out but when he never showed not even once afterwards he said he didn't realise how hard it would be to look after his 6 and 8 (9?) year olds which is a LAME excuse. That's the sort of attitude everyone we know has dealt us or the whole "I'm too tired to help, I was out all night drinking and I just wanna sleep" saying that to a mum of twins who hasn't slept for months grrrr
I really couldn't care less about celebrating it with the people we know, I'd rather go out with OH and the kids somewhere special instead TBH
Considering I have always been the first person out to help my friends and family when they have needed it and bent over backwards even put myself out of pocket helping people we know so I will remember this when anyone wants me to be a babysitter or asks me for help later on, we barely talk to anyone anymore even our friends have all buggered off.

I have lost 6 kgs! That is from diet alone Gluten and dairy free. I'm very strict on what I eat now and my health has improved so much!! have cut out almost all refined sugar too apart from the occasional treat and am one of 'those' people who order a soy chai latte for a treat when I go out haha Was doing some exercise too but my routine got out of whack and babies needed me so havn't in a few weeks but am hoping to get back into it soon.

Dunno when I will update next but Have a merry Xmas everyone! and Happy New Year!!
Gonna say merry Christmas to all you lovely ladies now coz I'm off to Ireland tomorrow till the new year so won't be online. Hope you all have a magical one and will speak to you all soon!! Xx
Thanks Anti - Hope you have a great Christmas in Ireland.

Hope everyone's lo enjoy their first Christmas! We are heading off to Devon tomorrow to spend Christmas with DH's family.
:Merry Xmas all!

We've had a bout of the norovirus and croup so weaning is off the menu and so is sleep! Fingers crossed annabelle starts weaning soon so we can start to get her sleeping longer - that's my wish to Father Christmas this year :)

I hope everyone is enjoying their time with friends:families and babies we got annabelle An elf costume :


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I never come on this thread!

Jason is now crawling, pulling himself up, cruising, always going 'Dada' the whole time, he also cut his first tooth the other day!


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Hi ladies! Wow, I didn't realize it had been over 2 months since I've given an update. Life is so busy! Working full-time, then because of Christmas time I had a huge rise in sign orders so I was doing all those with my free time, and I don't know if they have this in other countries but I recently joined a roller derby team and have been doing practice 2 times a week in order to get ready to start competing. I haven't been on roller skates since I was 13 I think so it has been crazy trying to re-learn everything! Then I had to buy skates and a helmet and pads and that was crazy expensive but hopefully I will be officially competing soon. And OMG what a workout!

As for Jackson, he will be 8 months on the 5th, time is flying! He has SIX teeth in, two bottom and all four top. The four top teeth came in at the same time and it was a miserable few days. They aren't in all the way but the white bottoms are out. Last time I had him weighed was the beginning of November and he was 19 lbs, but I weighed him on a scale with me and calculated that he was 21 lbs. His head has rounded out a lot and isn't the monstrousity that it was before. We had to have an ultrasound to rule out any fluid or tumors, but he passed that and so the doctors aren't worried. He's been in the 98th percentile for months now so that's why they wanted to check and make sure nothing was wrong.

He hasn't started crawling yet but he's great at rolling where he needs to go, and doing the inchworm. He can sit for a long time now. We usually put the boppy pillow behind him in case he falls over. We had to break out the playpen today so that we can contain him, because he keeps wanting to roll over to the power cords and play with them :/ or my husband's shoelaces! Both not a good idea.

Anyone's babies getting reeeeeeeally fussy lately, and you don't think its anything like teething? I don't know if he's just in a phase but he goes through these half hour long freak outs and NOTHING will console him. People have told me its teething or a belly ache... he does get rigid which makes me think pain too but it just stops so randomly I don't know what it is.

I have been really forgetful with my birth control this month and although I don't want Jackson to be a big brother yet we will see where God takes us with all this... it scares me a bit.

Anyway I'm glad to be back and I'll try to stay more regular on here!
Why is everyone so quiet?! Christmas is over now! :) missing you ladies.
I'm so bad at keeping up with things :blush:
My little man, Nico, was due on the 25th May but arrived on the 2nd May. He was 5lb4oz and has been such an easy baby its kinda scary.
I keep pinching myself thinking this is too good to be true.
He's just over 8 months now, has 6 teeth (cut his first 2 at 4 and 1/2 months)
He crawls, walks if we hold his hands, pulls himself up to stand all of the time (he hates sitting now lol). His favourite toy at the moment is a 17 year old teletubby talking doll thing. My sister has most of my nephews toys kept up and gave Nico the teletubby one day to play with, she hasn't been able to get it back yet :haha:
Anyway here's my little guy

:haha: The teletubby can be seen in the background.
I'm so bad at keeping up with things :blush:
My little man, Nico, was due on the 25th May but arrived on the 2nd May. He was 5lb4oz and has been such an easy baby its kinda scary.
I keep pinching myself thinking this is too good to be true.
He's just over 8 months now, has 6 teeth (cut his first 2 at 4 and 1/2 months)
He crawls, walks if we hold his hands, pulls himself up to stand all of the time (he hates sitting now lol). His favourite toy at the moment is a 17 year old teletubby talking doll thing. My sister has most of my nephews toys kept up and gave Nico the teletubby one day to play with, she hasn't been able to get it back yet :haha:
Anyway here's my little guy

:haha: The teletubby can be seen in the background.

Aww he's a cutie pie and the first baby I have seen that was born on the same day as my LO.
Argh! Ashlynn is only taking one nap a day. She's too young for this!!!!
Anti - how is she sleeping at night? My LO is having two naps a day and seems to STTN every other night at the moment.
Kwood - she wakes anywhere between once and five times for a bottle!!

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