Babies that were due in may 2012

Haven't been on here in a while. Officially self employed now so that's exciting, have decided now is the time to lead an unconventional life and just go with the flow and not be led by the crowd :)

Lola will be 8 months on Wednesday, she is just amazing and wonderful! She managed to fall off the bed the other day but luckily was fine. She kind of shuffles on her bum or drags herself on her tummy when she wants to get somewhere and if she can't move she'll really let you know. She has her two bottom teeth but no more yet. She loves to pull herself up to standing using your hands and has tried doing this in the coffee table!

Lola says dada, a few times said mama. Always says do without a g when she see's the dogs and has said Te Te for her Ted Ted that she sleeps with.

She doesn't sleep through the night, it could be anything from one wake up to 4 wake ups but normally only one or two feeds.

I'm still BF and she has 3 meals a day...Lola loves her food lol!

Would be great to hear how everyone else is getting on.
hey everyone, cam see it's not just been me that's struggling to post! I hope you all had a great Xmas and New Year. Haven't been on for ages as been struggling for time now that i'm back to work.

Eva is a couple of wks away from 8mnths, has 4 front teeth, with at least another 2 appearing. She clearly thinks sleep is for wimps as hasn't been sleepging well for wks, possibly the teething or the cracking colds she's had.. who knows!? she's been refusing to sleep without the boob which is hard going.. She's still bf aling with solids.

Apart from the crappy sleeping she's a wee character, sitting up, beginning to crawl about, waving bye-bye and clapping her hands (which she had to practice at 5.40am this morning :wacko:). Can see all too soon she's going to be bossing us all around.

Work is tough but i've got my head round the whole injustice of it lol. Every day is challenge of remembering everything just to get out the door but so far no disasters. Lately have been so busy i've been working in the evening when Eva's in bed, then getting just few hrs sleep due to her wake ups... yawn!

Hope you guys are all doing well. Yazzy - exciting about the self employed status, would love to hear more!

<--------------- New Name! Formerly Bumpin2012

Very long complicated story, and not sure if they are going to let me keep using this account (it used to be someone else's, but its the reason my account was deactivated!)

But Anywho!

Loved reading all the updates! Especially from those I dont have on Facebook.

Gabriel has been a DEMON regarding sleeping for over a month now. He was such a great self soother by 6 months, and was starting to sleep really well, and BAM. Not going to happen anymore. Most nights he's awake hourly. He doesn't want food, he wants me to pick him up and rock him to sleep. So tonight we started controlled crying (and I did most of the crying)

He's a lazy little fellow and is just starting to sit up on his own, but I think because of how tall he is (32 inches!) he has really bad balance. Still hates being on his tummy, and has no inclination to crawl, but wants to stand all the time. I think once he figures out how to balance on his feet he'll just start walking.

Glad to see everyone is doing well!
I have a horrible sleeper right now too. Let's all just hope this is an 8 month thing!!! He's never really slept through the night though :(
Hi ladies. Hope you are all well!!

Quick update from me... Ashlynn's sleeping is terrible. She'll only take one half hour nap a day and wakes about 4 times at night, sometimes more. She had another one of those screaming episodes when her legs go hot and red on Friday night, so that was awful! Just as I thought we'd seen the end of those!! :( she's starting to eat lumpy food now and is fine with it but gets frustrated coz she just wants to fill her tummy like right now, not chew first then full her tummy, so she still gets smooth purees after a bit of chewy stuff. She eats toast and baby biscuits and that sort of stuff fine now. Still not rolling or crawling or bearing weight on her legs or any of that stuff!! No teeth yet either... Not sure if I should start worrying about milestones or not.

Anyway, just managed to get her back off to sleep so I'm gonna hit the sack before she wakes again!! Hope to hear from more of you soon!
Am glad to hear I'm not the only one whos baby has decided that sleep is for suckers! Evie started SSTN at 4 months, and we could put her down wide awake at 8:30 and she would sleep through until 7. Now, if we put her down wide awake, she shrieks and chats to her toys, then gets bored and starts screaming until we go and bring her back downstairs. Then she ends up going to bed about 10. She still wakes up by 7 though, although some mornings I can bring her into our bed and get another hour or so sleep.

She has her two bottom teeth, and loves to use them! Anything she gets hold of, she bites, hard!! She loves eating, but refused point blank to eat the stage 2 jars, so she still occasionally has puree, and then has whatever we have. She seems to love garlic bread!!
She's been crawling since the end of November, but she crawls like she's been shot! She stretches out flat on the floor, then pushes herself forward with the tip of her left foot, and pulls herself with her fingers. Then she drags her right foot behind her :haha: She can sit herself up from laying down as well now, but she doesn't do it often, mainly because she would rather be off finding things she isn't supposed to play with!
Does anyone else have the spring door stopper things in their house? They are Evies favourite toy. She will lay there and play with it for soooo long!
She pulled herself up yesterday, which is worrying! She got a baby armchair and footstool for Christmas from my younger brother, and it's the perfect height for her to stand herself up. Her legs are so strong! Apparently I walked at 10 months, so hopefully she'll wait a while longer! Especially as we've discovered our lounge/dining room door frame, which has 3 steps behind it, is too narrow for a stairgate! So keeping her away from the steps is a flipping nightmare!!
She also said "Dada" for the first time on Friday :) But, she seems to say it more when her Daddy isn't around :haha: Plus, she never looks at him when she said it, so I'm not classing it as her first word :haha: :haha: Obviously when she first says "Mama" no matter what she says it to, it'll be her first word :haha:

I have to go back to work in a few weeks, am absolutely dreading it :cry: I really don't want to go back. Luckily, my OH will be doing most days, so I'll only be able to work 2-3 days or nights a week, which means most of my week will be spent with Evie :)

Hope everyone else is doing ok, the group seems so much quieter now the babies are becoming active! It's nice being able to keep track of most people on facebook though :)
I think the babies are definitely keeping us busy!

Rjsmam...yep loving being self employed! I am now expanding my dog training business, adding in training classes on a Sunday. If my OH isn't home then my sister can look after Lola or she just comes with me. I also run the admin side of a Youth Work Company on a self employed basis...I work in someone's house and at home and just fit it around Lola as she can also go with me. Just glad I bit the bullet and did it. I hope to home school Lola and any future children so it fits in well with that.

Lola now says mam mam for me yay! However it is used when she is stuck, wants to be picked up or taken away from someone so more in desperation lol. She now says Da Da when she see's her daddy or a pic of him but still calls a lot of other things da da.

She kind of pulls herself along the floor or does a bit of bum shuffling but she loves to be stood up holding your hands walking. She can pull herself to standing in her cot as well.

Just loving every minute and yes still get a couple wake ups per night!
Anti, I found with Gabriel, I really had to spend some time practicing. A spent a few hours a day for a week practicing sitting before he starting staying upright while seated. He's still really unsteady, and can only stay upright for a minute or so. Same with standing, although he spends time in the jumperoo every day to help strengthen his legs. If I didn't push, he wouldn't bother...lazy little...sigh

Thankfully he has decided that sleep is a necessary occurrence. 2 nights of controlled crying (or the breakout of a top tooth) led to a return of sleep! Not entirely sure which was the culprit as teething remedies didn't seen to help the sleep, and he seemed fine during the day... Either way, the whole house is happier now that he is sleeping!
Still no teeth here! And nights are a bit hit and miss. The other night she went to bed at 7 had a bottle at 11 and slept till 5 then came in with me, had a bottle and slept till 8:30. Last night she went to bed at 9 and woke every 2 1/2 hours!!!

Yazzy-funny you mention home schooling. I've Ben thinking about doing that with ashlynn. Would like to hear a bit more about why and how you're thinking of doing it. I know it's still ages away though!!
Popping in again randomly!

Jason now has 2 teeth :)

The last couple of days he has even started standing on his own for a good few seconds! He did it today 8 months + 3 days for maybe 10 seconds! Lol. He has another kidney scan at the end of Feb too, though so hopefully things aren't getting any worse!

Pushed his bedtime back to around 8/8.30pm and he still sleeps 12-14 hours, we're going through a really grumpy, whingy and clingy phase though :(

Anyone else? Stressful! Any tips for this phase? x
Hey all,

Fingers crossed for the scan Clair...

Eva has yet another cold - she's really hoarse & been throwing her head back & crying lots. i suppose it goes hand in hand with childcare that they got lots of bugs. Thankfully i'm off work for a couple of days so am with her. Agree Clair that it's really stressful when they're whingy! Not really got any tips though lol. Eva loves music so I just try to distract her, she likes a bit of Elvis :)

Eva is so blooming strong, she loves to stand and pull herself up already.. childminder said she pulled herself up & fell into the toybox the other day. She's still bf-ing which can be interesting with all 4 front teeth :wacko: We've started brushing the teeth every night in the bath too.

I think she might be trying to say her first work... which isn't mama or dada disappointingly! It's 'caaaat'... i think - she smiles madly when the cats about & loves her to bits and goes caaaaat. Thankfully the poor moggy is very complacent & allows eva to pull her fur & whiskers, although we're always careful

Her sleep remains rubbish! We particularly made a point of not being too quiet when she was really wee but she's such a light sleeper. Honestly i reckon she can sense me even looking at her, hope this changes soon.

Hope you and little uns are all well :flower:

Hey all, sounds like these babies are keeping us real busy!

I don't think it helps when they get mobile either.

Annie is also a little clingy especially iN new environments we are now waiting for her to decide if she wants to be held by someone new so that she doesn't panick around strangers.

I'm really looking forward to the spring and some warmer weather!
Thank you :)
He's getting better now with the clingyness! Now he just gets into everything instead :haha:
Hey everyone, been a busy week as I've just had my 30th Birthday. Had a really good time and got spoilt!

Lola is non stop into everything, she commando crawls and will pull herself up to standing on anything. All 4 top teeth are coming through at the same time but its not been too bad. We've got the clingyness here as well, I read its best to hold them and be with them when needed as this strengthens their trust etc.

Anti...home schooling for many reasons, we must pm or email about it. I know a lot of people who homeschool as well. Lola already has a lot of groups where she socialises and this will just be increased at school age. If however there was a Montessori school near me then I'd happily send her to that.
Hi all, sorry we've been missing for so long. I keep meaning to update but find it hard to get the time.

Sam is feeling pretty poorly at the moment so is asleep on me so I get five minutes to type a one handed reply. The doctor put him on antibiotics so hope he feels better soon.

We went skiing at the end of Jan and Sam got his first taste of nursery, then I went back to work full time on the 4th of Feb :-( Even though he has been poorly Sam has taken very well to nursery (I'm the one that struggles with it)

We have 6 teeth with two more on the way. He has been crawling for a little while and now loves pulling himself up to standing and crusing. He was sleeping through but that seems to have stopped, was a nice few weeks while it lasted. Find it hard to get up in the night while working.

How is everyone else doing?

Here's a pic from Christmas
Hey all,

Kwood - lovely pic, Sam is a handsome dude. i feel your pain at the night wakenings when working..... am a bit zombified........... doesn't help that i've never been so stretched at work & am logging on & working when Eva is in bed.

so just a v brief post...... thought i'd share this with you as i love it.. my hub playing guitar and little miss eva showing her appreciation, she loves tunes. is a bit grainy as was taken with my phone..

Hey all,

Kwood - lovely pic, Sam is a handsome dude. i feel your pain at the night wakenings when working..... am a bit zombified........... doesn't help that i've never been so stretched at work & am logging on & working when Eva is in bed.

so just a v brief post...... thought i'd share this with you as i love it.. my hub playing guitar and little miss eva showing her appreciation, she loves tunes. is a bit grainy as was taken with my phone..


That is a great video..Eva is such a cutie with great rhythm.
Wow i been meaning to come check out this thread but i just have no time! Its madness in my house lol

I turned 30 day before yesterday and next Thursday we are getting married! I am so nervous.
It started out small but now its turned into something a bit bigger. We have about 30 adults and 10 kids coming.
I havnt got a dress yet. My mum is flying back to nz today. She will finally meet the twins for the first time on Sunday then Monday we go dress shopping!

The twins are doing great. Probably hear a lot of it through Facebook though some i don't write about like how some days are just so hard!! And long!!
The majority of our time is great but occasionally they both play up and its just so exhausting. I've never been this busy in my entire life!

And now that they are both crawling it is even more so.

I have taken up exercise every day and trying to lose more weigh and get fit just to keep up withtthse little monkeys.

The other day i put max in the play pen and he stated cryig but after i put aria down with him he stopped and happily played with her by his side. Later that day he's pulling her hair and making her cry lol. He's such a meanie to her but big sook without her.

Aria still has the usual issues. We are now on omeprazole granules and way better! I had to really fight to get them tho but it is so much easier than the suspension. We had to hold her down kicking and screaming morning and night to get it into her.
And she still needs it. She still vomit heaps. No change in the reflux its just not sore for her as long as she's medicated.

For anyone who read my Facebook update on her sandy poo well we ended up doing a 3 day stool sample waiting for results but i figure they would of been in touch by now if t was blood so its definitely diet related. Something she's eating isn't agreeing. We will work it all out eventually!!

Aria usually sleeps pretty good now max is still stuck to us like glue and sleeps in bed with us (with aria next to us in the portacot) or he sleeps on me. Trying so hard to break this habit but he's not having a bar of it, kinda like how he refused a bottle and now its too late for bottles lol.

Next week i have an appointment with the dietician about my dairy and gluten issues so at last i will have some answers.
Tho it has been a good thing i changed my eating as i lost 12 kilos and counting.

I better go before these babies wake up. Hopefully i can catch up on all these posts some day soon!! I have been meaning to go through the pregnancy one actually and cut all the parts out where i spoke of my pregnancy as it was basically a diary of everything lol and put it in a book for the babies but that will take so long.

Hope everyone is well.
Nice to see some updates! We still have no teeth, and ashlynn still won't roll, crawl, bear weight on her legs. Back to the specialist at the end of the month and review with health visitor in the next few weeks as well to see if there's anything wrong. :( I'm sure she's fine though, just lazy! She does get her legs out the cot when she's meant to be napping so she can move!

She's doing well with lumpy food but doesn't eat as much so I still give her smooth stuff occasionally to get some food into her! She does well with finger foods as well now. She won't eat anything I make though. :( so its all jars unfortunately.

Gotta run, it's nap time!

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