Babies that were due in may 2012

Eek! Ou ladies planning more babies, very brave. I'd kinda like more but ashlynn keeps me so busy at the moment I wonder how I'd cope with two. Def gonna wait till she's at least out of nappies and pushchairs before I think of any more.
Bumpin that is such good news about Claire, I often think of her and was hoping she'd pop in here to tell us how she was getting on. I am over the moon for her!!

Lots of people say they get broody when their baby is still young, I am not broody whatsoever but I wonder if it is to do with hormones as Lola is still breastfed? I've not even got my first period back yet but am feeding a fair bit still so that is why I think.
Yazzy, I was thinking about her and so I searched her name and saw from a previous past she was in the late 3rd tri. So I sent her a message. I was so happy to see that she got her rainbow. When she posted about her loss I was in tears for her.

And some people just don't get broody right away. I've been broody for years - long before G. I think it's just become my natural state!
Thanks Meghan. :) happy Mother's Day ladies!! This thread has gone quiet again!!
:thumbup:..Great thread!

I was a May due dater I was due on 24th May 2012 and my son Sebastian Edward arrived on 6th June instead..They really dont like to stick to due dates thesedays eh? :laugh2:

He weighed 7lb 11oz and was born at 8:02am via c-section :)
Welcome!! Nice to see a new face. How's things going with your LO?
My little monkey took his first unaided steps just over a week ago. He was 10months on the 2nd and on the 3rd he was cruising around holding onto the sofa when he let go and walked to the chair. A little while later he took a few steps to me and then to his Pappa.
We were in my sisters houses and he climbed up four steps (I was right behind him the whole time), now he's trying to climb everything. He thinks his chair is for standing in instead of sitting and even when he's strapped in he gets the straps off, stands up and climbs out :dohh:

We're going to be kept very busy from now on.
Jason took his first steps a couple of weeks ago (9 months + 4 days!! :shock: ) and now he won't stop! So proud but stressed :haha:
These babies are getting so mobile! Lola still holds onto things but is on her feet cruising everywhere. I was stood at the sink this morning, I turn around and Lola is stood beside me lol.

Having loads of fun with Lola, she has a great character and can be so stubborn.

Got her weighed yesterday and she is 19lb 12oz...lost an oz since last time but she had a really bad tummy bug for 6 days.

Hope everyone is well :)
Hi ladies... Ashlynn still isn't moving around! Has 3 teeth now and weighs 22lb as of yesterday! She's got quite a temper on her as well! We going to South Africa to visit my dad for her first birthday. 11 hour flight!! Eek! My dad hasn't seen her yet so will be very special. We also started swimming lessons last week. :)
Gabriel isn't doing much either. I called and got him set up for an early intervention observation.

He's been placed on an monitoring list. Basically, the developmental assessor will contact us once a month to discuss his progress. He is behind in his development, but not enough for intervention. If he ever falls below the cutoff, we are added onto the waitlist as of the initial evaluation (The current waitlist for intervention here is about a year)

The good news, is because all babies develop at a different rate, even babies that are "behind" usually catch up by the time they are 3. Also being born in May will help, as he will be older than many of the kids in his class, and it really wont be a big deal by then.

I just feel like a rotten parent, seeing babies 3-4 month younger than him, doing things that he is not.
Try not to feel bad bumpin. All babies do things differently, my niece, nephew and Lola have all done things at different times. Patience and love is all he needs :)

Anti how did Ashlynn get on with waterbabies? I hope you had fun.
My little man had been sick the past few days. He has a sinus infection, chesty cough that keeps waking him and he's getting another 4 teeth.

We thought it was just teething at first and maybe a cold so just kept an eye on him. Myself and OH have been taking turns to sit up so Nico can sleep on our chests (It seems to be the only way he can get some sleep the past few nights) so we're all pretty tired. He wasn't improving so took him to the doctor today and he's been put on antibiotics, he said most of the symptoms are due to his teething but he has got an infection too :( my poor little man.

Anti, what part of South Africa are you visiting?
We fly into jo burg but my dad lives in Botswana so we'll drive through to there. So 8 hours in a car after that long haul flight! Oh yay!

Meghan, ashlynn doesn't even attempt to move. They were meant to call me two weeks ago about it but still nothing!!! Makes me mad! She's thriving in every other way so I'm hopin she's just a bit lazy.
I would like to say lazy, Anti. Gabriel is showing signs of delay in other areas as well. He doesn't babble, doesn't use any gestures. He doesn't use a pincer grasp, his only "play" with toys is putting them in his mouth. He also only rolls in 1 direction. The main areas that I had concern with, were his communication, his gross motor development and attachment. This baby could care less if I leave the room, and when I return, IF he notices that I have left, he smiles the same smile that he would give a stranger walking on to the elevator. I spoke at length with the evaluator about this, her thoughts were that he doesn't have a lack of attachment, only he is very confident. She pointed out a few little things that I never noticed him doing that indicates attachment. Autism was quickly removed as a possibility as he is a very social little boy.

Anti, have you looked at the 'Ages and Stages" questionaires? It will do 1 of 2 things - reassure you, or freak you out. If you decide to look at them, keep in mind that not all babies can do ALL the tasks, at that age.

This is a link to a fairly good one that has the questionaires for ALL ages. I found it helpful to look at the 6 and 8 month ones to see all the things that Gabriel CAN do. I found it reassuring that while he is doing things slower, he is still progressing, and will likely not have a long term issue.

Hope This helps, rather than concerns you.

And thanks Yazzy. I try not to blame myself, I know all babies do things at very different rates, and nowadays there is so much pressure on kids to do things faster/better. My FIL didn't walk until he was 2 and no one said he was delayed. I am trying to focus on the things he can do, rather than the things he cant, especially now that I know that there is nothing we CAN do but wait and see.

Lief: Hope your little guy feels better soon! Its very easy to call an ear infection teething, the symptoms are SOOOO similar!
Bumpin I think that is a good attitude to have but you are right to get someone to check what is happening and hopefully he will catch up but it may just take longer.

Anti have a great time visiting your family :)
Thanks Meghan, will have a look at that when I get a chance. Ashlynn has been poorly. Wasn't herself yesterday, slept more than normal, had a fever, vomited at 2am, been tired again today although the fever is gone. Not sure if we gonna be going swimming today. My poor baby! I get so worried!
So... I haven't been on here since November! Work & kids just gradually took over completely. I've kept up with most of you on Facebook though :)

I'm sorry to hear some of you are having reasons to be worried about their development but I'm sure all is well. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. One of my friends has a daughter a week younger than Hannah & she's been ahead of her for as long as I can remember. Hannah's gotten more teeth first but that's about it. Her daughter was rolling over, crawling, pulling herself to a standing position a month or more before Hannah was. Her daughter's already walking (since around 10.5 months old) and Hannah has no interest in taking steps unassisted. I happened to browse the tag "11monthsold" on Instagram and saw TONS of babies her age who were walking already & it bummed me out for awhile but I know she'll get there in time. So I can understand the worry and all that but I hope for your sake that they're just taking their sweet time growing up ;)

I can't believe I'm planning her 1st birthday party and that she'll be 1 year old in less than a month. CANNOT BELIEVE IT!

Oh & we're thinking about having my Implanon removed and TTC #3. Pretty sure we've lost our minds. (If we're friends on Facebook, please don't mention that on there. Not ready to share the news with our friends/family because they LOOOOOOVE to judge and criticize. Thanks!!)
Wow, Amanda #3!

Im currently WTT for #2. Having some gyne issues that I suspect are related to my IUD, so im trying to get a dr's appointment. If it is IUD related, we just might be NTNP. Last time we were NTNP we ended up preggo right away, so we will see! I wouldn't be upset to get pregnant right away, even though the timing is rotten. I don't want a feb baby (as both DH and I are feb babies) its just such a busy month.

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