Babies that were due in may 2012

Congrats to the ladies planning the next baby!

We all have stinking colds and ashlynn is on antibiotics for tonsillitis. Hope we all get better soon, feel so so crap!! Ashlynn has been off food and milk for about 5 days now. Getting worried now!

Hope you all had a great Easter!
Hope everyone had a great easter :flower:

My little man is feeling much better thankfully. His infection cleared up, he's sleeping much better and he got his 7th tooth on Monday. There's another 2 very close to popping but he doesn't seem to mind them as much (so far anyway).

Aww anti, I hope you all feel better soon. Do you think it's teething or effects of the cold? I hope Ashlynn gets back to normal soon.

My OH is from South Africa, he's from Cape Town. I brought Nico there to visit family when he was 3 months old. He slept the whole time on the plane, only woke for about 5 or 10 minutes to feed then back to sleep. He'll be much more mobile the next time we go though so I'm kinda wondering what to do to keep him entertained.
Lied I'll let you know how the flight goes when we go in a few weeks time. Am terrified!!

Not sure what's wrong with ashlynn, think its a combination of this shitty cold, her tonsillitis, teething and a wonder week all at the same time. She's still so stuffy and struggling to breathe and not eating or drinking and the antibiotics are finished tomorrow. Don't know if I should take her back to the doc or not. :( I'm so worried about her, and with me being sick as well its been a tough few days. Just wanna cry!
Welcome!! Nice to see a new face. How's things going with your LO?

Thanks!, things have been a very slow process for us at the moment, he's almost 10 months and he's only just started to sit up by himself!:wacko:, he will still throw himself backwards but he's started to correct himself whenever he starts to lean so i suppose thats a start!

At his 8-12 month review the HV said he was a bit slow grabbing things and it was concerning her so instead of his next review being when he's 2 its not when he's 1 instead:dohh:, he has started to grab things but he doesn't hold on to them for very long!:nope:

He cant crawl yet as he hates being on his front :(, he will stay there for a brief amount of time before he gets bored and starts to cry!, he can weight bear pretty well and stand when someone holds his hands, but he cant roll over :(..he does try but i think he gives up when he realises he cant do it:haha:

I forgot to attach some recent pictures of Seb'..Here is some sitting action! :D
Ahh Seb is very cute, I hope all goes well at his next review. All these babies are so different.

Nice to hear from you Waves!

Good luck to all the ladies trying for another baby.

Lola is a week off 11 months and is changing daily. She is so active, she follows me everywhere crawling and walks around holding onto furniture cupboards etc. Its a lot easier now because I can ask her to follow me and I get loads more done!

She says mummum, dada, Ted Ted, trying to say Nannan. She's been waving hello and bye for a long time and also does the hand actions to wind the bobbin....very cute!

She eats anything and everything so am very lucky there, I still breastfeed her but she is starting to wean herself off her afternoon feed now.

Sleep is so so, bed around 7pm by 12 she is in with me. Feeds once in the night then around 6am and I try and settle her for another hour.

I'm amazed by her every day!
Wow, Amanda #3!

Im currently WTT for #2. Having some gyne issues that I suspect are related to my IUD, so im trying to get a dr's appointment. If it is IUD related, we just might be NTNP. Last time we were NTNP we ended up preggo right away, so we will see! I wouldn't be upset to get pregnant right away, even though the timing is rotten. I don't want a feb baby (as both DH and I are feb babies) its just such a busy month.

I have an appointment to get my Implanon removed next Wednesday the 10th. I've heard so many stories of women who got pregnant right away so I'm hoping that's the case here. In part because I'm just impatient but mostly because we really only have until the end of June to get and STAY pregnant & have the baby/recover in time for the wedding. I got pregnant after one "try" with my oldest daughter. With Hannah, I got pregnant first cycle of trying but suffered an early miscarriage & then got pregnant within 2 weeks of that loss. So I'm hoping to have the same "luck" again.

We're going to get some crap from friends and family for it (which is why I'm not exactly going public with the "news" & when/if we do get pregnant again, I probably won't publicly admit that it was planned haha) mostly due to our financial situation but I know that we'll never be homeless. I know that we'll always make it through the day. We always make things work and that's just what we'll do if that's what we have to do.

Good luck to you with whatever you guys wind up doing :)

Congrats to the ladies planning the next baby!

We all have stinking colds and ashlynn is on antibiotics for tonsillitis. Hope we all get better soon, feel so so crap!! Ashlynn has been off food and milk for about 5 days now. Getting worried now!

Thanks! Aw that's no good :( Feel better over there!

Nice to hear from you Waves!

Good luck to all the ladies trying for another baby.

Thanks :)
Amanda: eeek! So exciting! Your very brave to have another when funds are tight. I couldn't do it (but no judgement here! :)) Im not sure what the Implanon is (hormones or not) But when I had my Copper IUD removed I had a positive pregnancy test 2 weeks to the day after.

I can't wait to start TTCing again. I am hoping that I dont have an issue conceiving. I never fully tracked my cycles before pregnancy, but I do know that I had a period every single month. Since I started tracking my cycles, they have ranged from 24 days to 38 days. (I have a non hormonal IUD, so I know thats not the issue). We are waiting until june to start, only because I wanted to avoid having a dec-feb baby (too much going on those months) so June would give us a march baby.

Buddysmum: If you look back, you will see that both Anti and myself have lazy babies. My LO has been assessed already and is identified as being "behind" but we have been told that he will eventually catch up. I dont know who you would need to contact in your area (im in Canada) but it might be worth looking into. At the very least they could give you some activites to help the areas where he is behind

Yazzy: Sounds like Miss Lola will be running after you soon!
Amanda: eeek! So exciting! Your very brave to have another when funds are tight. I couldn't do it (but no judgement here! :)) Im not sure what the Implanon is (hormones or not) But when I had my Copper IUD removed I had a positive pregnancy test 2 weeks to the day after.

I can't wait to start TTCing again. I am hoping that I dont have an issue conceiving. I never fully tracked my cycles before pregnancy, but I do know that I had a period every single month. Since I started tracking my cycles, they have ranged from 24 days to 38 days. (I have a non hormonal IUD, so I know thats not the issue). We are waiting until june to start, only because I wanted to avoid having a dec-feb baby (too much going on those months) so June would give us a march baby.

Thanks!! Implanon is hormonal... similar to an IUD, I believe, in that it slowly releases over time. I figure if we start TTC now (a week before I get it removed) we have a good chance of catching the egg if I ovulate immediately. From what I've read, those that took longer to conceive waited until they got their first "actual" period after having it removed whereas those who conceived immediately, tried immediately (or didn't try & it just happened, of course.) Obviously it's just a wild guess but I'm willing to bet that most of us DO ovulate immediately after having it removed, just don't have the period beforehand to give us the heads up, you know what I mean?

My cycles before Hannah were very regular. A 28 day cycle, ovulated around the exact same time each cycle. One lady I talked to on here said that she firmly believes her Implanon caused her infertility problems though & that scares me. She had a cycle as regular as mine, no issues conceiving before the implant but afterward, took over a year to conceive & was diagnosed with endometriosis. But I'm hoping that was a "fluke" and we have no issues haha.

Good luck to you though, when you guys start trying!!

In other news, Hannah took her first unassisted step tonight. She took one step and then fall down face first. A couple hours later, she took a step again and managed to stay standing :) Not exactly walking but it's a step in the right direction - pun intended :)
hey ladies not long now till our may babies turn 1!!!!
how time flys. Rosalie is doing great trying very hard to walk bless her my heart near jumps out of my chest everytime she trips over her feet.

myself and baby #3 are fine currently 15wks and part from the injections giving me horrid headache im doing great :) girls names we are slowly forming a list, hope everyone els is well and kiddies :) x
Glad to hear all is going well with baby #3 YoungNImum! Will you find out gender for this baby? Your very brave to have 3 under 3!
Hi ladies, glad all is going well youngNI. Was thinking of you the other day.

Ashlynn has fully recovered from her tonsillitis now and has 6 teeth. Only problem is when she was sick the only time she would drink was at night when she was half asleep, and it seems to have become a habit. She's waking every 3 hours for a bottle. I'm only giving her 3oz hoping she will think its not worth waking up, but I'm not sure if that's the right thing to do. Sigh* hoping this wont last long and she'll be back to normal again soon.
Anti, when I was starting to wean nighttime feeds, I made sure he had enough during waking hours, then only have him limited ounces. Every few days I would drop an ounce, then started trying to soothe him without the bottle.

know if it'll help you (Gabriel was 5 months old at the time) but hopefully she won't keep this habit up long
hey ladies not long now till our may babies turn 1!!!!
how time flys. Rosalie is doing great trying very hard to walk bless her my heart near jumps out of my chest everytime she trips over her feet.

myself and baby #3 are fine currently 15wks and part from the injections giving me horrid headache im doing great :) girls names we are slowly forming a list, hope everyone els is well and kiddies :) x

I didn't know you were pregnant again, but that's what I get for not checking here often. Congrats :)
Anti although I'm breastfeeding Lola the same thing happened here. She had a horrible tummy bug but when she fed overnight it stayed in her so I fed her each time she woke up. She went back to waking every 3 hours for food and I just reduced the time she fed for. Its taken a while but last night was better so fingers crossed we're getting there.
Thanks girls, will be 16wks tomorrow then next Thursday iv to go see the consultant to see if i still have to inject, iv my 20wk scan on the 9th may so not very long to wait now, the hospital go to dosnt tell the gender so will be our 3rd yellow bump :)

Rosalie only has milk in the morning now about 5oz the rest of the day she just has juice.
iv found with both my girls they never missed there milk during the day as id just exchanged it with juice instead.

is anyone planning a birthday party for there birthday babies?

Im having a playdate with the babies from our parent/tot group that I've become great friends with over the past year. Then on his actual birthday we are having a family dinner with our "orphan" family here.
Well... my Implanon is out! My doctor said she's happy to remove them for patients who want to give her another baby haha. She said (and all that I've read online) we can start TTC immediately. As soon as the implant is removed, the hormones are out of your body and you can conceive as early as that night... depending on when your body decides to ovulate. Many women seemed to get pregnant within the first two weeks so fingers crossed! My doctor loaded me up on prenatal samples but I've already been taking the same gummy prenatals I took during my last pregnancy. The pills I've tried made me nauseous or throw up but the gummies never did. I have no idea when I should take a HPT seeing as I have no idea when I'm actually going to ovulate. We'll see!

We tried Hannah on regular/whole milk a couple weeks ago but she developed a nasty rash and had some hives so we cut out dairy completely (she had also been eating yogurt & cheese.) The rash went away so we tried her on yogurt again but she developed a bad rash. Waited for her to clear up and last night we put about an ounce of soy milk in her bedtime bottle. And then she had some in her bottle after breakfast this morning. So far no rash or reaction so I'm hoping it stays that way. If not, our next step is almond milk so we shall see.

We're planning her a birthday party. Her birthday happens to fall on a Saturday so we're having her party on her birthday - April 27th. We're having it at my parent's house. I wanted to do a themed party but finances weren't that great this month and I'd rather provide food and get her a gift than go all out on a theme she won't notice or care for haha. I'm also planning on doing a cake smash photo session a few days before her birthday so that should be fun!

Super exciting! I will be stalking you on here (cause Im guessing you will tell us, before you tell the general public!)

Super exciting! I will be stalking you on here (cause Im guessing you will tell us, before you tell the general public!)

:) Sounds good to me! And yes, you all will know far before the general public. We were just discussing earlier when we would tell everyone this time around. With Hannah, we said we'd wait until 12 weeks mostly because I was worried my parents would freak out but I told my mom around 8 or 9 weeks and told my oldest daughter around 11 weeks. However this time, we're sticking to the 12 week mark at least. Our family and several of our friends are just too judgmental and will have their opinions on the whole thing (finances, custody arrangement regarding my oldest daughter, not being married just yet) and while everyone's entitled to their opinion, I don't need or want to hear it. I don't want lectures, you know? Obviously it's going to happen no matter how far along I am when we announce it, but if I can put it off a little while, I'm all for it hahaha.

And even when we do announce it, I highly doubt we're going to tell our family it was planned. That will make the lectures even more annoying lol.

SO yes... I will definitely share any news here first :)
checking in to say hello! been awol for so long as am just exhausted with work etc... had mastitis twice recently amongst other things.. been a stressful ole time. am still feeding and pumping at work but trying to lose the afternoon pumping (hence the mastitis i think)..

Eva seems to have morphed into little miss trouble! can't turn our backs for a nano second, she's been in the washing machine, standing on the coffee table banging on the window shouting 'caaaaat', climbs the stairs etc. left her for just 2secs the other day & found her in the spice cupboard covered in tikka masaala! ooops

great to hear all your news - congrats Young NI ! Good luck waves.. :flower:


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