Babies that were due in may 2012

thanks ladies! I just want answers, regardless of what it is. it's not like I'm gonna love him less... Lol

Aimee, that's fantastic! you are gonna be one busy mama, but what's one more when you have 5 already! It's not like you aren't busy already, right? Maybe we will be due together again... Lol. I'm so broody these days, we were going to be ttc ing but it's back on hold until we know what's going on with Gabriel

anti, I've heard that some kids refuse to crawl, and go straight to walking, and it sounds like Ashlynn is going to be one of those kids!
Aimee how exciting!!!

Recently found out I'm pregnant again, this one's gotten off to a better start than last month though & my tests are getting darker so hoping for a super sticky bean. I see my doctor on July 25th and I'll be 7 weeks along then.
Oh wow congrats amanda!! How exciting! Good luck with your appointment!

And yup I dunno if its an age thing or what but I have been so broody its not funny! I was so sure the twins were our last but everything sorta changed the last 6 months and we started talking about our options and the idea just got more great as time went on.
The other day was our final decision discussion.
Goig to get tubes done early so theres no chance of changing our minds again. I love having a large family but one more is it.

And thats exactly right I already have 5, one more isnt exactly going to change the grand scheme of things.
Going from 3-5 was a huge adjustment.
Either way it will be lots of fun and meghan that would be awesome if we were due at the same time again!

Antionette - maybe shell get up and walk one day! A friends baby did that, refused to move till quite late. She was very content with just being carried and sitting :p

I really should check back in here more! I feel like I missed a bunch but cant go back too far on my phone.
congrats waves :0 hope your appointment goes well.

zephyr thats fantastic news i hope everything goes smoothly :)
Congrats Amanda!! Fxd for a sticky bean for you!

Thanks for the encouragement ladies. I worry that ashlynn is so far behind in her physical development but I'm sure she'll catch up. I honestly don't think anything is wrong with her, just doesn't want to do it!! She still doesn't sleep through the night yet... Am I the only one with this problem?
anti my eldest didnt walk till she was 14 months but her vocabulary and speech made up for that as she was an early talker, but when she began to walk she was very confident once she realized how great it was to run lol Rosalie started to walk 1 day before her birthday she runs about like a headless chicken now lol
Iv been very blessed with both my girls sleeping through my eldest from 4 months old and Rosalie from 4 weeks old
Both ours still wake during the night. Max is still co sleeping cos breastfeeding and tiredness and he thrashes roubd in his sleep alot and wakes a few times. Aria wakes between 1 and 5 times but shes teething her big teeth and has been for months so we thinks thats why
Gabriel is still up quite a bit. some nights he sleeps well, but they ate far and few between

congrats Amanda! when do you think you are going to tell the ever disapproving family? I hope for your sake, they can try and be excited for you guys.

anti: did you ever look at the ages and stages questionnaires? I looked at them quite a bit with Gabriel's development, and I found it helped me to see the areas that he was actually behind, vs ones that he was slower, but still relatively normal in. the fact that she wants to WALK everywhere makes me think she's going to just get up and go one day.
Wow lots of news recently!

Exciting Aimee, like you say when you have 5 what's 1 more...unless you have twins again hee hee. A big brood will be tonnes of fun! I like the idea of 4 children for us :)

Amanda that's great news, I hope all continues to go smoothly for you.

Anti I'm sure she'll get there as she's walking holding your hand. She'll be confident to take off on her own soon.

Lola is now walking properly, she looks so cute and funny toddling about!

Oh and no she doesn't sleep through the night but is gradually getting better I think. She co-sleeps half the night still.

I think we'll be trying for another one around this time next year, I like how Lola and her cousin who's 3 1/2 interact so hoping for that sort of age gap.

Meghan I'm glad you've got your appointment and exactly we'd never love our children less but if you have an answer you can help them to the best of your ability.
I hope no-one minds me putting this on here but Lola is taking part in a sponsored splashathon raising money for Tommy's which researches into miscarriages, stillbirths and premature births so its for a great cause. Lola is doing this as part of her Waterbabies lesson and the theme is Peppa Pig Pirates!

Please have a peek at Lola's sponsor page and even if you have a spare pound that would be fantastic!

A big thank you already to Anti for sponsoring Lola and thank you to anyone else looking!
It's a pleasure Lucy! Ashlynn is doing one as well, think its this weekend actually! Or next, can't remember!

If anyone can spare £1 for ashlynn I'd be grateful to.

Meghan I did have a look at that stuff and it seems she's just behind a bit on physical development but everything else is fine. Will have another look at it again now that she's older. She's already said dog so I know her speech is fine! :) she's got 12 teeth now as well which I think is amazing coz she only got her first at 10 months old.
congrats Amanda! when do you think you are going to tell the ever disapproving family? I hope for your sake, they can try and be excited for you guys.

Thanks so much everyone. My symptoms are so mild right now and it has me paranoid because my symptoms slowly faded last month when I had my chemical. But today I had to pee about a million times and I have to use a hair tie to close my work pants so that's a positive lol. STILL haven't heard back with my progesterone results and I had my blood drawn on Wednesday so if I don't hear back by Monday I'm going to lose my mind.

Well I wanted to wait until we hit 12 weeks to go public with it but I remember with Hannah, I wanted to wait that long but ended up caving around 7 weeks and my mom had said she would have been upset if I waited until 12 weeks. But given the fact that money is so tight right now that we might have to break lease at our apartment and move in with a (sort-of) relative, 7 weeks is at the end of the month and might not be a good time to tell everyone, you know? BUT I can only hide it for so long and being my third, who knows how early I'll start showing.
Hows everything going amanda? Is the news official yet? Hope all is progressing well.

How is everyone else doing?

I have some exciting news, two months ago my husband enquired about a job in another city (in the south island) we honestly did not think he had a shot as it had been so long but after a few interviews the last couple of weeks he got the job!
26th august start so we have a month to move our whole family!!

Im really happy as this is what we wanted, nelson is beautiful and great place to raise a family with plenty to do and nice beaches etc but we both grew up here where we are so leaving will be a bit sad.
I also started back at my old job last week and now I have to hand in my notice which kinda sucks as I was enjoying working as security at the mall again :p

On the upside it means I dont have to work as soon as hubby gets home anymore and we can have me home with the kids for longer as his pay is increasing, but still going to miss work and working with my old friends :(

So today we have heaps to do! Hopefully we find a house and everything goes smoothly.
Also my oldest is on holiday in oz till next week and I have yet to tell her but didnt want the news to affect her holiday at all. She wants to go but is a little sad about leaving her friends too so I am keeping the news off facebook for now.
thats fantastic news! hope it all goes smoothly for use all x
Wow Aimee!! Amazing. Hope it all goes well for you!

YoungNI how's the pregnancy going? Not long left now!! Eek!!

Amanda how is your pregnancy going?

So excited for you pregnant ladies! I miss being pregnant so much but I'm no where near ready for another one!!!
Alls well thank you, although found out today baby is breech little monkey, back in 4eks for another scan and if he/she hasn't turned we will be chatting about a EVC :/
Omigosh I totally missed that you are pregnant!!! Congratulations :D

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