Babies that were due in may 2012

Jason said 'cat' yesterday! First proper word that isn't mum or dad! :D
poor Gabriel keeps falling behind on the speech bit. September can NOT come fast enough. Im really hoping that its just fluid on his ears, and that its an easy fix. So worried that it might be a serious learning disability. He's fallen a bit farther behind with the other milestones, but at least he's still progressing.
Meghan, its great to hear Gabriel is still progressing. My brother and nephew - his son, didn't talk early at all but they were fine.

Remember they are all so different and progress at different speeds. Is G doing new things now? And yes not long til Sept and hopefully answers.
So apparently my mom already knows... She text my sister saying "let me guess, Amanda's pregnant again and waiting til she's 3 months along to tell me?"

And my stepdad (the only one of them working) may be losing his job so things around the house are about to really suck.
So I came home from work last night and my mom was the only one still awake. We talked about this crazy situation that happened at work (a woman basically purchased/wore a dress out of the store but before she left, took off her pants & underwear and just left them on the floor by our guest service counter) and a few other things and then she said, "So... you know I figured it out." And we started talking about it all.

Surprisingly, she's a lot more okay with it than I expected her to be. I'm not sure why. I knew the same thing happened last time when I was afraid to tell her because I thought she would freak out but she was excited instead. I just assumed that was because it was her second grandchild after so long (since my oldest is going on 8 years old now) and that this time it would be like, "Seriously? Again? Why?" But she was actually more okay than I thought she'd be.

She said she's known since the day we moved in (3-ish weeks ago) because I wasn't doing any heavy lifting and she could just sense it. She also said this one's going to be a boy, she can just tell. She told my stepdad, whose reaction probably wasn't as good as hers but at least she told him and I don't have to haha. She said that if this means we have to stay here longer than we planned to that's okay too, we just have to come up with a way to make it work and to co-exist in the same house better. She kept asking questions like if I'm taking my vitamins, when I grabbed a soda to drink she told me I needed to cut that out while pregnant. When I mentioned being tired, she would talk about "yeah pregnancy is going to do that to you" but in an understanding sort of way haha. Totally not what I expected but I'm relieved to have that over with.

That being said, I think today we're going to make the announcement. I'm 10 weeks tomorrow and even though they say 12 weeks is the "safe zone", anything can go wrong after that as well. I've seen the baby on 3 scans now, growing properly from one to the next, seen a heartbeat and my symptoms are increasing (what is it with that happening around 10 weeks?? UGH) so I feel safe enough and if something happens and we have to break bad news too, oh well. So we have to tell my oldest daughter and then I have to call my dad and Grandma (whose reactions will not be as good as my mom's, I know that for a fact haha) & my Mom will probably tell my Aunt & Grandpa. Tyler will have to tell his Mom/Grandma/Brother but then I can share via Facebook and all that.

I have "Big Sister" shirts for the girls so I'll take their picture in them today outside and use that to post. I have a mini chalkboard so I can probably write "Baby #3 expected 3/12/14" and prop it between the girls or something in case anyone doesn't catch on to the fact that my 15 month old is in a "Big Sister" t-shirt lol.
Thats great her reaction was good! I'm always afraid to tell my mum I'm pregnant too not sure why. I told her at twenty weeks once but she was always happy.
I think for me it was because of her first reaction to my first pregnancy, I just assume shell be disappointed and pissed with me each time :/

Glad to head it all went well! And isn't it funny how mums work things out? ?

We are leaving in less than a week.
Time shot away fast. We have so much to do and the truck arrives 5 days after us!!! All we will have will be what we can fit on the plane so its going to be very interesting. Hoping the weather is good so we can explore the beach or something.
Thanks Yazzy. With Gabriel I wish I could rest easy and say he's just a late bloomer, but with him being behind developmentally across the board, I just can't see it. He's JUST started making the 'da' sounds at 14 months. He occasionally makes a "ba" sound, but VERY infrequently. Babbling noises SHOULD be starting around 6 months and definitely by 9 months. He also doesn't understand us. He doesn't respond to his name, doesn't follow any basic requests, He doesn't do anything unless you do the motion. If you say "clap you hands" he wont, but if you clap your hands he will copy.

He has started to walk if we hold his hands, and he is just starting to cruise along furniture independently...usually in hot pursuit of a tv clicker or our phones. Occasionally will let go and stand unaided for a few seconds, but as soon as he notices that he's doing it he falls pretty quick :haha:

My gut is telling me there is SOMETHING there....or at least my own sense that im not entirely insane tells me that. Somedays I really do wonder if Im truly THAT mother. The one who insists that there is something wrong with her kid, even though he's perfectly normal. I guess time will tell right? lol...
Amanda: Glad to hear it wasn't as bad as you were expecting! The picture sure is cute!

Aimee: Hope your move goes well! I find the idea of moving with ONE child daunting, let alone the brood you have!
I totally get where you are coming from bumpin. I always say trust your true gut instinct. The main thing is that he's a healthy little boy and if he is developing differently than expected this should be picked up at your appointment. And if they do pick up on anything then you can take a positive from it by understanding how to move forward and help Gabriel achieve everything.

Aimee I can't believe you are moving so soon, hopefully the excitement of being in the new house will be enough to entertain the kids for 5 days!
I missed your post meghan good luck fir your appoibment next month.
Have my fingers crossed for you. Im not sure If this will ease your mind at all but my son who is five in Oct never spoke, he could not talk properly and would not interact with us at all. He much rather sat lining up cars all day long.
I never really spoke about him much on here I dont think as I think when I first started posting here was the same time we had just had the referral and were going through therapy.

Anyways we went through the last 2 years or so of speech therapy and he got his final all clear today actually.
Hes ready for school, no intervention will be needed, therapy only if he doesn't progress further now.
He just developed slower than normal but now hes just like any other boy his age only his L words are hard to understand. before on the odd occasion when he did talk we could not understand anything.

Now hes very smart, is excellent with numeracy and draws pictures well advanced for his age :)

I think it s normal for us mums to think the worst I thought he was deaf and then I thought he was autistic.....but it was never as bad as i imagined. Though i know going through the waiting when you know theres a problem is very hard :( i really hope the appointment goes well :)

As for moving with 5 kids lol the way I have dealt with every stressful thing that ive had coming up the past few weeks (babies immunisations, getting that thing cut out of my scalp, and hubby going away for training overnight) is to just not think about it and deal with it on the day lol
Ive kept myself busy with work and kids so i dont think about noving with 5 kids hahaha too scary!!
It's very quiet on here sooo.....
How are you all?? What's everyone's little monkeys been up to recently?

Lola is definitely keeping us busy! She leaves a trail of distruction everywhere she goes ha ha!
Yep sounds about the same here. Hannah is mega destructive and messy haha. She's loud and tempermental and silly and sweet. She just had 4 teeth come in at once and that was no fun. Her new words are "baby" (which she says constantly), "mel-mo" (for Elmo) and "down."

We have a lot going on around here because my grandpa (stepdad's dad) had a massive stroke this week that he won't be able to recover from. He can't speak, his right side is paralyzed and nearly half of his brain is damaged (he didn't get seen in the hospital until around 12 hours after it happened and they say you need seen within 3 to repair the damage.) He's never going to come home again so they're looking into long-term assisted living for him but they don't expect him to last too long. So my parents are spending all their days at the hospital (we moved back in with them almost 2 months ago) and OH & I are busy with the girls & working and being pregnant. Fun stuff.
Sorry to hear about that Amanda. That's really sad they didn't see him earlier! I hope everything works out okay and he gets good care.

I saw your ticker saying you were 12 weeks I swear it wasn't that long ago I saw it at 9!

We moved. It was okay. Pretty stressed on the day. Babies both got sick and we had heaps to do and the flight I had about ten panic attacks on. Seriously I grabbed hubby's legs so hard and kinda missed so it was more like a punch and it was out of the blue and he was all wtf was that for? ?? I really thought I was going to die. Never flying again.

It's awesome here. The neighborhood especially. Our group of houses all have kids and the mums all get along really well so I'm quite happy. Feel really relaxed here. Babies don't stress me out as much haha
Gabriel is captain destructo here. We have moved all of our furniture around to barricade the livingroom off, to at least contain the tornado.

Hes OBSESSED with my laundry machines. As soon as he hears the door open, he scurries over. Loves to push all the buttons, so I am ever thankful that my machines have a child lock on it.

1 more week till our hearing test. Im so hoping that he checks out just fine. Ive noticed over the past 2-3 weeks and HUGE improvement in him. He can identify his nose/tummy about 75% of the time, he either does it, or doesn't. When he DOES do it, hes right every time. I don't know if he's learned the tone or the words, but either way, its BIG for him. He's also walking holding on with 1 hand, so im hoping he will be walking independently soon

Glad your move went well Aimee, on fb it looks like a beautiful area!

Amanda: glad to hear things are going well :) Your going to be a busy mama in about 6 months!
a very energetic little miss here who likes to get upto mischief wit her big sister. shes starting to put little sentences together now, "here you go" is her fav thing to say at the moment lol

glad to hear all the may babies are well :) x
Saw my new OB today and heard the heart beat. 150bpm. I finally gained 5 lbs in the last 2 weeks after gaining nothing up until now. They want to change my due date based on my last ultrasound in the ER from I think 8 weeks. My due date is March 12 but they want to change it to March 20th. 1 week is a big difference in terms of getting certain tests done on time and going overdue. I don't want to actually be 3 weeks overdue and they think I'm only 2 weeks you know? I can't vaginally deliver a 10lb baby lol. Plus I'm 100% certain of my dates, ovulation, etc. By their new due date I would have gotten my BFP before implantation would have occurred. The doc said that means I probably ovulate early (no... CD14 is not early) and got false positives before the real one (I thought you couldn't get a false positive?) She even said during my pap smear/pelvic exam that my uterus feels 12 weeks.

She said ultrasounds are most accurate but they warn you at those early scans that it could be off by 5-6 days in either direction so how is that more accurate than knowing my dates/body? I'm sticking to my original due date but that means my NT scan will be done at 13w2d when it should ideally be done earlier. Oh well.
Thats what happened with the twins they changed my dates when I knew exactly when I ovulated (temping)
So I was further along than what they were telling me I was.
Quite frustrating having to do an extra week lol but in the end I went with it. Probably better that they cook that little bit longer anyways :)

Meghan good luck withyour appointment, let us know how it goes! Sounds like hes making positive progress anyways!

I forgot to say last night my two get into everything!!!! I now understand exactly what a twinado is.
Icant even leave dog and cat biscuits down else they will go straight for them and throw them everywhere then tip the water and slap it and get it everywhere.
And the kitchen cupboard they pull everything out and when theres two laughing at you while they do it its quite something. Funny. But very frustrating sometimes when I only have two hands

Max still isnt really walking. Still knee walks. Occasionally he will get up and try but he prefers his knees.

Aria runs now.......and shes started making a no sound and shakes her body away from me with a "ooo" sound when I ask her to ta me something. Big change from aweek ago lol
Sorry to hear about that Amanda. That's really sad they didn't see him earlier! I hope everything works out okay and he gets good care.

I saw your ticker saying you were 12 weeks I swear it wasn't that long ago I saw it at 9!

We moved. It was okay. Pretty stressed on the day. Babies both got sick and we had heaps to do and the flight I had about ten panic attacks on. Seriously I grabbed hubby's legs so hard and kinda missed so it was more like a punch and it was out of the blue and he was all wtf was that for? ?? I really thought I was going to die. Never flying again.

It's awesome here. The neighborhood especially. Our group of houses all have kids and the mums all get along really well so I'm quite happy. Feel really relaxed here. Babies don't stress me out as much haha

Thanks dear. He's stable enough to be moved out of ICU and they are trying to get him into a nursing home now but there's so much "drama" and issues surrounding it so who knows what's going to happen.

I love flying, you're crazy!!

Amanda: glad to hear things are going well :) Your going to be a busy mama in about 6 months!

Good luck with you're hearing test!!

Thanks dear! UGH don't remind me lol. I'm so scared about being outnumbered. Hannah was easy because Autumn was so grown up already and living with my parents most of the time. This time though we're going to have BOTH girls and Hannah's obviously a toddler and takes up as much time as a newborn so I'm terrified lol.

I have to say, I love this thread/group of mamas. My March due date thread is nothing like ours was. I feel so disconnected from those girls. Comments go ignored all the time. They have a FB group in conjunction with our thread on here and I'm not a member of it so they connect a lot on there instead of here. I just wish it was another group like ours :)
Naww I love this group too :) is really awesome seeing updates of all the may babies!
this atrocious bs in Syria is making me very nervous... hubby will likely be going if a war breaks out...

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