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Babies that were due in may 2012

:( I'm sorry dear. I usually support the President but this is one time I can't get behind him. They initially said he was going to launch yesterday but now they're saying they don't know so I'm hoping that means he's having doubts and will ultimately back down.
The issue it seems is that the majority of the major players in this game are all calling for SOMETHING to be done, but are only willing to cheer the US on, and "support" them, but not intervene at this point. Russia is also causing the world leaders to debate, as for some reason, they (Russia) would rather see Syria 'figure this out on their own' so to speak.

But what the Syrian leader is doing to his own people is dispicable. I dont know that they can 'figure it out on their own' There is so much unrest in the middle east. Hubby says that the only way to solve the middle east is to let them blow themselves up, but we can't/wont do that, because its unfair to all the innocent people that live there. There is no way to help them help themselves, because there are too many that do not want to see change. He's not saying it in a mean way, just that how many OTHER counties have to sacrifice lives for a problem that can not be fixed?
The issue it seems is that the majority of the major players in this game are all calling for SOMETHING to be done, but are only willing to cheer the US on, and "support" them, but not intervene at this point. Russia is also causing the world leaders to debate, as for some reason, they (Russia) would rather see Syria 'figure this out on their own' so to speak.

But what the Syrian leader is doing to his own people is dispicable. I dont know that they can 'figure it out on their own' There is so much unrest in the middle east. Hubby says that the only way to solve the middle east is to let them blow themselves up, but we can't/wont do that, because its unfair to all the innocent people that live there. There is no way to help them help themselves, because there are too many that do not want to see change. He's not saying it in a mean way, just that how many OTHER counties have to sacrifice lives for a problem that can not be fixed?

Oh I totally understand where he's coming from. What scares me the most is the potential fallout from all this. Not just necessarily our troops being deployed after finally getting so many out of Iraq but that it could lead to a serious multi-nation war over there.

What I was reading said that if we attack, Russia is going to send even more troops to Syria than they already have there to help Assad defend against us and the Rebels. Iraq being a Syrian ally said in response they would attack Israel who said if anyone attacks them, they'll retaliate and it would lead to an all out war across the entire Middle East. But like you said, what Assad did to people in his own country is horrendous and he'll likely do it again on a larger scale so something does need to be done, just at what cost?
Great to hear from lots of you, sounds like all the May babies are causing mass destruction lol!

Waves, sorry to hear your news. Try to keep as calm as possible as you need your rest.

Aimee it does look fab where you are now living. Love seeing the pics on Facebook.

Meghan good luck at the appointment. Sounds like Gabriel is coming on leaps and bounds in his own time. Keep us updated.

YoungNI lovely to hear how your girls are too!

Lola is a master of the word 'please' its so sweet but how are you meant to say no when she stands there saying more please! She is saying so many words now, her level of understanding is good as she's my first I don't know what they are meant to do around 15 months but you can give her instructions like please put this in the bin, put your music on, get your shoes or put your shoes on the rack, stand by the stairs - this is used when we are going up to brush teeth or change nappy etc, if I say shall we go choose your clothes she runs off to her wardrobe. She also throws some amazing tantrums ha ha!

We're off to get her new car seat today, going to look at the extended rear facing ones. Will hopefully get a nice comfy one for her.

I love this group too, everyone is so nice on here :)
shhhh.... guess who's having another May baby! :cloud9::happydance:


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Oh my god Meghan!!!!! Huge congrats hunny!!!!

I've been away and got loads of catching up to do. Hopefully be able to update soon!! Can't believe how many of you are having more babies!!!
Congrats!!!!! How exciting! How close is your due date to your original due date??
Thanks Anti and Waves!
about 2 weeks difference. This time around im due on the 13th. With G's birthday on the 7th, Our niece on the 17th and our Godson on the 19th, Im hoping this baby comes late...like almost 2 weeks late!
Haha well good luck! Hannah was originally due may 10. My birthday is may 15. Must be a week for birthdays lol!
Wow congratulations Meghan!

In my OH's family there are 8 or 9 birthdays including Lola...crazy month!
So so exciting! How cool that you'll have another may baby :) I'd love another, but OH and I have separated, so no babies on the horizon for me any time soon!!
Sorry to hear that luci :(

Well both babies are asleep at the moment. It's chaos in my house. They are so mischievous. Max knows exactly what he's not allowed to touch and he goes and does it anyway and seems to have no fear! Climbs up high, he moves chairs now to get where he wants!!!
And then arias trailing behind him copying everything.
So exhausting. Im glad they are both asleep atm lol
so we had our hearing assessment yesterday. they didn't even need to do the EEG test. I guess they redo the standard test for all young kids, and guess who passed with flying colors?

YAY! there is nothing wrong with his ears/ hearing, but Damnit, there's nothing wrong with his hearing/ ears, so we're back at square 1 to explain his delays... we're probably going to be put on the wait list for a developmental pediatrician. that wait list is over a year long, do I wonder if we get pushed ahead because we are an identified need or not. The Dr we saw was concerned over how particular he is about his ears, and how he seems to cover them for no reason. so who knows :shrug:
Meghan I'm so glad he's not deaf but frustrated that you still don't know what's going on. Maybe his ears are over sensitive. :shrug: I hope you get answers soon! I know how frustrating the waiting and unknown is.
Meghan thats great news! Even though it still leaves you with questions, that must be a huge relief.
Hopefully its nothing and he will catch up.
I think he will. we're waiting on a referral to a developmental pediatrician, so we're going to be keeping an eye on his development in the meantime. I'm frustrated because I want a cause and a plan, but it doesn't look like I'm getting that, so waiting it out it is.

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