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Babies that were due in may 2012

Ladies, I'm having a few issues. I've been dating someone for a few weeks, and we've been sleeping together.
Since having evie my periods have been a bit unpredictable, my last one was on the 18th August, but this month's didn't arrive until the 21st. My issue is, it arrived really late that night, and was gone again by the next evening. Now I'm confused and worried! Do you think I should do a test :s
I think I'm going to tomorrow morning. I'm almost sure I can't be, but he is concerned that my period was so short.
I was 2 weeks late before I tested with evie, so I'm not sure how soon a test would show!
I'd love another LO, but the circumstances could be better!!
Yeah take a test and ease your mind at least!

Been quiet here lately! Nothing much happening sick babies drivibg me up the flipping wall cos they cant share my cuddles and instead of hugging on each of my arms and pinning me to the couch they scream and push and hit each other and it does my head in! They do it when they arent sick too but not as bad. Everythi ng else is great. Still not homesick. Glad we left haha
I did a test this morning, got a bfn. Strangely sad about it!
I spoke to one of my friends about it, and said tests have useby dates on them? Has anyone else heard of this? My test is left over from when I got my bfp with evie, so its 2 years old!
Yeah I think they do. Not sure what that means though, maybe they are less reliable after the date? Id wait a few days and then re test with a newly brought one to be sure.
id do a new one too. if you were 2 weeks late with Evie, I'd do one every few days until af shows...

on a side note. I dislike the May 2014 group. they all seem so young and silly sometimes. Maybe I'm just getting old and grumpy, but I seriously dont remember our group seeming so silly...
id do a new one too. if you were 2 weeks late with Evie, I'd do one every few days until af shows...

on a side note. I dislike the May 2014 group. they all seem so young and silly sometimes. Maybe I'm just getting old and grumpy, but I seriously dont remember our group seeming so silly...

I hate my March 2014 group. I post more in my TTC group than I do in my March group. Luckily a handful of the girls in the TTC group are now/recently preggo so they can kinda relate. The girls in my March group just complain too much about all their fears and "I'm a nurse but I have a UTI and the doctor prescribed this antibiotic but I'm refusing to take it because it's not guaranteed safe." and then 3 days later "OMG MY URINE IS SO CLOUDY, maybe I should have taken the antibiotic? OMG WHAT DID I DO TO MY BABY?" I mean, I'm paranoid about something going wrong but they make me look cool, calm and collected lol.

Not only that but I almost never get responded to. Literally every post is overlooked and it gets so annoying. We're nowhere near as close as we were in this group. You should all just be pregnant again so we can go through it together again lol.
Lol silly how? I actually thought our group was a nice mix of nice people! Id feel funny joining a new pregnancy group :p
I was just thinking that about all timing pregnancies! Haha
We may be putting our last one off. Was meant to start trying again after my sons birthday (try and even out birthdays and aim for between two kids) but these babies are kicking my butt! Toddler twins is by far the hardest stage ive dealt with. I know its a phase and ill probably regret putti ng it off more but we will see how things go.
they are all gushing about how big their "bumps" are, at 4 and 5 weeks... most of them are pushing their boat out to make them seem bigger.

Amanda, I also find that most of my posts go completely ignored. it's almost like they created their own little clique early on, and ignore anyone not in it. I may not post there for a while and see if I feel differently further on.
Aimee, they may be a lot easier by the time the next baby would arrive, and would likely entertain each other!
they are all gushing about how big their "bumps" are, at 4 and 5 weeks... most of them are pushing their boat out to make them seem bigger.

Amanda, I also find that most of my posts go completely ignored. it's almost like they created their own little clique early on, and ignore anyone not in it. I may not post there for a while and see if I feel differently further on.

Yeah, I just keep posting in the event that someone bothers to reply lol.

My gender/anatomy scan is set for Oct 15th, just 20 days away :)
Sorry to hear about the nasty new groups!! We couldn't afford another one at the moment and I'm not ready yet. Ashlynn still doesn't sleep through!!

ClairAye congrats on your pregnancy as well!!
Hi all sorry I've been MIA for soon long but life is so busy working full time with a LO. I keep up with everyone's post but don't find much time to post myself.

Anti I feel your pain, my LO still doesn't sleep through either. Any other mums with good sleepers care to share your tips?

I think our biggest problem is we haven't taken his bottle away yet. :blush: Plus he goes to sleep with the bottle and wakes 2-3 a night expecting the magic bottle fairy to appear. I don't really have the heart for cry it out but I work full time so need to figure something out because I am knackered all the time which is starting to affect my work and home life.

Other than the sleep issue Sam is amazing - he is so easy going chilled happy go lucky and I love seeing him learn new things everyday. He can be a hand full (climbing, no fear, running without looking etc) and has learned how to throw tantrums (can't let him see the ipad and not let him play :dohh:) but I love this age so much more than when he was a baby.

Hope everyone else is doing well and congrats on all of the new pregnancies.
Ahhh girls just carry on posting in here about your pregnancies, it's exciting hearing how you are doing. We definitely have a fab bunch of people in our group.

I like hearing about the new babies even though I'm not trying yet...I'd love a 2 1/2 to 3 year age gap so will start trying next April/May time I think.

Nice to hear from you kwood!

Lola doesn't sleep through the night either but luckily being self employed I can have lazy days if I need too!

She is quite a character now and can throw some amazing tantrums! But yes I'm loving this age too :)
Oh no!! Any day now tho :p good luck for the big day.

My babies dont sleep through either. Its good to hear that im not alone with that :)

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