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Babies that were due in may 2012

Hannah has started to pick and choose what nights she'll sleep through. Don't know if it's growth spurt, teeth or those mental leaps but every few nights we have 1-2 nights where she wakes shortly after falling asleep and wants to stay up until 3am :/

Sorry you've gone overdue :( Hopefully it's any day now!

One of my friends and bridesmaids is currently in labor with her 2nd. Just the other day we made plans for me to be there to photograph the birth yet she's probably having him any moment now (or in the next hour or two) & hasn't said anything to me about coming up. She's been online and posting and all that but I haven't heard from her directly. She messaged me when she was on her way to the hospital to let me know her water broke and she'd text me once she got settled in her room but nothing since. I don't want to bother her because she's going through a lot (her husband went to jail for whatever reason this weekend and was just release a few hours ago) so I don't want to pester her. She'll let me know if she wants me there but since she's likely having the baby soon & I haven't heard from her, I'm assuming I won't be there to photograph the birth and I'm kinda disappointed as I was really looking forward to the experience :/
Aw amanda that sucks :( maybe the pain set in and she just forgot? Hope she gets in touch! That would be so awesome. I wish I had someone there to photograph the births. I dont have photos of that really and the ones I do have are blurred or bad lighting cos whoever was taking them wasnt paying attention lol

Is anyone elses little ones drawing on everything? A few weeks back aria kept drawing on paper with a pen.....well trying to so I showed her how and she picked it up instantly. Problem now though is she draws on evrrything. Theres scribbles everywhere. I wipe them off and take pens away but older kids always leave one laying round. Im actually chucki ng them in the bin now.
So we have scribbles on walls doors even the fridge!! And its always when im changing max or hes throwing a tanty that she does it. Driving me a bit loopy lol none of my other kids were wall artists, they listened when I said no so im not sure how long this will last :/
Also daddy taught her how to say poo.
She had the baby 4 hours ago and I still haven't heard from her but oh well. I understand from her perspective (having been in labor and all) and can understand the added stress of her husband having been in jail so I'm just upset on a personal level. Oh well, life goes on lol.
Aw sorry amanda. Hopefully youll find someone else who will be willing to do that! Be silly to say no. You take lovely pictures and having nice labour/birth pics would be so precious.
I had a boy :) 4/10/13 Maurice David Robert 8lb 9oz 21inch long using G&A no stitches
Got to the hospital and was 9cm, will post a picture ASAP x
Awww congratulations YoungNImum, can't wait to see a pic.

Nico has 8 teeth cutting through together, he's coping quite well though. I only noticed because he had a bit of a rash on his bum and he has been chewing on his fingers more than usual. He has also started running to the sofa and biting the arm and making this errrggggh noise when he does it. I'm not sure if he's doing it because his gums are sore or if he's doing it out of frustration because he can't have/do something. Thankfully, he's only taking it out on the furniture atm.

Actually speaking of that, he was being naughty a few weeks back so I told him off. I don't even remember what it was now, but he ran to the sofa, picked up a cushion and buried his face in it then screamed into it. Once he was done he stood up, smiled at me then went to his toy bin and took some toys out to play.
Congrats YoungNImum..can't wait to see the photos. :happydance:
Congrats!! Yay! Looking forward to photos! You are an amazing mum!
Congratulations Youngnimum! Can't wait to see pics x
Blah. Jason's urine flow has become start-stop lately. I hope it's nothing major! His ultrasound a couple of months ago was looking good! :(
Hows everyone going? Been a while since anyone posted.

We settled into our new place well, hubby hates his job though whoops.
Postponing baby making for now maybe and im kinda glad cos this month (the month we would of started ttc) I am sure I double ovulated. It happens every few months I get pain on one side then again a couple of days later on the other.
Haha that would be crazy.

Hope everyone is doing well. Xmas is coming up fast. Scary how time is flying.
Oh my goodness, if you had ended up with twins again I may have cried for you lol.

As for me - just hit 26 weeks pregnant so next week starts the 3rd trimester and I've got about 3 months to go. I have an anterior placenta so there's not a whole lot of movement which I'm not too happy about but as long as she's healthy, who am I to complain? We've been living at my parent's house since July and it's been awful haha :/ However we just got approved for an apartment and move next weekend. I'm so excited to have our own space again.

Hannah's one heck of a toddler lol. She's saying so many words now. If you ask her to repeat a word after you, she will say it - usually pretty correctly. She doesn't use a lot of words on her own but it's still exciting hearing her talk. She loves Elmo/Cookie Monster & Toy Story. She just learned to give eskimo kisses (we call them nose kisses with her) and it's too cute. She's decided she can only feed herself now. I'm sure we fed her ourselves longer than most people would but it was quicker and cleaner that way lol. But now? She throws the biggest tantrum ever if you try to feed her. She needs the bowl/plate and utensil all to herself. Her independence is exciting and scary.

On that note, it's just after 2am here and I have to drive OH to work at 4am so I can have the car and go to work at 11am myself. Hope everyone's doing well :)
Oh zephyr... what a crazy ride THAT could have been... 2 sets of twins, within 3 years... lol. hope hubby finds a way to like his job... would you be looking to move back? Or is he going to have to suck it up and deal?

waves, glad to hear you got your apartment :) glad everything is going well

Gabriel is still making slow progress. he finally started walking at 18 months. he's waiting on a full developmental assessment, but the pediatrician we saw feels that he may have a genetic anomaly causing his delays. we are waiting for the results of his blood analysis, which will take a few months yet. then we will be followed by a geneticist if anything of significance shows up.

still no words, we started speech therapy this week, he's beyond " delayed" in this category, so hopefully this will get some words going. he seems to be understanding a lot more these days, which is nice. I'd give anything to hear him call me mama, but that will come in time.

baby #2 seems to be coming along nicely. 17 weeks have sure flown by! We will be finding out gender this time ( hubby's choice) scan is December 19th, but we won't be opening the envelope until Christmas day.
Nice to hear from you ladies! Ashlynn started walking at 16 months and still doesn't talk which I'm starting to worry about so I might just bite the bullet and get her checked out. She understands everything we say to her though... Starting to get broody again! We couldn't afford another baby at the moment as we're really struggling. I'm gonna be starting up my own business making and selling things, mainly home items like cushions and oven mitts and placemats and stuff like that and just broaden it from there. Really hoping it works! Gotta really put a lot of effort into it and trying to find the time isn't easy. Ashlynn is so needy!

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