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Babies that were due in may 2012

Oh Yup I would of cried lol. Id love another set cos its been amazing and there's so much I would do differently and I'm kinda curious to see if I will but the idea of another set kinda makes me wonder if risking it is even a good idea so I'm quite happy to wait and have another talk with dh in few months, twins have been a blessing but even tho we would cope its not how I imagine having my last baby to be.

Yes he definitely has to suck it up. It cost us 6k to move here so we cant move back (wouldnt want to anyways lol) we are still paying some of our move back so he needs to stick it out.
he has an interview next week as an assistant manager of a smaller retail store. The thing is now he works for a larger company so he thinks going for a higher job in a smaller company may be better. Im unsure if it will be but we will see how his interview goes, its a wonderful store one that will be child friendly and we would visit often and its about 15 minutes closer on a bike so we hope he does it get. Im surprised they gave him an interview tbh not many places would even look twice if you are considering leaving your job after 4 months.

its really good to hear how everyone is doing!

Amanda and meghan I cant believe how fast your pregnancies have gone!
Good luck with your move and hehe Hannah sounds like a real character! She so cute.:)

meghan that is such a wonderful idea waiting till xmas day. Do you have any feelings as to what you may be having?
good luck with your test results, he sounds like such a sweet boy. :) Good to hear he is walking too.

anti - what a wonderful idea!! I wanted to do something similar but I never got round to it. Filled my craft box and its just sat there! Good luck with it all, definitely worth it if you enjoy it :)
happy to hear ashlynn is walking now if you decide to see someone about her talking good luck with the appointment! Maybe even seeing someone will ease your mind at least :)

Max isnt really talking either im not too concerned at this point, will give him a little bit more time. Aria says mumma dadda and no. Its quite funny cos a few times when shes watched a kids show and the people on it ask something, for example "do you like riding a bike?" She answers "no!!" To everything its so funny. I got her saying "love daddy" and "love you" the other day but she hasnt since.

max doesnt talk much, he says mum and mumma. Thats it tho I try get him to say other stuff but he shakes his head and goes uhhhh

these two are crazy lol they get into so much mischief. Max climbs onto the kitchen table cos he knows he's not allowed and when u go to get him off he stands up and starts stomping and dancing lol he is by far the cheekiest kid I've had.
We have just started letting them out of the pushchair for walks on their harness or if another adults there we take one each. I've learnt it is much easier harnessing them and having them sit on me on the bus than leaving them in their pushchair.
tho they do fight over me and push each other off and bite each other.
the bus is usually full of old people and they think its adorable so not too bad.

the biting is a bit mad though. Aria bites max and if he doesnt cry shell go in for a second harder bite and max just bites hard the first time. Sometimes they both run at me and bite my legs.
I know this sounds crazy. It is.
anyways the biting is getting better we know when aria bites and can stop her in time most of the time but max goes in for a cuddle or kiss then does it. They are brutal! And the scrapping is intese they tackle each other and pull each other to the ground.
tho you forget all that when you see them chasing each other laughing or cuddling and giggling together.

thinking about transitioning to big kid beds next year anyone else thought about this yet?
Hi all glad to see some post on here again.

Everything is going well with us. Sam had surgery to correct a birth defect on Wednesday and it went better than expected. We are all ready for Christmas which I can't wait for as I think he will really enjoy it this year. We went to see Father Christmas in our village and he loved opening the present from him.

Anti - Sam only has a few words and he doesn't say many of them properly yet. Only No comes out perfectly :dohh: oh and Hello but he only says that if he has a phone to his ear. He can sort of say cat, light, sock, door and that. I think as long as she understands what you are saying then I would try not to worry about her speech, just like walking all children will speak at different ages. Of course if you are concerned have a word with your GP or health visitor.

Zephyr - your two sound fun and crazy. I couldn't imagine having twins. We turned Sam's cot into a cot bed about 6 weeks ago. He has been really good with the change. We put loads of cushions on the floor so if he fell out it wouldn't be so bad. He did fall out a few times but hasn't in over 3 weeks. He is normally good about staying in bed but today was the first time when I put him down for a nap I could hear strange noises on the monitor. I went up stairs to check on him and when I opened the door he said oh no and ran back to bed. His room was covered in his clothes that he had emptied from his chest of doors.

I hope there are more post soon but if not I hope you all are well and have a Great Christmas and New Year.
Anti, the Speech Language Pathologist that we saw told me that words are no where near as important as comprehension at 18 months. She told me that if the child is understanding, then they likely have words that we just haven't clued into. The little girl I babysit whose 21 months old had very few recognisable words at 18 months and all of a sudden, she seems to have a word for everything. Some times it just takes them a little longer to articulate the word in a way that we understand them :) If you can get her in to see a SLP it might ease your mind.

Aimee: Those 2 seem like little handfuls! Im amazed that you want more! G hasn't hit the biting phase (yet) and I hope he never does. I hope hubby finds a way to enjoy his job.

KWood: Glad to hear Sam's op went well and that he is moving along well. I dont thing Gabriel is anywhere near ready for a toddler bed. I think I'd enter his room every morning to find every drawer emptied and have quite the job to do!

I seriously can not believe how fast this pregnancy is going! It seems like my first dragged on, and this one will be over sooner than I am ready for it! Im thinking that this baby is a girl, but Im not sure if I think its a girl because of wishful thinking or not. I will be thrilled with another boy, but this is my last baby, and it would be really nice to have one of each
Meghan Yeah they are well behaved usually but when they play up they do it together so its x2 and madness lol
dinnertime is the worst time of day!

hopefully Gabe doesnt bite, not all kids bite. My son bit a few times but my daughters never did.
I think with twins its quite common for one or both to be biters at least in the twin groups im in so many have dealt with at least one biter. I think its because they are the same age and competing or something I dunno. Im hoping they grow out of it soon though! Its quite something having to wrestle your toddlers apart but then 5 minutes later they are best buds or the other way round.
Totally understand wanting a girl! Especially if its your last. Good luck :) will you be sharing the news?

Kristen - ohhh wow that is so funny!!! Kids are so awesome hehe
really cool that he is sleeping in his bed already.
I was thinking round two id change aria into a bed but wasnt sure if it was too soon. Then transition max over after she is settled.
Amanda and meghan I cant believe how fast your pregnancies have gone!
Good luck with your move and hehe Hannah sounds like a real character! She so cute.:)

the biting is a bit mad though. Aria bites max and if he doesnt cry shell go in for a second harder bite and max just bites hard the first time. Sometimes they both run at me and bite my legs.

thinking about transitioning to big kid beds next year anyone else thought about this yet?

Thanks!! She really is. She has so much personality, I love it :) She hasn't bitten us or anyone else yet so I'm hoping she just skips that phase lol. I'm sure it'll probably hit in a year or so, with our luck, and she'll bite her baby sister or something.

I'm hoping to transition her over the next 6 months due to a lack of space in the new bedroom she & the baby will be sharing. The new baby will sleep in our room for about the first 3 months but then after that, we want to transition her to the crib in their shared bedroom but to save space, I want to get Hannah out of a crib so that there aren't 2 cribs in there. I'm thinking of getting a loft bed and putting a toddler bed underneath it that way Autumn has somewhere to sleep (she's still staying with my parents during the school year.) OH wants to build one himself.

waves, glad to hear you got your apartment :) glad everything is going well

Gabriel is still making slow progress. he finally started walking at 18 months. he's waiting on a full developmental assessment, but the pediatrician we saw feels that he may have a genetic anomaly causing his delays. we are waiting for the results of his blood analysis, which will take a few months yet. then we will be followed by a geneticist if anything of significance shows up.

still no words, we started speech therapy this week, he's beyond " delayed" in this category, so hopefully this will get some words going. he seems to be understanding a lot more these days, which is nice. I'd give anything to hear him call me mama, but that will come in time.

baby #2 seems to be coming along nicely. 17 weeks have sure flown by! We will be finding out gender this time ( hubby's choice) scan is December 19th, but we won't be opening the envelope until Christmas day.

Thanks :)

Sorry to hear about his "delays" but hopefully it's just a case of him working on his own time. I bet he'll just surprise you one day and start speaking in full-on sentences lol. He's just retaining everything right now :) Good luck with all the tests though.

Can't wait to find out what you're having. I'm going to guess girl :)
Aimee, we will be anouncing on FB after we tell the people that should hear it from us personally :) I LOVED team yellow and would happily be team yellow again, but I am still quite excited to know ahead of time as well!

Amanda: Im hopeful that his delays will be a thing of the past eventually, but being delayed across the board of "skills" makes me wonder. He is progressing slowly, which is always a good sign, but he's still so far behind his peers. But all we can do is wait it out, and see where it leads us. We're moving across the country come June (ish) so starting all over again with the specialists/aids is putting me even further on edge
I haven't seen this thread pop up in ages!!

Hope everyone is well :) Jason still isn't saying any proper words :dohh: but he understands so much now :) His kidneys etc are doing great, we've been told he likely has some degree of bladder dysfunction but we don't know until he's 2/3 and toilet training, he's doing fab though :)

And 17 days until #2 is due!! :happydance: Jason has taken a liking to climbing in the moses basket so lets hope he doesn't try when there is a baby in there!
Hi everyone, so nice to see posts on here again as it had gone pretty quiet. Just trying to remember all the posts after catching up so apologies if I miss anything.

Meghan, lovely to hear G has been making progress and I hope you get answers to your worries soon. I think although sometimes getting an answer can be scary, it can also be a relief and you can move forward.
Great to hear your pregnancy is going well!

Aimee, I hope your OH gets a new job. Sometimes a bit of swapping around is needed before you find what you want. It looks great where you live now!
Oh and about the biting...Lola has been a biter since she's had teeth. If you get in her way and she's grumpy you have to watch out or she'll bite your legs ha ha!
Ummm not considered putting Lola in a big bed yet...she only spends half the night in her cot before getting in my bed!

Kwood glad to hear the op went better than expected and you can now relax for Christmas.

Amanda, Hannah sounds very cheeky! I bet she keeps you busy!
Can't believe you are nearly in the 3rd trimester already and love the name Leah.

Anti, good luck with your business. The key is to network, network, network! There are some good videos/talks and books by Gary Vaynerchuk all to do with getting your business out there.

Here everything is really good, my dog training business is going really well and working hard to expand even more.
Lola is into everything!! She has great understanding, you can give her instructions to do loads of things and off she goes lol. Very chatty and uses quite a few words but only 2 in a row and then she rambles in her own language! She loves to draw and dance and walks further than I thought toddlers can walk lol!
I'm getting more broody but don't want to start trying for another baby until next summer.
Lucy - oh dear! Another biter haha hope she grows out of it soon. Mine have both gotten worse over the last few days.
good to hear your dog business is going well too.

clair - I hope your birth goes well :) really dont have long to go at all
sorry to hear about Jasons troubles , good that hes been doing well though!

Meghan - hehe cool, will look forward to the announcement. Im picking girl too :p

I think I will transition over to a bed soon after hearing what others have done.

I got the twins balance bikes for xmas I am struggling to wait! We only brought 1 trike down when we mived and they fight so badly over it.

What's everyone's plans for xmas?
The inlaws invited themselves over so I have to cook a big lunch even though I didn't want them here :/
Especially since the mil insulted the way I am raising my teenager daughter (long story and was completely unjustified) I just dont know how I'm meant to tolerate her when all my xmas lunches have been round people I like haha should be an interesting day. I havnt seen her and have avoided her since she said that so I'm unsure what to expect Eeek.
Fortunately we'll be in our apartment by Christmas!

The plan is to have Autumn stay the night on Christmas Eve. We'll start a tradition of gifting them something small (new pair of Christmas pajamas and snacks) to wear and eat to enjoy a Christmas-themed movie before bed with us. We'll bake cookies to leave out for Santa and then do presents at our place on Christmas morning. Sometime in the afternoon we'll head to my parent's house for dinner and gifts from them and probably a few relatives (usually my siblings, stepdad's mom, my grandma, my aunt.)

I'm going to see about my dad coming out Christmas Eve to do gifts with the girls though.
my in-laws are also coming here ( for once) they have come to visit once since Gabriel was born. We're expected to do all the traveling. since we're moving in June, and no longer a reasonable travel distance, they will have to start making the effort. so I don't mind that they're coming. It's past due!

my nutty sil is at it again. my niece is hospitalized once again with a UTI, high white cell count and severe dehydration. this seems to happen every time my in-laws attention turns to Gabriel. every single time we have gone out for a visit she's been hospitalized. hubby thinks I'm looking to far into things, but I find it weird...

I was at my Dr appointment today. I've been having a bit of spotting over the past few weeks, so she did a quick scan ( she has a machine in the clinic) she peeked at gender so I now have my envelope. don't know how I'm going to make it till xmas day! baby is perfect, she said there is a spot on my cervix that is the cause, can't remember the name of it though. apparently it's common.
my in-laws are also coming here ( for once) they have come to visit once since Gabriel was born. We're expected to do all the traveling. since we're moving in June, and no longer a reasonable travel distance, they will have to start making the effort. so I don't mind that they're coming. It's past due!

my nutty sil is at it again. my niece is hospitalized once again with a UTI, high white cell count and severe dehydration. this seems to happen every time my in-laws attention turns to Gabriel. every single time we have gone out for a visit she's been hospitalized. hubby thinks I'm looking to far into things, but I find it weird...

I was at my Dr appointment today. I've been having a bit of spotting over the past few weeks, so she did a quick scan ( she has a machine in the clinic) she peeked at gender so I now have my envelope. don't know how I'm going to make it till xmas day! baby is perfect, she said there is a spot on my cervix that is the cause, can't remember the name of it though. apparently it's common.

Subchronic hematoma? Either way... I know what you're talking about and it's relatively common and doesn't mean anything negative for your pregnancy. So that's good. How exciting you have the gender already though! Send me the envelope and I'll mail it back ;)
We're having my mum, sister, brother and sil with my nephew over on Christmas Day...I can't wait!!

We've all been organising bits and pieces and because we all live within 10 mins of each other everyone is bringing food etc so it's not left to just us. Should be a fun day!

Meghan that does sound odd about your sil and niece.

Sounds like everyone is getting organised for Xmas. I was just looking through some pics of Lola from this time last year, so cute :)
Amanda, it was a long name, but not that. She said its on the outside of my cervix, not within.
Everyone sounds like they have great plans!!
Our plans for xmas eve will be hanging out with the kiddies and watching xmas movies eating candy canes and leaving milk and biscuits out for santa.
then the kids sleep in the lounge near the tree usually and we sneak in later and pop the presents under the tree.
this year our tree is in the dining room tho haha and no room for them to make up beds. We may still do it, it is really cute hearing them excited and whispering till really freakin late :p

xmas day will be interesting thats for sure.

Meghan that stuff with your sil sounds so strange .
Omg the wait till you find out :p I dont know how you do it. Id so peek haha does make xmas day all that more special though :)
Its so nice to hear how everyone is getting on with the babies :) its crazy to think they're all around 18/19 months now! Does anyone else feel like its flown by???
Evie is doing well, she's got a huge personality! She's got her 18 month check next week, they're going to check her hearing, because her speech hasn't advanced the way they would have expected, and she doesn't seem to listen when I speak to her. She failed her first newborn hearing test, and her dad has had lifelong hearing problems, so am a little worried.
We're going down to my mums for xmas, we'll be at my grandads xmas eve night for our traditional chinese, then xmas morning we'll all squeeze into my mums bed to open our stockings. My ex says he's planning on coming over for an hour, but as he lives an hour away, I'm not holding my breath. Then evie is going to his on the 29th, then she's off to butlins with my mum for new years! She was supposed to be with her dad but he's announced he's busy, and work won't allow me to have xmas and new years off. She loved butlins when we went in the summer so she'll have a great time :)
In other news, I am ridiculously broody. My boyfriend knows, and is desperately trying to put me off haha. I'm not planning on another any time soon, as he also has a daughter who's a few months older than evie, so it'd be a big jump! He's very against having anymore, as his little one lives 5 hours away (he was in the army, and met his ex while he was stationed in Yorkshire) and he's very worried if we had a baby, then split up, thats two children that don't live with him. He's such a pessimist!! We'll see what happens I guess!!
Glad im not the only one who thinks its weird...

Aimee, im dying to know. I *may* have peeked at the screen while she was looking. I didnt really see anything there, but I didnt see anything during Gabriel's scan either.

I've thought girl from the beginning, so it could be wishful blindness...lol

Luci, gabriel has suspected hearing issues, and developmental delays. Having a hearing and speech assessment is never a bad thing :)
Glad im not the only one who thinks its weird...

Aimee, im dying to know. I *may* have peeked at the screen while she was looking. I didnt really see anything there, but I didnt see anything during Gabriel's scan either.

I've thought girl from the beginning, so it could be wishful blindness...lol

Luci, gabriel has suspected hearing issues, and developmental delays. Having a hearing and speech assessment is never a bad thing :)

Do you have any 12 week NT scan/nub pictures?
Never had an NT/12 week scan.

My OB to a peek at 10 weeks, but no pictures... you will all have to wait, same as me... lol
Oh boooo... I'm impatient lol. I can't wait to find out though :)

I went to L&D today for a small scare (everything's okay so no worries) but they did an ultrasound and as I suspected, Leah's breech. She obviously still has awhile to turn around but that explains a lot. I feel a lot of pain in my ribs lately but only feel her movements down low/below my belly button and I couldn't figure out why I suddenly had all this rib pain. Well it's because her head is up there and I'm sure her tiny little hands are bashing my ribs and squishing my lungs as well lol. Her feet were also kicking my bladder down low during the scan.

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