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Babies that were due in may 2012

Ooo Amanda that hurts! My son stayed breech till 36 something weeks. His head crunched under my ribs and it was so uncomfortable!!
I hope she turns soon for you :)

Luci - good luck with your appointment :) lol about being broody same here. It sucks having to wait longer.

Not much happening here. Dh has to work till 10pm xmas eve :( not sure how I'm going to pull off cooking and prepping for lunch the next day :p
For you ladies not on my FB :)


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Congrats on your girl bumpin :flower:

We just got back from South Africa yesterday, horrible flights back but we eventually made it. We were supposed to land at 10:10am but didn't actually land until 2pm because of weather conditions. I think the half hour of circling and all of the turbulance took its toll because myself and my Fiance (got engaged xmas day :blush:) were sick (first time EVER in all of the times we travelled) thankfully it didn't seem to affect Nico. He slept a lot of the time or just entertained himself with the remote for the tv pulling it in and out of the chair lol.

Other than the bad flights we had a great time with family and friends. Nico adapted so well to the change and his sleep pattern seems to have improved. There's a 2 hour difference between there and here but it hasn't seemed to affect him too much. He slept last night from 7pm until 7:45am, woke up once then went back to sleep after some milk. Tonight he's been asleep since about 8:45, hopefully he wakes around the same time as this morning.

How was every ones Christmas?
Yay Meghan for that little girl bump, exciting times!

Lief congratulations on your engagement! That must have been some bumpy flight.

Happy New Year to everyone!! I hope you all had a nice time whatever you did.

Lola has been poorly and has antibiotics, first time ever so not nice seeing her ill and she's passed her cold onto me!
Happy New Year ladies! A scary thought that we will have two year olds this year!

Jason became a big brother on the 21st December and fills the role very well! :) He's always stroking his little sister's hair and kissing and hugging her <3

Anyone else's LO startes hitting though? :nope:
Happy new year all! I've only just stumbled upon this thread! Not sure if anyone remembers me? my son Joshua was born on 27th May 2012! not sure if the thread poster can add this?!

Anyway I'm looking to coming back on here more! Life was pretty hectic in 2013 for us! Joshua turned 1 in May and I can't believe he's 2 this May!
Hubby & I tied the knot in July 2013 :) which was amazing, hottest day of the year in the UK as well with shocking temps of 28 degrees!

Also ClairAye, I remember you! Jason and Joshua were born on the same day! My Joshua was 11 days late! Congrats on your new arrival! xx
Will update the first page as soon as I'm on the computer!

Hope you all had a lovely Christmas and new year. Things have been busy here as usual! Ashlynn hasn't been well so I'm on overdrive with her up often and all that! We had a lovely Christmas and I can't believe my baby will be 2 in 4 months time!!!
Congrats claire!!

I came in to vent a little as im not sure where else I can do it.
Ive just about had enough of Arias vomiting its driving me up the wall.

yes thats right she STILL vomits. Every night on cue we put her down she goes to sleep, within 20 minutes she wakes up screaming and theres vomit everywhere.
we actually line the carpet and cot with cloth nappies just so its an easy clean up as we expect it pretty much every night
Then we change her cuddle her then she goes to sleep for the night but wakes heaps grizzling in her sleep all night long.

we saw the doc a few weeks ago requesting an increase in dose for the omeprazole and he wouldnt do it. He said he would ring paed but we havnt heard back from him so I will be booking another appointment.

I just cant believe she is still refluxing!!! And its pretty much every night. I am just so over the spew. Its not even milk baby spew anymore :( which wasnt as bad.

shes also started spilling during the day now too. sleeping during the day is okay because I dont put her down, she falls asleep sitting up on the couch or on the beanbag usually.

Ugh anyways, not many people know or realise shes still refluxing because we dont really talk about it anymore. Weve just accepted it. Its just nights like tonight where im just exhausted and so sick of cleaning spew washing.....every.....single.....day.
Thank you yazzy, yeah it was a horrible flight. I'm hoping the next time we do that journey it will be better.

Congrats ClairAye, she's absolutely gorgeous.

I never really paid much attention to how much Nico says. He can let me know if he wants something and we communicate pretty well through words/body language etc.. He says a lot of words (some mispronounced, but we know what he means) lately he's been putting words together. He'll say Hey Mama, Hey Dada, Bye Mama/Dada/Caw(bird)/tree and things like that. He's 20 months now and people are commenting on it, mainly an aunt in SA, she thinks we're confusing him with 2 languages and he's behind. The thing is he understands everything I tell him in English and everything his dad tells him in Afrikaans. I didn't think it was a huge deal that he's not talking in full sentences or saying more words but apparently it is??
Am I starting to worry about nothing now because of other peoples opinions?
Oh, goodness Aimee! Has she been evaluated by a pediatric GI specialist? That doesn't sound normal!

Lief, G is actually delayed, and followed by several specialists now. We've been assessed by a speech language pathologist who told us that before age 2, the comprehension of language is what they look for. As long as they understand what you are saying, it doesn't matter if they have 1 word or a thousand. By 2 they would begin to follow the development, and look for structural causes for the disruption in language, like tongue tie.... my niece had only 3 words at 18 months, then suddenly in a span of a week she seemed to have a word for everything... kids aren't meant to have sentences at this age. I'd say he's totally normal.
No! She hasn't! We've always just been told she will out grow it every time we have gone in.

We took her back to the doctor for another increase in dosage and he said no and that he would get a second opinion from paed but we never heard back from him. I was excited when he said that as I felt finally someone was wanting to find the cause but it's just the same as always, promises with no follow up.

I'm booking her in next week and asking for another referral to paed and ask if he got that second opinion

I also found online last night a gi paed and allergy specialist a few hours away from us. It will cost hundreds but if we can't get in through the public system with our new doctor then I think we will go with this guy who specialises in this stuff and fork out the dollars.

On a better note my husband's job has settled down and he is okay with it now. He has a second interview for this other place coming up but he's decided he will stay where he is for now if he doesn't get this job.

Christmas was good. Mil turned up an hour early grrrrr after I told her not to grrrrr so when I saw her pull up I ran to the fridge (actually ran) and quickly downed a glass of wine lol I was so nervous about seeing her. The first ten minutes it was awkward and stony silence then everything was okay for the rest of the day. ...... and I didn't even mind that she over whipped my cream :p was a great day, we all had fun.

Lief - max doesnt talk much either. He squeals, everything is 'adda' or 'idid' he says mum that's about it. Aria on the other hand says heaps and understands heaps and they both get the same sort attention so it really depends on the kid I guess :)
Lied I wouldn't worry at all, also I have noticed that babies being brought up learning 2 languages sometimes take a little longer to speak the words but once they get going there is no stopping them!

Lola does copy most things I ask her to and uses words in the correct context but I wouldn't worry if she didn't as every child is different.

Aimee, has any of the doctors suggested examining Aria to see if something is physically wrong? Isn't there a condition where in some babies something doesn't close properly at the entrance to the stomach and is easily fixed?! Obviously I have no medical experience but it isn't normal to be sick every night. Is your healthcare private over there? I think I'd be chasing them and demanding they do something. So sorry to hear you're still going through it.

Claire, congrats on the birth of your baby girl!

All good here, Lola is over her chesty cold and back into mischief...she is so funny!
Yazzy - nup no matter how many times we have seen someone we get given the same answer 'shell out grow it'
They keep focusing on dairy as being the issue but in all honesty dairy has no affect whatsoever on it. We take dairy away she still does it, we put dairy back in and it doesn't get any worse.

Yes we have private healthcare I think this is what this guy is considering the first consult is over $300 whereas public paeds are free.
Its certaintly our next option if nothing is done.
Im hoping since we moved town and having a new doctor and hospital to go through it may be different.
ill see what the doctor says when I see him! And make a decision then. If I get sent away again I will be forking out travel expenses etc and booking with this other guy.

the fact that our doc didnt want to increase the dose and said he would like to find out what is wrong is promising, however he never returned the call regarding the paed. Maybe all thats needed is another visit to him to remind him.

Will keep you's updated!
Ugh Aimee that's sounds awful! I hope you get some help for aria. That's just rediculous that it's still on going!

Sorry I've been quiet ladies, been busy running around after ashlynn and my OH is having issues with work and stuff so we've been a bit disconnected with the world trying to sort our lives out. Ashlynn is running around like a hurricane and destroying everything in sight! She only has 3 words, there, that and yes. No other words at all but she understands ever single thing we say. Obviously I'm a bit concerned that we don't have more words but I'm sure it will come with time. I don't think there's anything wrong with her. She was 16 months before she walked so I'm sure she's just lazy! She'll get there when it's the right time for her, then I bet she won't shut up! :)
A bit late, but thank you everyone! :D

Also ClairAye, I remember you! Jason and Joshua were born on the same day! My Joshua was 11 days late! Congrats on your new arrival! xx

Yes I remember you! :D Congratulations on getting married! :) x
Does anyone do time out with LO? Jason is hitting and really testing his boundaries, we did a time out today and he ended up hugging OH without being asked or anything but I was wondering how others do it?
I don't although she could probably use it on a daily basis. Someone suggested at this age you hold them in your lap, holding their arms down, for 30 seconds and say "You're in a time out because you did (insert bad behavior here) and we don't do that." And then afterward, hug them and say "I still love you but please don't do (bad behavior) again."
I don't although she could probably use it on a daily basis. Someone suggested at this age you hold them in your lap, holding their arms down, for 30 seconds and say "You're in a time out because you did (insert bad behavior here) and we don't do that." And then afterward, hug them and say "I still love you but please don't do (bad behavior) again."

Ooh thank you, I like that idea! Much nicer than sticking him out in a corner, I'll try that tomorrow! :)

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