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Babies that were due in may 2012

I'm so bad at replying here :dohh: Sorry, I keep meaning to reply then I get distracted and completely forget.

I'm glad Aria has tested negative and you're finally getting some answers. How is she now?

bumpin, when I was pregnant with Nico they constantly told me that he was measuring big (after about 24/25 weeks) I was getting quite worried thinking about labour actually haha. When he was born though, he was 5lb11 1/2. My bump looked huge from about 30 weeks, so much that most people were commenting on it and asking where I had been hiding him for so long.

Thanks for the reassurance about Nico ladies, he went for his checkup the other day and the nurse said he's doing great.
He's slightly above average with his weight and height but they even out so she said it's fine.
She asked about his speech and I told her he says a few things, she asked if he has about 10/20 words. I told her some of the things he can say clearly and she said he's doing really well. It's only when I really sat and thought about it I realised, he really is doing well. He has over 20 words in English and 5 or 6 in Afrikaans. He understands everything in both languages and when asked he can point to his nose, eyes, ears, hair, head, mouth, belly, bum, legs, arms, hands and feet. He also says some of the words when he's pointing.

Yesterday we were visiting my mam and I called Suzy (the dog) Nico said her name really clear, right after me and she ran to him. I kinda feel like texting his aunt in SA telling her all of this haha :blush:
Lief aria had been really well. She's vomited once in the last two weeks but we also forgot her meds that day so I think that was why. The combination of gluten free and her meds have been working.
Shes gone from grizzling all day and sleeping terribly to sleeping well and being happy. Shes got color back in her skin and has more energy so yeah she had been really good :)
I had to buy an alternative for everything though as she got very upset when the other kids ate the usual things she loves but she has adjusted well. Max eats the same as her when she's around as with those two everything has to be the same and equal otherwise the meltdowns are epic.

Really glad to hear the checkup with Nico went well!

My two have started moving chairs round evrrywhere. It was just to benches now it's from room to room to get to shelves Windows sinks doors. Is quite scary they opened the door to outside today, we have to lock that now.
LOL speaking of!!

We live in an apartment building on the ground floor. Last week, OH went to go get something out of the car and for whatever reason, the door to our unit didn't close all the way. I walked into the kitchen to set something down and as I'm walking back to the living room, I see Hannah's pulled open our door and is running for the main door to our building to follow OH. I about had a heart attack. I had to climb over a baby gate and being pregnant with SPD, it's not that easy to do quickly without falling so she made it to the front door of our building before I could catch up to her. I about had a heart attack.
Omg that would of been scary, I would of had a heart attack too! I must say im not a fan of this age, its so dangerous.

the other day hubby took max for a walk but let him lead the way (holding hands) and he led him down the path, down our drive, across the road and tried running down the hill.
I am so terrified of the door being accidently left open as well as the gate as I reckon thats exactly where he would go. He has no fear. When the door is opened he runs straight to the gate and tries to fiddle with it.
Yeah this age is... something else lol. I'm not too fond of it either but it's only going to get worse over the next year or so. I didn't have to experience it with Autumn since my parent's were raising her but I've heard 3 is worse than 2 and we're not even at 2 yet lol.

Her temper, defiance and tantrums are too much at times. I don't even know where to begin with discipline because everything we say goes in one ear and out the other and she puts up too much of a fight to try and restrain her for a quick time out lol. She's my wild child for sure, so I'm hoping that means this next baby will be cool, calm & collected all the time ;)
Haha yeah sounds like mine :p
I always found 4 to be worse than 2 for some reason all mine chilled for 3 then went wild at 4.
except my oldest son, other than the tantrums in frustration due to not being able to talk till really late he was so laid back and easy all the way through.
G figured out our front door a few months ago. we have to keep it locked at all times, because he tries to get out every day...
When we lived at my mom's Hannah was constantly locking the front door, locking us out lol. Fortunately she can't reach it at our apartment.
I'm so glad Aria is doing better. It's not nice when they're unwell and you don't know what is wrong.

We few months ago we put a gate up in our living room/kitchen to stop Nico from being able to walk into the kitchen if he gets out of bed. It was only up about 5 minutes and my OH called me to look at what Nico was doing, he had dragged the bin from the kitchen and turned it upside down so he could climb over the gate. I had to tell him how dangerous it was and thankfully he hasn't done it since but you certainly need eyes in the back of your head to keep up with them.

Thankfully there's 2 locks on our front door, one at the top and one around the middle. Nico can reach the middle but not the top one, the door also makes a loud noise when opened so at least if he does manage to get to the top lock we would hear him. It's so scary thinking about how fast they can do things without you knowing, isn't it?
Doors are always locked here, even before I had Lola just in case some random person walked in!
Lola doesn't really try and get anywhere as she just wants to be the company of who she's with so that's easy!
We have definitely entered a new developmental phase and it involves plenty of tantrums, not wanting to go to bed and fear!!
On a plus note Lola is speaking a lot and doing so much more in general so swings and roundabouts I guess.
I was reading between 18-22 months is a big stage for children.
LOL basically. Her attitude and temper and everything is out of control.
Ok so myself and OH got engaged at Christmas, we're not 100% sure but we think it's going to be around October 2015 and in South Africa, as thats where OH is from and since we're living in Ireland I thought it would be nice to get married there. A lot of my family have said they will save and they'll come too which is great. The thing is, my OH has now started dropping hints about having another baby. We spoke about it the other night, he said he thinks we should try before we get married. I'm not sure though. In one way I agree with him, I think the age gap between children would be nice too but then I think about travelling that far with a young baby and a toddler. I'm not sure what I want :shrug:

I think we're due to sit down and have a nice long talk about everything.

Haha I've just re read that and it looks like I'm saying that travelling is the only thing thats making me think twice. It's not, I'm also thinking about how I'll feel after and depending on how long it takes to get pregnant whether I'll be rushing around at the last minute trying to get a dress to fit. I know a wedding is stressful so also thinking about trying to plan that while pregnant. I have epilepsy and my seizures are brought on by tiredness and stress. I know how tiring and stressful a pregnancy can be alone, I'm not sure I want to add that to wedding stress as it could be harmful to baby.
Well I got a BFP.

Got a faint line yesterday and posted in the test section cos I wasnt sure. Brought a better test this evening and sure enough. Show3d up right away.

I cant tell anyone yet!! So anyone on my facebook hush hush please lol

I am conpletely lost as to how this happened though as even though we were ntnp I thought for sure itd be next month not this month as we missed my fertile period by two whole days!! I got ewcm and o pain then two days later we dtd. So what the???

Also the very next after the night we dtd I got up smelling smoke all round the house but dh couldnt smell it he called me mad cos I was so convinced something was on fire. Turns out I was smelling something burning a block away!
And right then 24 hours after we dtd is when I first suspected maybe I od a lot later than thought.

so yeah. There we have it. Really happy and nervous.
HAHAHA what the hell???! That was quick lol!

Well congrats lady! How crazy it happened that way but everything happens for a reason. How's OH feeling? Freaked out about how sudden it was? FX for you <3
Your telling me! Lol I still cant believe it. I thought it was 100 percent too late as we did not ntnp before o at all. So even though I felt pregnant I thought it was all in my head.
still early days. Like 2 weeks ago that happened or round there I dunno id have to check the calendar.

Hubby thinks hes the man. Seriously he was stoked and told everyone before I even took the flippen test.
Hahaha wow, that's so crazy. How funny he was telling people before you tested. On the plus side, at least you don't have to worry about struggling TTC (even if you were technically NTNP.)
This is true. I still cant believe it.
yeah funny he told people. I said who did you tell?? He goes Oh ya know just everyone at work.
he said I might be pregnant cos id taken a test that was faintly positive but I told him to disregard it for now and wait till I got a definite result.

this is really cool.

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