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Babies that were due in may 2012

Eek! That was super quick. H&h 9 months hunny! So exciting. You are supermom! I don't know how you do it!
Thanks guys. Not sure when and how to break the news. I imagine mixed responses. Some will be excited for us, a few will be like wtf? So I'll be putting that off for a while yet. Exciting! Hubby is excited still and already suggesting names lol hes being weird.
Congrats Aimee...that was quick!!!

All you pregnant ladies are making me broody lol but in determined we're not trying til the summer!
well... Aimee! Congrats hun! I think if I fell preggo that fast hubby would be strutting around like a peacock too... I guess the universe has plans for you guys!
Thanks everyone! I still don't know how that happened like that. I'm so confused. Every time I go back over dates it still makes no sense so yeah it must be one of those meant to be freaky things that happen!

took another frer this morning and the test line is darker than the control :p

lol meghan that's exactly what he's been doing aren't guys hillarious sometimes.
Argh! I'm feeling so broody these days. I never thought I would ever get this broody so quickly. We cant afford to have another baby right now so it's not even negotiable! I love hearing how you are all getting on with pregnancies. Makes me so excited for you ladies!!!
Congratulations Aimee!! I'm so jealous of all your preggo ladies, I am so, sooooo broody. No chance of it happening here any time soon tho, my OH is locked in battle with his ex over their little girl. She's trying to put limits on when and how long he can see her for, so things are all a bit strained here. Means the party we've booked and paid for is now in jeopardy.
In other news, evie had her first hair cut today. I was worried she wouldn't sit still, but she was angelic! She looked so grown up sitting there :) I only had her fringe trimmed, didnt want her curls to go, but she won't allow any kind of clips etc in her hair! She won't even allow clips in my hair haha. She seems to have taken a huge development leap recently, but luckily she's still sleeping well! She seems to have started hitting though :/ she hits me and her baby doll, and says no. Absolutely no idea where its come from, I've never hit her, and she doesn't go to nursery etc. Bit of a mystery there!!
In other news, evie had her first hair cut today. I was worried she wouldn't sit still, but she was angelic! She looked so grown up sitting there :) I only had her fringe trimmed, didnt want her curls to go, but she won't allow any kind of clips etc in her hair! She won't even allow clips in my hair haha. She seems to have taken a huge development leap recently, but luckily she's still sleeping well! She seems to have started hitting though :/ she hits me and her baby doll, and says no. Absolutely no idea where its come from, I've never hit her, and she doesn't go to nursery etc. Bit of a mystery there!!

I've been wanting to take Hannah to get her bangs cut because they're always in her face and she's started fighting me when I try to put it in a clip or hair tie but OH is totally against any kind of hair cut because we love her hair so much lol. She needs it though. I'll try and hold out until April after she turns 2 and convince him then.

Hannah's been a royal snot most days lately. Saying "no" a lot and fighting when we try to change her diaper by kicking and thrashing.
Congratulations Aimee!! I'm so jealous of all your preggo ladies, I am so, sooooo broody. No chance of it happening here any time soon tho, my OH is locked in battle with his ex over their little girl. She's trying to put limits on when and how long he can see her for, so things are all a bit strained here. Means the party we've booked and paid for is now in jeopardy.
In other news, evie had her first hair cut today. I was worried she wouldn't sit still, but she was angelic! She looked so grown up sitting there :) I only had her fringe trimmed, didnt want her curls to go, but she won't allow any kind of clips etc in her hair! She won't even allow clips in my hair haha. She seems to have taken a huge development leap recently, but luckily she's still sleeping well! She seems to have started hitting though :/ she hits me and her baby doll, and says no. Absolutely no idea where its come from, I've never hit her, and she doesn't go to nursery etc. Bit of a mystery there!!
I cut Lola's hair the other day, just a trim to tidy it up and I'm always putting clips in or tying her hair up as it gets in her eyes.
She's been so cute recently putting little sentences together and if I ask if she wants something she says 'yeah please mummy' but in her little voice it's very sweet!
We get lots of no's but she is doing new things everyday, today she decided she was getting her pj's on herself so that's all new.
On countdown til my holiday now, we're off to Lanzarote in March so I cannot wait!!!
I've got Crufts first as I'm showing 1 of my dogs there and then off on holiday yay! I hope Lola enjoys it :)
I've been thinking about cutting Max's hair as its very long in places but I feel sad about cutting it cos that means he's growing up.
I'm not cutting arias for a long time. Her curls are too cute :p I have to clip it else her curls cover her eyes.
I wouldn't cut Aria's curls either. they are far too beautiful to cut!
Haha yeah after a bath at night they look so good but by the next morning they are so knotted up from her sleeping!
For whatever reason B&B isn't letting me go to the last page of this thread so I'm posting this in hopes it'll send me there lol.
Ashlynn's hair is really getting in her eyes as well but I refuse to cut it!! I just clip it out the way at the moment. She won't let me tie it up. It's so thick though so I have to use loads of clips and have to redo them so many times! She's almost outgrown most of her 18-24 month clothes! She's huge! Still has a reaction to cows milk which is frustrating as they can't explain it. She's fine with other dairy products. She hardly ever naps now, even though I put her down everyday for a nap. I didn't expect it to happen so soon! So not ready for it!! Still sleeps awful at night. On a good night she'll wake up twice, last night was 5 times!!!
Zephyr - Congrats and wish you a happy and healthy 9 months - you brave woman.

Yazzy - we booked our holiday to Tenerife yesterday so September - can't wait. hope you have a good time.

Anti - We have pretty much dropped milk as a drink for Sam as he was waking so much in the night for it - he has started STTN most night now. We just make sure he gets plenty of diary in his diet - also his eating improved 10 fold since dropping the milk because he was still having 24 - 32 oz a day :blush:

We've had Sam's hair cut twice already and he really needs another one but I'm not a fan of long hair on boys personally - if I had a little girl I wouldn't want to cut her hair either so I can see where you guys are coming from.
I dread the day evie doesn't nap. Some days she won't, but they're quite rare.
I only had her fringe cut, her curls are too cute to cut haha. I tried clipping the fringe back, but she just pulled them out every time, and it was starting to bug her getting in her eyes, so just got it trimmed a bit. My phone is being pretty rubbish but I'll try attach pictures in a sec :)


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anti, I wonder if the other dairy products are making her uncomfortable when she's lying down? I know Gabriel Has been sleeping better since I cut out all forms of dairy. he gets coconut milk to drink, and no other milk like products. I figure it was causing some reflux/ indigestion, and I know mine gets bad when I lay down, and wakes me frequently in the night.
Meghan when we trialed dairy free for a few weeks it made no difference at all, only full fat cows milk causes any reaction, it's very odd.

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