Babies that were due in may 2012

Well... Leah's heart rate was 144bpm, gained a few more pounds since Friday (total weight gain is now 34 lbs), fundal height measuring on track for 36 weeks. Leah is definitely still breech and in my pelvis. My OB doesn't think she'd be successful in turning her because there's practically no room at all and I'm already dilated so she scheduled a c-section for March 6th when I'll be 39 weeks 1 day. However I'm not dilated to 3cm (instead of the 2cm I was on Friday & the last two weeks) & I've never made it to 39 weeks in previous pregnancies so there's a good chance I won't even make it to my c-section date which means I'd get an emergency c-section if I go into labor on my own. They'll obviously do an ultrasound beforehand to make sure she's still breech but I really don't expect this kid is gonna flip at this point, so there's that.
I wouldn't think it would be an "emergency" as much as unplanned...Lol... your drs down there sure love the scary words!

But yay! Max 3 weeks to go :)
Ho-ly crap! I didn't realize the thread was still active... AIMEE!! WhAAAAT?!?!?!
of course it's still active :)

well looks like i was totally wrong (as was my doctor) and i will be making it to our c-section date on thursday. only one more night putting hannah to bed as the "only child" in the house (autumn is living with my parents again.) totally planning to rock her in the rocking chair and read a bedtime story for the first time in a long time before bed.

aimee & meghan - how are you and your pregnancies doing?
Why is Autumn living with your parents again?
We wound up moving in with them over the summer since OH had been out of work for like 7 months and wasn't having luck finding a job. We moved into our current apartment just before Christmas but didn't want to uproot Autumn mid-school year, especially since I don't have custody of her to transfer her to a new district and she didn't want to move with us. To sum it up.
That makes perfect sense. I would do the same thing with my oldest if we moved in with Mike's parents for a little bit. It's actually too bad I wouldn't be able to though... we could be (hopefully hopefully hopefully) moving into a great house, but it's in another school district. My poor daughter is a sophomore now... :-(
Haha I just saw your post of facebook vaurissa and lold thought id come back here and check to see if youd posted.

things are going really well. Ive actually been taking this morning sickness formula that is basically b6 and ginger. Why did I never hear of this magic stuff before???!!
Im always so sick but not this time. If I forget the dose before bed I wake up terribly ill but I mostly remember to take it so im feeling pretty good.
Mum stayed with us for 2 weeks and didn't even guess I was pregnant. Which is great cos we are still waiting to announce.

hubbys new job is awesome. Its a nz run business so its pretty cruisy. Hes getting paid more and he works 9-5 basically which is so much better for the family than his silly midnight finishes then a 7km bike ride home at his last job.

How is everyone else doing?

Exciting you only have another night to go Amanda. Good luck for the birth. I hope it goes smoothly :)
It doesnt look like I updated after my scan either!! I had one a couple of weeks ago to check for multiples and it is just one and we saw the heartbeat :) really happy about that. Twins again would of been cool but I was not keen on putting my body through that again :p
the tech laugh at my sigh of relief at the scan lol
12 week scan on the 24th march.
Lol... yay for only 1 baby! Any gender thoughts?

Amanda, good luck on Thursday. I'm working Wednesday and Thursday, but I will be thinking of you.

Things are good here. Had 2 weeks away from work, and actually felt pretty good for most of it. Baby is still very much transverse. My Dr said not to worry about it until later on, but I'm not convinced this baby is going to cooperate...Lol.
I dunno. I want a girl dh wants a boy. Im thinking cos we dtd two days after o then it is probably a boy. And I kinda feel like its a boy......but well see :p

staying team yellow so itll be a while before anyone finds out lol

arias toddler bed showed up today. Im thinking it may be still to early to leave the cot but we are going to test it out and if it's a no go then she'll go back to her cot for a bit. Once we've transitioned aria then we will work on Max.

wow meghan you don't have long to go now either!
10 ish weeks! Maybe less if she insists remaining transverse... I'm starting to panic...Lol. I literally have NOTHING ready, and Gabriel is so damn busy... plus we're still waiting to hear from the military when we are moving, or even if we are... so I can't even get anything ready really.

This crap in Russia/Ukraine may be a complete game changer too. Instead of going west, hubby may be heading overseas to help deal with this crap!
Oh wow! That must be so frustrating not knowing what's happening.
I don't watch the news (too busy when is on) so I actually have no idea what's going on in Russia I'll have to get up to date.
I hope she turns for you, still got time I guess :)
It's beyond frustrating...

My Dr told me not to worry, that second babies flip later, and to just wait it out. I'm nervous, because I really don't want a csection, but I guess I will just have to wait and hope she cooperates.

When are you planning on telling your families?
I havnt decided when yet ive tested the waters when people ask if we are having more I say yes one more. My nana was thrilled my mum however was most upset lol and its funny cos shes only ever here once a year so.......she never sees the kids or us so i found her reaction quite unfair. not sure. Probably wait to 15 weeks and start telling people then or at least till my mums out of the country then she cant do the whole dissappointed frown at me lol
her whole view on kids is weird. She kept saying things like "theres more to life than having kids" "bet you cant wait till they are older and left home so you dont have to do so many chores" to which I had to keep reminding her that I actually enjoy my job and I dont mind chores and that im happy doing what I'm doing.
Meghan - My OB said she wasn't going to worry about baby's position until 36 weeks so hopefully yours turns for you & isn't as stubborn as mine has been lol. She was breech since 22 weeks though and the fact that she never flipped probably means something was preventing her from doing so in which case it's a good thing she never DID turn.

Aimee - Oh goodness lol. Glad there's only 1 in there. I'm hoping it's a girl lol.
Aimee, thats soooo very unfair of her... Just because she obviously didn't enjoy parenting shouldnt meant that you cant! I'd just tell her and then tell her to keep her opinion about it to herself...actually, I dont think I would tell her at all! I still haven't told my father about this baby. Im sure he knows, he talks to my sister and brother, but since he can't be bothered with me and mine, I dont bother with him (insert tongue sticking out here)

Amanda, I'll be stalking facebook for pictures of miss Leah!
Aw thanks lol :) My hospital has this website blocked so I can only access it if I disable the wifi on my phone and that's annoying & uses up too much data so unless I get SUPER bored during my stay, I likely won't update here until we're home next week.

But I will definitely be updating on FB & Instagram.
Meghan thats how I feel, like I don't want to tell her at all which is why im waiting. Bit of a shame shes left it to the last few days of her trip to really interact with the kids and be nice!

Amanda its Thursday here And I'm unsure when it's Thursday for you but it can't be too far away! How exciting :) bit weird they block bnb lol do you know why?

not sure if I mentioned before or not but my sister is pregnant too, she was 6 weeks ahead but got a scan and is only 2.5 weeks ahead of me yay how cool is that. Pretty scary we got pregnant so close to each other without discussing our plans with each other tho haha

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