For Gabriels birthday, we are having a family dinner. I'll be 39 weeks pregnant, and NOT up for doing anything big. We'll be getting him a tricycle with a handle so that when the baby comes, we can easily go places. He wants nothing to do with the stroller, but is a MAJOR flight risk.
As for birth plan, I'm "going with the flow" After the placental abruption with Gabriel, there is no way in HELL I would contemplate a home birth, or even a birthing center. I was lucky, in that it wasn't a complete abruption, and was still able to deliver vaginally, but the idea that it could happen scares the pee out of me now. I'm not planning on either an epi or no epi. If I need one, I need one. If I need a csection, I need one. The only request that I have, is if possible, I want to baby delivered onto my chest, with immediate skin to skin, and delayed assessment. If not possible, im not fussed. I really don't see the point in big elaborate birth plans. They rarely (if ever) go according to plan, and anyone that I know that has had an extensive plan has been disappointed.
As for your mom: Its her loss. Grandkids are the reward for not strangling your children...