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Babies that were due in may 2012

Happy mothers day! That's really cool about your friend ttc soon. Good luck convincing your oh to ttc!!

The names are very weird lol honestly can't tell if he's joking :p
Thanks for the mothers day wishes :) evies dad showed himself to be even more of an arsehole than I thought he was and didn't even get me a card from evie. Pretty upset about it tbh, which is silly, she's not even 2, so its not like it'd really be from her. I just thought we were more civil than that!
On a positive note, my OHs LO arrived today for a week. She's 4 months older than evie and sooo bright! She's such a daddies girl normally, made me feel all gooey when she only wanted "oooocy" we're taking the girls to baby gymnastics tomoro and then swimming on Wednesday to cram as much in a possible! Its a good job they like each other haha
So we had our big developmental assessment today. Overall, it was positive. Diagnosed with a mild Global development delay with significant speech language delays. Receptive Language was estimated at the level of a 13 month old, but his expressive language is better at around 16 months. At this point it's being recommended that he be followed by a pediatrician rather than a GP to monitor his progress and to continue with Speech therapy.

Hope every one else is doing well!
Meghan I'm glad you're getting somewhere now. Ashlynn still doesn't talk. She has 3 words so I think I need to do something about it. She signs though and understand everything we say so I've been reluctant to get her looked at but I think I better just do it.
Glad to hear your assessment went well meghan! :)

Max still doesnt talk. He squeals and man roars.
The other day he tried to copy everything I said like mum dad cat dog and a whole bunch of other words. Kinda sounded like the words.
he understands everything I say. He just doesnt want to copy what I say. He laughs at me and runs away instead most of the time.

its funny because aria is a real chatterbox and is stringing two or three words together (today she said monkey butt grrrr lol) so its interesting that two children brought up the same are completely different!
Thanks girls :) overall I'm happy with it, it gives us something to focus on.

For both Max and Ashlynn, it never hurts to get checked out, but of they are understanding things it's probably nothing to worry about :) signing is communications, and here they count those as words :)
Aimee I don't think the OH will need much convincing as we've discussed age gaps and how many children we'd love to have so watch this space!

Meghan, that's great news. Hopefully Gabriel will continue to move forward.

As Aimee has said children, even if brought up the same, can progress differently.

I don't have a lot to compare to as Lola is my first but my nephew was 2 1/2 or just over before he made proper progress with his speach and nursery tried to encourage him.
Lola on the other hand is always copying and is talking in mini sentences...most of the time it is 'no mummy no help, me' because she wants to do everything herself!

She is very sensitive to noise and different people though, it causes many meltdowns!!
Hannah knows SO many words (and understands what they mean) but really doesn't string together any phrases or sentences. She does every so often and each time it throws us for a loop because I feel like she's still a baby and can't possibly be speaking to me in sentences lol. The first time I remember her saying a phrase was about 2 months ago and she said, "Mommy... stuck... help." It was hilarious, especially the way it sounded coming out of her mouth.

She'll say things like "Hannah do" or "Cat go?" but not often. One of my friends has a daughter several months younger than Hannah & she said the other day her daughter spoke a full sentence. I think it was "Mommy, I want to play my game." I don't know if she spoke it clearly or in toddler garble but I got jealous, not gonna lie lol. But then I remember Hannah was standing/walking before a lot of my friend's kids that are the same age so they advance and slow down in all different areas at different rates.

Leah's 4 weeks old today & I got an email from BabyCenter saying she can grasp toys/items if you place them in her hands and she totally really isn't doing that so I started getting worried but I know she'll probably get there. She hasn't shown any indication that anything might be wrong so I know there's really no need to worry.

She hates tummy time and doesn't really care for her swing. She likes to be held which isn't always easy to do when I have Hannah to deal with. I have an Ergo, Moby & a ring sling so I can wear her around the house but I feel silly wearing her to just sit around on the couch and wait for Hannah to need me to get her out of trouble lol. But if I just sit with her in my lap on the couch, even if I'm interacting with her, I feel like I'm not stimulating her enough. It's so weird going through the infant/newborn stage again. I just went through it with Hannah but still feel like a total newbie lol.
My OHs little girl is 4 months older than evie, and her speech literally baffles me. She stayed over last night, and evie was grizzling in her sleep, and isobel called out "its ok evie, its ok" literally the cutest thing I ever heard! she talks in full sentences, and just seems so switched on! Her dad said "go give lucy a kiss goodbye" and she turned around and said "I already did!!" I just don't see evie having that kind of speech or comprehension any time soon :( it does make me jealous, which I know is wrong
I brought the speech thing up with my OH and he lost the plot with me saying there's nothing wrong with her, she doesn't need to be checked out, blah blah blah. I'm going to get her assessed this month anyway just to put my mind at ease. I'm sure she's fine coz there's nothing else that she's behind in. She signs loads. If I sit down and work out how many signs she has I bet it's close to 50.
I wouldn't worry Anti, if she is signing, she is communicating so she probably doesn't feel the need to use words.
Do you encourage her to say the word as she is signing?
^^ Exactly

and dad's are usually behind the plot when it comes to "issues" DH thought I was insane up until G was about 18 months. He was sure nothing was wrong for 10 months, but just let me do what I wanted as long as it wasn't hurting Gabriel. Now he's on board, but still in 'panic' mode about it, where Im more relaxed now, having been through the 'panic' and realizing that there is nothing that I can do, other than what we are.

Hopefully talking to someone about her development helps ease your mind Anti :)
Hows the pregnancy going Meghan? Not too long now :)

After I woke up this morning hubby says with great enthusiasm "we should call him Legion!!!"

Uhhh no. Lol

due to pregnancy ive pretty much dried up so right now we are going through the process of weaning max he keeps trying to dry nurse which hurts!! It's how I realised I had dried up cos it started hurting heaps. Went all of yesterday without and last night without and it hasn't bothered him too much :p
Oh yeah and the last week Max had his first haircut and he started saying stuff.
mainly no, but he has said buh bye dadda and mum.
Aria has been good :)
About a month to go! DH is convinced that this one is coming early... as he was CONVINCED Gabriel would also...Lol. I'm thinking she's going to be late also... late babies seem to be a theme in my family. Feeling ok, insane heartburn is my biggest complaint. That and the lack of sleep

Things ok with you Aimee? Hear anything from your mom?
Nah nothing from her. She publicly congratulated us and spoke to me a few times in private online however she has not mentioned it at all grr.
Just like it hasnt happened or something its weird. Oh well. I dont care lol if she wants to dote over my brothers puppy more than her grandkids and future grandchild thats her loss :p

things with me are fine. My uterus is measuring up to my belly button already but apparently its normal cos im stretched already lol so im feeling movement quite high up now.
have my 20 week scan may 19th I think or 17th one of those days.
nausea is pretty much gone I get the odd morning I spew or feel seedy but its a nice change from being sick constantly with the twins.

actually I forget im pregnant half the time tbh cos im feeling pretty good and am busy.

whats everyone doing for the kiddies 2nd birthdays??
Max and Aria are obsessed with toy story so I am making a toy story cake and got them a Jessie and Woody talking doll each :)
I wanted to get a mr and mrs potato head too but they were out of mrs potato heads and I figured the dolls were expensive!! so that is all we are getting them.
We are not doing a huge party. Just us (we are pretty much an instant party anyways lol) and the inlaws with some snack food and a cake and balloons pretty much.
Oh and late babies are a theme for us too! Except the twins.
I hate going over it sucks!! But I guess if you've accepted you will already it makes it easier when the time comes hehe and a nice surprise if she does come early or on time.

have you thought much about the birth?
im totally freaking out im torn between going to the hospital and getting an epi and doing it at home naturally. Eeeek.
For Gabriels birthday, we are having a family dinner. I'll be 39 weeks pregnant, and NOT up for doing anything big. We'll be getting him a tricycle with a handle so that when the baby comes, we can easily go places. He wants nothing to do with the stroller, but is a MAJOR flight risk.

As for birth plan, I'm "going with the flow" After the placental abruption with Gabriel, there is no way in HELL I would contemplate a home birth, or even a birthing center. I was lucky, in that it wasn't a complete abruption, and was still able to deliver vaginally, but the idea that it could happen scares the pee out of me now. I'm not planning on either an epi or no epi. If I need one, I need one. If I need a csection, I need one. The only request that I have, is if possible, I want to baby delivered onto my chest, with immediate skin to skin, and delayed assessment. If not possible, im not fussed. I really don't see the point in big elaborate birth plans. They rarely (if ever) go according to plan, and anyone that I know that has had an extensive plan has been disappointed.

As for your mom: Its her loss. Grandkids are the reward for not strangling your children...
Haha so true!

And I agree with the birth plan! Only one of mine went to plan and that was zoe. But her plan was only no pain relief lol
so with placental abruption since you have had one does your risk go up at all? Or was it just a fluke thing that happened?

I live 7 minutes from the hospital so. .... not too bad if I need to transfer I will. Who knows ill probably chicken out closer to the time and just go to the hospital :p
home birth is purely for convenience. We havn't left the twins alone with anyone since they were little babies so I would worry too much.
Theres no financial gain of doing it at home and im not a hippy lol it would just be easier for us that's all.

Omg yes you will be close to your due date round his party! Bet he will love his bike :)

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