Baby Babblings

Oh and as for hospital bags......not even started yet! Once the house is straight I shall see what I've already got and what I need, which is probably most of the stuff lol I'll write a list before I start!

How's my ladies today?

I've been getting pains in my back during and after eating, started yesterday and still getting them this morning, they're mid to upper back, sort of in my ribs and hurt more as I breath :( not liking them at all! Xxx
Haha they were the cause :p but worth it lol

that is pretty cool isn't it! :D

Haha bless him! Simon used to stay ontop afterwards and cuddle, often falling asleep, but since we got pregnant he's off as soon as its over lol thing is im starting to get more horny now lol

Awwww eeeek! Yay for baby buys :) we have the tommii tippee ones too :) can't decide whether to breast or bottle feed tho, think I'll go with whatever feels right when he arrives :)


Thats become a big debate for me atm too hun. Im large in the boob region and to be perfectly honest, they dont point in the right direction anyway :p Id love to be able to breastfeed but I dont think Ill be able too and dont want to exclusively express because you have to be doing it every couple of hours even through the night and I think being a new mum is exhausting enough.

I think im probably going to bottle feed. I know its a pretty controversial subject but neither i or Matt were breast fed (matt was allergic) and we were fine :shrug: xx
Sarah - baby buys! Yay! Makes it feel more real, eh? I keep thinking that I have all the time in the world to get things, but it's getting close! This is what we have so far:

- crib
- pack and play with mobile and attached storage/changing table
- Fisher Price Little Lamb Platnium Edition swing
- Eddie Bauer travel system (stroller and infant car seat)
- tons of diapers
- tons of clothes (mixture of hand me downs from the rich doctors i work with, brand new buys, and thrift store buys) - including socks, hats, mittens etc.
- cute little girl shoes (about 7 pairs)
- Baby Bjorn front baby carrier (to carry baby on your chest)
- tons of baby blankets
- tons of baby receiving blankets
- tons of bibs
- large Eddie Bauer diaper bag
- small diaper bag
- misc items like baby wash, lotions, hair brushes, hair bows, nail clippers, pacifiers, bottle cleaners, and the like...

We still need to buy a few more big items like a rocking chair, high chair, large car seat, medical grade breast pump, bootles for when I have to go back to work and pump milk.

On that topic - please do try to breastfeed. It's the best thing for the baby. It helps build their tiny little immune systems, helps mom's uterus go down to normal size, reduces the risk of female cancers by 50%, builds a crazy strong bond, is inexpensive, is convenient as you dont have to heat or mix up your breast for a feeding like formula, helps you loose weight, and most importantly it's made special just for your baby.

It certainly does make it more real!

I love the idea of rocking chairs :D Btw u must show us the nursery when youve done it!! xx
Laura - Phew, was beginning to think I had bought the wrong ones :blush: That's true, I know a lady that bought Avent bottles for her baby but the teats weren't right and the baby wasn't feeding from them properly so she had to switch to Tomee Tipee

Ouch for the back pain! Doesn't sound nice at all hun, maybe mention it to your Midwife at your next appointment? :( :hugs: xxx
Sarah it is pretty controversial but you have to do what's right for you both, my SIL really struggled and her midwife told her to switch to bottle feeding. I don't think I'll be able to bf neither Hun and if I did I'd want to express so Simon can feed him too, plus it gives you chance to rest when you need to.

My mum wants to buy me a rocking chair but it depends on if we have space for one, also I wanted my grandma's but was given away before I was pregnant and I couldn't tell my nan I wanted it cause she'd ask why, plus we had nowhere to store it so we shall see what room there is for one lol

Natt each baby is different Hun, my niece had to go from tommii tippee to mam ones, so I don't really think it makes much diff which ones we buy now lol

Eeeeeek we have paint on the walls!!! Xxx
Sarah it is pretty controversial but you have to do what's right for you both, my SIL really struggled and her midwife told her to switch to bottle feeding. I don't think I'll be able to bf neither Hun and if I did I'd want to express so Simon can feed him too, plus it gives you chance to rest when you need to.

My mum wants to buy me a rocking chair but it depends on if we have space for one, also I wanted my grandma's but was given away before I was pregnant and I couldn't tell my nan I wanted it cause she'd ask why, plus we had nowhere to store it so we shall see what room there is for one lol

Natt each baby is different Hun, my niece had to go from tommii tippee to mam ones, so I don't really think it makes much diff which ones we buy now lol

Eeeeeek we have paint on the walls!!! Xxx

That is very true hun, guess we'll just have to see what happens when he's born hehe :)

Yay for having paint on the walls! :happydance:

I can't stop sneezing today! I have the dreaded cold that has been going round, my nose won't stop running! Typical in the final 10 weeks aswell! :growlmad: :( xxx
Oh no hunni hope you feel better soon :hugs:

I'm with you on feeling shit! My backs hurting without eating this morning, drinking hurts now too, and I've woke up with a headache :( truly sucks :( paracetamol downed, which is how I know I feel shit as I never take them! Don't think I'll bother with a shower today neither, I'll attempt to make myself look half decent for when we go to buy the floor for the lounge :) I was gonna iron but I really don't think I can :( xxx
Oh no hunni hope you feel better soon :hugs:

I'm with you on feeling shit! My backs hurting without eating this morning, drinking hurts now too, and I've woke up with a headache :( truly sucks :( paracetamol downed, which is how I know I feel shit as I never take them! Don't think I'll bother with a shower today neither, I'll attempt to make myself look half decent for when we go to buy the floor for the lounge :) I was gonna iron but I really don't think I can :( xxx

Thank you hunni :hugs:

Oh dear, hope you feel better soon too chick, there seems to be a lot of bugs going around at the moment, the weather change doesn't help either though! :( :hugs:

It's a shame that paracetomol is all we can take whilst pregnant, colds wouldn't last half as long if we could take stronger stuff :haha: Ooo floor for the lounge? Sounds good! :D I would have stayed in bed all day today if I could, had to nip to Morrisons though and also been to pick our little mans cot and cot bedding up :D xxx
Thanks Hun, the paracetamol seem to be taking the edge of it which is good, Simons told me I'm to go to the docs if it doesn't ease off but it's getting an appointment that I can make!

Yh we've ordered some laminate that looks like real wood lol few weeks before its delivered which is handy too.

Aww yay for cot and bedding! Can we have piccies?! We're gonna get the olive, Henry and friends Moses basket bedding for the one in the Lou be as its green and cream so will match lol xxx
Hey dolls!

I hope you are all doing well. Me - ok...just feeling super preggers today, and looking it too! People at work are like "whoa, you look pregnant today!" - had a shitty night's sleep, as always - lame...

Laura - in 2009 I ripped out all of my carpet in my home in Colorado and layed laminate wood flooring - wow, what a chore! It was REALLY HARD...but that's because I had no clue how to do it, once I got the hang of it it got home has tricky little corners, so cutting the wood was a challenge, you definately need to have someone experienced to help you...or at least I did! Once it's done it looks lovely, just be careful not to spill liquids and allow it to sit or it will swell the laminate in that area, even if it says that it's waterproof, it will seep down into the cracks and swell...Good luck!

Sarah - as for the nursery, we aren't going all out as we will be moving out of state again by June 2013 (military). In one of our spare rooms the walls are painted a warm brown color, we filled the closet with baby items, set up a crib, a small wooden entertainment stand with a small tv and a twin sized bed (for nights when my hubby or I need sleep and the baby is crying, we can sleep in the nursery with her)'s a cute setup, just not a lot of decorations because 1.) we're moving soon and 2.) the baby will sleep in our bed/room in her pack and play (there's an insert for making it a bassinet.)

Once we get to our new location, i'll decorate her room, as she'll spend about 2 years there and I want her to feel comfy.

Anyhow, have to get back to work.

Haha thanks for the tip teenah ;) my dad'll help and he has lots of experience, also the lounge isn't massive, about 16m2 so not too bad lol I may go out that day!

The nursery sounds lovely hun, we need pics! Going to buy the paint for blue's nursery tonight :) can't wait till its al done so I can put all his stuff in there :)

I was naughty earlier :blush: had to do some filing that's in an old bunker, sounds odd I know but the factory I work in has bunkers from the war, and because im fed up with feeling useless I decided id move the boxes I needed to on my own, not overly heavy but a bit silly of me all the same, been a bit worried id hurt blue, till I got home that is! He's kicking away, was even wriggling while I was driving which he doesn't normally do, he's just had a bout of the hiccups too so I'm pretty sure he's fine, if anything it'll be my back that suffers! Sooooo can't wait to finish work Friday! Only 4more days! Sleeping is getting worse and worse as its agony to roll over :( pains in my back have been better today, bit worse now im home, guess its because I've stopped and am feelings things my bodies doing now lol

How's everyone else? Xx
Morning Ladie's.

Hope everyone is ok?

Not long now for most of ya. :D x x x

Been suffering with period like symptom back pain (lower & killing) but for like a week now :S so confused. I only normally get it the second my AF start's flowing or a hour or two before hand. Last night felt so sick. Iv had the vividest dreams in my life the last 2 night's. So horrible and yesterday either DPO10-11 not sure, I had serious sharp pain's in my lower left side of tummy. I really hate symptom spotting but these you cant miss. I could lay on the sofa and cry im in that much pain in my back. Sharp Cramping totally gone. But There's no way this is the cycle for me to get a BFP. I just cant see it happening. x x x

Well got a phone call at 9:20am and iv defo been accepted for 3 free cycle's of IVF/or untill I get pregnant. There going to send out the paper work to be signed and sent back. But I think before I do that me and my fiance should talk about it. But would like to get a natural BFP before then. x x x
Sorry to hear your feeling crap hunni, its good signs tho so don't count yourself out until you know either way! Stay positive hunni xx

Yay for free ivf, hopefully you won't need it tho hun ;) if you don't sign straight away will you loose the offer of having it? I understand you want a natural bfp but at the same time its a very good offer. Have a good hard think about it xxx

I'm not too bad thank you, my pains have gone back to being when I eat and more towards the front now, want them to go away! I keep getting a really intense tingling in one spot in my back which is weird too! Pretty sure im falling apart!

Laura - Glad to hear the paracetomol is taking the edge of your pain :hugs:

I'll upload pics once we have the cot and everything set up, if we can get it set up! Went to the Lettings Agency yesterday and they are supposed to be getting on with the repairs! Better late than never I guess! I have already rang them once today as they haven't been in touch, they were apparently getting in touch with the maintenance team then calling me back, said the repairs should be finished by the end of the week, I really can't see that happening though! If they do and they do a good job then we may stay in the house but we will need to decorate as it needs some TLC lol, then we can set all Tyler's stuff up, fingers crossed!

Ooo can we see pictures when you get it? :happydance:

Tut tut! Naughty girl! Lol. You be careful lifting boxes on your own! Karl won't even let me carry shopping bags, unless it's just bread or something, he shouts at me for bending over, he puts my socks and shoes on for me now bless him :blush: xxx

Jess - Sorry to hear you are feeling rubbish hun, it's awful :( :hugs: I agree with Laura chick, don't count yourself out until the witch arrives, might be an unexpected surprise :winkwink: xxx never know. Plus, for me it would depend on what the treatment is. I would be nervous about any place offering IVF without having first been through a reconised health body for infertility testing. Only places I know that offer IVF like that are drug trials.

And tbh, if it is a drug trial, I know my responce would be a big fat no. If you want a child that badly chick, dont mess about with stuff that could cause you long lasting damage and take away that chance. You just dont know what youre messing with. I know its easy to get sucked in by the desire and need though. But I was reading a woman that got involced with a trial and it ended up making her infertile.

I know how hard it is trying. It took me almost three years (and not three years of cycles, i mean time wise) to get even this far. But when youre 23 youll fall into the criteria for proper infertility testing through the proper health service. I 1000% think thats the safest and best way to go :hugs:

Feel better soon chick x
EEEK! Mum and dad just asked us about christmas and whether we wanted the to buy things for us or buy things for us for the baby :) We said baby! I cant wait for christmas now!! xx
Thank's girlie's.

Aint quite made my mind up yet but no I wont lose my place as long as I dont take the piss. If you know what I mean. x x x

Sarah it's a kisspeptin IVF trial. Iv had a read up and didn't find nothink bad. but like I said not made my mind up yet. x x x

Thank's again girlie's. Love the advice & support from you all. x x x
Oooh fingers crossed for the repairs getting done chick :) can't wait to see his nursery :)

Yh once the lounge is sorted I'm straight out to buy it lol can't wait to have his chair and play at our too :) need to get it out ASAP so the dog can get used them being there and not hers to play with.

I was careful Hun :) Simons like that, he gave me evils yesterday for picking a bag of shopping up that had milk in it lol haha bless him putting your socks and shoes on :) Simon has to do my saddles up but it's getting too cold for that now lol

I hadn't even thought that it could be a drugs trial, be very very careful jess :hugs: xxx
From what I gather the drug will only work in around 10% of cases because its not a generalised infertility drug. kisspeptin is a hormone in the brain and so its being developed to help women whos infertility is caused by hormonal imbalances. Apparently, those women with hormonal imbalances dont go through normal puberty actions and so they dont ovulate. So the drug is, if its passed for medical use, going to be aimed at women that do not have ovulation because the hormone makes people go through "puberty" so to speak. From what I gather...some will be given the real drug and others a placebo.

Id be careful if it was me, because hormones are tricky and once you start messing with them it may not be easily resolved. But then I have hormonal imbalance issues with my thyroid.

Jess: one of the things Id be inclined to do before agreeing to the trial is finding out the long term impacts. If you go through this route you need to find out if the nhs will basically rule out helping you. It doesnt sound like this trial is one that is in place to make all women pregnant, and so once they have the research data they are going to shut it down. So I think id be asking my doctor for advice on it. Cos if this trial is not successful, which in all honesty (sorry chick) I dont think it will be unless you have the hormonal imblanance (and your bloods were all ok), you need to know if you still will be able to go through nhs. Cos if you fail to get bfp on an ivf round, you may not qualify for it under the NHS. And the NHS will be proper IVF. This is not..its testing the outcomes of a hormone :hugs:

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