Baby Buddies!

Sorry I haven't been on in awhile...

I found out my best friend (my dh) has been cheating on me off and on for a year. I am devasted and never in a million years thought this would happen. I have been trying to deal with this.

Lydia has an apt today with a pediatric surgeon bc she might have something wrong with her umbilical hernia.

I hope you are doing well!
Aw, so sorry to hear about you and DH. How did you find out? Did he tell you?

Sorry, sure you don't want to discuss.

Hope that Lydia's hernia is not an issue. Is it causing bowel problems or something? How did the appointment go?

Things are okay here. Would be a million times better if I could get these babies to sleep at night. Vanessa was sleeping off and on (not long enough stints for me to really fall asleep) until 6 am when she finall went down for a solid 4 hrs. Michaela went down at 11 pm (was so happy for this), but then she woke as was awake from 4-6 am. Praying for good sleep tonight.

Hope things get better for you. Sounds like a lot of unhappy news right now. :hugs:
Thanks for the hugs.

I hope your Christmas is going well for you guys!

I hope your babies are letting you get some sleep now :)

No, I saw a secret e-mail account on the computer and asked about it and he acted like I was crazy. Then the last few weeks he has been so mean to me. He accused ME (who just had a baby) of cheating because our turkey in our fridge was from a different city. So I know that a sign of cheating is when they blame you or accuse you of cheating because they are so guilty. It has been going on since we got married off and on. Purely sex. It doesn't make it right and it really hurts my feelings and we are going to go to counseling. I am not really sure what to do.
We are so super close and best friends so this is really hard for me to wrap my head around.

Anyways, Merry Christmas!
good you are going to do counseling. i hope you can work everything out.

the babies did pretty well last night. the big one slept from 10 to 8:30 then with me on the sofa from 9 to almost 11. little one slept from 2-6a then 8a-12p, could be better, coulda been worse!

dh has to work today, but has the next 2 days off. think xmas is going to be great this year. dinner with his family at one, gift opening with my family around 7.

yesterday michaela stood up on her own without pulling up on anything. so proud of her!
Yay for a standing baby!

Christmas was good for us. How about you? Lydia got so much stuff lol.

We are going away tomorrow for the weekend just the three of us. I feel like we need to just get away. I need to get away. Things have been stressful over here lately. I love LydieBear more than ever though!
Christmas was nice here. Got lots of great gifts for the girls. My husband got me a digital camera. I knew what my gift was weeks ago when he got it because Michaela got into the bag from Best Buy and when I was getting her away from it I spotted the contents. It's okay though. I was patient and waited for Christmas day. It's a great camera. I've been taking lots of pics of the girls with it.

Vanessa went down about half an hour ago (about 9:30 p). Hopefully I can get Michaela down soon. I'm going to have to hold her a while on the sofa or something to get her down. If I can get her to bed before DH gets home from work I can have a shower! ;)

Hope the weekend with just the 3 of you is exactly what you need and you can perhaps destress a little bit! Keep on loving that little Lyddie! :)
happy new year to you too!!

yay for the hand typing again lol.

post some pics you took!
i go back to work on saturday. i hope it is drama free i have enough drama in my life. it will be weird i haven't been to work since beg of sept!

i want another baby already! ready to be pregnant again. lol how are you??
Hope you enjoy being back to work! I'm so lucky to be a SAHM, but honestly, the idea of getting out of the house w/o kids for a little bit is a pretty tempting thought!

You sound like I did after Michaela was born. I know that being pregnant and having a little baby is a really awesome thing, but make sure you really think hard about it. I'm sure I'll be glad for having 2 close together soon, but right now it's really hard. Not to mention with my morning sickness being really crappy I didn't get to spend the time I wanted to with Michaela and it's time you can't get back ya know? Just make sure you really think about it before you make any decisions about another baby.

My dryer isn't working properly (keeps tripping the breaker) and have a repairman coming tomorrow sometime. I was supposed to call to get a more exact time frame, but it'll be between 8a & 5p. Not that I plan on going anywhere.


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Cute!! Look at Vanessa's cheeks! Lydia has chubby cheeks too!! Everyone always comments on them!

I had my post partum appointment today. It was good. I feel like a normal human as I put it to my doctor lol.

Are you having a difficult time now with have two so close in age? DH and his sister at 13 months apart and he would really like to have our children that close. I am def. a little nervous about how tired I was in my first trimester last time and how much sleep I needed. I get about 4-6 a night now and not in a row so I know DH would have to help out a lot more. But I am not going to think about it for a few more months anyways.
It definitely helps when they are sleeping thru the night. When Michaela did that's when baby fever hit hard (about 3 months old). I had to wait for my period to come back though and then DH wanted me to be done bfing first.

It's a little frustrating trying to adapt, but I imagine it's the norm and no more difficult than normal. Not a lot of time to myself, but that's what you sign on for in motherhood!

I had my PP check on the 31st. Was given some estrogen cream to help my episiotomy complete healing (it's so close, just very very sensitive). Otherwise I'm super!
Good to hear you are feeling good. How are the babes doing?

Lydia has her first cold :( We went to DH's cousins house on Saturday night to watch football and their baby just got over a really bad cold and I am guessing she caught it from him. She doesn't have a fever though and she is doing much better today. We took her into walk in clinic yesterday.

I will wait a few months before thinking about getting pregnant but I would love to have to girls close in age! Me being a twin I loved growing up with my sister!
Babies are doing great! Michaela is talking more all the time, Vanessa is starting to vocalize. She's on her playmat right now looking around and cooing away! Still not a very regular night time thing happening, but even though it can sometimes be 2 am before I get to sleep (the usual), Vanessa will sleep from then until 8 or 8:30 am, so I can get some solid 5-6 hrs of sleep. Getting sleep makes all the difference in dealing with late nights.

Hope Lydia gets over her cold quickly.

I can see how growing up with someone so close (and it doesn't get closer than twins) would make you want to have another one close to Lydia's age. I recently heard that getting pregnant before your baby is a year old increases the likelihood of having a baby with the same gender, but I don't think it was at all scientific. I can think of a lot of examples of it, but my brother and sister are 18 months apart and it's not the case for them.

How is it being back at work??
Glad to hear babies are doing well. Vanessa lets you sleep from 2 am to 8 in the morning? LUCKY. LOL. Lydia recently started getting better at the nighttime thing. She usually sleeps from 9ish-1 or 2 and is up for 30-60 mins and then usually wakes up between 3-5 and sometimes up for two hours! We take shifts though. DH wakes up with her until 3 am and I wake up with her after that. So we both can get some sleep.

Lydia is feeling better today. Scary when babies are sick! She slept for like 2 days straight and barely eating. She still was having wet diapers and her highest temp was 99.8 so I think she was fighting it off.

I have been to work twice now and I had so much fun. I missed it. The kids missed me and all talked and asked me questions about Lydia all practice lol. I am glad I am only working 18 hours a week. Perfect amount of time to be gone. I get to spend all day until 3:30 with Lydia then I go to work for a few hours 3 days a week.
Glad work is going well. Also great that you and your husband are working together with the night time waking so that you can both get some sleep.

when Michaela was a newborn she would be up ALL night long. She wouldn't go to sleep until 5 am sometimes, it was sooo stressful! She suddenly turned around and started sleeping 10-11 hrs a night all night long with no waking at 12 weeks. It was wonderful! I hope that Lydia starts sleeping a little better for you soon.
How are you doing? How was your weekend? So hard to get on her much with a baby :)

Lydia started sleeping one 5 hours stretch then up for about 2 hours and then sleeps again for a few hours lol. When she wakes up around 2-3 am she doesn't know it is nighttime and not play time lol.

She has her 2 month visit next week I cannot believe it. She has been doing so much better. We have been going to the baby chiro!
I'm glad she's doing better! Hope her 2 month check goes well, she getting immunizations or are you delaying/declining?

My weekend was kind of boring and lonely. DH worked the weekend so I was home mostly. Had a crappy night on Saturday. DH ended up having to put both girls to bed because I was at my wits end. The little one went to bed around 2:30a and I went to bed at 2a... Woke at 5/5:30a because the big one was crying, but she settled herself back down, but kept moaning every hour or so and the little one was making noise like she was going to wake up so I couldn't settle back down for any good sleep.

Vanessa had her 2 month check today. She's 13 lbs 9.5 oz and 23.25 inches. She's a good size girl! Had her shots today too. Don't really notice a big difference in her behavior yet. Maybe a little more sleepy, but she's been doing a lot of sleeping thru the day anyway.

How was your weekend?
I am pretty sure I am going to get her vacinated next week. Did Vanessa cry alot? I am nervous. I think she will do ok but still makes me nervous.

That sucks about your sleep schedule. I am very lucky DH helps me out and we take turns. We both (Lydia and I) had a cold last week so sleep was estential. We also bought her a humidifier and it seems to be helping her sleep longer stretches. The other night she slept 5 hours in a row!!! WOO HOO!! But then was awake for two hours in the middle of the night after that lol. Silly girl.

She is to the point where she doesn't want to be held all the time anymore. She just wants to play either in her swing, playmat, or bumbo. Makes me a little sad!

I weighed Lydia the other day and she was 12.8 but she had been sick so we will see what she weighs next week! She is really long! Her 3 month outfits are too short for her!
Hope your doing well! Haven't heard from you in awhile!
Yes, doing well here. Sorry about not responding before. Sometimes I check the boards when I am feeding one of the little one's, but then find I don't have the ability to type out the long message I want to so I say "I'll come back to it" and forget about it. :(

Vanessa didn't cry too bad when she got her jabs, she did scream a bit at first, but she calmed down quickly (and her big sis was smiling at her being in pain, cheeky girl!).

So has Lydia had her 2 month check now? How did her jabs go?

Vanessa is having more awake periods and for longer spans lately. We scheduled a photo session for Saturday and hoping that both girls are in a proper photo taking mood. I have always had horrible timing with Michaela and she doesn't seem to want to smile for professional photos any time we have tried. So frustrating! I mean, she's adorable even when she's pouting, but what I wouldn't give for a nice framed photo of her beautiful SMILE! Maybe Nessa will be a little more accomodating than big sis.

Hope everything is well with you, how are you enjoying the weather? It's been snowing here all day and it's supposed to keep up all night. Our first real heavy snow of winter which is really unusually late for my area. I really want to take Michaela out in it, but her nap today was smack in the middle of prime time to take her out. :p Better luck tomorrow. I'm itching to take some milestone pictures!

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