Baby Buddies!

I know how that goes! How was your photo session today? I have been busy working and taking care of Lydia :). I am starting to get exhausted. This last week Lydia has been sleeping from about 9ish- til anywhere from 4:30-6:30 am!

We had her apt last week and I felt so bad she was screaming and turning red and purple. I hateeee when she screams like that. She was crabby and tired that whole day.

What else is new with you guys? How are the babes sleeping!
Babes are sleeping pretty good. Michaela is getting much easier to put to bed at night and I can get her down pretty well around 10:30. Vanessa is a bit all over the place, but she sleeps pretty consistently from 1/2 am to 8/9 sometimes waking around 5. Also some nights she is out earlier than that, but not always.

Photos went really well. Vanessa was much more smiley than Michaela was when she had her first portraits done. I was really pleased with how they turned out and can't wait to pick them up!

Are you going to have photos with Lydia at all or have you already?
Glad to hear sleep is bettter. We are going out of town to a time share condo next weekend with my family so it will be interesting to see how Lydia sleeps there.

We got pictures done for Christmas cards of her and family pictures. They turned out great and everyone loved our Christmas card!

She is starting to be more indepandent. She wants to play all the time and not snuggle or wants me to walk around with her. I feel like I can't get much done anymore lol.

We are suppose to get a winter storm (mostly freezing rain) so we will stay here today.
Vanessa is also having more moments of independence. I can set her for short stints in her play gym and she will be happy there for a while. She also does not like much to be held in someone's lap, she always wants to be on the move. Also finding she much prefers being held upright and outward facing as opposed to cradled on her back. Also if you are going to sit down with her she wants to be sitting her back to you, facing out. She actually watched some TV today (it was baby einstein on for my older girl).

Bet those Christmas pictures were adorable!

Hope your family vacation goes well and Lydia sleeps good in the new environment. Oh yes, we have freezing rain going on here too. I was out earlier today before it got really nasty. So nice to get out it was just me and Michaela. I haven't been out with just us since before Vanessa was born. I'd definitely like to keep doing that once a week or every other week. Special time with me and my big girl.

On a non baby front... I got some new jeans today that I'm pretty sure I kind of love. They are boot cut with a fitted thigh from Levis. I have never found women's jeans that I love so much. Usually I find my jeans in the Juniors department, but that's not ideal anymore because they are all so low rise and it does my figure no favors, LOL.

Ahh... Hope you are all doing well and staying warm and safe indoors during the storm.
Sorry for not responding for a few days...Lydia just got out of the hospital after 63 hours of being there :(

She had a fever and very fussy so I called her afer hours nurse line and they told me to got to Children's hospital er. We were there overnight where they did blood draws, cathed her, and a SPINAL tap! Then we got admitted because her white blood cell count was triple the normal. She ended up having a viral infection and a UTI. They did an ultrasound today and are pretty sure she has kidney reflux so we will have to get some tests done.

I am exhausted and need a good nap! lol. Hope you are well!
OH so scary!! Hope they have found the problem and Lydia won't have that happen again! How is she now?

Hope you get the rest you need.

I'm doing pretty well here. Vanessa has been having green poo for a while and I think it's a fore/hind milk imbalance. Not enough of the fatty stuff. Probably because I have been going longer between pumpings (losing track of times looking after 2 kids ya know) and I often don't pump until there is nothing left because I have already been on for 30 min or more and I can't be on a pump all day. Got to find some way to decrease my supply just a little bit so I don't get so much built up that I can't get the fatty milk. Thinking of trying block feeding (one boob every 3 hrs as opposed to both) for a day or 2 and see if that fixes the issue. Other than that the only hope I can see is combi feeding and giving her some formula w/ breastmilk and I know that my supply will really take a hit if I do that.
Happy Feb.! We conceived this month last year! That is crazy!!

How was your weekend? We went on that mini vaca and it was fun! Lydia got to go swimming. It through off our regular routine and she didn't sleep while we were there :/. Oh well I got 8 interuppted hours the last two nights so I can't complain!

Friday, Lydia is going back to childrens to get a MRI. Dad is taking her because I hate seeing her undergo procedures.
Sorry to hear that she has to have more tests, I totally get not being able to watch your little girl get poked and prodded and tested. I think it's bad enough having to watch them get immunisations.

Still green poo (most of the time) here, but I do think it's starting to look a lot better. She is starting to have a bit more of a pattern of eat/active/sleep so getting a small bit more predictable though she will throw in some sleeps right after eats once in a while. She's a growing baby after all!

My big girl had her first snow experience today. Didn't take her out last winter, she was too little to enjoy anything as far as I'm concerned. She didn't like it at first and I was about to take her inside, but then she warmed up to it and had a fun time. WE played for 15 min or so, but then my fingers felt like ice cubes and I figured hers couldn't be any better so we came inside. Got great pics though! :)
I can't wait for Lydia to get older to do stuff like play outside...but I won't wish her time away now :)

How are you?

Lydia's test came back that she has reflux on both kidneys so we are waiting to hear back from the dr about treatment.

She is three months now!!! So cool and unbelieveable! She has been fussy lately...wondering if that is just my baby or all three month olds?

Hope you had a great weekend!
Probably the wonder week thing. Around 12 weeks (from due date) Baby will have a fussy period. Also a growth spurt around now I think? Anyway, you were just a few days ahead of me and Vanessa's wonder week 12 begins tomorrow. Don't know when she'll actually become a fuss ball, but hopefully it's not too bad! It's definitely totally normal, just ride it out and she'll be back to her old self. I found a wonder week chart to maybe help you out a little.

Sorry to hear about her reflux. Hope they can help her out. Is that something she would have surgery for?? Scary!

Hope everything else is well with you. We're doing good here. Getting more comfortable taking care of the 2 girls all the time!


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Hey there! I am doing good. Lydia had blood in her stool this weekend so yet ANOTHER trip to the doctor yesterday. They think because of being on prolonged antibiotics has stripped her poor gut so bad her gi tract is irritated. It is always something with her.

I downloaded the wonder weeks app the other day! It does explain a lot...BUT... for the last 3 nights she has been going through a sleep regression. Waking up almost every hour after like midnight. I am at my wits end. I have NO idea what to do. Sigh. She was being such a good sleeper only waking up once a night MAYBE this.

Glad you and the babes are doing well! Do you have baby fever yet? I do but we are in the process of trying to buy a house by May so we have a lot going on.
We meet with a ped. urologist tomorrow for her kidney reflux tomorrow so we will know her treatment plan then!
No baby fever here. I still remember all the negative things too clearly (nausea and exhaustion mostly) and can't bear to think of taking care of these 2 while going thru that again. Though my husband did ask me the other day what girl name I had in mind if we had an "oopsie" baby (he's convinced we can only have girl babies). I like Claire and Joanna, but he has vetoed these names 2 times before.

Hope everything gets sorted with poor Lydia soon!

I am pretty sure I'm going to have a late night tonight. Michaela napped from 4-6 pm which is pretty late for her so she's likely to be up til 11 or so. EEp. Gotta feed the other one right now. She's been sleeping a lot today and only waking to eat and she is HUNGRY now!
Sorry I haven't written in a few days. We are in the process of trying to buy a house so life is a little crazy right now. How are you guys doing?

Baby fever is slowing starting to go away. I woke up the other day and felt hungover (lack of sleep) and decided that I do NOT want to feel like that again for awhile. Especially after getting up with Lydia at night and spending all day with her and then going to work.

I am getting a little sick of this sleep regression Lydia is in. She went from sleeping through the night or waking up once to 2-5 times a night. It is getting exhausting! Anyways, hope your babes are sleeping well for you!
Vanessa got up 4 times last night. Once so far tonight. I need to get myself to bed too, but here I am!!

Michaela is cutting several teeth at once and has been waking crying in the middle of the night at least once and usually twice, but settles her self back down for the most part.

Exciting that you are buying a house!

Right now the thing that's exciting me the most is a new web site I found that has the cheapest prices for headbands and legwarmers I have ever seen. I ordered a bunch of stuff that I just got emailed has been shipped today. So I should have in a week or so. Praying I'm not disappointed!!

Hope you get some good sleep soon and Lydia's sleep pattern goes back to normal. Hoping for good things here too!
What website did you find? I would loveee to know :) Also let me know if you are happy with what you bought!

How did sleep go last night? Lydia slept from 8-1:30 and then 2-4:00 and then 4:45-6:45. Can't she just go back to sleeping through the night lol!??!!!

We put an offer in on a house yesterday. Should hear back by Friday!
Don't know if it's okay to advertise the site? I guess this'll get found and edited if I'm making a mistake. It's Really excellent prices and just got my order today. Didn't get to try anything on the girls yet, but they look great! The flower clips and headbands are beautiful!!

Night before last Vanessa slept in the swing all night with DH on the couch and I got to sleep in bed all night for like 8 hrs... it was heaven! Last night had Vanessa in the pack n play again and woke up 3 or 4 times. She keeps scooting up and smooshing her face against the mesh side and it wakes her up. One time she woke up and needed a bottle as well. Hope tonight goes well. She's waking now so I need to go and tend to her.
Here's a pic of what I ordered. 2 rompers, 2 headbands & flower clips, 2 sets of soleless sandals, and 4 pairs of legwarmers. All for under $45.


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Cute!!! I will have to check it out!

Lydia sleeps in pack and play but we have a wedge under her and rolled up towel in a U shape covered by a blanket so she can't really move around. I switched her formula from Nutramigen to gentle ease. She has been very gassy and crying a lot more...Even though gentle ease says for gas and fussiness. I am wondering if she does actually have a milk protein allergy. I am going to give it 10 days like they said and see how she is.

We bought a house! Super excited. 4 bedrooms (potential for a 5th in basement) but only 1 bathroom. Good thing DH's husband is a plumber and will be putting in a 2nd bathroom. It is a flipped house so everything is already done. Super excited to move in. We close April 16th.

That is awesome you got a great night of sleep!!!! Hope you get many more soon.
Sleep has been pretty okay here lately. Usually get the big little one down around 11 or so without too much fuss. I play a lullaby cd and rock with her and if she doesn't go down in the 30 minutes it takes the cd to play out, I'll rock with her a song or two more and then put her in her crib awake or asleep and generally if she's awake she'll lay straight down and maybe talk to herself a bit and drift off on her own.

The big one I've been getting down in the evening around 10/11 for the most part and she wakes around 5 or 6 am for a bottle and goes back down for 4 or 5 hrs.

Super exciting that you bought a house! I'm feeling a little jealous over hereI've got a 3 bed 1 bath house and hoping to have another bathroom downstairs and finish out the basement with new laundry an office and play area for the girls, but who knows how long that's going to take to accomplish!!

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