
Why is ben against moving to the UK?
We had a better night last night

Bedtime bottle at 10.30pm and then he woke up at 2am and then 5.30am so this is miles miles miles better for us! I made some changes last night though and would be interested to know what everyone else does:
* Where does your baby sleep? (Moses, crib, cot, co-sleep etc etc)
* Do you change their nappy everytime they wake for a feed?
* If they seem 'awake', do you sit up with them and try and get them back to sleep or do you leave them on their own so they can self settle and go back to sleep in their own time?
* Those with sicky babies, once they have had a feed, do you put them down in their cot/crib and hope for the best or do you sit up with them for a while?
Sorry for all of the questions

Just very interested to see how others approach night time feeding and sleeping!
Last night I had Jack in his moses instead of his crib and he slept the whole night in his moses. Ususally, he gets to around 1ish and will become unsettled so I co-sleep for the rest if the night but last night he was fine for the entire night.
Also, I started him on gaviscon on sunday and now it has had a chance to start working properly, he was only sick once in the night which helped cut down feeding times dramatically last night. Plus I wasnt having to get up every two minutes to pick him up when he was choking on sick