the ones i have are tiny little balls we put on her tounge all natural camomile etc in the uk you can buy aston parsons and somethng else9 hours here
I thought the same about teething with phoebe very dribbly and biting here fists a lot! Thought I had a awhile before this started
MF very weird what were they doing all that time?
Smiley people always want more font they bloody cheeky people , hope you get rid of it today.
Jem nice tickers
Wriggler poor you biting whilst feeding ouchy!
Whisper teething granules what are they?
Have fun today ladies I have a house full of 2/3 year olds for ollie birthday 3 today!!
I'm starting to think of expressing so can have a bottle when its difficult to bf but I'm confused. When do you express? Can they start not wanting to bf? Also am I being stupid now because I'm worried it will effect the bond we have, I know bottle fed babies have the same bond with mums but does a bf babies bond change when you introduce a bottle. I'm not being anti bottle at all, had them in ready from day 1 because didn't know if I would manage bf. Is it best not to mix at the moment (12 weeks)
So I would feed from one side only and pump the other. You could do this with every feed if you wanted unless your lo is drinking more than one boob can provide but mine isn't. I make enough milk to feed a small country. You may have trouble like AP said getting nipples to take - Whitt still doesnt eat nearly as well from a bottle as he does from the breast but he will eat some. It made me sad to give him a bottle the first time...was weird. But being able to leave the house for more than 2-3 hrs was seriously worth it.
It would also explain the biting when she is done with a feedOUCHIES!
Anyone know where I can order an amber teething necklace/anklet? and if an anklet or necklace is better?
Etsy. Loads on there.
Just put Whitt down and hoping for a good night![]()
Red hot here. Tourists everywhere so came to secret part of beach they wont find lol x walked here hoping il start tp relax now jade is 12weeks?
Have fun em xx