Hugs to all those who need them (What is wrong with these s**t for men?? LOL) and anyone not getting sleep!!!! Weston has just fed every hour for the last 3...I think I am in for a very long night too!
MF Weston has thrush too. It started with a bad diaper rash that wouldn't go away with all the heavy duty creams I bought. He was screaming every diaper broke my heart. I finally figured out it was probably not just a typical rash and took him to the doctor. He not only has it on his little bum but also in his mouth. I have to give him the oral medicine 4 times per day and a cream on his diaper rash 4 times, as well as put the cream on my nipples since I'm BFing. It's so annoying--can't wait until it's all cleared up!!!
I am miserable with my gallbladder again, it's back to bad spasms/attacks, diarrhea (TMI) several times per day, nausea all the time, etc. just like it was while pregnant. It's really hard to deal with while breastfeeding and getting next to no sleep....with no help from DH.

The Dr had originally wanted to wait 6 weeks PP to do the surgery and take it out, but I called today and begged the nurse to talk to the doctor because I just can't take it anymore. Really keeping everything crossed that I can have the surgery sooner so I can go back to feeling like a normal person!
Is anyone else not going on any type of birth control? DH wants to start TTC again or at least NTNP as soon as I am healed up and have my gallbladder surgery--eeek! He is 11 years older than I am and says he doesn't want to be an old man when his kids are finishing school...ha. I understand where he is coming from but at the same time it's a little scary to me to think about having two extremely close together. I am exclusively BFing Weston so I may have a tough time getting pregnant until he is weaned. I know it can happen as I have seen women who end up pregnant only 6-8 weeks PP!!!!!!!!! I also know that some don't ovulate while BFing and have to stop in order to conceive again. Guess there is no way to know how my body will react. I am undecided about what to do at this point. I do want my first two close but maybe not THAT close!!!!!