Smiley,Have you thought about the coil? One of them, cant remember which one it is now, is supposed to help with heavy periods.
Meeting went well, ward was chaotic (nothing new there) so rather than it being a sit down meeting at 11 in the office it was a chat in the IV cupboard. Ward has 30 patients and is only staffed for 24 and on top of that they are 4 staff members down (2 left, 2 on mat leave) so was running on bank staff.
Manager has said that she has no idea about KIT days as no one has used them before?! so she is emailing HR/Payroll to find out about them, im planning to use them to wean myself back to work ie 1 shift week one,2 shifts week two,3 and then 4 and then back 5 days a week like before. I mentioned that working more early shifts would benefit my family but i can do lates, just preference really. She was fine about it and we agreed to a 8 week trial but as she said it depends on the rotas and how it works out but she would try so cant really ask for more. OH works 24 hours a week and his boss does his rota around mine, plus their store is open late so if needs be i can do an early (7-3) and he can do 4-10 which is a quarter of his hours anyways. Im sure it will work out.
Strangely i am actually looking forwards to going back to work.
Tax are still being an arse, rarely get through to them and then they say that they are waiting for p60 or the p45 from the bank office etc (basically fobbing me off) ugh.
Does any one plan on using the cow and gate baby foods? Ive got 6 or 7 vouchers for them that we arent going to use so id rather not see them wasted.
Right im off as ive got some bits to do for my portfolio

Couple of modules on Autism
Building awareness of adult autism
Supporting adults with autism
Working with adults with autism