Kitty hopefully too early, exciting stuff though the first one from feb 2013 to be close
Smiley hope you had fun last night
Jem I saw on fb your pics very nice bib. I'm like a women possessed looking at all the stuff I can buy off her now my Dh worried all the money I'm spending
Mrs hope mastitis is better and have fun in London I love visiting such a fascinating place
He blocked the pipe and then to unblock it he took the head off and banded the metal pipe on the floor to 'clear the blockage' and somehow managed to slice through the power cable. Fml!! Desperately need to vaxed carpet as dog one was ill this morning.
Yay! Finally up loaded remembered how to do it! It's from a lady on my Facebook.
Honestly the quality is fab, she is only 19 as well, I think she could open up a shop if she had the chance to knock it all out quick enough.
Lindy you on Facebook?
Lucky I spent £50 on 5 bibs, some slippers for when she is bigger and a nappy bag! The bags not come yet.
Rota, hope you have a chilled night?
How's everyone else? I went to the hen afternoon, big girls went to my mums in the end and Ruby just screamed the whole time for Shaun
We are talking Ruby swimming for the first time tomoz, I'm excite, she loves the bath so I'm hoping she will love the water? Xx
Managed to splice the wire back together. Vaxed the carpet. Vaxing and painting relax me so on kinda glad I got it fixed as had a shite day today and yesterday so needed to vax to relax or I may have had a stroke.
Wrapped the gifts for father's day and his birthday. Christ its hard to wrap a teapot will get pics of the gifts tomorrow. They are kinda awesome if I may so. Got money off voucher for another trip to the kiln, got my eye on a plate with bugs handprints and dates on.
Gave kids 20 and they sorted presents. Hideous slippers, socks and a hosepipe lmao. I didnt have any input. I said completely up to them my OH hates it if I chose stuff and says it defys the point :/
Gave kids 20 and they sorted presents. Hideous slippers, socks and a hosepipe lmao. I didnt have any input. I said completely up to them my OH hates it if I chose stuff and says it defys the point :/
I love the prints idea. May take to pottery cafe and do some.
Lol at hosepipe!? Nutty kids. Matthew was just a bit excited and wanted to get everything!
Hope you are all ok.
Jem, cant do link from phone, il try on samsung pad. Ive stayed up too late reading about baby customs round the world and in history!
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