Just back from Weston's appointment. He has been switched to a stronger reflux medication (Prilosec--omeprazole). He is 10 lbs, 2 oz now and in the 53% so just average in weight but only in the 23% for height. He is going to be a shorty like his mom lol. He also has something called penile torsion. She said we can do corrective surgery if we want, but I think he would have to be referred to a urologist and would have to go under general anesthesia. I don't know what to think about it. Guess I will have to talk to DH when he gets home but probably leaning towards having the surgery. I hate to put him under but I guess it's better to do it now than when he is older and understands what's going on. The doctor thinks he has colic that is probably being caused by the reflux. He did have a 5.5 hour stretch last night (FINALLY I got some sleep yay!) but that hasn't been typical for him this week.
He just woke himself up from a nap a few minutes ago by gagging and retching and I had to pick him up and turn him on his side until he stopped.

SO hoping that the new medicine works for his reflux and all this stops. I hate seeing him so uncomfortable!
On the bright side he has started smiling!!!! Love seeing his little face light up!!!
We're on Zantac too - seems to be helping a bit but he did throw up badly this morning

felt like a step backward, but my ped did say it wouldn't control the spitting up so much as help with the discomfort and would take probably a week to work so that's next Tuesday - what was happening that you all decided to go with the other med? He said we could move the that one next if we didn't see improvement - right now I feel like it's working so so but we do need another few days to make a week...Hope his little surgery goes well! I know you must be fretting about it.
Aww I can't wait for real smiles!

Bec, don't feel bad! At least she got the colostrum - that's the most important part of breast milk anyway. Luckily, my midwives weren't fussed either way whether I breast fed or not, so when I told them Harry had had the one bottle of Aptimil at day 3 or 4, they weren't bothered. In a way, I think that laid back attitude spurred me on with BFing.
Sitting here with Harry in my arms asleep, and he proper just chuckled in his sleep!! It was so funny!
Anyway, I'm thinking of starting expressing for one feed a day, so DH can help out. Has anyone done this? How do I start?
I love when Whitt does that too
Feed on one side only and pump the other. That's what I've been doing. I then put it in breast milk freezer storage bags - I've got about 50 bags (200oz or so) in the freezer right now. I am using the honeysuckle brand bags from Amazon - they are biodegradable
This is the swing Weston has: https://www.target.com/p/fisher-price-my-little-snugamonkey-cradle-n-swing/-/A-14069815
He loves it! It does swing side to side but you can also change it so that it swings back and forth. He actually likes the side to side motion though and it doesn't seem to make him sick at all. He has reflux and spits up often, but he has actually never spit up while swinging.
We have this one too and we like it - Whitt has spit up and thrown up in it though
We've had a rough day - Whitt woke and fed at 7 and was awake until 930, threw up everything he had in his poor tummy, fussed and ate again. By 11am I hadn't eaten breakfast, had changed him 3x, had changed his outfit 3x, fed him 3x and he didn't want to be held, rocked, or laid down

I finally put him in his napper and just had to walk a way to keep my sanity! He's been unusually awake today - him throwing up gets us all off schedule with feeds and sleeping

. He did eat 4oz of expressed milk with DH while I was at the vet with the dog. That also went badly - poor dog has had an ulcer on her eye we've been treating for a month and it's not getting better so now we've been referred to a dog opthamologist for surgery -

God only knows how much that will cost.
DH is wanting to leave for a little while to hang out with friends and I feel like a butthead, but I told him I didn't want him to go. He's worked every night this week and that's usually when Whitt's his fussiest so I am just ready to have him help for a whole day for once...