Baby is coming!!!*updates 6,9,18,23,24,26

Jasssss!! :hugs:
Congratulations babe! :happydance:
Baby Riley is completely adorable!!!
I thought he might have weighed more than that though! :haha:

Well done again babe. You've done so well.
ahhhh isnt he just gorgeous!!! :cloud9: delighted your both recovering well and huuuuge congrats! :hugs:
Congratulations hun :hugs: he's lovely! Hope you recover well x x x x
he is so adorable! congrats!! hope you and Riley are doing well!!
He is adorable, v v v v v v cute...
Congrats on ur beautiful baby boy :cloud9:
Heres 2 a speedy recovery hun :flower:

ooh and
:hi: R1L3y!!! :D
This really is the longest birth thread I've ever seen.... lol

You guys are so LOVED!!!
I'm so sorry I finally read through this thread last night I was completely out of it.. I was going to write a big update for you guys 10:30AM yesterday but then I started getting bad contractions and people were coming in and out so I completely forgot about the computer..
By that time my contractions were horribly painful and my mom, my cousin Kayla and my dad (some) were there helping me through it trading on and off who did what to help me through the pain.. But I toughed it out and didn't want an epidural(That's really all they have here besides nubain and stadol.. both narcotics through iv)
I made it all the way til 2 with nothing then starting looking back at my options again.. I still didn't want to get an epidural and so I asked for a narcotic and this time they gave me stadol which they described it as feeling drunk.. which I've never been drunk before lol but it sureeee made me loopy!! I was sitting there laughing like crazy for 5 minutes and it made everyone else laugh causing me to laugh more and it was just.. a mess... I said some weirddd things on that drug :haha:

Anyway I'm not trying to write a whole birth story here..

After the main part of the loopiness wore off (about 10 minutes) I was just extremely drowsy and it really didn't take any pain off the contractions at all it just made me so out of my head when I got one I didn't care :haha:

Anywayyy.. So after fighting through that the contractions were soo horrible at that point and they checked me and I was 6cm and I think sometime after 6pm they checked me again and I was still the same and they say after 5 it usually speeds up.. By this point I couldn't handle the pain any longer I wasn't crying or screaming but oh man it was the worst pains..

Since there wasn't really a difference between the last two times they checked me (sorry I don't know the time frame the last several hours seemed all bunched together) I hit the stage where I couldn't take it anymore I said I couldn't do this for another couple of hours depending on how well I dilated the pain was horrific at that point and I had been having contractions since 2PM the day before (Although back then it was just pressure and wasn't painful at all..)
They said I could either get an epidural to help the pain and try to stick it out which in the end could still end up c-section.. or just go straight for the c-section..
I seriously bursted into tears at this point I tried so hard all night and all day and all that work and I was just going to have to get a c-section.. My nurses were all extremely impressed how well I took the labor pains and stuff especially since this is my first child (Ofcorse, you girls noticed that some too since I was on here updating everyone in the middle of contractions.. or tried anyway)
I just started balling my eyes out I tried and tried to keep myself calm but at that point it was just so hard and my mom started crying as well and hugged me and told me it was going to be OK.. Ofcorse I was still getting contractions and since I was crying I was all tensed up and couldn't relax making the contractions even worse (There's some advice for you girls that haven't gone into labor.. RELAX AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE THROUGH A CONTRACTION!!!)

So as soon as I signed the papers they stopped the potasin and fluids that were washing out the meconium and I had to stick it out through more contractions and they finally wheeled my bed to the operating room where they did the spinal tap and laid me down and started things up as they let my mom into the room.. It felt so weird like my belly was just a bowl full of jello (jelly for you UK girls lol) and I just felt tons of pressure and jiggling..
My mom stood there comforting me while I lay there through the operation and next thing I know I hear a little cry.. It took them like 5 minutes to get him over to me and had him eye to eye with me for about a minute then off he went again while they finished me up..
Finally I went back to my room where they cleaned me up abunch and stuff.. (Again trying not to make this into a huge birth story so I'll try to make it alittle shorter)
I waited and waited and once I was covered up they let some of my family in that showed me pictures of him on their camera since I didn't get a good look and said he looks just like me and has big feet/hands (Must get that from his 6'4 father)
Finally after over an hour they brought him in and set him next to me in my arm but I was still numb from the chest down and was laying flat on my back and could only move my arms a little with all the stuff I was still hooked up to but he laid there and screamed a little and I had tears in my eyes and people took TONS of pictures but I can only show you guys the ones my mom uploaded to her flickr for now because I CBA(english term :haha:) to upload them or anything..
(I look OH SO LOVELY after being in the hospital for over 26 hours at that point..with the labor/c-section)

Sadly his lungs seemed a little bad still they're guessing he just swallowed some of his poop when he came out lol but he wasn't able to stay to terribly long with me but we did manage to get everyone out of the room and my nurse and my mom helped me to try and breast feed and he did latch he kept making sucking gestures with his mouth before so he was determined! Although because I was still limited to my back and still quite numb (although luckily by this point my chest was all normal) he fed a little bit but he keeps trying to like suck on his own tongue or what the nurse called "tongue thrusting" but he had a bottle not long before they brought him in to me because his blood sugar level was low.. So I was quite impressed after a c-section and bottle he still seemed to take the nipple well but I was still on my back and really couldn't move him on my own much so I had to have ALOT of help from my nurse to get him positioned and stuff but when he was positioned right he seemed to be sucking well and getting something out of there which made me so happy :cloud9:

After I was done they had to haul him back away to the nursery where a NICU nurse was working that night so she just watched him all night and he had to get started on a feeding tube and oxygen because he was being fussy when trying to feed him later and his oxygen levels were low or something but he still looked/looks perfectly fine and pink and everything :shrug:
I haven't seen him again since last night and at around 3-4 AM they tried to have me stand up and I made it through the pain and was able to stand with them holding me but I got extremely light-headed and dizzy and my ears started ringing and had to sit back down... but later at about.. 8ish?(no idea lol) they tried again and I was able to make it to the bathroom to get cleaned up and stuff but man it hurts so bad..
I'd hate to know what it's like recovering from a vaginal birth but a c-section is just so bad to me because I can't bond with Riley..

They currently still have me on magnesium for the preeclampsia/blood pressure and they were planning to take me off tonight but my nurse just came in and said the bloods they took earlier something in it came back higher then before so they're going to leave me on it all night and check my blood again in the morning.. (Nurse said something about it being uric acid and LDH?)
I hate it it makes me so dizzy and light-headed and itchy and my vision just keeps fading in and out just sitting here :growlmad: It keeps making me like randomly drowsy as well... one minute I'll sit there and be fine next my eyes are closed and I'm half asleep.. (which is also thanks to lack of sleep but still)

I was really hoping to get in a wheelchair and go visit Riley who was moved over to the NICU this morning the only reason he wasn't in there before is because a nurse that normally works in the NICU was there last night in the regular nursery so now she went home they went ahead and moved him over where he's on oxygen and a feeding tube and they're monitoring his blood sugar :(
I miss him so much it kills me laying here in bed and I can't try and move and walk around much because of the pain but thanks to the MAG I REALLY can't do it.. Otherwise I'd bear through the pain and try and go see him as much as possible..

So yeah I'm just kinda sitting here half asleep constantly my mom goes and visits Riley every hour or two and I'll have family coming in and out all day but otherwise I'm just stuck in this bed missing my little man.. But it's for the best I'd rather have them monitoring him incase something goes wrong instead of taking the chance and have him in here with me and have something go wrong..

Oh, and sorry if my posts make no sense this MAG kinda does that to you...

But I just wanted to let everyone know what happened with everything and they'll continue to monitor Riley in the NICU from anywhere from just afew days to over a week depending on how everything is looking for him.. The big thing is his blood sugar levels were low and he was breathing heavily from probably swallowing meconium but my mom re-assured me he seems to be breathing much better today but still have him on oxygen just incase but like I said he's still plenty pink/red..

I'll try to get on and update if anything happens with him but with the MAG and stuff it's just a pain to keep my eyes open and focused to really ever get on..

But I wanted to let everyone know and I'll try to get more pictures like I said I have to wait for my mom to upload them to flickr so I can get the links off them.. Everyone says he looks like me and he has quite the full head of hair I'm hoping I'll be able to get in a wheelchair or something and go see him later!!

You girls are absolutely wonderful and yes I think this is one of the longest birth story type thread in the teen section yet with everyone wanting to know what's going on..

But I'm just trying to rest at this point and they have me back on solid foods so I'm about to eat my first meal of solid foods in over two days!! :happydance:

If something happens I'll try to get on and post a short update though but otherwise it still might be awhile before you hear something from me..

Hopefully Riley's lungs will clear out and I'm suppose to start pumping today to help my milk come in and despite the bottles and feeding tubes and not much contact with him I'll still be able to BF..
:dust: BFing dust :p :dust:

I just really want my boy to atleast be able to be in the room with me!! I don't even care about the pain when he's with me because I remember it's all worth it but it doesn't help when I've only got to really see him once since he came into this world and I was numb and stuck on my back :(... Now I can sit up with support behind me without pain and could be easily able to hold and BF him properly but now he's in the NICU and I can't :cry:

(So sorry this is so incredibly long bless all who made it through all of this :blush:)
I hope hes back with you soon hun, hes absoulutly gorgeous x

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