Baby Mine

I was thinking of doing a bassinet as well. There's a little store here called "Once Upon a Child" that sells used children/baby clothing, toys, items, etc... and they have a ton of bassinets in there! I had originally thought about just putting the crib in our room for the first several weeks, but I think a bassinet will be so much easier.

So far, so good here! Had another appt yesterday, and had my tetanus shot updated. Baby is still measuring a little large, but nowhere near the extent he was last time, apparently, so that's good! Managed to only gain about 4 lbs or so since my last appointment, so that was good as well, considering I put on close to 12 between the previous two! :dohh:

We went to our first childbirth classes last night. Learned a few helpful things, and got traumatized by a few others. :haha:

How's everything for you ladies?
Haha, yeah...I just went for a huge appointment on Wednesday that lasted forever. I did my glucose test, got my Rhogam shot and also they redid that section of the ultrasound that they didn't get a good shot of last time (all fine). My doc told me that my little guy is measuring slightly large as I guess the red wine I had over that weekend I thought he was a 'blighted ovum' didn't stunt his growth at all. HA! ;) Good to know!

He said he would call me if there was an issue with the glucose test, he should get results back hopefully I won't hear from him! I don't want to have to do the three-hour one...but two of my friends failed and had to do it, so sounds like it's not!
Hi Ladies! Hope all is well...TGIF, haha.

I never got a follow-up call from the doc, so I'm assuming that means I PASSED my glucose test...thank the Lord. I did NOT want to have to do the really long one.

And now I've got a wicked cold - I had just started to get a pretty good taste of the back/rib pain that comes with the third trimester and while I was figuring out how to deal with that (in conjunction with some awful heartburn), I got sick. So now I am honestly getting ZERO sleep! Blah!

On the plus side...I will be better in time for Thanksgiving so WILL be able to taste my dinner. :)
Awww, sorry you're sick! That's no fun, on top of all the other pregnancy "woes". lol

I'm not sleeping well at all, just can't get comfortable I guess. My hands and feet are swelling something awful, so that doesn't help either. It pretty much seemed to happen overnight, so I'm hoping it's just normal fluid retention and not blood pressure issues. My blood pressure has been great so far, hoping it stays that way!

I had to do a urine sample to see if I have a UTI. Really hoping that comes back good as well.
I'm sooo ready for this to be over, and to be holding my little guy! :flower:
I'm not sleeping great either - even when knackered I'm wide awake when I try and sleep.

I'm not getting any swelling at all, but my blood pressure was on the very edge of what they're happy with last Friday - I'm having it done again on Weds and if its still high the docs will decide what to do.

Baby measuring 32 at 33+4 so right on track according to midwife, and a nice healthy 140bpm so all good on that score. :)

It's all getting closer isn't it!!!!!
Red - hope your blood pressure stays normal! Only a month left for you, wow! I can't wait to find out what you guys have. :flower:

Emmy - are you feeling better? Hope so! :hugs:
Yep, feeling MUCH better! It was hard not being able to really take anything that I had - my husband was sick at the same time and he was going nuts with the NyQuil/DayQuil and I was really jealous.

Baby is head down as of the last ultrasound and I think he's still that way - it really made me go, WOW, it's coming up fast! Red, you're really close...I can't wait to find out what you're having either! :happydance: Any late instincts on the matter or are you trying not to dwell on it?

Kal, the novelty of the whole thing has definitely worn thin for me too, haha. There are still things I think I'll miss about being pregnant...but the things I WON'T miss are starting to overrule them!
I'm not thinking about it to be honest Emmy - but we are both getting more excited to find out and meet little one!

Had a horrid morning of it today. Having moved hospitals, I need more bloods so the blood bank at the hospital know exactly what antibodies I have in case I need a transfusion. Wouldn't normally be a big deal but with my terrible veins and whatnot they are really struggling to get any blood at all as they keep collapsing.

2 different senior midwives tried to get blood today from both arms and my right hand - and all they did was succeed in making me sick (literally) and stressed - obviously not good when my blood pressure is so borderline. They tried about 7 times in all, at which point Dan told them no more and we'd come back another time as all it was doing was hurting me.

So I have to go back next week now to get a doctor to do it... the only thing worrying me is that in my experience they are worse than nurses at it! I'll be asking to have a word with a consultant if they continue to struggle next week as the worry is they will find it very difficult to find a vein for a drip etc in labour should I need one. One of the midwives mentioned that particular issue today saying that she is going to see if she can get me to as many active birth classes as possible in the next 6 weeks to try and minimise the chances of me needing intervention - it looks like an epidural might be out of the question even before I've even had the chance to know how painful the whole thing is!

Rant number 1 over for today - I have another but I'll have some food first!!!!

Home stretch ladies.. hang in there!!! xx
That sounds like a complete pain (literally and figuratively)...sorry you're having to go through that, Red.

If you have to do it without the epidural, you can cross that bridge when you come to it...there are other ways to get through the process besides being medicated and, while more painful, I've had a few friends tell me it's actually more rewarding, for what that's worth. :flower: I'll be thinking of you and hoping that they get the IV situation figured out before that, though!
I'm so sorry you have to go through that, Red! They have a hard time finding my veins and it usually takes them a few tries to get it, but I've never actually had it fail to the point of not getting any! I hope everything works out for you!

Emmy - yeah, I'm loving being pregnant but so tired of not being able to do what I used to be able to do! And I'm tired of gaining weight, because I know I'm just going to have to lose it all... but I'm enjoying the eating when I feel like it part! :haha:

I'll also miss having little one inside me, even though it still weirds me out when my whole stomach shifts!

I did end up having to take a prescription med to get rid of a yeast infection that showed up in my urine sample. Hopefully that will work like a charm, and be all I have to do!
Kal, the stomach jumping around weirds me out too...I'll be sitting on a conference call at work getting all distracted watching my midsection jump! So odd! Cool, yes...but also odd.

I've taken that pill for a yeast infection before - it usually works like a charm (my doc said they prescribe it for infections that are too stubborn for the over the counter meds). Good luck!!
Blood pressure down to 118/70 today from 133/89 last Friday - all good for now, I just have to try and stay as relaxed as I can basically.

Which might be difficult in the next couple of days - ill give you girls the skinny tomorrow!!
Blood pressure down to 118/70 today from 133/89 last Friday - all good for now, I just have to try and stay as relaxed as I can basically.

Which might be difficult in the next couple of days - ill give you girls the skinny tomorrow!!

Great job! :thumbup: Hopefully it's not more small town drama! You've had more than enough of that for 2 lifetimes!

Last night at childbirth classes we got to take a tour of the L&D unit at the hospital. I hesitate to say it's "really nice", because it's still a hospital.. lol but the rooms are private rooms, and have just about everything you could need inside. A recliner, an extra bed for hubby, a mini-fridge for snacks, a whirlpool tub in the bathroom for during labor... it's like a small hotel room almost. I feel better about it, since hubby has a really hard time with hospitals and feeling ill with being in one from the smells and whatnot. :haha: I was picturing him passing out halfway through!
Sady it is more small town drama - the Police only want and charged Dan with harassment on the basis of lies, lies an more lies... Court tomorrow for a short hearing and we'll find out finally the extent of what they've made up.

We're not too concerned about defending it, but it's time and hassle that we just don't need.

Glad the tour went well Kal, we haven't been to one class yet, how disorganised!!!! :)
I guess I just am too lazy to take the childbirth classes, although I do want to tour the two hospitals I have to choose from for labor/delivery. The only difference is that one has a higher level NICU - but of course that's the one that's farther away. So just need to decide whether I want to go with the closer one and hope there isn't any issue that requires that level of NICU (God forbid), or whether I want to go with the farther one and possibly not even need the NICU!

My hub keeps saying he doesn't want to be in the room, but of course deep down he does. I don't blame these men for being 'eesh' about's not like it's a pretty process (I don't care what anyone says - amazing, yes, beautiful, NO). :) I just keep telling him to stay north of the equator.

Red, what a freaking joke. So crappy that you have to deal with this NOW, of all times. I hope it ends up being as little of a hassle as possible...I'll be thinking of you!
Well, had another OB appointment today. Apparently I had quite a bit of weight gain since the last appointment, but she kind of chalked it up to the fact that I also am now retaining a lot more fluid, as my legs/feet are swelling pretty badly.

Had an ultrasound, little guy is head down! I figured he would be a stinker and go breech. lol He's apparently weighing a little over 4 lbs, in the 51% percentile, so good there!

Red - good grief, haven't they had enough drama to last them a lifetime? I'd move. lol

Emmy - my hospital doesn't have a NICU... in fact, there's only 1 hospital in the area that does, they cover NICU for about 33 counties! I'll be using the hospital closest to me, about a 15 minute drive. If they have to transport to NICU, then it's about 45 minutes away, but hoping it won't come to that for any reason.

The childbirth classes are... well, they're educational to an extent. I've learned a few things I didn't know, but most of it I've read just from browsing these forums. Although if I'd never joined this board, I wouldn't have known half of it! I'm glad tonight is our last class though.

I have so much to do, I can't believe I only have about 8 weeks or so left! Red, you're probably starting to get really antsy about it being over!
We have our first, and probably only, antenatal class tonight - but we're only going to get to half of it as it's at a really stupid time, 5-8pm.. and most people, including Dan (and me before I stopped) work until at least 5:30pm so it means we're not going to get there until at least half 6... but we'll go to the last half and see what's what.

Yep Kal, I'm getting a little fed up now with a month to go. I'm struggling a bit more with getting around, particularly getting down to pick things off the floor etc, and it's hard to get comfy to sleep but it's not too bad in the scheme of things. We finally ordered the pram and car seat on Tuesday, it's being delivered next week and the cot will be up in the next week too I imagine. Few more bits needed, muslins, a few blankets, nappies etc but we're nearly ready, physically if maybe not mentally!

I haven't written a birth plan yet, but have been thinking about it, and haven't started packing a hospital bag but I guess I'll have to start doing all these things and get used to the idea that it's all coming round quite quickly now!

On the other stuff - well, what a load of nonsense it all is. The prosecutors have so clearly only been given one side of the story. The complainant... what an abhorrent individual she is... has made up a series of "events" where Dan apparently walked past and said things to her but she hasn't put times AND dates with them... usually either or. The fact is, is that she's made them up, and can't be too specific because she can't risk us being able to prove that we weren't there at the time. For instance, one of these events goes something like this... "at 11:05am, I didn't write down the exact date, but it was about 3 weeks ago.. Dan etc etc etc". A defence is being put together by us with everything we can get our hands on to disprove things (phone records, bank statements etc) and I've instructed a very very senior barrister to deal with the trial (should it get that far).

It's an utter pain, but I keep telling Dan that all we have to do is tell the truth (we also have a couple of independent witnesses whereas she only has her brother and sister) and they all have to lie - and it's a lot harder to stand scrutiny when you're lying on the stand. It'll all get sorted, and we'll go and gloat, but in the meantime we've got much more exciting things to think about :)

You ladies well?
Well as far as I've ever known, if you don't have details and specific instances/times (and credible witnesses), then it's all just hearsay and very hard to prove. So I'm sure everything will work out, but it's a fat pain in the butt in the meantime - which is maybe the only thing they really want to do in the first place. Just focus on the important stuff as much as is good right now, otherwise, right? :)

I'm really struggling right now with the work question, as my date approaches. I know I don't want to quit working, but...I really, REALLY don't want to work at my current company anymore, or continue doing what I'm doing. I've been here seven years, and I've wanted to find something else for the past two at least. I'm just not learning anything anymore, the environment is stagnant, etc...and I can't tell if this baby/maternity leave should be regarded as a Godsend and the fork in the road that I need to take to get OUT, or if this is the worst possible time to even think about disrupting anything else about my life. :shrug:

Sorry for the mini vent. I'm just so torn, thinking about it takes up most of my's seriously preventing me from thinking about all the other aspects of this baby coming (exciting and scary both) that I should be pondering right now.
How's things going with your "drama queens" issue, Red?

Emmy - I totally understand your vent about work! I am torn as well. I actually enjoy my job, I just hate the schedule and I would love to be a SAHM - except I like making money too... just living off my husband's pay would make me feel like I wasn't contributing somehow. lol

Either way, we're going to have to figure something out with our schedules, as we both work the same crazy shift work, so finding someone to stay with LO is going to be tough. My mother volunteered to babysit him for most of our day shifts, but midnight shifts and when she needs a day off... what then?

Physically, not doing too bad. Retaining tons of fluid/swelling like a balloon, and carpal tunnel are my main issues. A few other minor discomforts here and there, typical.... soreness/back aches, can't bend over to put on shoes, etc... but compared to the issues some ladies have, my pregnancy isn't too bad!

I will be very happy to start diet/exercise and losing all this extra weight I seem to have gained. I've managed to maintain the last 2 weeks or so, hoping that I stay this weight for the remainder of my pregnancy. I'm tired of how I look!!
Kal, I hear you about the physical stuff too. Honestly, I too feel like this pregnancy hasn't been all that bad compared to some other ladies' - but there are little things that make me SO excited to get my body back.

The back aches are persistent...and if it's not the back, it's rib pain. Anyone else with this? Right under my boobs, my ribs are just constantly hurting. I don't know if it's because I'm using those muscles in overcompensating for my sore back (when getting up from the couch or whatever), or if it's just one of those things, but ouch! Also, anyone else have pain across the skin of their bump that feels like a bad sunburn? My doctor says it's hormones/stretching skin, but it's seriously just in ONE spot. I've been using olive oil, which helps.

One more thing and then I'm done, ha: where do you ladies sit on the stretch mark issue? I thought I wasn't getting any, but I discovered last night that I DO have a few - they're just on the underside of my bump where I can't see them! Darn.

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