Baby Mine

We haven't told anyone but parents yet and it will stay that way until after our 12 week scan, 17 days away now.. Seems like forever!

Emmy, great attitude to be taking.. Remember there isn't much you can do at this point, and, should the worst come to the worst, the positive is that you can get pregnant, that's my OH's mantra still for us :)

Hoping it sticks sticks sticks!!!
Other update I forgot to mention - Dan told me that I am definitely starting to look a little bigger around my middle - nice!

It's an odd position us women put ourselves in isn't it? We spend many years of our lives waiting and wanting a child, and as soon as we get pregnant we complain that we're getting fatter - even though the thing that's making us fatter is the thing we've always wanted!!! how men cope with us sometimes I don't know!!! :haha:
I think I'm definitely starting to get the morning sickness. Second day in a row I've been a little nauseated throughout the day. And my boobs are bigger. *sigh* They're already big enough on their own, they don't need the extra help! :haha: I also noticed I seem to be constantly filing down my fingernails. Probably from the prenatal vitamins.

Time seems to be dragging. I want to get my first OB/GYN appointment out of the way! 2 more weeks...

Red - I know what you mean! Couldn't wait to get pregnant, and now I'm paranoid about weight gain. :haha: Can't be satisfied, can we?
It's funny about diet, weight and pregnancy - I haven't really thought much about the weight gain. I HAVE thought, however, that this might be a nice forced detox - a chance to come off alcohol, caffeine and really watch what you put in your mouth. Funny how you treat your own body much better when you're sharing it with someone you care about more, isn't it? :)

Trying to keep my hopes up, and in so doing - I don't know if it's the progesterone (although I'm on a really low dosage) or what - but my pregnancy symptoms have gotten decidedly worse in the past 24 hours. My boobs are KILLING me (I hugged my friend goodbye as he was leaving our house and almost screamed), and I'm starting to get a bit nauseous too.

IF - and I mean, IF - this is going to work out, then Kal, I'd be RIGHT where you are, actually. :) 5 weeks and a few days. We shall see!
Emmy, waiting anxiously to hear what you found out at the doctor today!
I'm sure the progesterone probably amplified your symptoms. I really hope everything is well!

Time feels like it's crawling here. I'm trying to just focus on enjoying being kid-free while I can! Because once peanut is here, it's 18 years minimum. So far, haven't had worse nausea which I'm grateful for.
I am having some problems with constipation. I'm trying to eat more fiber to help, but I don't know what I can safely take to help. I'll have to do some research.

How are things with you, Red? How's all the drama stuff going? Hope it's calmed down!
Oh nothing else has happened, though the police are dragging their heels and not dealing with it as seriously as their own practice guidelines say... If we hear nothing in the next couple of days we're going to go down to the station, make statements and force their hand.

On baby stuff, I've been struggling with the heat here over the last few days - we don't have AC as standard as it's never really warm enough - but it's been hot recently, making things uncomfortable when I'm radiating heat anyway!! Last 2 nights I've had to sleep separately from Dan as I just couldn't get to sleep.

Still retching a lot, also now needing the loo more, though I think I may have been slightly dehydrated so drinking more might explain it.

Top button of jeans also tight now when sitting in same place for long periods...

Glad you're well Kal, can't help much with the constipation issue.. Prune juice is supposed to help - I'm getting it a bit too but it's not uncomfortable at the moment so I'm just living with it... In fact it's when my body decides to get rid of food that is the awful bit - had to get Dan to speed through town the other day as I badly needed to get to the toilet. Nice huh?! Lol!!!
Hey ladies,

How are we doing? Emmy, still waiting to hear how you're doing?

Red - sorry you're retching a lot. I've had almost non-stop nausea, but it never gets to the point of that... I can't decide if I wish it would so it would go away, or if it'll stay like this so I'm not retching. :dohh:

Newest wonderful pregnancy thing - breaking out horribly!! Not like the little pimples, but like the deep painful red zits, in my hairline on my scalp and all over my back/shoulder area. I don't know if it's from the hormones, or if it's from the pre-natals.

Well, we're not keeping it a secret anymore thanks to some family members spilling the beans. I didn't want to tell until between 9 and 12 weeks, but I guess it is what it is.
interesting you talk of breaking out - I've just started to break out a little on my chin today - I'm hoping it won't be too bad. I didn't get spots too badly when I was a teenager so I'm hoping I won't get it too badly this time. Still having quite bad nausea, it took me very much by surprise yesterday afternoon when I went to make some food - had to run to the bathroom to throw up! Yuk!

We told my sister in law the other day - we were visiting my parents for my Dad's birthday and although I was hoping to avoid them, my brother and sister and law came over. I was feeling incredibly awkward so after speaking to Dan, I mentioned it - my sister in law said "I figured as much.. off your food, crying, not feeling well... generally looking pale"!!!!
Starting to get a little anxious about next Tuesday, excited but apprehensive - and of course terrified of blood tests!

On the saga of harassment etc - the Police really are useless, or incompetent, or corrupt. They have admitted that an offence has taken place, they have spoken to the person who has done it, who has also admitted it, but they won't prosecute... it's such a long story but the whole thing stinks - added to that the next morning we wake up to find our cars deliberately scraped - this time though there are witnesses who came forward who saw it happen.. it has been logged as criminal damage and we are waiting to hear more.

On a brighter note, we saw a nice pram the other day.. and have another boys name to add to the shortlist (now standing at two!!!!) - Cameron. Thoughts?

Hope you are well and not feeling too ill!
Well, they said blighted ovum and impending miscarriage last week...

...and I JUST got back from my follow up ultrasound where I came away with my first baby pictures. :) Turns out I'm about three weeks behind! Just a little over six weeks, which is where they THOUGHT I was three weeks ago.

I even saw a heartbeat, and the doctor said it looks great. Strong.

Well, they said blighted ovum and impending miscarriage last week...

...and I JUST got back from my follow up ultrasound where I came away with my first baby pictures. :) Turns out I'm about three weeks behind! Just a little over six weeks, which is where they THOUGHT I was three weeks ago.

I even saw a heartbeat, and the doctor said it looks great. Strong.


So glad to hear everything sounds like it's turning out okay!! You were in my thoughts and prayers. Hope everything is going well! Feeling okay still?
Red - sorry that this drama stuff just can't go away. How frustrating!! I hope you don't break out as bad as I have, it's very annoying!

I haven't had to throw up yet, but the nausea is non-stop. Sometimes I almost wish I'd throw up just to feel better. Looking forward to my first OB/GYN appointment on Tuesday though!
Hang in there's truly annoying. Funny, before this miscarriage scare, I thought I was like 7 weeks along with not the slightest twinge of nausea and felt lucky. Now that my bubs is actually where I thought he was then...oh yeah. The queasy is here. Not so bad that I've had to throw up either, but bad enough that I don't feel like eating.

Anyone else totally exhausted as well? I swear, I catch waves of fatigue throughout the day at work and it takes everything in me to concentrate on what I'm doing (and not let my eyelids slide shut).
Emmy - I keep meaning to say congrats to you but kept forgetting.. I hoped it would all be ok.. Yay!

My bug bear of the day - why do people on here insist on calling tla 20 week scan a "gender scan"... That's not it's purpose.. It's an anomaly scan that looks to see if baby is ok, it is not there to satisfy people's impatience. Rant over.

In other news, I'm starting to feel a little fatter, even though I'm continuing to lose weight. My stomach feels hard and rounded.. Not long until Tuesday!!

Hope you ladies are well x
There's a lot of things here that bug me. lol I could go on a nice long rant, but I won't. :haha:

Red, losing weight eh? From the morning sickness? Hang in there! How far along are you now, I've lost track.

I'm hoping I don't gain too much. I gained about 3 or 4 lbs in the first week or so after my period was due (definitely bloated!), then it stopped, and I haven't gained since. I'm just hoping I don't go beserk and blimp out like a hippo!!

Emmy - yes, exhausted a lot here as well! Seems like it takes me 3 days to complete one day's worth of chores. And the more tired you are, the worse the nausea is. Go figure.

I feel like I have sinus drainage constantly at the back of my throat/nose area... high enough to where I can't swallow it, so it's stuck. It's so annoying, makes me feel like I'm getting a cold. I don't know if it's pregnancy related or not, although it seems to be sticking around for the last 2 weeks or so. Either of you have similar?
I'm somewhere between 11 weeks and 11 and a half, will find out on Tuesday :)

It's more my general lack of appetite rather than sickness - however having no appetite and being hungry makes me feel sick so it's a horrible vicious cycle!!

I've hopefully got through ny exhausted phase, which only lasted for about a week.. I'm still feeling a general lack of energy though.

2 days to go until my first ever scan!! :)
Kal, I'm pretty sure I've read that sinus issues and cold-like symptoms are definitely tied to the raging hormone situation. :) Hang in there!

Red, I think people just focus on what they can get excited about...but I agree with you. There are alot of things on this board that cause me to scratch my head sometimes!

That's so exciting though that you've almost made it to the 2nd tri!! You're blazing trails for me and Kal over here. ;)
Hey ladies, how we doin?

Tomorrow is my first ob/gyn appointment, I'm nervous and excited at the same time. Although I know it's going to be all forms, paperwork and general stuff like that. I don't even think my ob/gyn will be meeting with me, I believe it's a nurse assistant who takes care of the first meeting.

My husband ended up with a sinus infection, so I've been attemptin to stay away from him as much as possible! Especially since his usually bloom into strep throat. NOT what I need right now! Poor guy.

Red, super excited for your first scan!!! You'll have to post it when you can! :happydance:

I'm hoping to hit the sack early tonight, and get some sleep. The more tired I am, the worse the nausea is.

Emmy - raging hormones... I like it! :haha: I'm hoping that's the reason, and not because I might be catching a bug. Still super happy that everything seems to be okay with your little bean! Sent up a lotta prayers for ya :hugs:
Well today's the day... Nervous as hell, but haven't had anything worrying happen since I found out so am hopeful.

I always presumed pregnancy would be a joyous, exiciting time- all I have found so far that it is nervewracking and more than a little scary.

Scan at 2:50, Dan has just asked me what my stress level is.. Not good is the answer!! Mind you, at least it's better than his gem yesterday.. "you'll look like a big spacehopper soon, I like spacehoppers" bless him!!
Good luck Red!! Make sure you come back and give us the scoop later! I'm sure all will be well - you've had all the right symptoms and no problems (except for the problems you're supposed to have - retching all the time, dead tired, know, the 'happy' problems). ;)

Kal, thanks so much - you and Red (and everyone here but you guys especially) were so great. I have ONE more scan tomorrow...I think the doctor just wants to be sure he dated me correctly, and considering the shocking twist last week, wants to confirm the diagnosis of 'all well'. But I'm not nervous about this symptoms have only been worsening, and I somehow just feel peaceful about this one. Still..fingers crossed, of course!

Good luck with your appointment tomorrow too, Kal - report back! :)
So after winding myself up something rotten all is fine... Baby measuring 11+1 at the moment, little legs up in the air, curling up and heart beating away, so relieved!! Hasn't tried to scan picture yet but will try tomorrow :)

Bloods were a different story, midwife found vein first time but blood was very very slow coming out, and she doesnt think that she got enough - she decided to come out in the end as it was starting to hurt me quite a lot.

I survived though, and am one very relieved mum to be :)

Thinking good thoughts for your scan Emmy, you've got a liitle fighter in there I'm sire it'll be fine!

Kal, hope appointment went ok.. Details please!!

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