Baby Mine

Yay, Emmy! Glad all is still going well!

I'm excited about my first scan tomorrow! I hope I get to hear peanut's heart beat and see a nice picture! Still, part of me is nervous. I've seen too many stories of mmc's on this board, so I'm a little scared.

I got so scared I ended up crying my eyes out going into the ultrasound room - the sonographer was very reassuring and kind. She had a look on her screen, that I couldn't see, and turned to me saying that everything looked fine - then switched on the screen for Dan and I to look.

It's pretty overwhelming once you know it's all ok :)

I've been feeling much better over the past couple of days - sickness has gone (barring the odd retch) and energy slowly coming back. Bloating has also gone down... tummy feels quite a lot softer than it has over the past couple of weeks, nice in one way - scary in another. I have been finding though that towards the end of the day I can't pull my stomach in and it sticks out a bit, it's annoying that I feel fat but it's only going to get bigger for a while so we might as well get used to it!!!

In other news, Dan is going to speak to his ex tonight... I'm staying away from it... he's very upset and more than a little angry about the whole thing, and is going to attempt to reason with her - I'll let you know how it goes.
I'm only 9 weeks and I've probably had more scans than most women get through the entire pregnancy...and I doubt it makes it any easier. Every time, there's that little question of...will it be okay? It's actually something I didn't expect or consider, when TTC...I figured the positive test would be the battle won. HA! How naive, huh?

Red, hope all goes well...maybe confronting her head-on is what will finally snap her out of it. I can't believe her fiance hasn't said something to her...if my husband was that fixated on an ex, I'd have to wonder...
Well, had the u/s, and everything looks good so far. On target for a Jan 21st baby! Got to hear the heartbeat and see the little peanut moving around. So cute!
Well, had the u/s, and everything looks good so far. On target for a Jan 21st baby! Got to hear the heartbeat and see the little peanut moving around. So cute!

That's GREAT Kal!! You're exactly a week before'll come so fast. I can't wait for the holidays this year. :) Congrats!!

Hey, anyone have pets they're going to have to be dealing with whilst preparing for new baby? I have two dogs...I think probably the way we're going to go is to get a trainer to work with us a bit on their manners. They're good dogs in general, but I'd like them to be a little calmer/more submissive before there's a teeny baby in the mix...
We have 3 cats. :wacko: No litter cleaning for me! lol

I'm a little concerned about them, since they don't get along. We have to keep 1 separated from the other 2. I guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it...

Here's my u/s!
That is so cute Kal!!!

We don't have any pets at the moment - I don't like cats (but would consider a Maine Coon as I think they're just hilarious!) and we don't have the time to give to a dog currently... though if both me and Dan get our ways then we'll end up with a family of HUGE pets... he wants a Pyrenean Mountain dog to go with the Maine Coon!)

In other news... Dan went to talk to the ex. He came back saying it was illuminating to say the least. In very basic terms she is regretting giving up on her "Plan A" too easily - that is.. when they split up, he was the one willing to give it a try and start again, she had already made up her mind and thought the grass was greener elsewhere.. however it's not all it's cracked up to be but she's keeping up appearances and getting married as she says she will never find anyone better. She thought she was fine about him moving on but is now finding it very difficult to see that we are so happy (even with all the other rubbish her and her friends have been throwing at us), and that we are having a baby.

Her and Dan tried for a baby for quite a while when they were together, and it's hitting her hard as she has recently been diagnosed with diabetes, she already struggled with her health, and now she can't help feeling worse about her chances of having a baby (nothing happened for them... he is now having a baby with someone else.. ergo it must be her).

Dan told her as politely as he could that none of this was our fault, and that it is incredibly unfair to dump her feelings and insecurities about her life on our doorstep... she did agree but we'll see what, if anything, changes.

I certainly wouldn't be surprised to find out that she now says that Dan went to threaten her or some other such nonsense.... he tape recorded the conversation by the way for insurance (it's awful that it has come to this!)

So we will wait and see.

In baby news, bloating has gone down so much that I now feel smaller than I have in weeks, but tummy feels hard when I press it and I can no longer suck in my stomach. Isn't it strange how we continue to worry - I've had no indication that anything is wrong.. no bleeding, no major cramps, bad nausea and sickness, and yet I still sit and worry that something isn't right. You think it's simply trying to prepare us for a lifetime of worrying about our children?

Boobs are also getting veinier (is that even a word?!!) and nips are starting to darken ever so slightly so things are still changing.

Do you ladies have moments of shock still? Thinking, "oh my... this is it... I'm going to be a mother and there is no going back from it?" It's a great feeling but sometimes massively overwhelming (it's made me cry a few times in the last few days!)

I hope you are well and things are ticking along nicely :)
Red, it sounds like at least she was somewhat mature about it...whether it will last or not is yet to be seen!

I know what you mean about the worry never quite going away...I always feel slightly worried when I have good days on the morning sickness. I go from, "Wow, I actually feel fine today!" to "Wait a minute...WHY do I feel fine??" to "Please come back, nausea, please!!!" ;) I think it's the nature of the beast. I never thought I'd enjoy the feeling of wanting to barf, though. Ha.

Kal, that's a great shot...mine are never zoomed in that much. Last u/s, the bean looked like a little gummy bear. And it's cool that you got to see it wiggling tech never holds the wand still enough for me to catch any movement. Was that from an abdominal one, or a vaginal one?
Red - I hope that her talk with Dan did some good, and doesn't backfire! Keeping my fingers crossed! And I totally do get those moments of... wow... no turning back now! Good to hear the bloat may eventually go away! I bet you're going to be just adorable with a bump, can't wait to see a pic! :thumbup:

Emmy - I had a vaginal ultrasound. Uncomfortable, but I probably got better pictures out of it. :haha: She didn't hold still for overly long either, she had a lot of stuff she was measuring and looking for. That will be my last u/s until probably somewhere between 16 and 20 weeks.

Hubby and I are officially off work for a week, and going camping. So you won't hear from me at least until Saturday at the earliest. I don't think the campground has internet access/wireless, but it might. *shrug* The nausea has lessened a good bit, thankfully, but I still have the occasional moment. Hoping I make it through camping without any issue!

So have a fantastic week, ladies!
All of mine have been vaginal too...they aren't that bad, but still...I can't wait until we can just stick with the non-invasive one. ;)

Have a great time Kal!
Hope you have had a lovely time away Kal and are suitably refreshed and re-energised :)

How's things Emmy?

On my front, I'm extremely stressed and not having much fun at all.

You know I told you ladies that me and my OH were being harassed and the Police refused to do anything about it? Well... we decided to take the decision to drop the complaint on the basis that nothing else happened to harass us.

We have found out in the last week or so that we have been lied to by the Police on at least 2 occasions, and further that the harassment has continued (we were verbally abused in a pub yesterday evening when we'd gone to support our local beer festival.. or at least Dan did!!)

Fast forward to 10pm last night... 2 coppers at the door wanting to question Dan about a complaint of harassment that has been made against him by the Landlady of the pub from which we were barred in March (we have had no subsequent contact whatsoever)... this Landlady happens to be the sister of the guy harassing us, and one of Dan's exes best mates.... sound a little fishy??? They also told him that he could agree to an interview or be arrested there and then. (though they changed their story when I asked them on what grounds... they didn't have any.. they should know their jobs better).

Well... he has agreed to an interview on Thursday afternoon, for which we have got representation, and we'll see what they have to say.

The only thing they can have done is made stuff up - and they're going to have to be very very careful that we cannot prove we were elsewhere (I have started making a list of dates and times) as they will be perverting the course of justice.

We both didn't sleep very well last night, and I'm a little worried that they have lied and the Police are helping them do it (I have other evidence of the Police's corruption but it's probably not for here). I know them capable of lying as I've already seen fabricated witness statements - I just hope that they've been greedy and we can discredit them and blow them out of the water.

The main thing that concerns me at the moment is that we have absolutely no protection from the authorities here whatsoever.. if I get punched down the street tomorrow... nothing will happen.

I have been looking at houses elsewhere today, and hope we can move asap.

Sorry for the ramble, and apologies if it doesn't make much sense - but I cannot believe the audacity of the Police to effectively come and harass when they refused point blank to do anything about previous and ongoing harassment against us when they have evidence and a confession.
Hey chicas,

I had a good time on vacation. Any time away from work is good! We kept pretty busy though, and I'm exhausted! lol The morning sickness is almost completely gone. So excited about that! Still dealing with constant constipation issues. :wacko: I didn't eat completely healthy on vacation, and I fully expected to gain a bunch of weight. My clothes fit more snugly than ever... but my weight is exactly what it has been since week 5!

Red - I'm so sorry you're still dealing with all that junk! I hope you guys can find a place where you'll have peace and good friends. :hugs:

Emmy - how are you doing?
Hi there all! Kal, glad to know your vacay went nicely...and hey, glad to hear you ate what you wanted - that's what vacations are for (preggo or NOT, in my opinion!).

Everything is going great for me so far, fingers crossed still. Had my last appointment on Wed of last week, and the doctor picked up the heartbeat with the doppler - 170 beats per minute, right where it should be. I have to confess, he had me listen, but I couldn't really make out what I was listening to, HA! All I could hear was my own heartbeat. My guess is that I DID hear it, I just didn't know that what I was hearing was baby beat and not just white noise. :haha: Nice mother I am already!

Red, hope all is well!
It's been a bit of a rough week, physically. I think the extreme heat wave had something to do with it... I've never been so completely exhausted! Dealing with morning sickness still, but having some serious issues with light-headedness. Thought I was going to pass out in the shower this morning. Either of you go through that at all? :shrug:

Red, how did that interview go? Keeping my fingers crossed that things work out for you and Dan. :thumbup:

Emmy - lol, when I heard the heartbeat, it reminded me of when a dog sniffs the video camera while you're recording. It had that same sound to it! :haha:
We had to change it to next Weds to allow representation to attend.

Dan has been assured that he won't be arrested when he arrives.. But we've already been lied to by this particular copper once so we don't necessarily believe him.

Dan and I spent a couple of hours with a criminal solicitor on Weds and we told him everything... He doesn't think they have a case against Dan and it's purely an intimidation exercise, great use of police time huh?!

I'll keep you updated!

We've has rain rain rain here, but it's very muggy and humid with it, so I know it's hard in heat.. We had a heatwave when I was about 8-9 weeks and it was torture.

We should get to hear baby's heartbeat on Monday.. And I'll get Dan to do a little bump photo too :)
Hi girls! Glad everyone is doing well. Kal, that's EXACTLY what it sounded like...ha! And Red, good luck for Wednesday...very soon, it'll all be settled and then you can focus on other things...because there are a few other pressing matters in your life. ;)

This heat has been horrible, but it's broken now and we're enjoying high 70s/low 80s. Let me tell you, it feels like heaven compared to the scorchers we've been having. It didn't do much to help the nausea, I'll say that.

I don't know if it's the cooler weather or what, but my sickness has diminished considerably...if I weren't 11 weeks already I'd probably be freaking out, but I think it's just the mythical promise of the easier 2nd tri starting to make good on itself! Yay!

Can you girls believe how fast this is going by? Wow...!
We just want this week over Emmy - as you say, other things going on!

It might be the cooler weather helping you out- it's very humid here at the moment and I nearly fainted talking to a neighbour this morning... She had to help me home! I am still feeling a bit of nausea now and then though, hoping I'm not going to be one of the unlucky ones.

Heard baba's heartbeat this morning- took midwife a minute to find it.. Baby was hiding in the corner, I was trying not to show my worry but apparently failed miserably!!!

It was 150bpm and sounded like a wind turbine going round!

More bloods tomorrow so that's now winding me up!

25 weeks to go, you're right Emmy, it's flying by!!!

Take care ladies xx
Turns out I should learn to keep quiet when I feel good for a change...not an hour after I posted, the nausea came back to bite me in the butt. Ha! Oh well, easy come easy go, I hope!

I'm also having those stretching cramps everyone talks about...very mild, but also annoying. Doc says it's totally normal and to 'add it to my list'. I asked him how long this list was going to get, and he laughed. Either of you experienced these? They seem to be worse, for some reason, when I'm lying down...which is awesome, because I actually really dislike getting a good night's sleep (hee haw). :sleep:
I'm getting them quite a lot now, I'd be prepared for them to get worse Emmy.

I'm getting them low down both sides and under my ribs - both normal apparently.

Quad bloods taken today.. So much easier than last time but still a bit of an ordeal.

Midwife we saw this morning was lovely and told me that as things stand there is no reason why I can't have an active/water birth :)

Got to see the labour suite aswell which was nice, and I feel nice and calm about it today.

I'm still getting sick, so I know your pain Emmy!

How's you Kal?
Haha, lovely...but hey, no one ever said pregnancy was fun!

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, should be the last one for awhile at least - I'm going to get the blood work done to test for abnormalities, I think I'd just want to know what awaits (if anything, fingers crossed all is well). Then on Saturday, me, hubby, my sister and my mom are going to my mom's office at the hospital so she can scan me herself...she's really excited, and this will be the first time Branden (my hub) is there for a scan. :)

We'll all go to lunch afterwards where I will make my best attempt to order something healthy (but will probably end up with something akin to chicken parmigiana). Should be a fun day!
Hey ladies,

I'm doing okay. :) The weather here cooled off a bit, but it's supposed to get hot again by the end of the week. My nausea isn't as constant as it was during weeks 6-10, but it's still there on and off. I've been getting some pretty good headaches this week. I'm not sure if it's baby related, or weather related. My acne hasn't gone away, but it's died down a tiny bit.

Emmy, I do feel a little bit of "stretch" pains here and there. I fully expect them to get worse as we get further along. lol!

My next appt is on Tuesday, and it's supposedly just a physical. Joy. I won't make hubby go to that one! :haha:

So it's like a baby boom around here. As of this past week, I now know of at least 12 people who are pregnant! Crazy.

I fully expected to have gained at least 10 lbs by now. Oddly, I'm still around the same weight as I have been since week 5. My pants are a bit more snug though. Either of you see any gain/changes? Red, looking forward to seeing a bump picture!!!

Hope you ladies are having a great week! :thumbup:

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