There were first aiders there thankfully-she even told them to stop with the cold water as she wasn't liking it (*ffs how can anyone be THAT stupid) they carried on until the ambulance crew arrived. All she did was the damage, then rip her tights off. I know there are ppl who are thinking I shouldn't be so harsh but 1) im 100% about Nia atm, no one else, 2) when you see your baby how I saw her, plus dosed up on diamorphine and can't open her eyes from the swelling of tears alone and all you can hear is 'it wasn't my fault, they didn't screw the cap on properly' and then learn how the flask came into contact with your baby-HER DECISION not accident 3) she has history 4) seeing your baby be put under GA and everything else such as last night's dash to the unit because of leaking wounds which is an hour away...your are not going to cut them any slack.
Nia's still happy and amazing-were going to take her out today as her other (sensible and safety aware) grandparents are visiting x
Just leaving hospital after we noticed leaking through bandage. Biobrane still completely stuck down and it looked a bit better already! The nurse said it's good it's still stuck down and looks like it's healing well. She said the fluid is normal leakage as skin heals but to come in anytime. I asked her if the Biobrane continues to stay on is it very likely a graft wont be needed and she said no. I feel a bit better and relieved, but still early days xx
Goodness, poor you guys. It made my own heart leap and tears flow... Gosh. Not excusing this at all, but the damn flasks are extremely popular here. Older generations pretty much always used this, my own MIL included and she she told me I should put one in the moses basket... I forbid anyone to use them because of that exact fear of it leaking or being too hot against the kiddo.
Biggest hugs to you both and know that I am wishing your kiddo a very quick and full recovery!![]()