Bad luck!!


BnB Co-Founder ~ Retired
Aug 31, 2006
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I've had 2 doses of bad luck :(

I had a few quid of Amazon vouchers built up to get my OH his xmas prezzie but when I went to buy I realised it wasn't actually sold by Amazon but an account seller so I can't use the vouchers - Seen my backside stropped & bought a damn hoover instead! Well we needed a new one I guess!

Then my boots arrived in time for me to wear yesterday to find they were crap! There was no zip on them or anything an the back heel bit on the boots was awful preventing me from pushing my feet through even my OH was trying to push my feet on his words were 'not invented for feet' :shock: Maybe I got a dodgy pair but I was well pissed off! :(
Well at least ya still had a good weekend :wink:
Was, been :p all day for a change! :lol:
Awft id be pissed off to about the boots!

I bought a pair of boots about a month ago i had to get them in size 9 to fit! (im a size 7) and it didnt take long for the inner soles to rip apart!
:shock: Nooo! I wouldn't I hate my feet as it is I want tiny feet :(
Aaawwwww hunni

Hope it didnt spoil you day too much xx

Like your hubbys saying lol
Well she said she'd refund me but as she added those couple of pounds onto postage by the time I sent them back to her it wouldn't be worth it! She gave me £5 back this morning - Slim feet would be fine but well I'd not even say my feet are fat! I ordered a new pair anyway :oops:

Now I dunno if I should have esspecially as I'd like black ones so I'll maybe look in town when I get paid I hammered my bank account this month :oops:
boots h8 me lol, they either wont go on my fat legs or fit my fat feet!!! :rofl:
boots dont like me either! i have to have ankle ones cause knee highs dont zip up on my legs!
Hm, boots do not hate me - but my husband hates the prices of the boots

I have the same problem with getting boots over my calves. Ugh! :( Always buy ankle boots. Who are these boots made for? :evil:

Besides which OH has this real weird thing against women who wear knee high boots and short skirts :roll: :?
They aren't quite knee hight more the fact my legs would be warm :rofl:

Seen some stretching spray I might buy in hope it works! Mate is a size 5 & they fit her fine maybe its liek Ag said she needs a size up in certain boots an as these have no zip down the side theres no space for a push really! I am gutted I really like them!!

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