Bana's Journey to *MILF* status


Mummy to Tristan
Aug 11, 2009
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Ok so Crimbo is over and im still like 4 stone overweight probably more, but cant bring myself to step on the scales.

After giving birth i lost a few pounds then for some strange reason started to binge eat :dohh: so now i have to try and wake up and not stuff myself full of chocolate.

The dilema, do i start tomoz with fook loads of chocolate lying around to tempt me or eat it all! :shrug:

I cant do any extreme dieting because im bfing and need food to lactate so no Cambridge for me :cry:

I find it so difficult with the fruit and veggies cuz im the only one who will eat it so it normally gets wasted.

My hope is that by writing this i will gain the will power i need to loose weight and fit into all my nice clothes that i have and b a milf (mum id like to fook).

Other reasons, i generally look alot better with my face not chubby! My hobby is caving and i dont even fit into my suite anymore, let alone all the small gaps! I want to be healthy for Tristan, I have about 5 black bags of cloths that i want to fit into, i want to feel sexy enough to have sex before my partner decides hes goin elsewhere, i want to be the out going confident bana i was before, I used t get beeped at and ppl used to double take, now id b lucky if i even got noticed! I want to be able to leave the house without wanting to hide! and im sure theres lots more but i cant think right now!\

So anyway tomoz is the day, im not putting a starting weight cuz theres no way im getting on those scales. Last time i checked it was 14lb 10.

Wish me luck!
I feel exactly the same as you & noticed Tristan & Jack were born a few weeks apart.. Ive decided to join weight watchers next week once all the christmas festivities die down. Last time I checked I was 13.8lbs :-( & need to loose at least 3 stone!

So good luck & keep us posted on how you do :) xx
yeah i weighed 13lb 10 at one stage and recon after my choco breakfasts im probs in the 15 now-:shock:

Went to the mall to get a nursing top, went to the changing rooms and had to catch myself in the mirrors. all i can say is i look like a small house, or maybe a beached whale. my god tomoz has to be the day i start to change my eating habits. i have been saying tomoz for the past couple of months, my oh says tomoz neva comes, so time to prove him wrong!
Theres nothing like trying clothes on in a changing room to make you want to lose weight, after getting depressed about how much weight you've gained! :cry:
:cry::cry: it wasnt just that, i saw a glimpse of my ass! :haha: how ive let myself get this big i dont no! Anyways tomoz is a new day and the start to my mission to milf status!x
rite today is the day! after feeding the lo i will b aving a bowl of special k and a cuppa and will take it from there!
Well i failed today, im not suprised i always fail! So it started well with special k but i have full fat milk cuz i prefer it. Then for a snack i had an alpen bar 70kcals.

lunch, toasted turkey and stuffing sarny with mayo- whoops and a muller lite yog. wanted chocolate so bad i had 6 choco digestive buscuits with a cuppa. This is guna sound bad cuz its a binge, i dont no wat goes through my head when i do it, i then had 2 nutrigain bar things:dohh: :shock: it didnt stop there, i then had a handful of wine gums. Im sooooo shit!

So for tea i then had half a pizza and half a crimbo pub and custard! oh the shame i have reading this! so bad! and to top it off i stuck me finger in the white choco spread jar :dohh: and had another alpen bar. I think i have a problem :blush: :nope: :shock:

So after writing this all down i now no that i am officially a fat bloater and tomoz (yes i no i have already said this) will b the day i start again. Im off to hang my head in shame...
Don't give up! You can totally do it! I know weight watchers has a modified plan for women who are breast feeding. Maybe you could try them? They are very supportive and can help you lots. What also helps is to keep writing down everything you are eating, no matter what it is. That gives you the motivation to start again or keep trying.

If you can't afford WW there are ways to do it alone for free like I am doing. You can find points calculators online as well as a run down of their points systems. I highly recommend it. I need to loose 95lbs so I know how embarrassing it can be to feel fat. You can do it though!
thanks cooney, yeah i have alot of old ww leaflets and the points book hiding somewhere. I think i will give it a go! wow 95ib and uve lost 27 already, thats good goin! i wana loose bout 70ish. Rite in the morning i try again with a refreshed sense of motivation! Thanks 4 the support! x
lets not talk about yest or today! Dieting starts 1/1/10 ...
Hey, its gone ok today. I can do better, so theres always tomoz (I love saying this!) this is what i had today;

Breakfast: Special K with full fat milk (I hate any other milk and dont like watered down semi!)

Snack: Special K bar (88kcals)

Lunch: Homemade sweet potato and carrot soup with spicy cous cous. Muller lite yog.

Snack: Special K bar (again)

Did alot of walking so got really hungry when we got home so i had a piece of toast.

Tea: Pasta with red pepper sauce with cheese. small bit of custard for pudding!

My OH started eating loads of chocolate so i had a asda own nutrigrain bar instead.

Aim for tomorrow is less cups of tea, more water, and less snacking!
Hey, its gone ok today. I can do better, so theres always tomoz (I love saying this!) this is what i had today;

Breakfast: Special K with full fat milk (I hate any other milk and dont like watered down semi!)

Snack: Special K bar (88kcals)

Lunch: Homemade sweet potato and carrot soup with spicy cous cous. Muller lite yog.

Snack: Special K bar (again)

Did alot of walking so got really hungry when we got home so i had a piece of toast.

Tea: Pasta with red pepper sauce with cheese. small bit of custard for pudding!

My OH started eating loads of chocolate so i had a asda own nutrigrain bar instead.

Aim for tomorrow is less cups of tea, more water, and less snacking!

But tea is good for a diet! I mean as long as it doesn't have loads of sugar and cream. And despite what people will tell you snacking is great. Maybe not between 3 huge meals (which it doesn't look like you did) but eating 6-8 times a day in little meals means your metabolism is working the whole time. I always eat at least 6 meals a day. You really are doing well. Give yourself some credit. It also takes a while for your stomach to shrink enough so you are not so god-awful hungry all day. :thumbup:
No i dont have sugar in my tea anymore just sweetner but i do have full fat milk cuz i like my tea milky! Yeah i find at the mo i feel really hungry, i dont no if thats because im bfing or what but thats y im goin down the snacking route! Thanks for yr encouragement!


Breakfast: Crunchy nut with full fat milk

Snack: Special K bar (88 kcals)

Lunch: Was out and about with my OH and had lunch in a pub, so i chose a Jacket pot with cheese and beans with coleslaw- I dont think that that was a bad choice!

Snack: Special K Bar and Muller lite yog

Tea: Weight watchers lasagne with 2 peices of toast (Maybe shouldnt of had the toast :cry:).

Snack: 3 Snack a Jacks (51 kcals each)

Sounds alot when i write it down, but at the time when going through the day it doesnt. I really need to cut done on the snacking, or snack on carrots. At least what im snacking on arent really calorific!

Maybe i need to just pull myself together and have 3 meals a aday for a couple of days and that will shrink my stomach enough for me not to feel hungry or eat cuz of the cravings! Damn i hate this! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Yeah, I forgot you were bfing. Take it easy. =)
righteo didnt do very well yest :dohh: I think my snacking has gotton out of control and onto the binging teritory again! I did however manage to stay away from the hob nobs which im quite proud of! If i can rememeber it all here it goes:

Breakfast: Crunchy nut cereal with full fat milk

Lunch: same as above

Tea: Jacket potato with cheese and beans

Snacks: Half piece of toast
3 special k bars (dont judge)
some yogurt coated health bar
carrots with dip
WW cookies (the box :shock:)
2 ww desserts :dohh:

Im sure there was more but i cant think of any! I wasnt guna write this but admitting my problems will eventually help me in the long run. So today i am determined to b good! Ive even bought semi skimmed milk!
u can do it hun, im gonna be on a similar mission after baby, am pretty much exact same story as u, have bought my inspiration clothes (not size zeros or anything ridiculous like that - 10's, and im gonna do it for me, baby and OH. u got a pic of what ya look like now? come on give us a peek we can tell u what we likeeeee get u kick started if ur feeling brave ;) x
oh dear god the thought of putting a picture of what i look like now up here! Especially as i have failed another day. Lets just say millionaire chocolate and caramel tarts were reduced in tescos when i went in to get healthy carrots and are now in my tummy :nope: yes both :dohh: and i didnt resist the hob nobs :shock:

Im a big fat failure :cry:

Ill think about the picture, i have one of what i want to look like from the last time i dieted i was 5 stone lighter then ill try and dig it out!

right bana... we will do it together! when Neil gets paid on the 15th I am going 2 b joining rosemary conley as i did that diet successfully b4 having Seb. no more hot chocolates 4 us ne more!

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