Morning Girlies!
Reedy - Glad you had a nice time at the ITNG show! CONGRATS on the weightloss! There is NO WAY Im meeting up with you.... You're a stick insect now!

Really proud of you! :thmbup:
Missy - The picnic lunch sounds yummy!
Nat - Saw your holibob snaps on FB! Looks like you had a lovely time away.
Ive gained another 2lbs

after another

at the weekend and another this morning all I have done is eat

I cant help it! Eaten sweets and choccies one after the other all day pretty much on saturday. I honestly cant help it at the moment.... its all I want to do
So I guess I just have to be strict with myself otherwise I'll end up being too fat for IVF and fuck up my chances

Feeling pretty hopeless atm.
More positively speaking Im going to Zumba tonight Im hoping that some exercise will help lift my mood and obviously beat the bulge.
Sorry to be a moany miserable cow bag.