I know what you mean Nat about money x we say we want to start ttc next year but who knows x we want the house on the Market this year so it depends how that goes I suppose x
And regards to practicing my cupcakes, I want to start making them for people eventually & maybe go on to sell them x
My dad is doing a carboot a week on Sunday & he wants me to make a load to sell x
Oh wow! I want to do the same but for people with diet issues like Isobel. Need to start
We pay £515 for a month and that's only 3 days a week, approx 12 sessions. It was £595 until she was 2!! I've had a recommendation for a childminder so awaiting her phoning back. It would bring it down to £360 a month. But I still think I'd want to wait until she's 4. I can take her to school and I get 1-2-1 with new baby, and she won't get jealous as she's at achool. Well that's the plan!
Nat - OMG.... that is soooo expensive! YIKES! Dont blame you waiting... besides youre younger than me. We wont be waiting long before we try again for another if we waiting until LO was 4 I'd be 34 and if we needed IVF.... etc etc saying that I need to get no 1 first!
Reedy - LOVED the cupcakes!! How was last night with Fin?
Kerry i think the NHS give you the IVF then if successful, with a bundle in your arms, they won't give you another set so to speak for baby #2.. yeah I'm only 29 so I'd be 31 ish! but added issue of being diabetic most likely again!! :doh:
how is the non-smoking going? is it day 1 of new diet too??
Nat - Huh?? Yes I know that I wont get funding for a second IVF round.... live birth or no live birth. We would try naturally then I would do egg donation for a free round of IVF with a private clinic.
I read an article about that and looks interesting.
What are your plans for the weekend? We got friends coming around Saturday, then off to Marwell to watch Sam do a 10k then go visit all the animals I've also go to fill in the post of my pergola and plant some plants. And then put in wire to start training my plants..
Nat - bloody hell thats expensive x I'm so glad DH's mum has Finley for us x
Have you found a recipe for dairy intolerence cakes??
Missy - Have fun gardening today x bet its really starting to HOT up in Cyprus now x
Kerry - The egg sharing soes sound interesting & fab that you get to go to the top clinic x
Finley was...............okish last night lol x Feel knackered this morning though but my own stupid fault I didnt go to bed untill 11pm - just closed my eyes as Finley woke up
Hoping to go to the farm this afternoon if it stays nice x
Weekend, DH is on nights friday night & sunday night x We are either having a BBQ saturday night if its nice with friends but if its rubbish we're having a take-away - I vote Pizza lol x
Yes I made her Upsy Daisy cake that was dairy free
Hope Maddox falls asleep soon. Pizza sounds good Reedy, yumm. You are lucky that MIL looks after Finley. My mum does a day a week which I'm greateful for. Hoping we can get in to the childminder.. saving £1,700 a year!!
Welll.... the only two or three things that make a cake dairy are butter and milk. And all you do is substitute those for non dairy Did you see my cake? Would you like me to post you a sample?
Welll.... the only two or three things that make a cake dairy are butter and milk. And all you do is substitute those for non dairy Did you see my cake? Would you like me to post you a sample?
oooh yay that would be fab, if you dont mind that is x
I dont use milk in my sponge cake anyway, only in my cupcakes but thats just the recipe I follow x
So what do you substitute the butter with?? x
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