Worst u/s ever!
My take is that that was the first u/s the tech has done! On the screen the images were even more hazy then normal. She didn't seem to be doing much of anything! Yes she measured his legs, head and abdomen, but she didn't even look at his heart or spine, not much of anything in fact. She also didn't give me any pics. She said there was nothing to see! What!? I know we couldn't get a look at his face as he is vertex and anterior, but couldn't you have printed out some body part of his for me. Also the whole thing lasted 10-15 minutes total. I'm glad I get a better u/s next week!
As for the rest of the night it went OK! I didn't get to see any babies in the nursery as there were only about 5 moms that delivered and had their babies in the room with them, but while we were on tour Rock a Bye Baby was played twice which means 2 babies were born within about 5 minutes of each other. That was great to hear and brought tears to my eyes! When we were all done with that we went back downstairs and finished the class. My dh and I left early because my back was hurting me and we also forgot pillows before we left. They were just going to do the breathing exercises one more time.