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BD'ing my butt off--whose in it for November??

I've not had a positive opk yet either.. Stressing myself out about it and having all sorts of daft thoughts. Argh :wacko: I think that I'm out for this month :-( dtd tues and sat and will this week but think my nightshifts ruined my chances. Bah! Xxx
maggiemay and mackjess......I am praying for you a positive hpt when your 2 weeks is up!!!!!....dollybird....you may have o'ed and missed it what cd are you on?...i never o before cd 21 so you could still be in the running..still praying for us all!!!
Cd15- been testing opk since cd8!! Twice a day as well.. But on wed last week I had ewcm so yeh I'm kinda worried I missed it :-( xxx
I was supposed to O over the weekend, but I never got a positive OPK. I thought I was in my 2WW, but I tried the OPK one more time this morning and it was positive! So I guess I better keep BD'ing! This is going to be a few days late for me to OV, but its only the 2nd cycle since my MC. I was right on time with it last month, so I was sure I missed it. Hope I still can catch the egg!
AHHHHHHHH oh ladies i'm sooooooo confused now.....I absolutelty cannot believe this is happening. So I got AF 10/12 lasted 6/7days and for 5 days after had brown d/c that I needed a panty liner.TMI sorry!!!! So started friday using my OPK's and sat got a smiley face. We bd'd yesterday and this am when I woke up blood everywhere???? Like a friggin period. WTF is this???? I have terrible cramps and feel like crap. I mean I was so excited that I got a smiley face and we dtd and then this....What do you girlies think????? On a funnier note my hubby came home yesterday and I was like we need to bd asap cuz i got a smiley face and he was like well I want to hunt next weekend for 3days so if I donate to you then I don't want you bitching at me for hunting....lol I was like just donate to are cause already!!!! :)
btw this would be cd18 so I thought I was okay and having the +OPK made me excited cuz I was having cm as well.......grrrrrr I hope this isn't makeing me out of the running for november...I feel like crying :(
I'm really not sure mtln. I don't use OPK'S, I just temp and monitor CM. but that is funny what ur hubby said!
The BD'ing may have caused some bleeding. I wouldn't be too concerned about it if it stops today or tonight. You can still try and still get pregos during this. At least you know you are ovulating already and things should calm down enough for you to get BFP soon even if its not this time.
Mtln if I was you go drs Monday an get them to check you over I have no advice massive hugs x
Dolly just try not to worry keep bd an fingers crossed some :spermy: hung around that's all I am hoping as me an hubby didnt bd last night xx

Gotta keep feeling lucky girls xx some of us need our bfps no reason for us not too xx
Oh an Sorry for my rant bout hubby went bed alone in the end so ov felt on left (side with a tube) an ewcm an pos opk an he decided to throw a tantrum an stay on the sofa so I think I am probably out as ewcm has gone today x
The BD'ing may have caused some bleeding. I wouldn't be too concerned about it if it stops today or tonight. You can still try and still get pregos during this. At least you know you are ovulating already and things should calm down enough for you to get BFP soon even if its not this time.

I'm hoping the bleeding calms down so I cana bd again tonight. I mean in all reality those little :spermy: can make it a few days. Will see what happens just bummed the bleeding started cuz, sunday am there was no smiley face when I used the OPK. let's hope i'm still in the running.
I once had bleeding after sex (the day after it and it freaked me out) so I googled it (surprise surprise!) lol and it turned our that it can just be trauma to the cervix.. When you ovulating your cervix sits lower so it easier to give it a bump ;-) and its quite a vascular area.. So try not to stress to much chick, but I agree with gnomette that if you have any pain or more bleeding to go get checked. The other thing is that some women bleed a bit when they ovulate.. So maybe that??
Gnomette thankyou, I will try and stay positive. Hope u have a few wee swimmers still on the go that caught your egg.
Anyways ladies I have been doing a wee bit of research on fertility boosting suppliments/food as someone suggested that I take garlic instead of aspirin (it has blood thinning properties) and here's what I found https://www.askbaby.com/fertility-boosting-foods.htm thought I'd share :) I've just bought some garlic suppliments and omega three fish oil capsules to take instead of my evening primrose oil as the fish oil is good for cm and safe to take your entire cycle unlike the epo which you should only take the first half xxx

Hello Ladies,
Can I join? I started TTC with my husband for the first time in August, got pregnant and m/c in September around 6.5 weeks. It was my 1st pregnancy so it was pretty devastating to lose it. Now it has been about 4.5 weeks and my AF returned right on time with my old cycle ( weird). My OB told me to wait 2 cycles but I figure one is good enough, I think. November is a whole new month and I think I am ready to try again. Anyone else trying after less than 2 or 3 cycles?
Welcome blueberry!! I waited two cycles but that's mainly cause I had methotrexate and had to wait.. Had it not been for the metho I prob would've tried again straight away. My mum miscarried and fell pregnant with me straight away after. It's really up to you and how u feel both physically and mentally.. If you're ready to try again then just go for it..

Afm... TMI alert... But girls I just had to share it....

The ewcm is back... In abundance!!! Plus O pains!!! Maybe I'm not out after all! Sti no positive opk but I'm gonna go by my bodies signals... Gonna bd all the way! Wooo!! Xxx

hi blueberry sorry for you loss xx :hugs: only you know when your ready to try again the only reason to say wait 2 cycles is to make sure your ready an for dating xx good luck hun

whop whop dolly get :sex: hunny xx did you do an opk?

i got another pos opk today is that normal 2 strong lines again? who knows its all good xx
Yeh far as I know the surge can last a few days.. Another positive is a good thing gives u more time to dtd!! Oh I hope this is our month!! Here's to some bfps in November!! :dust: xxx
I did another opk but still neg. getting darker though so here's hoping!! :) xxx
we are in sync with in a day or 2 lol oh i am soo hoping this month is all our month i know last month i ov off my right (no tube) an this month a felt all the ov pains on my left keep thinking lucky keep hoping xx no ewcm though there was yesterday (trust it to be the first tiff with hubby in months) but none today x
Gnomette and dolly, I was supposed to ov Saturday and was all bummed out. Just got my positive today! So now I'm feeling much better. Hope we get some bfps, but honestly I feel a lot better already knowing I am going to ov for sure. I was so worried that I didn't thinking something was wrong! Get to bd'ing!! Just waiting for dh to get home from work myself.

Blueberry, I'm sorry for your loss. If the doctor didn't give you specifics about needing to wait you will know when you are ready.
Cd15- been testing opk since cd8!! Twice a day as well.. But on wed last week I had ewcm so yeh I'm kinda worried I missed it :-( xxx

you may have missed it but still may have BD around that time and end up preggers....is there any chance of that?..it may sound wierd but i chart when we do it

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