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BD'ing my butt off--whose in it for November??

Javish i do too actually! Lol. Got the period tracker app.. As well as fertility friend.. And track absolutely everything on those.. Obsessive! Lol. If I ovulated last week then I prob missed my chance.. Was on nightshifts and hubby and I never got chance to bd. however the ewcm came back last night- loads so im hoping that this is me ovulating now. Gonna keep testing. :)
Mackjess I'm so glad you got your positive!! Fingers crossed for u that u catch that egg!
Gnomette u prob still in with a good chance.. I read that ewcm starts to dry up as you're about to ovulate and even without it it's still possible to concieve. Xxx
I don't get any ewcm at all! just get a little more wet (sorry tmi) X
well we bd last night well early hours an now i am working tonight just one night though so fingers crossed all 2ww here we come let the madness begin :happydance: :happydance:
hello ladies.... bad news the bleeding is like a full AF...:( I am sad but guess my body is just not ready. I am hoping that this goes away but it is pretty heavy and I just feel like crap. I was hoping for it to stop but, it didn't. I don't want to call the dr b/c I am afraid he will have to do a d&c however, I m/c on 8/28/12 and I got a regular AF 10/12. lasted 6days and then just the brown d/c for 5 days then the smiley face sat and bd'd sunday and am cursing this witch today. I am so confused and nervous cuz, I did stop bleeding after the m/c for a month then AF???? What is going on with my body and wish it would stop.....I'm depressed today and just needed to vent. Thank heaven for all u girls cuz,my hubby is like soooo...Men wish they understood. :cry:
Hello Ladies,
Can I join? I started TTC with my husband for the first time in August, got pregnant and m/c in September around 6.5 weeks. It was my 1st pregnancy so it was pretty devastating to lose it. Now it has been about 4.5 weeks and my AF returned right on time with my old cycle ( weird). My OB told me to wait 2 cycles but I figure one is good enough, I think. November is a whole new month and I think I am ready to try again. Anyone else trying after less than 2 or 3 cycles?

Hi blueberry, glad to have you......:) I m/c 8/28 my dr told me to wait a couple cycles but i think most dr's tell you that. I have a friend who does "natural family planning" and is prego with 6and7 identical twin girls and she m/c before this and her dr told her to go for it right away when it happens it happens. I followed her advice cuz, I gueaa thats what i wanted to hear...lol so do what your heart tells you if your ready then bd away!!!! Glad you joined were always here if were not bding lol right girls??? :)
Javish i do too actually! Lol. Got the period tracker app.. As well as fertility friend.. And track absolutely everything on those.. Obsessive! Lol. If I ovulated last week then I prob missed my chance.. Was on nightshifts and hubby and I never got chance to bd. however the ewcm came back last night- loads so im hoping that this is me ovulating now. Gonna keep testing. :)
Mackjess I'm so glad you got your positive!! Fingers crossed for u that u catch that egg!
Gnomette u prob still in with a good chance.. I read that ewcm starts to dry up as you're about to ovulate and even without it it's still possible to concieve. Xxx

oh yes...this is a good sign that you didn't miss your chance..keep us posted...
I don't get any ewcm at all! just get a little more wet (sorry tmi) X

I don't get cm at all either so i just go by the opk...and havr to use pre seed to help spermies get to the location..lol
gnomette so excited for you..baby dust big time!!!!

mtln.... so sorry AF showed up ..prayers for next time
hello ladies.... bad news the bleeding is like a full AF...:( I am sad but guess my body is just not ready. I am hoping that this goes away but it is pretty heavy and I just feel like crap. I was hoping for it to stop but, it didn't. I don't want to call the dr b/c I am afraid he will have to do a d&c however, I m/c on 8/28/12 and I got a regular AF 10/12. lasted 6days and then just the brown d/c for 5 days then the smiley face sat and bd'd sunday and am cursing this witch today. I am so confused and nervous cuz, I did stop bleeding after the m/c for a month then AF???? What is going on with my body and wish it would stop.....I'm depressed today and just needed to vent. Thank heaven for all u girls cuz,my hubby is like soooo...Men wish they understood. :cry:

Mtln I know you're not keen to but please contact your doc.. I'm concerned about you the whole thing seems a bit odd- it's prob just cause of the miscarriage but I think it would be wise to get checked over. :hugs: xxx
Afm ladies.. Another day of abundant ewcm.. So guess I'll be bd'ing again this evening!! Still no positive opk yet but I think I'm kinda maybe losing faith in those.. I'm pretty sure this is my fertile time, all the signs are there, so I'm just gonna go with wat my bodies telling me. When I compare it to what I felt last week it's totally different.. Think I just panicked last week. Gonna stay positive now though!! Xxx
hello ladies.... bad news the bleeding is like a full AF...:( I am sad but guess my body is just not ready. I am hoping that this goes away but it is pretty heavy and I just feel like crap. I was hoping for it to stop but, it didn't. I don't want to call the dr b/c I am afraid he will have to do a d&c however, I m/c on 8/28/12 and I got a regular AF 10/12. lasted 6days and then just the brown d/c for 5 days then the smiley face sat and bd'd sunday and am cursing this witch today. I am so confused and nervous cuz, I did stop bleeding after the m/c for a month then AF???? What is going on with my body and wish it would stop.....I'm depressed today and just needed to vent. Thank heaven for all u girls cuz,my hubby is like soooo...Men wish they understood. :cry:

Hun honestly a d&c is not as scary as it sounds so honestly don't worry bout it the Dr will probably want to send you for a scan just to check your all ok x its definatly worth having a check over xx even if its nothing it sounds like at the very least you need reassurance so really please go get looked over x sending much love xx:kiss:
It all sounds good girlys gotta keep positive our body's will all get there in time an we will all get our take home babies x just all gotta keep going xx
hello ladies.... bad news the bleeding is like a full AF...:( I am sad but guess my body is just not ready. I am hoping that this goes away but it is pretty heavy and I just feel like crap. I was hoping for it to stop but, it didn't. I don't want to call the dr b/c I am afraid he will have to do a d&c however, I m/c on 8/28/12 and I got a regular AF 10/12. lasted 6days and then just the brown d/c for 5 days then the smiley face sat and bd'd sunday and am cursing this witch today. I am so confused and nervous cuz, I did stop bleeding after the m/c for a month then AF???? What is going on with my body and wish it would stop.....I'm depressed today and just needed to vent. Thank heaven for all u girls cuz,my hubby is like soooo...Men wish they understood. :cry:

Mtln I know you're not keen to but please contact your doc.. I'm concerned about you the whole thing seems a bit odd- it's prob just cause of the miscarriage but I think it would be wise to get checked over. :hugs: xxx

Hey I am going to tomorrow, this is really heavy bleeding, no clotting though and i found out because I m/c'd 8/28 and didn't get AF till 10/12 for the 1st time they wudn't do a d&C at this point. so maybe my body is just trying to prepare??? I have never had a regular AF my entire life and wasn't on b/c till I got the mirena IUD after my 2nd daughter. I also have never tried to track ovulation or even know when my body does other than CM. So I am capable to get 2 healthy girls and will ride this out a couple more days...If I do get worse I will be sure to call. Praying for you toooooooooooo :dust::dust:
Hey I am going to tomorrow, this is really heavy bleeding, no clotting though and i found out because I m/c'd 8/28 and didn't get AF till 10/12 for the 1st time they wudn't do a d&C at this point. so maybe my body is just trying to prepare??? I have never had a regular AF my entire life and wasn't on b/c till I got the mirena IUD after my 2nd daughter. I also have never tried to track ovulation or even know when my body does other than CM. So I am capable to get 2 healthy girls and will ride this out a couple more days....:shrug:

The DH is full on sick, and I get sick really easily plus I just got my flu shot Friday so that may make me even more succeptible to it. I avoided him like the plague other than taking him the occasional OJ, Sprite and cough drop. My poor sweetie.

Looking at my chart of when I BD'd. I was doing that more late last week and weekend because I was supposed to OV Sat or Sun. Now I think I OV yesterday or today. Even it if wasn't until today, our last BD day would still be in the very first day of my fertile period. Cautiously optimistic. I know that DH has made it that long before. In Aug we stopped 5 days before I OV because I was trying not to get prego that month (really bad sinus infection and I was taking a ton of medications) and I still got knocked up!!

Trying not to be bummed that I missed the egg or too optimistic that I caught it. LOL It's a fine balance.
Awe hope he feels better soon mackjess!! I'm sure you'll have caught your eggy- as you've learner from previous experience it only really takes once to seal the deal! I'll have my fingers crossed for you!!
Mtln glad your gonna go to docs, it's always best to err on the side of caution. It's probably just your body getting back to normal. After my ectopic I bled but it wants that bad, which I thought was odd.. When I spoke to the consultant he said that wouldn't have been my "proper" bleed and that the next one would be "out of the ordinary".. Which it was.. Very heavy and painful.. So maybe that's what yours is just the aftermath of your loss. Hope your body gets back to normal soon :hugs: xxx

Afm in sure now that I either ovulated yesterday or today. Bd'd last on Monday but was too tired last night I fell asleep before DH even made it to bed! Will have one more go tonight, and hope that's enough to catch that egg. What yous think?? Feeling very chilled despite my recent panic, think I've just accepted the fact that no matter how much I do, as I can only do so much, I just can't predict what will happen.. So if it doesn't happen this month then there's always the next. :)

Hello all! I posted in this thread when it started and have been stalking since! I got my bfp today! Hope this one is finally a sticky!!! Good luck all xxx
Congrats nicki!!! Hoping you have a happy healthy pregnancy!!! Keep us updated with yor progress!! Lovely to have the first :bfp: and before November must be a lucky sign!! Xxx

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