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BD'ing my butt off--whose in it for November??

Yay Nicki!! I love a lucky thread!!

Mtl-my AF after my m/c was almost unbearable. I talked to the doc and they called in some pain scripts for me. The nurse called and checked on me again too. I think I spoke to them 3 times and it really helped reassure me. I'm glad I didn't have to go in to the office but I would have if they said I needed to. Hopefully they have some answers and that it is "normal" after what your body has been through.

Dolly - Love that attitude. I hope it is contagious, too. I was really worked up about BD'ing and anxious about it, but that kind of went away when the hubbs got sick. I'm surprised that I'm so mellow about possibly missing it. But it is what it is, and I don't want BD'ing to be a chore, ever. So I'm glad I didn't push it. Next month will be here soon enough if I didn't catch it.
whop whop lucky nicki congrats hun xx
come one girls keep positive we will have to just keep going xx
glad your feeling so chilled dolly best way to be xx
mackjess sorry your oh is poorly men are such big babies when they are ill xx fingers crossed he feels better soon got everything crossed for you
Niki Congrats! Praying this one sticks for you!

Mtln Praying for you!

Dolly That is a great attitude to have.

Mackjess Praying for your DH to get better soon!

AFM I am on 6dpo. It's not driving me crazy yet but we'll see how long that lasts.
I just remembered a year ago tonight I took my very first prego test. I found out I was prego with my baby that is now in heaven. :cry: I was so happy that day, but not today.
Aw meggie I'm sad for you. Hope u get your rainbow baby soon :dust: :hugs: xxx
aww meggie you will get you take home baby soon xx :hugs::hugs:
aww meggie you will get you take home baby soon xx :hugs::hugs:

I hope so. I'm just getting so frustrated! I'm 19 it shouldn't be hard to get prego. My DH and I got married Oct 1 2011 and I had bfp Oct 31 2011. And now it's been almost 10 months since mc, and we started trying again right after mc
2ww driving me slightly crazy already i wanna poas!!! ha ha ha ha today is the first day is the first day of no opk cause they started to fade yesterday so stopped doing them so yeh don't go crazy when i have the opks but after i got a bit doo laly when i have anything to pee on scared if i do get bfp an pissed off if i do can't win really :dohh:
You and me both gnomette! I don't even know for certain if I o'd.. Never got a pos opk... But I'm pretty sure I did.. So gonna count tomorrow as 1dpo. Let the madness ensue. I've already been looking at symptoms on twoweekwait.com. Argh save me from myself!!!!!!! Xxx
2ww driving me slightly crazy already i wanna poas!!! ha ha ha ha today is the first day is the first day of no opk cause they started to fade yesterday so stopped doing them so yeh don't go crazy when i have the opks but after i got a bit doo laly when i have anything to pee on scared if i do get bfp an pissed off if i do can't win really :dohh:

I hear ya. I did a calculator on countdowntopregnancy.com to find out when my implantation might be and it says it can be as early as 11/6, most likely on 11/9, and before 11/13. ARGH!! I'm going to try to hold off until 11/7-11/9 to test. I realized that sounds obsessive, but I don't really get as disappointed by the BFNs. I'm more scared about not knowing I'm prego and not getting started on progesterone or anything if I need to. My doc told me to come in to walk-in labs ASAP when I get a positive for bloodwork. I guess when they did bloodwork during my MC my progesterone was already really low.

Meggie-hang in there. I hope you get a BFP soon, but the good news is if you have been trying for a year you can talk to a doctor and they might help you out. Just be sure to document the methods you've tried so they know to take you seriously. If you have been using OPKs and BDing the right days they may even run tests or give some kind of explanation or new tips to try. Hopefully you get your BFP soon though and then nevermind everything I just said. =)
aww meggie you will get you take home baby soon xx :hugs::hugs:

I hope so. I'm just getting so frustrated! I'm 19 it shouldn't be hard to get prego. My DH and I got married Oct 1 2011 and I had bfp Oct 31 2011. And now it's been almost 10 months since mc, and we started trying again right after mc

i had a conversation with a very good friend of mine an she was saying how she had been googling alot (i have told her not to do it anymore) an she was saying how its really unfair that people try for forever an a day an some people fall by mistake with out even realising its one of the most frustrating thing bout life i suppose xx i was trying for 6months with my dd an it was stessing me right out i was worried that my body wasn't working properly an all sorts so i stopped trying i just thought it would never happen so what was the point the end of july i found out i was preg with my dd who is now 2 an a half so honestly don't give up hope it will happen give it til after christmas an then think bout going to see your dr xx
ok so this is where i am gonna sound like a proper tit but what day would i put as o i got pos test sat an sun so what day would be o?
if i am then its poked an proded in the epu (previous ectiopic) then its just a worry all the way through (i lost my boy at 20wks) but i know it will be worth it but it will be the most nerve wrecking 9months
we will all get there sooner or later just gotta keep trying i suppose

dolly step away from google!! google is dangerous for your health step away from the 2ww website it will drive you crazier quicker than you can imagine in the next 10days!!! an mackjess don't even think bout it!!!! :kiss::kiss:
Hmm I would say Sunday but its hard to say without charting your temps- you'd really need a thermal shift to confirm.. If I where you I'd count Monday as 1dpo.. Cause your test was neg then so most likely you've o'd. Haha I will try to keep away from google- but it's just so easy to obsess!! How am I gonna make it through the next few weeks?! What day you gonna start testing?? I got loads of ic's so was gonna start next Monday.. By my calculations that will make me between 5-8dpo no way of knowing exactly which.. :) xxx
i was abnormally warm sunday if that helps??!? you need to talk here rather than obsessing on google keep looking through theads or start a farm cafe or something on facebook read a book anything but stay away from google as for testing i will hopefully hold off til next wednesday it shouldn't be too difficult as its half term an i have loads to do (we decided to gut an move the flat around) so in theory its gonna be a doddle in reality i am gonna be hard pushed not to poas every morning!! omg thats not half of whats going on in my head :wacko:
hi ivylane an sally an jabish xx
i am determined that its gonna be a lucky thread it has to be how can there be so much info an not be xx
hows everyone doing xx

Hey. Thanx for asking. Haven't been on for a bit and still trying to figure out how to use the site. Had some crazy bad cramping today and hoping it's a sign of implantation. Only time will tell. Still not 100% sure I even o'd but all my normal symtoms came and went after several weeks of all over the place opk's and cm. I THINK I may be 8 dpo???
I'm hopeful yet worried about the cramping since had it last cycle (not guite as bad and on opposite side) which ended in chemical. I got faint bfp following day then lost pregnancy a few days later...so leaves me wondering if was it a symptom of implantation or of mc????. With first two pregnancies (one singleton and one set of twins) I remember mild af type cramps but not like this and not just on one side. Anywho....hope to see some bfps here...haven't gotten to read what I missed yet.
I hear ya. I did a calculator on countdowntopregnancy.com to find out when my implantation might be and it says it can be as early as 11/6, most likely on 11/9, and before 11/13. ARGH!! I'm going to try to hold off until 11/7-11/9 to test. I realized that sounds obsessive, but I don't really get as disappointed by the BFNs. I'm more scared about not knowing I'm prego and not getting started on progesterone or anything if I need to. My doc told me to come in to walk-in labs ASAP when I get a positive for bloodwork. I guess when they did bloodwork during my MC my progesterone was already really low.

I know what you mean about finding out as early as possible! I'll probably start testing Sat (9DPO), or Sun (10DPO). That's longer than I waited last month! I think I started testing at 7DPO...LOL!
FX for everyone testing soon! Hoping this is a lucky thread and can't wait to hear all the bfps!!
Congrats nicki!

Afm. I'm o-ing today or sometime soon! I been seducing OH every night anyways ;)
so who is struggling not to test already??? i am roughly 4dpo (thank you dolly for helping me) i swear i am going insane! the worst part is i have a stash of testing in my bathroom cabinet they are screaming at me xx hows everyone else doing?

go carebear get doing the dance!!!

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