BD'ing my butt off--whose in it for November??

Womble, I've used a few sick days myself for that and I hate it.

Mtln - WOW. I wouldn't worry about it at all. I think folate and folic acid are pretty interchangeable. My OB gave me bag full of samples for prenatals that had iron in them since it was low, and they made me feel terrible. I went and bought vits without iron, and bought an iron supplement separately so I could split it up to 3 doses and help my tummy. After I bought the prenatal and had been taking them a few weeks I freaked bc I thought they didn't have folic acid. Showed them to her since it happened to be appt day when I realized it and she said it had folate, and it was basically the same thing. I'm sure she was trying to be helpful, but she isn't a doctor so I wouldn't sweat it.
Thanks girls thats' what I get for straying from this thread :haha: :).......Well how about this stress.....My 7yr old comes home yesterday from school and tells me her teacher put her hands on her neck to turn her head and squeezed her throat REALLY HARD :saywhat: ???????????????????? I was mortified.......She was really upset and at the dinner table I was trying to keep my composer and she says mom I know Mrs.K wouldn't strangle me to death but she strangled me hard.........Ug I wanted to cry :cry: Your a teacher you have NO RIGHT to pit ur hands on my child......So this am I marched into the school and demanded a meeting with the principal and school psychologist........They were great with me and had a talk with the teacher which she said,"she startled my child" she did admit to turning her head as she would not pay attention!!!!!! Like I thought she would admit to using extreme force on my child.....NOT COOL so she was told she can't do that and will be calling me this afternoon to have a chat with me. I don't really care for her as she comes across as arrogant and she seems to me just cz, Lily needs a "little" extra help she annoys her. you are a teacher it's your job to help her.....:grr:

Anywho womble sorry you are sick and hope u get some sleep.........lots of hugs to all your beans... :)

Hope my day gets better..............................................:)
Mtln I would have went postal on that bitch had it been my child. I would have told her the next time she put her hands on my kid, I would be putting my hands on her and I would have her switched to a different teacher if possible. If you did that to another adult they could file assault charges so why she thought she could do it to a kid is crazy. Let me know how your chat with her goes....I would let her know that you could have called OCY on her!
Mtln- that is crazy! I would want more to happen to that teacher than just talking to to her!

AFM- I have had this horrible cough since Saturday and it won't go away! Besides the darn cough I feel fine. It sucks you can't take anything for a cough when your pg. I've tried lemon juice and honey and it's just not cutting it. I may have to call my OB'S office this afternoon to see if they have any suggestions.
Pray can you take cough drops or halls? I took some when I was pregnant, hope that's not a no no but the halls soothies really helped to take the scratch away
I have taken a couple, but they are hard to take at night, and that's when it's the worst. That and in the morning.
I just talked to my OBs nurse, and she said I could take plain robitussin and the plain mucinex. I will most likely wait till evening to take anything since that is the worst time! I'm pretty much ok during the day, just a cough here and there.
Pray, you should have heard the lecture DH gave me bc I'd go to sleep with a sugar free halls in my mouth. I never worried about it because whenever I woke up it was still tucked in the side of my cheek right where I left it. He made me quit that though. I think I've had so much crap in my mouth from a lifetime of visiting the orthodontist I don't move my mouth a lot when I sleep.

I take the mucinex too, but you might try taking it in early evening. I took it at bed time once and it seemed to get the drainage going hours after I went to sleep and made it worse and my ear was all clogged up on my sleeping side.

I also bought the CVS brand of mucinex. Same ingredient but it lasts 4-6 hours instead of the mucinex 12 hours. I liked the idea that it was a lower dose or less strong, or maybe it's less coated since it's not the long release. Or maybe I'm a dork and it makes no diff which kind you take. :haha:
:haha: mackjess, I think like that too! I spend way to much time looking and comparing ingredients on meds! Lol!

I used to do that with the cough drops when I was younger, but I just imagine what could happen! Lol!
Hi all sorry I have been mia for the last few days poorly daughter means next to no sleep an busy nights at work so no break to catch up on my phone sorry xx
Mtln I would have stormed down an insisted that the teacher be sacked there an then that's disgusting behavior an as for the woman who thinks she's a Dr from the other thread she is not your Dr so she can go do vile things to her self! Has af turned up yet? Hope your well x
bazz you should be home hope af has stayed away an you have had a brilliant time away xx
glad everyone is doing ok with their beans
womble sorry you don't feel well hope you start to feel better soon x
afm af has left an I am planning on starting opks Saturday as due to ov wed-friday then its just the awful 2ww
love to all xx
Sorry I've been MIA for a few days!

mtln Yay for finding out what the problem is. I'm sure your dr. knows what he is talking about so I wouldn't listen to that other lady. It sounds like she is crazy! And that teacher sounds horrible!!!!! I hope it doesn't happen again!

Pray Your scan looks great!!!! I'll be praying your cough goes away soon!

Ivy Yay for your scan friday! You'll have to post pics!!!

Mackjess A Boy!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!

Womble I'll be praying for you to get some good sleep soon!

Gnomette Yay for AF leaving! Hopefully this is your month!!!

AFM I'm on cd16 and no temp spike yet, but i'm not too worried it seems normal for me now.
Hi all
Hope everyone is doing well. did your scan go? I hope everything was how it should be.
I'm so worried about tomorrow for my US. Was reading on another thread about someone who just had their first scan and it didn't go well at all. I know I should think positively but I know you ladies understand.
I'm a bit grumpy today too cuz I was trying to keep things quiet until after the US but people have been talking and all I can think is how many people will I have to tell if I have another mc.....again...I know u all understand.
Well enough about me : )
Oh Ivy, lots of love and positive thoughts for you little one. I am just as bad and can be the same way the day before a scan or appt. Please keep us updated, though I'm sure everything will be fine. :hugs:
Hi ladies!!
So much to catch up on
I will read it all tomorrow at work just wAnted to say a quick Hi!! I missed my ladies!!
Hi all, sorry I've also been missing for a few days. Driving to work so don't get my usual bus journey to look at forum!

Bazz, how was your holiday??? Did af arrive? I'm hoping not!

Hope your coughs gotten better Pray.

Good luck for your scan today ivy.

Well its 4am & I've been awake since 2am. Had my scan today, went fine, baby bouncing around and kicking. Measuring11w3d. But had a slightly high nuchal measurement of 2.6mm. They expected me to have a 1:329 downs risk based on age but now am 1:290. Not going to do cvs testing as that carries a 1:100 mc risk & it makes no difference as we would keep the baby regardless. But the thought of not knowing till the baby is born is killing me. Hence I can't sleep. Yet again the joy of pregnancy has gone, I was so looking forward to telling the world tomrw and now I don't really want to talk about it. If we have a downs baby, & I know the risk is still low, we would love it, but I can't say its what I would choose in an ideal world. But we don't live in an ideal world. I'm also worried that as baby is still so small (47mm) & measurement is already 2.6mm, that if baby was bigger in like a week, the measurement would be through the roof. My DH also had heart problems as a baby & this could also indicate that. Got another scan at 14 weeks to check heart. Don't think downs test will be any different by then as will be 14w1d & the fluid starts to get reabsorbed by then. Just feel so so low and think will feel like this for 6 months which is going to be horrendous. And dreading work tomrw when my boss will be oh how was the scan, I won't have slept, & I don't wanna burst into tears!!!! Will post a pic in a sec. We did get a DVD too which is great, baby moved so much!! If pregnant again, I wouldn't get this test as its not worth the stress. Ignorance is bliss!! But in the uk I don't know if they scan you if you don't have the nt scan, & I'd want a scan to check dates etc. Sigh.

Sorry for the negativity, I know just gotta stay positive, but its hard. Didn't think pregnancy was supposed to be like this!! Am just so tired too :-( Lots of love xx

You can just see the little hand with little fingers waving in the shadows!!
Womble what a lovely scan. Please don't worry that's still a really small chance and your nt size doesn't sounds that big. That's why I didn't have the nt testing as I knew it would ruin my pregnancy for me an even if I'd had a high nt I wouldn't have gotten cvs or anything... The way I see it is I was blessed with this child- something I've wanted for so long- if God forbid it has something wrong then tht is what is meant, and I will love it with all my heart. Although ladies I must point out that I totally understand why some ladies would want the nt testing as everyone's circumstances are different and for some a child with downs or learning difficulties would be too much. And that I totally understand. I would never judge anyone for their actions in that regards its a totally personal descision. Anyways, The odds are in your favour womble I'm pretty sure your bubs is just fine. I hope you can find the joy again :hugs:
Ivy good luck today! Sure everything will be fine. It's normal to worry before scans I've worried before every single one of mine. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way!!
Bazz hope u had a lovely holiday! Can't wait to hear all about it!
Meggie hope you get your temp rise soon, and gnomette hope you get your pos opk soon too!
Afm I'm hungry Horace!! Can't stop eating. Feeling very insecure also.. Keep having bad dreams that hubby is leaving me :-( absolutely rediculous but they are so vivid I wake up feeling sad and needing reassurance from him. Think it's cause my shape is changing already and it's stupid cause I worry about not being attractive to him or struggling to lose weight after having the bubs.. Absolutely stupid I know but can't help it. Was watching the film jawbreakers last night (anyone seen it?) and well they're all young pretty and slim on it and I was thinking I'm never gonna be like that again and what if hubby leaves me!!! Sooooo stupid as I was never like that to begin with haha. Plus my hubby is not a superficial person.. weve been together ten years and my weeight has fluctuated a lot during that time (although i was slim when we met) and hes never acted any different towards me- always very loving Xxx
Thanks Dolly. I totally wish I'd not had the nt test like you, but I didn't really think about it, I just wanted another scan. We will love the baby no matter what, I could just do without something extra to worry about. I'll know for baby number 2, please god. Agree that people do tests for different reasons and its everyone's own choice. Just me, I wish I hadn't.

I also share your concerns over body shape. My belly has a bulge already and I'm quite slim and I know my mum was slim until she had kids, & now is quite big. I also cant stop eating either, I am constantly hungry!! Hubby says he doesn't care, & I know he means it too, its more me worrying that he won't fancy me anymore. I think this just be normal. Prob drives our other halves mad!!!

Vivid dreams are a pregnancy thing though, sure you have absolutely nothing to worry about Hun xxx
I'm so sorry there is even a chance something could be wrong. I'm sure it will all work out fine but I'm sorry you have to worry like this. I just want to add that if your bean does end up having DS that there will be challenges I'm sure but from what I've seen they are some of the sweetest kindest people on earth and with the right support along the way many go on to live very active independent and happy lives.
I always thought that if I had to choose a serious issue for my child (morbid I know but that's how I deal with things) it would be either that or having a deaf child (my hubby and I already know sign language).
I hope that doesn't sound insensitive : (
I hope that you can find some excitement in your pregnancy soon (hopefully when they check the heart and all is ok).
If you do end up having some issues to deal with I'm sure you will go through a grieving process but in the end I know you will deeply love and care for that child no matter what : )
Afm...after saying all that...still waiting for my US and still scared out of my mind. I just want to see a heart beat and a rolling kicking little bean.
As for the body issues...I know what you ladies mean. After my first I went back to normal but after the twins my stomach looks like it's 80 years old..all wrinkled saggy. When I realized it was never going to go back to normal I actually cried...I've never been one to sport a two piece swim suit or show off my tummy anyway but it was hard. My hubby has been so nice about it even though I still hide it from him. Some day I may feel better (like when the rest of my skin catches up lol!) But for now it's still hard. But it sounds like u ladies have great hubbys too and they love you and the body that's carrying their little one!
Ok...there's my book for today. Gotta go eat : )
Womble, I truly would not worry about it. Those tests are not 100% accurate, not even close to that. I know it must be extremely difficult to have to wait to know, but I am sure everything will be just fine. Try to relax in the meantime.

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