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BD'ing my butt off--whose in it for November??

so who is struggling not to test already??? i am roughly 4dpo (thank you dolly for helping me) i swear i am going insane! the worst part is i have a stash of testing in my bathroom cabinet they are screaming at me xx hows everyone else doing?

I'm not exactly sure when I O'd. I had one tracker say saturday, one say sunday, and I felt like maybe I did on Tuesday. I may take an early Preg test in the AM that is sensitive to 10miu, just because I have a follow up at the OB tomorrow. Just in case I OV over the weekend there is a chance it could show up on a test tomorrow and if I'm already going to the OB then why not...

I don't think I'll take another one until next Wednesday though.
Well I will admit I done a test today too- even though I can't be sure if I've even o'd yet. Yes I am insane! Lol. Done another opk aswell and still neg.. It's a digi clearblue I'm using but wen looking at the sticks inside every day and too me it looks like the second like getting darker.. So then I think maybe I've not o'd but I'm so sure I have!! My ewcm starting to tail off yesterday and the O pains subsiding too! What to think?? Wish things where more clear cut for me.. Plus if I've not o'd yet that means I've even longer to wait on finding out if we've managed to catch an egg or not this cycle! Xxx
Well I will admit I done a test today too- even though I can't be sure if I've even o'd yet. Yes I am insane! Lol. Done another opk aswell and still neg.. It's a digi clearblue I'm using but wen looking at the sticks inside every day and too me it looks like the second like getting darker.. So then I think maybe I've not o'd but I'm so sure I have!! My ewcm starting to tail off yesterday and the O pains subsiding too! What to think?? Wish things where more clear cut for me.. Plus if I've not o'd yet that means I've even longer to wait on finding out if we've managed to catch an egg or not this cycle! Xxx

I was like that with the testing last month. TG for the dollar store I would have really went thru some money. I think I've calmed down a bit this month, and fought the test urge a couple times I wanted to do it. REALLY going to try to wait til next wed, other than testing tomorrow just because I'm seeing the OB.
dolly if i were you i would go by what you know your bodys telling you an keep your fingers crossed do you temp as well dolly? what does that say? :hugs::hugs: just keep :sex: its always good to practice
In response to testing...Been testing since period (or mc) ended...started with the "I should just make sure my hormones are back to normal" ..then came the " What if I'm one of those rare people that ovulate right away because of hormones being out of whack?"...I know... a looooong shot....then didn't have a clue if or when I really ovulated so been testing like everyday "just incase...so I will know how far along I am If it does happen this month"....lol..Any excuse I can come up with. Every day I have marked in my calendar as a possible O day means that I could get a positive about two weeks from that date....this month has been insane...and way too ashamed to tell anyone outside of this site about it....they'd have me commited : )
Gnomette I used to but after my ectopic I stopped.. Felt it was taking over a bit for me.. Although its times like these I wish I still did cause then I'd now!! But yeh I'm gonna just go by what my bodies saying.. Will keep doing the opks till sat (cd20) then stop presuming I've missed it. Bd'ing frequently anyways so I'm sure if by chance it's still to come the we'll have it covered lol.
Ivy i know exactly how u feel.. i think all of us here keep it just to this place when it comes to our testing obsessions! I know my hubby would think i was mad if he knew how often i tested! lol Xxx
I was so obsessed that I was testing both with opk and hpt cause i didn't knoe if i ovulated either.....and i use opk 2x /day...we can't help it..this overtakes out lives for the most part...people I work with or my family have no idea that this is how i spend my evenings on here reading about other women and getting advice from others who have been in my shoes and testing ..i even test for ovulation in my work bathroom....getting pregnant can get to be an obsession and it takes a toll on us but here we are still carrying on cause we are women and we are strong...we have eachother and tht's sometimes all we have cause other people get sick of hearing it..I don't even bother talking about it to anyone other than you ladies...thank you!!!!!!!!!!!
I tell ya ladies this cycle I was squinting at tests from 4dpo!! I started to send myself a little crazy to the point I didn't believe the lines I was getting until I did a digi :haha:
ivylane what cd are you on?
dolly if it was stressing you out then it was probably doing more harm than good so you were right to stop xx but you know your body so trust it it has its ways of telling you what its doing an it sounds like your properly clued up to read it x
jabish well said xx
beautifulD what dpo are you on now? stay positive xx

if my husband ever read what i wrote on here i dunno how he would react he would either call me a proper neurotic old mare an laugh at me or he would be mortified he gets as weird as i do sometimes so i dunno but sometimes i write an re write my posts on here mainly cause the original sound completely insane an barely make sense! x i am certain i am going crazy xx
I'm 15dpo 4+1 :) the lines are really strong now so no denying it :haha:
feel free to have a look on my journal, I started getting proper lines at 8dpo...

my husband would think the same lol xx
congrats hun should have read the ticker sorry this thread is getting luckier everyday xx
Hello everyone! I should be testing in November hopefully. Is it okay to come and join in and hope the luck rubs off?
Mackjess how'd your testing go today? Hope your appointment went well.
Beautifuld congrats on your :bfp: ! Jabish it's lovely knowing others are as crazy as me! Haha.. I've done a test in the bathroom at work too.. But shhh it's our secret! ;-)
Gnomette how u getting on today with your tww?
Hello jenn of course welcome to our lucky little thread!

Afm- took another opk today.. Again neg (but as I said I'm sure I o'd anyways) but again I looked at the line and its def darker than yesterday- almost as dark as control! Argh what's going on I've no symptoms of o left?!! Gonna test again later to see as again tomorrow xxx
Good morning my CRAZY FRIENDS!!! :) I have had an okay week.... So mon and tues were pretty AF....Then weds when I woke up NOTHING ALL DAY....So I was really hopeful. Then yest. more AF half the day and back to nothing today??????Not sure what is going on with my body!!! :( My husband has fallen asleep on the couch the last 3 nights and when I said somthing yest he said,"Well it's not my fault u only want me when you get a smiley face." lol I just wanted to scream do u know what is goinig on with my body....I am hopeful I am still in the running but it mught be a longshot. I am not crazy with the HPT so when it happens my body is pretty good at tellling me. Sore boobs, peeing more than normal...etc U girls get my drift!!! Hope there is more good news in the works for all u soon 2 be testers!!!!! xoxoxo
jenny your more than welcome to come an join in the craziness on this thread just be warned there is no such thing as too much information lol good luck my lovely xx
dolly keep testing an wait an see ov syptoms may some back it may be worth getting some :spermy: friendly lube an giving it a last attempt but keep:sex: i have no idea what else to suggest xx
mtln fingers crossed you get things sorted soon xx its difficult to keep things going after you o'd xx
i am exhausted if i am honest had my dd 2 1/2 year check yesterday an then i had an appointment to get a funny mole on my arm looked at an i didn't sleep well last night dd has an upset belly an can't work out why so i have had to put nappies on her today an i have been clearing up poo all day x my son is being brilliant poor thing is being left to his own devices well his laptop (hes 8) an i am exhausted i have not had chance to test even though i really want to but i am being followed around like a lost sheep everytime i get up but me an dd fell asleep watching cbeebies for bout an hour so much for taking the kids out for the day just me an the kids it sucks i have been feeling ill an i was starting to get my hopes up till dd's bum exploded the 3rd time so no symptoms xx i will try not to test til next week but not sure i can promise anything xx
I gave in and tested this morning at 8DPO, and I got a :bfn:. I know it still early. I was trying to wait till Sunday to test, but the test-a-holic in me got the best of me!
not out til the witch gets you pray xxx :hugs:
Mtln glad you'vehad an ok week! That's odd about your bleeding though wonder what's going on! Hope that you catch your egg this month despite all the confusion. Gnomette yeh I'm keeping testing and gonna keep bd'ing I don't wanna miss it! Pray I think you done well to last to 8dpo.. I don't even usually make it that long! Lol. Do you think you'll test again before Sunday? Xxx

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