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BD'ing my butt off--whose in it for November??

didn't test this morning so proud of my self lol hows everyone doing?:kiss::kiss:
Well done gnomette! Well that's me 1dpo I think.. Opk neg this morning. Prob have another bd tonight just incase but its so exciting to think I may have already caught that eggy! :) xxx
good luck hunny got everything crossed for you xx :happydance::happydance::happydance:
good morning ladies!!!! NO BLOOD SO FAR!!!!! finger crossed for me and everyone on this thread.....so I have a question for someone who hope can answer???? Last sat when I did the OPK, I did it and forgot for about 15 min to read it then when I went back in iit was blank so I pulled the stick out and it showed the smiley face.....Could that be right???? All u TWW'rsssss Hold tight girlies u can do it!!!! :hugs:
Well ladies i do believe that i got my positive opk this morning..if not it's very close so i will be bding tonite...pray for me please!!!
Wow loads in the 2ww keep going girlys it will be a lucky thread It has to be we have all done as much as we can just got to sit back an wait for those bfps to show xx
Wow loads in the 2ww keep going girlys it will be a lucky thread It has to be we have all done as much as we can just got to sit back an wait for those bfps to show xx
I'm sooo excited...let's do this girls...this is a lucky thread!!!! I feel it
Mtln yeh that sounds about right- that smiley would've been the real deal.. Did u do some bd'ing? Glad the bleeding has stopped :)
Oh jabish how exciting! Get dtd!
Thanks gnomette!
I'm soooo excited for all of us! Will have all you ladies in my prayers! :dust: xxx
Hope you are all hanging in there! Good luck an baby dust to all. I'm 4weeks 3 days in 2 hours and still hanging on in there with no bleed! I've got to make it to 6 weeks to get my scan to rule out a second ectopic!! Feeling positive! Well a little positive!! Lol.
Hi! im with you guys too.. lost my babygirl on valentines day of this year,my fiance and i have decided to try again. Plan on testing November 15!!!
Good luck everyone....!!!...I am sooo excited for another chance to concieve...I have PCOS and Insuline resistance so I don't ovulate often....thank you Jesus!!!!
Yay for all of the smiley faces and OPKs for everyone on this thread!! There is some BDing and Egg Catching going on!!

Yesterday after my girly appt, I had spotting. Which they say is normal after a pelvic exam, but I normally only have it immediately after the exam. I had a tiny bit of spotting every time I went to the bathroom last night and a few times this morning. And it seemed like too much spotting just from the pap, unless this OB just really went to town or something. And I don't think she did because I barely felt a pinch.

SO, I broke down and took a test. Since my OPKs were kind of weird this month and I had 2 diff tickers giving me a total of 3 diff OV dates this cycle I don't really know how many days DPO I am. I had an early test left, at 10miu sensitive, so I went ahead and took it this morning. Of course, it wasn't from my first urine, but I didn't really expect a positive and it was an internet cheapie so why not.

I took a shower, got out of the shower, and if I look at the test just right I see the faintest ghost of color where the line should be. I held it up to the negative I had yesterday morning. The negative one that is the same early internet cheapie brand from the same batch, is stark white, and I can clearly see the evap lines because they are clear thin lines, almost like a ridge in the paper, on each edge of where the line would show up. On the one that I kind of think has a ghost of a color, I can't see the evap lines. I am out of early tests, and only have the 20miu ones left.

I don't know what to think. Mostly, I think I am crazy. Lol. Afraid to get the slightest hint of a hope up. I know that if I take the 20miu ones they may not show a positive for awhile, and it would take awhile for me to get more of the 10miu ones in the mail. Thinking my eyes might be playing tricks on me.
dollybird, the bleeding is very light. every couple days... I don't know my cycles have NEVER ben regular so I just don't know what to think???? I have been calm and will wait patiently we bd'd last sunday the day after the +OPK and after that the bleeding started. Ya never know some woman bleed there whole pregnancy just time will tell.

Get bding ladies and get some BFP"sssssss..........Tww's hang in there were all rooting for u!!! :friends: :dust:
mackjess--- I know what you mean about looking at those tests. For all of the times I took them and got a negative versus taking them now and getting negatives with "ghost lines" lol I am keeping myself from taking tests.
mackjess--- I know what you mean about looking at those tests. For all of the times I took them and got a negative versus taking them now and getting negatives with "ghost lines" lol I am keeping myself from taking tests.

Trying to hold off to weds to test again.

Hi lilli! Good luck on your 2WW. Some of us are gonna be busting out BFPs soon. I can feel it!
Nicki I'm so glad your pregnancy going well.. Got my fingers crossed for you that your scan is perfect, we wanna see pics when you get it!
Lilibella so sad for your loss. I'm testing the 15th too (that's if I don't crack and test sooner!)
Mtln yeh I have heard of some people bleeding their whole preg- decidual bleeding. My mum bleed when she was preg with me initially and it turned out it was placenta previa. Hope u managed to catch that egg despite your body trying to confuse you! I think you should wait another couple of days then take another test. Mackjess Don't worry too much about having had your smear test (presuming that's what u had) I had one awhile back and they told me it was safe enough even if preg. I always bleed a wee bit after mine and if you are preg you'd be even more likely to bleed due to increased blood flow to the area.
Hoping we all get our bfps soon.. I have a good feeling about this.... :hugs:

:dust: xxx
Dolly, I hadn't even thought about more blood flow. You are a genius. :)

Not worried about the spotting, it just seemed weird because I usually only have a teeny but right after, not quite a bit for 24 hours.

The 15 th is gonna be here before you know it. Fingers crossed for you ladies and for nikki's sticky bean!

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