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BD'ing my butt off--whose in it for November??

hi girlys sorry not been around all day its been a funny old day hubby to a&e boiler didn't work an my sister who i have barely been in contact with for the last few years has been round!! so had things to keep me off thinking bout testing (that an the lack of tests) but i am so pleased to read of all the happy smiley opks an that everyone is getting along so well i can't wait to see all those bfp announcements come up xx
nick01 gope everything stays going well for you wishing a happy healthy few months xx
lili3bella i am so sorry for the loss of your little girl xx :hugs: fingers crossed some of the luck of the other ladies will rub off on you xx
i am hoping that my tests will turn up in the next day or 2 cause i should be able to test wednesday af is due friday next week xx
loves hugs an :dust::dust: to all xx
yeh he slashed his finger with an angle grinder at work has had to have 8 stitches this was on thursday then it started to smell saturday an then it started to puss so had to take him back turned out it hadn't been x-rayed an thay he should have been given anti biotics as it was fiber glass they yanked out one of the cuts on his finger x hes fine though got anti biotics waiting for the swelling to go down so they can see clearer as to weather there is anything left in it it as fiber glass doesn't show up in x-ray an it was too messy to see anything when they were stitching him back up xx lol gas man coming tomorrow as i have no hot water well not enough to bath an wash us all anyway oh the joys of being grown up oh well i need to be kept busy x :dohh::dohh:
Hi everyone sorry i'm a few days behind.

Dolly Congrats on your smileyface. Praying this is the month for BFP!

Mackjess and Mtln Praying for you to have a BFP!

Jabish Congrats on postive opk. Praying this is the month!

Nicki Praying for your sticky bean!

Lili3bella Sorry for your loss! Praying you have BFP this month!

Gnomette Praying for your hubbies finger and for your gas to get fixed!

AFM I am 10dpo and not very hopeful this month. No pregnancy symptoms and AF usually comes on 14dpo.
Thanks meggie, when you thinking of testing?? Are u waiting till you're late? Sometimes no symptoms is a symptom in itself! Lol.
Gnomette hope his finger better soon. Sounds sore! What dpo are you now?
So I'm 3dpo and keep telling myself its wayyy to early for symptoms..am I right? Except.. My bbs are agony, burny and Achey at the same time.. And I'm having shooting pains in my uterus. Plus loads of gas and heartburn. Trying not to read into it too much but argh this tww driving me mad already! Hows everyone else getting on? Xxx
It's not too soon for symptoms from raised progesterone. praying for you to have bfp!

hang in there meggie. I'm not that hopeful this month eithe.

gl to all the lovely ladies on this thread.
Good morning ladies(or whatever time it is in your part of the word) Haven't been on in a while..Weekends always busy. Well I think I'm out for this month but glad to finally be out of limbo and have this cycle over with. I started with a bit of spotting last night and this morning and a neg hpt so pretty sure the witch got me. It was only the first cycle after mc so I really shouldn't have been expecting too much but still a bit sad...But now I can go order a bunch of opk's and hpt's and get ready for next month...I really hope to not see any of you on a thread for Dec :winkwink:(Hoping for BFP's all around!)
Hope you are all hanging in there! Good luck an baby dust to all. I'm 4weeks 3 days in 2 hours and still hanging on in there with no bleed! I've got to make it to 6 weeks to get my scan to rule out a second ectopic!! Feeling positive! Well a little positive!! Lol.

Congrats! You'll be holding your little bundle in no time! It's great that you have such a positive attitude after a loss...It would be very easy to just get caught up in just reaching milestones but the time will fly by so enjoy every moment! So happy for you! :wohoo::wohoo::wohoo:
I took a shower, got out of the shower, and if I look at the test just right I see the faintest ghost of color where the line should be. I held it up to the negative I had yesterday morning. The negative one that is the same early internet cheapie brand from the same batch, is stark white, and I can clearly see the evap lines because they are clear thin lines, almost like a ridge in the paper, on each edge of where the line would show up. On the one that I kind of think has a ghost of a color, I can't see the evap lines. I am out of early tests, and only have the 20miu ones left.

I don't know what to think. Mostly, I think I am crazy. Lol. Afraid to get the slightest hint of a hope up. I know that if I take the 20miu ones they may not show a positive for awhile, and it would take awhile for me to get more of the 10miu ones in the mail. Thinking my eyes might be playing tricks on me.

Oooooo! I hope it's the start of a BFP for you!
Mackjess- thats awesome...my girl on my other thread saw a faint faint line on 6dpo and had a full blow BFP by 9dpo....I really hope its the same case for you!

Dolly- hell some people know early. Dont count yourself out yet!! But its waaaay to early to test!

Meggie- any SX update??

gnomette- any update on your tests?

AFM, just been lurking. I am 6dpo nothing going on...
Thanks Ivy and Krystin. I'm not too excited yet. That was my only 10miu test and I haven't had positives on the 25miu tests yet. I looked at the 10miu again this morning and think my eyes might be playing tricks on me. The only "symptoms" I'm feeling so far could be AF related. Since the DH was sick last week I feel like I missed the eggy. =(

I still have time to get one more cycle in to get a BFP before Xmas. Even if I can't tell everyone by the holidays, I'd love to have that news to share with my husband.
Well ladies, I tested this morning at 11DPO, and I think I see a line! Last month I thought I saw a line, but I had to squint and hold it up to the light just right to see it, and these I don't have to! Plus I've never been able to get the line to show up in a pic! What do you ladies think...is this the start of my BFP?


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i am 8dpo tests have still not arrived lol but went in to town an almost caved but walked past superdrug lol not got any symptoms though part from being a little tired but dd has been having night terrors an has had me up most of the night x got an e-mail late saturday saying tests had been dispatched :happydance: hubby is a grumpy sod has gone work an is unable to do as much as he would as the finger he hurt is on his left hand an he is left handed :dohh:

dolly hang in there you on days or nights this week? you need something to keep you busy i am supposed to taking photos of things to sell to i can sell them on fb! but i am on here instead lol

mackjess not out til af turnes up don't give up hope xxx:kiss:

pray fingers crossed for you xx :happydance:
Dollybird I will be testing after i'm a week late. I know how in the world can I wait so long. Truth is I wouldn't be waiting but money is a little bit of an issue right now. Hang in there the tww will be over before you know it. Praying for BFP!

IvLane Sorry about AF getting you. Hopefully you'll get a BFP next month.

Mackjess I'm praying this is your month for BFP! Hang in there!

Pray Definitely praying this is your BFP!! I can't really tell in the pic but the image didn't show up very well on my computer for some reason.
Well ladies, I tested this morning at 11DPO, and I think I see a line! Last month I thought I saw a line, but I had to squint and hold it up to the light just right to see it, and these I don't have to! Plus I've never been able to get the line to show up in a pic! What do you ladies think...is this the start of my BFP?

I definitely see faint lines on both!! Hoping its your :bfp: ill keep my fingers crossed for you xxx
Gnomette I'm nightshift tonight then days at the weekend. You're right though I need to keep myself busy. Read a wee thing on fertility.com about surviving the tww and it was quite good- it suggests lots of ways to take your mind off things.
Oh meggie it's a long time to wait wish I had that willpower! Probably a good idea though- I've wasted so much money on hpts in the past.
Mackjess keep us updated on your testing. Hoping it was the start of your :bfp:

:dust: xxx
Gnomette, sorry the DH is being such a grumpers! This is why god gave us the wombs, guys wouldn't be able to take the pain! :)

Pray2be!!! My fellow Kansas girl! I'm so excited for you. I saw the faint line on one of the tests, and that's when I'm looking at it from my phone.

Meggie, I know how long you have been ttc. Thoughts and prayers are with you and I hope you are rewarded soon.

Dolly-I still like your symptoms. Fingers and toes and everything are crossed.

I know I missed some ladies, and I apologize I swear I have ADD or something! GL to this thread. It's one of my faves.

And OMG OMG OMG. I just went to the bathroom and had a wee bit of spotting. WHAT. I am never one to pre-spot before AF so I'm totally freaking out and anxious now! LOL
And OMG OMG OMG. I just went to the bathroom and had a wee bit of spotting. WHAT. I am never one to pre-spot before AF so I'm totally freaking out and anxious now! LOL

It could just be implantation bleeding. Praying this is what it is and not AF.
me too mackjess i love this thread an i know i miss some people sometimes mainly cause it can take me over an hour to write something as my kids do not stay still :happydance::happydance: for the spotting x
meggiemay i am amazed at your will power xx

ok so 2ww is getting to me now to the point i am debating on walking to the 24hr supermarket just so i can get a test :dohh: i don't wanna sit with my hubby he is like a bear with a sore head an i am in the firing line cause my dd decided to go wee on the floor when i went to the loo aaaggghhh

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