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BD'ing my butt off--whose in it for November??

Here I was trying to not get my hopes up, but that spotting just ruined any chance of that! I never have spotting before AF, and it's still about 10 days away anyway so that would be some super early spotting. TWW is totally killing me now! Really hope it's IB.
Pray - I def see a line. I think that's BFP in the making!! So exciting!

gnomette- girl I HATE the TWW...how far are you?!?

Mackjess- I hope its IB! You are only 6dpo so it cant be AF coming. How long are your cycles usually?

Meggie - It may be a blessing in disguse! You dont have to fool around squinting at lines and driving yourself crazy! FX for you. What day is AF due?

Whats our testing schedule? Where is everyone in thier TWW?

AFM, my last two natural cycles were 39 days so I don't plan on testing until CD45....which is damn near a lifetime away; Im only on cd22...ugh
Well ladies, I tested this morning at 11DPO, and I think I see a line! Last month I thought I saw a line, but I had to squint and hold it up to the light just right to see it, and these I don't have to! Plus I've never been able to get the line to show up in a pic! What do you ladies think...is this the start of my BFP?

Hey : ) I think I can see a line on the bottom test..looking at it on my phone so very pixilated when I enlarge it but when I move the picture around the line I think I'm seeing ( a pinkish tint) moves with it and stays where it should be in relation to the test....if any of that made sense lol..so yeah I think there is a line there! Congrats! Hope it's the real thing! Those tests look like the ones I use often and I never even get a hint of anything unless it's real. This may be your month!
My cycles are 28 days on the money and always starts late that night like at 10pm, you could set your calendar to it. So it should be starting the night of the 13th, but I may not notice it until the morning of the 14th.

I don't know how you handle 39 days!!! I shouldn't really start testing until Friday but will probably break down and test by Wednesday. So scared I'm going to be crushed though if I get BFNs this weekend after this spotting. Grrr
Here I was trying to not get my hopes up, but that spotting just ruined any chance of that! I never have spotting before AF, and it's still about 10 days away anyway so that would be some super early spotting. TWW is totally killing me now! Really hope it's IB.

Congrats! That's exciting!.but also difficult if u r trying to not get hopes up like u said...I thought I had implantation cramps (they were really bad) but it seems they were something else. I did get my hopes up but that's what we do here : ) I think I would have been totally out there if I had spotting too! I hope this is your month though!
Mackjess Sounds like you'll be getting a BFP this month to me! :thumbup:

Krystinab My AF is supposed to come on Thursday the 8th. Praying for your tww to go by fast!

Gnomette I know you can make it til your tests come in the mail! Will power to ya!
Now I'm having cramps like PMS cramps that I get a day before AF, which are always very mild for me and I rarely took Advil or anything for.

Praying this isn't a cruel symptom joke and AF isn't showing up early. I'm only 1 1/2 months out from a m/c so my cycles may not be normal yet. I also had really bad chocolate cravings yesterday and was moody over the weekend. Other things that happen right before AF. Soo scared. I want to go to bed and sleep until it's testing day. LOL.
Mack I really hope its implantation!! FX fro you girlie!
Mack I really hope its implantation!! FX fro you girlie!

I just got to say I love it when you post. You look like Beyonce in your profile pic, and how can someone NOT feel better when strong, beautiful Beyonce is talking to them? hehe

And I apologize to everyone for being a spazz! I feel like I'm hogging all the posts.
pray i think i see a bfp in the making xx :happydance:
krystina i am 8dpo i am ok as long as i have my hubby to keep me busy we have been doing dance central on x box but it won't be happening tonight x lol x how do you do a 39 day cycle mine are all over the shop an that drives me insane xx
mackjess omg that would be driving me potty :hugs:
dolly oooh i will look at that xx an doing one night takes up 2days so it's like you only have to amuse your self for one x lol
ivy hun i have just been back to find your last update an i am sorry that af got you we can just keep this thread going for any of us left over it would be a shame to start an have to find another thread an for those who do get their bfp can all stick around til we get to know the beans are sticky an in the right place an keep supporting those who don't get their bfp's this time round??
anyone else think thats a good idea?? i like all the ladies on this thread its been good xx a lovely bunch of ladies xx
I'd like to stay here : ) I was briefly looking at a thread started for Dec already and just got SAD : ( It's all different people and I still haven't totally gotten over being out this month..so at the very least I'll probably continue to stalk this thread. I'm no good at following multiple threads anyway lol..I gets confoosd lol
I'd like to stay here : ) I was briefly looking at a thread started for Dec already and just got SAD : ( It's all different people and I still haven't totally gotten over being out this month..so at the very least I'll probably continue to stalk this thread. I'm no good at following multiple threads anyway lol..I gets confoosd lol

I agree. I joined this one a bit later, but I feel like I've caught up enough. I get excited when we hear from someone that was missing a few days and want to see how the BFPs go and cheer them on til the baby gets here.:happydance:
I'm goen nuts here...i ovulated a week early and this has never happend before...will my period come early if i don't get my BFP...does this mean i can test early?...and i am worried cause we only used preeseed the one time we BD and i dont get cm on my own...aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh...goen crazy here......please pray for me ...the 2ww is aweful but awesome...
Yes, you would get your period early (if you weren't getting a BFP that is) and pay attention to how many days DPO you are for testing rather than how many days before what your AF date would be. The luteal phase after you ovulate should stay the same and that's what determines when AF starts. So they say you should get a positive test at 14DPO, but most people probably test by 9 or 10 DPO if they are impatient. =)
Thanks everyone! I sure do hope so!

Mackjess: I praying that its IB and implantation cramps! It would be awesome for both of us Kansas girls to get our :bfp:!!
I guess I would be 2dpo...wow this time is gonna go by slow aint it?..i need to focus on something else for a change i think but i feel i am obsessed at the moment
I've been stalking all ur darling girlies for the past couple days.....I do like this thread and being new to this all the way around i've felt better having talked with u girls..... news to report NO BLOOD since sunday.....I'm definitly in the TWW but my body will tell me when to test.. I'd rather no let down with a bfn. I feel very + for alot of u girls and will continue to stick around....Now lets make some rainbow babies!!!!!:thumbup::hugs:
Mtln Praying 2ww goes by fast and you get BFP this month!

Mackjess Hang in there!

Gnomette definitely would love to keep this post going

Jabish yes that would mean AF would come early and you can definitely test for BFP sooner! Praying tww goes fast for you!

Hi to everyone I missed!
Haha jabish I know exactly how u feel!! I'm obsessing like crazy and I was trying so hard not to!
Wow what a lot of activity our wee thread has had in the past few hours! It's taken me he's to catch up! Lol.
Aw ivy sorry to hear af got u :-( it's always disappointing when she arrives.
Mackjess I hope it was ib too!! Keep us updated!
I agree this has been a lovely thread and its been the one I've been coming back to again and again.
Kristin what a long cycle!! Do you know when you o'd?? And I agree- you do look a bit like beyonce! :)
And the rest of you ladies (it's taken me so long to catch up I know ill have missed a few!) I'm praying for your :bfp: s

:dust: xxx

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