BD'ing my butt off--whose in it for November??

Sperm meets egg plan.. Google it its quite successful!! Are u not testing today twinkle?? Xxx
Will definitely google that Dolly! not due to test until next Thurs at the earliest. Hoping to hold off longer and wait until af is due but what are the chances?! already nearly bought a preg test today in anticipation....I am hopeless at waiting!
AF got me this morning, I'm out. Grr.

Ah well! At least it looks like my cycle's got longer which is good, I guess. Going to be optimistic and start hoping for a Christmas bfp.
AF got me this morning, I'm out. Grr.

Ah well! At least it looks like my cycle's got longer which is good, I guess. Going to be optimistic and start hoping for a Christmas bfp.

Aw sorry the witch got you. But it's good you're being optimistic I'm sure you'll get your bfp as a lovely early Christmas pressie :) xxx
Good morning Ladies.......Well going to BD again today and hope these little dudes find a home right in my uterus!!!!! I am so looking forward to a BFP.....Hoping things work for the +.....I would love to tell my fsmily for xmas.....They alll know how bad I want another baby...(my family) my Mother in law tends to voice her opinion a bit to much....She knows WE want another baby and she is constantly saying you have 2 healthy girls, do you really want to do this over? Do you know how much kids cost? Are you planning the future right? WTF It's my life and I will have as many kids as my husband lets I just get irritated that's she is not positive about it. When I found out I was prego in August she was happy but then when I m/c she was like everything happens for a reason, which yes I know they do but, to me she made it sound like we weren't meant to have another baby. I don't feel complete and do not want to live the rest of my life saying I should've had 3 kids. Sorry I am venting, I really just want another baby!!!! Hoping for a boy :)

Now all you BFP's lets start the gender subject???? Who is going to go TEAM YELLOW???? and not find out!!! it's a wonderful surprise and seriously you don't get many surprises like that! I'm team yellow when I do get my BFP!!!! HAve a great day girlies got to clean the house while it's empty of kiddies!! :hugs:
Oh twinkle it's so hard waiting isn't it! U need to find something to take your mind off it... But sometimes even being busy constantly the mind wanders back to it!
Mtln that's a shame your mother in law isn't being more understanding. Try and not let her get to u. I'm sure she just thinks she's helping is some weird way. As for the team colours I really dunno! I'm so torn! Hubby wants to know, and I kinda do too but I'd love the excitement of the surprise. Thing is I read that article about nub theory so now I think I'd be able to tell anyways lol! Xxx
Hi all! I haven't read all the way through yet, but figured I'd pop my head in and say hi!

Me and DH are currently ttc'ing for our first after losing one to ectopic almost a year and a half ago and another to early miscarriage almost a year ago now.
I'm currently 3dpo and me and DH did a ton of bd'ing this month. I'm temping, so I'm hoping that my temp is a good reflection of when I O'd.
I had some problems last cycle where I thought I o'd but then it turned out I o'd later than I thought, which caused all kinds of drama.
This whole ttc thing has been a real up and down rollercoaster or us... and for a while there, we weren't even sure if we were going to continue ttc'ing, but we've decided that we're young (I'm 23 and DH is 25) and we're going to do the typical youngster thing of plowing on through and figuring out the details later. :winkwink:
But no... I'm hoping that this is going to be our month, I would really like an early x-mas present... I feel good about this month, which I haven't felt about any previous ttc'ing month in a long time. So fingers crossed ladies!
MTLN - Sorry about the mother in law. I think part of the definition of MIL is over-bearing. Heh. You should see the look on mine's face when she hears about how her son sometimes cooks and helps around the house. I work more hours and have a higher level job than he does, she stayed home. She even glared at me at a holiday dinner when he was talking about how I started making more money than him. He was proud of me, and likes having a "sugar momma", even though I don't really make that much more, lol, but she said she doesn't think it's right. I don't sweat it too much, but she is probably less vocal about stuff than your MIL.

I will have to know on the gender. It's hard to get excited or think about stuff that far away yet because I am so worried this time. Last time I found out I prego, I was thinking about having the gender told to my sister in law. She is a pastry chef and makes awesome cakes, and she could make a cake either pink or blue that we wouldn't see until we cut into it, and we could have a gender reveal party. Not sure if I want to be that ballsy this time around. I think I'll even wait until really late to have a baby shower.
Ladies, Ladies, Ladies my I feel VERY lucky right now....I know this is a lucky thread and I'm so sure of the O this month and just bd'd AGAIN. do you girls think I have bd'd enough? Smiley face on tues and weds. Bd'd sat,tues,weds,and today....I guess I'm looking for some reassurance... Thanks for being here!!!! :)
Welcome Colta!
Mtln777- It's So frustrating when family/mothers aren't supportive. It's not like you are a 13 year old trying to have a baby! You are a grown woman and have made the decision to add to your family, support should be there! My mom has been annoying lately too....
AFM, I tested this morning and got a BFN, too early, will wait and try again.
MTLN - Sorry about the mother in law. I think part of the definition of MIL is over-bearing. Heh. You should see the look on mine's face when she hears about how her son sometimes cooks and helps around the house. I work more hours and have a higher level job than he does, she stayed home. She even glared at me at a holiday dinner when he was talking about how I started making more money than him. He was proud of me, and likes having a "sugar momma", even though I don't really make that much more, lol, but she said she doesn't think it's right. I don't sweat it too much, but she is probably less vocal about stuff than your MIL.

I will have to know on the gender. It's hard to get excited or think about stuff that far away yet because I am so worried this time. Last time I found out I was thinking about having the gender told to my sister in law. She is a pastry chef and makes awesome cakes, and she could make a cake either pink or blue and we could have a gender reveal party. Not sure if I want to be that ballsy this time around. I think I'll even wait until really late to have a baby shower.

Mackjess, How far are you? I think with all the right things you have done to get ur BFP this month you are going to be ok. I had an instant gut feeling you and dollybird were going to be one of the 1st ones with the BFP. All signs arre pointing in the right direction. When do u go back to the MD?? I'm on the wait...grrrr fast forward 2 weeks lol Hope you are feeling good today!!! :hugs:
Welcome Colta!
Mtln777- It's So frustrating when family/mothers aren't supportive. It's not like you are a 13 year old trying to have a baby! You are a grown woman and have made the decision to add to your family, support should be there! My mom has been annoying lately too....
AFM, I tested this morning and got a BFN, too early, will wait and try again.

Thanks blueberry, I know she will be fine but, it's annoying it does seem like I'm 13. II feel like saying hey I'm 33 I have been with your son for 10yrs weve been married for 7yrs and we have a 4 & 7yr old...OH wait we have our own family!!!! I am praying this is my month!!!:happydance:
Mackjess, How far are you? I think with all the right things you have done to get ur BFP this month you are going to be ok. I had an instant gut feeling you and dollybird were going to be one of the 1st ones with the BFP. All signs arre pointing in the right direction. When do u go back to the MD?? I'm on the wait...grrrr fast forward 2 weeks lol Hope you are feeling good today!!! :hugs:

Thanks MTLN. I had a good feeling about Dolly too, and for many others on this thread to have Turkey/XMAS BFPs!!

4+3 today. Did bloodwork Friday, Monday and yesterday. Waiting for results today to see what my HCG and progesterone were yesterday. HGC went from 30 to 232 Fri-Mon, and progesterone was 19. The doubling was great but because I'm so early its still low and she wants to keep checking on it. I think I'll get my first sched appt after yesterday's bloodwork comes in. She likes the 1st appt to be at 6 weeks and wants to confirm where I'm at before it's set up.

I'm nervous about the vaginal ultrasound, if she wants to do that. I've heard some women say the only time they m/c was when they had that. I know it's irrational, but everything scares me now.
AF got me this morning, I'm out. Grr.

Ah well! At least it looks like my cycle's got longer which is good, I guess. Going to be optimistic and start hoping for a Christmas bfp.

Awww..sorry : ( hope it goes quickly for you
Mackjess, How far are you? I think with all the right things you have done to get ur BFP this month you are going to be ok. I had an instant gut feeling you and dollybird were going to be one of the 1st ones with the BFP. All signs arre pointing in the right direction. When do u go back to the MD?? I'm on the wait...grrrr fast forward 2 weeks lol Hope you are feeling good today!!! :hugs:

Thanks MTLN. I had a good feeling about Dolly too, and for many others on this thread to have Turkey/XMAS BFPs!!

4+3 today. Did bloodwork Friday, Monday and yesterday. Waiting for results today to see what my HCG and progesterone were yesterday. HGC went from 30 to 232 Fri-Mon, and progesterone was 19. The doubling was great but because I'm so early its still low and she wants to keep checking on it. I think I'll get my first sched appt after yesterday's bloodwork comes in. She likes the 1st appt to be at 6 weeks and wants to confirm where I'm at before it's set up.

Did u see my post a couple of days ago with the HCG levels from my dr? The vaginal ultrasound SUX.....I had them with both of my pregnancy's and when I got pregnant last time I had one in the ER to see just what was going oon. When I did have the ultrasound it didn't show a baby waving at them but it also didn't show a M/C....Let me reassure you that once that little bean implants in that uterus there is nothing taking it off. An vaginal ultrasound will allow you to hear the heartbeat earlier. Think POSITIVE!!!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Once you have the ultrasound will defintily give you reassurance...Nothing like seeing the sac starting to grow!!!
I applaud those of you who are able to claim team yellow! I am very impatient with those things. With both my boys, I couldn't wait for my 16 wk scan ( thats when they told me they might see gender, and both times they did!). I think I started counting down a month ahead of time! Lol.

Opk neg STILL. Either these things aren't working for me, or my cycle hasn't regulated yet. Finally got some cm, not ewcm, but clear, thin, sticky, so it's close! We were supposed to bd last night, as we bd'd monday, but we were both exhausted. My 6 yr old had this turkey making project that we thought was due tomorrow, but at 9pm, realized due today! :dohh:

I've been so busy, not to mention side tracked!

I'm hoping that bd'ing tonight won't be too late since we dtd monday. We wanted to every other night, but stuff happens! :sex: tonight 4 sure :sex:
Mackjess, How far are you? I think with all the right things you have done to get ur BFP this month you are going to be ok. I had an instant gut feeling you and dollybird were going to be one of the 1st ones with the BFP. All signs arre pointing in the right direction. When do u go back to the MD?? I'm on the wait...grrrr fast forward 2 weeks lol Hope you are feeling good today!!! :hugs:

Thanks MTLN. I had a good feeling about Dolly too, and for many others on this thread to have Turkey/XMAS BFPs!!

4+3 today. Did bloodwork Friday, Monday and yesterday. Waiting for results today to see what my HCG and progesterone were yesterday. HGC went from 30 to 232 Fri-Mon, and progesterone was 19. The doubling was great but because I'm so early its still low and she wants to keep checking on it. I think I'll get my first sched appt after yesterday's bloodwork comes in. She likes the 1st appt to be at 6 weeks and wants to confirm where I'm at before it's set up.

I'm nervous about the vaginal ultrasound, if she wants to do that. I've heard some women say the only time they m/c was when they had that. I know it's irrational, but everything scares me now.
I don't know if you saw my post about the vag us, but that actually is what has happened to me!

I had never heard of that superstition before, until after my last m/c. I know it sounds silly too, but I'm going to t refuse u/s when I'm pregnant until they can do abdominal. Simple as that. Especially with my last one having a sch, I can't help but wonder if those slightly painful scans caused my cervix to dilate, or something... Everytime I'm pregnant, I seem extra sensitive in there...
Welcome Colta! Sorry to hear about your losses, hope u catch a nice sticky bean this cycle.
Mackjess I live the cake idea it's amazing!! And especially since I absolutely LOVE cake! Lol. Any news on your bloods for today yet?
Mtln I'm so excited for u! Glad you feeling lucky.. Sometimes I think positive thinking helps.. Nt sure how but it does!!
Blueberry there's still time!! Early days yet!
Ang hope your opk is positive soon!!
Afm.. Cramps still stressing me out!! Strange shooting pains "down there". Sorry for going on about it all the time I'm just so worried, and I've nobody else I can vent to about these things!! Af is official due tomorrow so once I get past that then I'll maybe feel a bit better. I have a theory though.. My last preg (the ectopic) I had bad pains but not these kind of cramps. And when I had my uss back then it showed my uteres had just gone right back into its normal cycle.. Despite the fact the pregnancy was ongoing. So my theory is- perhaps these cramps are a good sign. I'm told they are due to the uterus beginning to change and make room.. So maybe it means the egg is where it should be?? Just a theory.. Maybe daft but I'm grasping at straws! Lol.. Anyways I had a fairly strong cramp today.. Only lasted seconds, and bearable, but scarey. Plus I'm a bit Achey on my right at times.. But tbh I sometimes wonder if that's my imagination. Xxx
Dolly - Sorry you are stressing dear. I had cramps a few days before my BFP. I know the timing is different than yours, but mine turned out to be nothing. I think you are supposed to be concerned if they are contraction like pains, or menstrual type that increase in severity. I've heard of plenty of ladies getting odd cramps. You've had no bleeding so that is a good sign. Have you called into you Dr at all? They usually are helpful. The pain on the right could def be your imagination. There have been times I've felt something going on thinking it felt the same as the m/c cramps, then after I calm down for a minute I realize I'm hungry or something! Pregnancy after a loss is something to be grateful for, but man is it brutal.

My HCG looked good from yesterday, and I surprised myself by not asking for the numbers. If a schooled OB thinks they looked good and I don't need rechecked before my first appt then I'm not going to ask what they were so I can obsess over it. I'm sched for my first appt at 6 weeks on 11/29 and they should be able to find a heartbeat. I cannot wait. My loss was at 5 weeks, so next week is going to be really stressful and long. :(
Congrats mackjess on good numbers!
Dolly ..sorry you are worrying. What you said makes sense to me though : ) if you are feeling cramping in your uterus then it makes sense that's where the bean is : ) of course I'm not a DR and I don't play one on tv...but hoping all the best for you : )

Afm...having a bad day. This would have been 12 weeks for me so having a hard time with that. Wishing I was still pregnant and happily moving into the second trimester....Angry, sad, depressed..all of it.... and the wait between now and O and then the tww on top of that seems like an eternity at the moment.
I know time will move forward but times like this are hard and just seem to slow to a crawl.
Well ladies, thanks for letting me boo hoo all over the place.:sad2:

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