BD'ing my butt off--whose in it for November??

Aww gnomette I'm sad that you're sad. Keep your chin up honey hope u feel a bit happier soon. Maybe it's good you giving yourself a wee month off especially if u feeling a bit sad.. And u never know not trying might actually to the trick.. People always says when you're not trying is when it happens!!
Pray I agree with twinkle, dental work fine but def no X-rays!
Twinkle, smear tests are a dark area. Personally I wouldn't if u in the tww.. Any kind of messing about down there might not be good, an my practice nurse wouldn't do mine last time I was In tww. However I hear of a lot of people getting them and its fine.. Up to u really.
Afm af due date finally past.. And no af! Woo. So pleased and feel I can relax a bit now.. Woke up this morning all excited thinking "woohoo ive got a baby in my belly!" Cramps easing off a bit so that's good too, and when they do happen they not as scarey. Feeling queesy today though! Gone off yoghurts.. And craving sausages! Lol xxx

You crack me up......I guess the fact that u have had 100 +HPT doesn't give you reassurance and were thnking again AF might come.....Hey dolly your preggers and ur little sticky bean will be seen in 16days!!!! Hold tight pregnant mama your doing great!!!! xoxoxoxoxo :hugs: :) Thanks for making me smile!!!! I have never been through any of tis ttc stuff until I m/c so this is all VERY new 2 me.....I have 2 healthy girls and hopefully am implanting a little boy as I type or there leaving the fallopian tube, depends on what I read, where i read it.....Internet makes me crazy!!!! Alll my internet stranger friends make me HAPPY....Have a great day all, I am goin to play with the munchkins I got!!!

P/S WHEN I get my BFP in a couple weeks I am going to convert some of u to TEAM YELLOW!!!!!! Just an :)
How is everyone doing......I have to say I am confused....AF due today or tomorrow..not quite sure cause i o'ed early and all but no sign of her yet and had a neg preg test yesterday and too scarred to try today...i am saving my last test for either tomorrow morning or Monday morning..please be praying for me everyone as I am praying for all of you....thanx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How is everyone doing......I have to say I am confused....AF due today or tomorrow..not quite sure cause i o'ed early and all but no sign of her yet and had a neg preg test yesterday and too scarred to try today...i am saving my last test for either tomorrow morning or Monday morning..please be praying for me everyone as I am praying for all of you....thanx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jabish, how long ago was ur m/c? I might have a little insight for u!!! :hugs: :)
Aww thankyou mtln.. I'm a nutter I know :) lol. I've even kept all my tests and look at them every now and again to remind myself!! Yes yes yes I'm mad!!! Aww I'm sure you have a lovely little egg just about to snuggle in tight.. U have a feeling it's your month. And I might be up for this team yellow business... But I need more convincing ;-)
Jabish I have all my fingers crossed for u!!! Let us know how u get on

Xxx :dust: xxx
Aww thankyou mtln.. I'm a nutter I know :) lol. I've even kept all my tests and look at them every now and again to remind myself!! Yes yes yes I'm mad!!! Aww I'm sure you have a lovely little egg just about to snuggle in tight.. U have a feeling it's your month. And I might be up for this team yellow business... But I need more convincing ;-)
Jabish I have all my fingers crossed for u!!! Let us know how u get on

Xxx :dust: xxx

Now Dolly, this is your 1st baby.......It's the only surprise YOU can control. Really you have waited this long to have a baby and been this crazy about it......Let your baby come out and surprise you and the whole world.........I didn't find out with my 1st, had a gender nuetral nursery greens,yellows.....Then when My 1st daughter was born, I didn't even need any of the gender nuetral stuff because I got SOOOOO many gifts PINK, PRPLE.......Now here is to more comvincing when you do know and everyone knows the element of surprise isn't there....the only thing people are waiting to hear is how much did the baby way and what did they name the baby....PLUS at your shower you will get so much pink and purple stuff you will be mad you told anyone!!!! Also don't think you and your hubby will keep it a secret cz U WONT........I swore my first was a boy every single wives tale pointed to a boy......When I finally had a c-section and they said it's a girl I was in total shock.....I SWORE SHE WAS A BOY......My hubby said I thought u wanted the dr to put her back in and pull out a boy. It was the best srpise I got in the whole world.....PLus 1 more bit it's only 9months of your life....Hope that was convincing if not I got :) :hugs:
How is everyone doing......I have to say I am confused....AF due today or tomorrow..not quite sure cause i o'ed early and all but no sign of her yet and had a neg preg test yesterday and too scarred to try today...i am saving my last test for either tomorrow morning or Monday morning..please be praying for me everyone as I am praying for all of you....thanx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jabish, how long ago was ur m/c? I might have a little insight for u!!! :hugs: :)

my m/c was sept 12th and my first cycle was oct 19th and ovulated on november 4th..please i could use some insight...thank you:wacko:
How is everyone doing......I have to say I am confused....AF due today or tomorrow..not quite sure cause i o'ed early and all but no sign of her yet and had a neg preg test yesterday and too scarred to try today...i am saving my last test for either tomorrow morning or Monday morning..please be praying for me everyone as I am praying for all of you....thanx!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jabish, how long ago was ur m/c? I might have a little insight for u!!! :hugs: :)

my m/c was sept 12th and my first cycle was oct 19th and ovulated on november 4th..please i could use some insight...thank you:wacko:

Ok my m/c was labor day weeknd...1st 3 days of 1st af was 10/12 then on then on 10/27 i got a smiley face on my OPK, 10/29mon, 10/30tues I had full af but come that weds nothin, thurs AF,fri none, sat REALY light AF.NONE after that!!!!!On 11/10sat started testing OPK's in the am no smiley but had date night and we ended up bd'ing 2x that night. sun, mon our lives got in the way and nothing went on. Tues 11/12 tested and got a smiley face, we bd'd that night I had feelings in my belly like my ovaries were bulging it was an annoying ache. so weds 11/13 I tested again (I;m not sure why) but I had another smiley face so we bd'd and thurs 11/14. I think that unexpected bleed was preparing my body to get back on track. I couldn't believe I was bleeding so fast cd18???? So I am positive about this month. I;m pretty sure I covered all my bases. We m/c around the same time so get a calendar and follow my dates maybe something will coincide :) Hey Ya never know!!!! Hope this makes you feel better and helps. Let me know :hugs:
I hate being a hunting widow!!!!! I'm so bored stuck in the house with the girls and they were surely OIL and WATER today!!!!!! Whay can't they stay little for ever.......I;m really having a rough day, Feeling lonely and hubby isn;t coming home til mon, he left friday!!!! You are the only adult conversation I get because they won't let me talk on the phone withot needin 100 things....Sorry needed to vent :growlmad:
Hi ladies sorry i've been MIA for a few days! Right now I was having trouble sleeping so got on here but since it's almost 2:30 in the morning now I better keep this short and go to bed.

mtln Just wanted to let you know I like you a lot and you make me laugh!

AFM I've been having a wee bit of a hard time the last few days. I think it could be because the holidays are coming and my little one would have been here by now. Also last year at this time my fil kept saying next year there will be 2 babies at Christmas as my sis in law has a little girl. Now there will be 2 but none will be mine and both are my sis in law's. Just really rough. I hope this will be my month and maybe i'll have a BFP by Christmas! I'm supposed to O on the 21st so praying this is the month and I should go buy grapefruit juice. Ok this was supposed to be short. Good night
Oh mtln I'm becoming convinced! I do like the idea of a surprise and I think it's fun for family and friends too the whole "what's it gonna be". Think I'd need to convince my hubby though he's all for finding out.. He's says its so we can be organised!! And I see you're a hunting widow..? I guess that makes me an Xbox widow! Hehe. "Call of duty" has a lot to answer for! Lol.
Meggie I'm sorry to hear u having a hard time. I really hope u get your bfp by Christmas, will have all my fingers crossed for u!
Afm was at a party last night and my wonderful morning sickness kicked in.. Me and hubby have renamed it midnight Got a very sensitive tum just now. Still a bit "af" obsessed keep thinking she's gonna appear.. Think it's cause my last preg I had a heavy bleed around about af time so getting past af without bleeding is a big deal to me! Xxx
Oh mtln I'm becoming convinced! I do like the idea of a surprise and I think it's fun for family and friends too the whole "what's it gonna be". Think I'd need to convince my hubby though he's all for finding out.. He's says its so we can be organised!! And I see you're a hunting widow..? I guess that makes me an Xbox widow! Hehe. "Call of duty" has a lot to answer for! Lol.
Meggie I'm sorry to hear u having a hard time. I really hope u get your bfp by Christmas, will have all my fingers crossed for u!
Afm was at a party last night and my wonderful morning sickness kicked in.. Me and hubby have renamed it midnight Got a very sensitive tum just now. Still a bit "af" obsessed keep thinking she's gonna appear.. Think it's cause my last preg I had a heavy bleed around about af time so getting past af without bleeding is a big deal to me! Xxx

Ok here is to more convinving!!!!! WHAT IN THE WORLD DO U NEED TO BE ORGANIZED FOr????????????? You will NEVER be organized or on time again once ths little bean comes..........Gender neutral nursery's are VERY cute these days.....Have you seen Tori Spelling's? The celebrity??? Darling google it...I'm a celebrity junkie!!! lol The gender nuetral colors now are orange, silver, green, yellow........Please yell your husband you can be organized but with nuetral colors......Need more girl cuz, I'll keep bringging HAve a good day have to get ready for my 1st day of church!!!!!!!grrrrr please gorgive me GOD......HAve a good am mommy 2 be, be back later!!!! :)
Hi ladies sorry i've been MIA for a few days! Right now I was having trouble sleeping so got on here but since it's almost 2:30 in the morning now I better keep this short and go to bed.

mtln Just wanted to let you know I like you a lot and you make me laugh!

AFM I've been having a wee bit of a hard time the last few days. I think it could be because the holidays are coming and my little one would have been here by now. Also last year at this time my fil kept saying next year there will be 2 babies at Christmas as my sis in law has a little girl. Now there will be 2 but none will be mine and both are my sis in law's. Just really rough. I hope this will be my month and maybe i'll have a BFP by Christmas! I'm supposed to O on the 21st so praying this is the month and I should go buy grapefruit juice. Ok this was supposed to be short. Good night

Meggie. Whatever I can do to make this easier on all, we all need a smile once in a while!!!!!!!! Start bd'ding now and thru out the whole week.....good luck fingers x'd...When you get your BFP, I'll be turning u team yellow :)

FYI-I didn't know for my 1st girl and my 2nd the ultrasond tech puut it in an envelope to bring home to my husband....we opened it and it said girl, I cried for 2 days cuz, I wanted a boy.......So I will definitly not find out with the 3rd....Who cares as long as there healthy that;s all that counts!!!!! I love my girls and wudn't trade them for the world except when there being oil and JUST KIDDING!!!! :)
Oh mtln I'm becoming convinced! I do like the idea of a surprise and I think it's fun for family and friends too the whole "what's it gonna be". Think I'd need to convince my hubby though he's all for finding out.. He's says its so we can be organised!! And I see you're a hunting widow..? I guess that makes me an Xbox widow! Hehe. "Call of duty" has a lot to answer for! Lol.
Meggie I'm sorry to hear u having a hard time. I really hope u get your bfp by Christmas, will have all my fingers crossed for u!
Afm was at a party last night and my wonderful morning sickness kicked in.. Me and hubby have renamed it midnight Got a very sensitive tum just now. Still a bit "af" obsessed keep thinking she's gonna appear.. Think it's cause my last preg I had a heavy bleed around about af time so getting past af without bleeding is a big deal to me! Xxx

Nice ticker I got!!!! WTF did I do wrong bunch of flowers looks like I planted a flower bed not had a
Hahaha wondered why u had those flowers!! Have u not been able to make a ticker? :) I have to say I kinda like the neutral stuff better- love all the soft creams etc. ok so do u wanna hear the latest panic in the crazy world that is me??? Yous are gonna think I'm a right nutter (if you don't already!) haha. So today I took one last frer.. Totally unessesscary I know, but I found one in a drawer so thought what the heck. So smu and the test line comes up before the control.. And ends up darkens than the control!! Brilliant I thought.. Only 16dpo and such a great result?? Soooooo then whilst googling as always I discover molar pregnancy.. Something I never knew about.. And now I have myself all worried that maye my hcg is too high for this stage... Argh!!! Ok I'm gonna shut up now I promise.. No more mad googling or worrying until my scan. Xxx
Anyways distract me.. How are all your ladies getting on?? Xxx
Hahaha wondered why u had those flowers!! Have u not been able to make a ticker? :) I have to say I kinda like the neutral stuff better- love all the soft creams etc. ok so do u wanna hear the latest panic in the crazy world that is me??? Yous are gonna think I'm a right nutter (if you don't already!) haha. So today I took one last frer.. Totally unessesscary I know, but I found one in a drawer so thought what the heck. So smu and the test line comes up before the control.. And ends up darkens than the control!! Brilliant I thought.. Only 16dpo and such a great result?? Soooooo then whilst googling as always I discover molar pregnancy.. Something I never knew about.. And now I have myself all worried that maye my hcg is too high for this stage... Argh!!! Ok I'm gonna shut up now I promise.. No more mad googling or worrying until my scan. Xxx

I must be ticker illiterate cuz I made it and copy and pasted it and that's all that came up??????? On to ur NUTTYNESS!!!! MAybe you have 2 beans sticking!!!!!!!! I was internet crazy tooo and that is why I needed reassurance 15 days to go my girl and your piece of mind will be settled......Molar pregnancy's are not very common however my sister had one......YOU ARE FINE THINK +!!!!!! and stay off the internet....If you want to be on the internet come here.....We will make you feel better!!! xoxoxoxoxo Good thing that was ur last test!!!! BTW what is a FRER???? been wondering that!!! :) Off to spend afternoon with my gf. talkto you chickies later :hugs: for those who need them!!!!
Hahaha wondered why u had those flowers!! Have u not been able to make a ticker? :) I have to say I kinda like the neutral stuff better- love all the soft creams etc. ok so do u wanna hear the latest panic in the crazy world that is me??? Yous are gonna think I'm a right nutter (if you don't already!) haha. So today I took one last frer.. Totally unessesscary I know, but I found one in a drawer so thought what the heck. So smu and the test line comes up before the control.. And ends up darkens than the control!! Brilliant I thought.. Only 16dpo and such a great result?? Soooooo then whilst googling as always I discover molar pregnancy.. Something I never knew about.. And now I have myself all worried that maye my hcg is too high for this stage... Argh!!! Ok I'm gonna shut up now I promise.. No more mad googling or worrying until my scan. Xxx

My HCG was only around 232 on bloodwork when I was getting darker than the control lines on my FRER that came up before the control line. That wouldn't be high enough for a molar pregnancy, so I wouldn't sweat it. :hugs:
I'm as bad as you for the googling Dolly! Sometime I think I would be better off without internet on my phone :) I don't think you have anything to worry about, maybe there's more than one in there, that would be something. I'm on cd13 and no sign of O as yet :( faint line on opks last couple days but that's it, but maybe my cycles are still off xxxxxxx
dolly step away from Google!!! Frers a super sensitive and don't really have a great deal of die in them so a as dark as the control line at 16dpo is fine.... I had that at 15dpo and we saw beans heartbeat on Friday... try try try to stay away from Google honey :hugs: Us pal ladies are under enough stress without adding Google into the mix xxx
Thankyou ladies.. And that's for listening to my obssessing! Beautifuld congrats on your scan that's wonderful news! So u have a pic? Feel comforted knowing and mackjess's were same :)
Oasis I know.. In some ways my iPhone has been a curse cause I'm never off the thing.. And it's just far too easy to google!! Try not to worry about o'ing.. Remember how stressed I was about it and it came round eventually on cd19.
Mtln you have a way with words as always :) you keep making me chuckle, thankyou. A frer is a first response early result test. They are brilliant they're what I always use. Hope u had a lovely afternoon!

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